.7__, l 537 . e, i A: t2Pvcd 16 _ i (barges that the Dominion Govern- ;ment have. without notice tn the Prov- Plc", Pl'mftieally "oMwated 5.5,000 aerM g0! land belonging to the Province. and ithe "KILL, vested in Ontario in respect it" timber thereon, were made by Pre. nnie'r Whitney just hefm-e the. adjourn- ;ment of the Legislature yesterday men- ,ing. 'lhe area is a portion of the new Petewawa military camp. It one un- der timber lit-ense. and negotiatimaa had been in progres: between the two Gor- .. eruments nith a New to willing with the licensees so that the Dominion an- tliorities might add it. to the acreage previously acquired for the mum ttri a result of agreements with settlers and others. The Provincial Goretmmenl had otferod the 53,000 zit-res mentioned for lease for a long period at, a nom- inal rental. The Premier": statement was received nith attentive silt-nee. broken only when he declared in closing that if neees~ary HI order to assert its I right the ease of thc Province would t be taken to the {not of the throne. lie , exonerated Sir Wilfrid Laurier and "I "the prmeipal members" oi the Domin- j ion Government from knowlcl,2e of the action taken. plucingulw blame wholly t upon Sir Frederiek Borden. The Pye. , mier also expressed the dew that the , ,ontention of the Minister oi Militia ' that, tho action is justitiable under I .eetion ll? of the British North Amer- r, at art. giving the Dominion the right r o expmpriate lands required for forti- i ovation or the defence of the country. lid not apply in this ease. ht asking g, tilt" attention of the Home Premier , Whitney referred to the matter as one of tho "utmost seriousness." An Exchange of Telegrams. , The Premier read the correspondence bearing on the question, which opened " . with a letter from the Under Secretary of ttate, dated Ottawa. March 22 last, lo the Lieut.tioreruor. stating that the L'oserunr.iit?neral in Council had itii'Cithi to "assume" the lands mention- 'ed. subjoet, to the right: and interesti. PM they now exist," of the timber li- it'f'llst't". Thi, eomutunivation was, of :('Utll'sm handed In the Premier, and an. , Iexciiange of telegrams between him and _Sir Frederick Borden followed, the lat- i ttor timtlly ielltllng the following t-- I , "Your iolegrram re Pctawawa lands. 'late Provincial Government having ;prumise<l lease of t'rown lands within 'l'etawnwn eamp ~Ite for nmetyu1u1e