tlllil'ijti' the Legislature on the mo- tla for the, second reading y Mr'. Gra. ham's hill to amend the liquor license not by repealing the three-fifths local "otition vo,te clanses was reached at too Into an hour to permit of its being re- ported in detail yesterday morning. The motion was, of course, opposed by the Government side, an amendment, that the bill be read a second time three months hence being moved by Mr. Lack- ner. An amendment to the amendment was moved by Hon. Mr. Hanna to the effect that the House was confident that the Government would, from time to time. propose such changes to the clauses as experience showed to be net-essnry, and ordering that the bill be rend a see- ond time six months hence. This car- ried by a vote of 51 to 20, Mr. Gallagher. the Conservative member for Frontenac, voting with the Opposition. as did. also, Mr. Studholme. the Labor member. Mr. MacKay's Finesoe- The, statute law amendment aet---Hon, Mr. For. Later, on introduction by the Premier of a. resolution in regard to the action of the Minister of Militia respecting the Petawawa military camp site, Mr. Mac- Kay give another example of the finesse which he displayed throughout the ses- sion, and used with such good eifeet. Me succeeded in getting the Premier to modify the wording of the resolution in such a manner as to remove all seeming offenaiveness, while at the same time taking away none of its strength. The suggestions were advanced with modern- tion and tact. and accepted in good spir- it, with the result that unanimous sup- port was given to the resolution. The vote on Hon. Mr. Hamm's motion, which resulted in the throwing out of Mr. Gra- ham's bill, was as follows: The usual measure for the payment of tho full session" indemnitiei to the members was approved of. It was also provided that the full indemnity bepaid to the widow of the late G. N. Kidd, the member for Carleton. Year -Aubin. Bowyer, Bradburn. Brow- er. Calder, Carnegie, Clark (Bruce), Dar- gavel. Devitt, Downey, Duff, Eilber, For- Suson 1C'ardwell), Ferguson (Grenvhlv). Fisher. Fox, Fay, Fraser. Galna Gamay. Hanna. Hendrie, Hodgins, Hoyio, Kerr. Lacknor. Lennox, Lewis, Lucas, McCow- an. McElroy. McNaught, Matheson. Mon- teith. Montgomery. Morrison, Pattinson. Paul, Pearce. Pratt. Preston (Durham). Preston (Lanark). Preston (Port Arthur). Pyne.. Smellie. Smyth. Sutherland, Tor- rance, Whitney and Willoughby-GO. .Nays--Atkirison, Auld, Clarke. Curtis, Gallagher. Graham. Hislop. Kohler. La- brosse, .McCoig. McMillan, MacKay. Mun- ro, Penae. Preston (Brant), Racine, Reed, Ross. Smith (Sault Ste. Marie). Stud- himne.'cuc21.- The following were pairetr.--l'oelt- rane -.- Harcourt, Dunlop - 'l'udhopo, Itetutme---Bowma.n, Tucker-Anderson, 'Atxon---s'mith (Peel), McGttrry---Camer- on, Neely-Thompson (Wentworth) , Thompson (Simcoe ) --May. Mr. Graham moved an amendmwt to the act to consolidate the manhood suf- frage registration act. to provide that the privilege of registration of votes be extended to all towns. This was voted down,uod the bill given a third read- mg. The' following bills redeived a third reading:--- Donnell}. 1useseting the weekly court-r-Mr. Me SATURDAY, 513311, 20, , The Premier called attention to a bill passed in committee in the Senate in relation to the Port Arthur Power De- , velopment Company 24 hours after the 'rosolution adopted there in respect to ethe alleged safeguarding of Provincial Rights. The company, under the bill, was given the right to develop powers The Algonquin Park. To Mr. May the Premier replied that, if a permit were granted for a hotel in Algonquin Park, the question of a liquor license would come up, and they would refuse to grant it. The Govern- ment had never considered the idea of appointing a commission to govern the park. ' The Petawawa Camp Site. on the Pigeon. Népigon and Black Stur- c'eon Rivers, in this Province. and, ac- irording to an amendment inserted in the, bill, the only control given to. Ontario had regard to public health. a right they now already enjoyed. Proceeding, the Premier referred to the Petawawa ramp site, and the action of the Dominion Government in deciding to confiscate some Ci.5.000attres,ott the ground of right under the British North America act. He quoted front Ottawa despatehes giv- ing lIon. Mr. Aylesworth's views on the matter, and expressed the view that that gentleman had merely exprt's.sed.hi.s opinion on the matter from In legal pornt at tho request of the Minister of Mili- th. He moved a resolution that the House agree, to present an address to his Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, ex- pressing surprise and regret at the ac- tion of the Dominion authorities in ex- ;proprinting without the consent of the Province 55,000 acres of its land. with the timber. with the stated intention ot 'rnaking no compensation.: that the House approved of the course. taken by the Government in protesting, and wou'd assist them in resisting an net of aggres- sion, accompanied by an unwarranted aeousation of bad faith on the part of the Province. ' V tiottloment, with the Prminvo. Thoques. tin" undoubtedly turm-d on tho r'onsttme- tion of the British North America act. Mr. MoDoiiéall was opposed to the whole atitude of the Premier. The Opposition Agrees. Messrs. MacKay and May thought tho Fast words of the resolution were un- necessary, and the Premier expressed a wilingness to cut out everything after the word "aggression." Mr. Graham produced a telegram from the Department of Militia which said that, the Ontario Government had nego- tiated for Niagara camp grounds in ex- change. This was refused. He would infer that the timber licensees on the Petawawa site were asking for mare than their rights worn worth. and tho Dominion Government P.\'pl'up- riatod with a view to the future 1.qu 56%.