The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 8 Feb 1908, p. 1

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vemln se C ogege Pn _., ... ... cermigtie o« copoematth en aeetagtinet 1 1.( ¥ ow 6i * r t o s T tBTSEF i taxr a "«amnos". --0 . fy=t> Te .' ~ 0e y es 2, SATURDAY, ;M-.?ie'%; RYB,I%&, °s uie -- eaalns Talnida 21 .+ C oo n ceamnse e PESROATY 8. 1008. CaRe PowER QUESTION -- NEW EIJEG T'm i. .: fender To poeen eepsaliite Mavie"to" | in _ "AUL _ a prosecution. _ The definition of what t p--gonianamaia--« | ; consit(;tut%sl a corrupt' practice.has been. | HQN. ADAM BECK HAS NO OBJ#C.. | IfH -- HE considerably brogdenéd, and the penat-- TION TO COMPETITION | . 1 _ ties made much more severe. In-- the | B s ] 1 f :ase.of an equality of votes the re---- l meamaemgpeccamaen : | $ 1;xrm-l.lg oflu-crs. must give a ca_stmg vote, Thinks -- Hamilton 'Radial® Company | : i6 right ?o use their discretion in this Should 'be Compelied to-- Supp! | Hon ,Mr FO P' M matter being withdrawn. | on M 1ed 0 pP'¥ « * y Places Measure Claimi l:lg"Porsonation | Power to_ Small ~Communities ' f f s 4 | _ Along its Route. Before Membel's. The only condition under the act _ | $ , which permits the use of a ballot that | o n pp »b wutiind Wds irne Neopmmitaind can be identified is that arising when a | (Special Despatch to The Globe.) voter might claim to have been person-- | _ London, Ont., Feb, 7.--Hon, Adam AN lNDIAN FRANCHISE. ; ated. -- In such a case a voter-- would | | Beck arrived back from Buffalo to--night, | receive a ballot marked for ideatification; | i where he was the guest of the Liberal ncgagneier nfrrnier e manties i which must be placed in the b:\llot-box.; |Club. Interviewed upon the statement . :('ontrovm'tod Election Act. é | | credited to him that the--Hydro--electric Efforts Belng Made tO Prevent i Anothbor important bill which was in»g !Commissior.- did not desire competition r'"""Lmtion | troduced by the 'Attorney--Genoral and | | in the furnishing of cheap power to the *«' i * i 1I'€l"31\';:'d )lt~ first reading was that tui !pcople of Ontario, Hon,. Mr. Beck defin-- i amend the controverted elections @ct. | | jtety denicd baving ever made the state-- vern~w--omameama, The object of the act is to make the | | y -- s ; iArial of election netitinas ak ai ~ 1 | ment. "Our only interest as a commis-- * | na_ o eeh.tmn petitions as slmple as | ' idn in the llan:ilton radial bill,"" Mr Hiring Vehicle For Taking Voters to | PPSSible. _ Under the law as it--stands at | ;3 lk -ll 418 / that th e '."' present only certain Judges can try| ' P oi nonine . Poal -- Aiifains ancanl Poll to be Made -- HMegal--Fatlse clection petitions. | The new Will abol; | 8 communities shall obtain cheap Statements s e aare,. (Shes Alnle cuoia ult 1C. new [Oill A90!~ q [power. To this end we propose to 8 nts as to Candidate's With-- ishes this rota oi Judges and permits | | map, agreements with the various elce % electic titi & f 1 y y c + # x * + s drawal a Corrupt Practice--Pen-- lt"':' '1:'(1(3:f" '5;"-'"'[;'0 L(l'lp?emte"éd bt.' "x"-' 1 [tnc railway companies, which will re-- Judges he Supre ourt. -- An-- ire t e riY! f-- alties For Election Offences YMore | Other change is to permit the trial of }gg'fictg'::eth{:':ljn'ighle}f(')":gt fof:(,;l:e't{::r + + T rys a I t i + f Fer C s an elect #al in ve-- / !| us severe, i !,,.".'(;h\t'(flf::ll 2;:':'0" U.' s A"Pl't"] in re-- [wn'cs to the farmers and also to the | !':\'it.lmit;in]'li * ": 101'1" f-dae: .t.o g«»_ on, not--| | villages and towns through which they bncenraale on inrn isnn i i*"lfill'(' ding the dissolution of the L('QZ'S | pass. There is no such agrsement p10' ul . | | posed in the bill which the Hanultor The election act introduced by the At-- ;Nlpreme Court's Work. 3 : Ratdl?lll ('Ol!llpfll!)l,\' l.are fr'dm(;'ofl.'f]gu to nav reanan x' s h ns Tie solé ¢i. 1842 the semhates ag? 19 rough Parliament, and if they torney Grncm.I. Hon. J. I.' Foy, and !a.n ol':'"t"i::n"'%m- t"o '(I'Pkldt the validity of | Esuc'ceed in obtaining a Domirion char-- read a first time, was the feature of a Coun t'lnd ";ae::?te'ned to \tlm 51'xp.rem(- |ter without this provision the interests brief sitting of the Legislature yesters || axeept under the ')'f'('\;'"i""'" 'l!"t"l"t"'""" iof the people wiil not have been safe-- s % * % O rmannty * 'ovis1ons ; Aact. C h & 'p lev > > + day. This act is entirely a--noew"'issne,} [ So far as this is .l' M § 0 u. 1(t."' ,;ua'l'dod as we believe they should be. y * R 1 af as this is concerned, the drawers , | "Then it is not true that the com-- and the old act is to be repealed. f '[.hu 4 .mttvho"hnll have followed 'the English : !mission are afraid of competition with chief object is to make the Provincial 1'1( It]'m right of the Houss to take | | their pian *" law correspond with the Dominion elec / "1':1);|i"';n:<lmx;:n;nt;::hdlt'v of afn t",('('t.lOIl 14 | "Not at ali. We have no interest or s * * * [ snecid, r power the OuUs 'ern | ¢ % | isting tion act. _ The same machinery for e16® 0| to disqualify 'l C1 .201 the House : conceru in that [.rl'msr, of the question. ; C o * Holdl ) |wan. mainly members is not interfered What 'we are avxious to do is io 'see _ _ tions will be provided, and thus otficials | ",'th' -- _ The bill also provides tos the| | that the power is supplied to every pos-- are prevented from becoming confused z'j'-"»il."_'llflll)IO)l't of a summary trial court | sible consumer desiring it." in the two laws. _ An important change i ;(('::;l':t:::;'z t(l': tt'"f' i""'fl.'s"'i" of the Supreme ! d "'I"}" \yr. B;'f'kl.";id he believed that a yattase ; 2 < the trial of cases in which cor-- ; he Hamilton Radial Company should be is the adoption of the D*'"""'"". baliot. i rupt practices are alleged. & 1 ;l'equirod to furnish powgr to the far-- The new ballot will bear on its _f'«"'" i _ The important change made in the bill : | mers and communities in the district be-- the names of the candidates svpmatt.'d |to amend the act respccting inquiries| | tween Decew Falls and Hamilton and by heavy black lines, and on the back { concerning public matters, _ also intro.; | between Hamiltor and Toronto, aiso space is pr.ov!d?d- for the deputy \'c:lg]xlrr}- idllf-eg't.3- the Attorney--General, is the| |dong the route they propose to take ing officer's nu' and stamp. er¢ ; provisions that no commission is to'is.| | from hamilton west. "This Catatact will be a counterfoil and stub 'uttnched | sue for the holding of an inquiry dur--| Company make the boast that they have to each ballot, the counterfoil 'to be ing the session of the l.ogislatu'i-e N_' the cheapest power in the Provinge, al-- torn off before the ballot is put in the l cept with the consent of, the House ~_, | though wher we asked them for a figure box, so that, except in a special case | Essex Want the F . they stated that they had no power to provided for, no ballot can be identified. ; \" s the Fine. isell to us," said Mr., Beck. "A short s i taw i Plks | £ m(mg {hp petition; weéesented w time ago ])I'()\';:Si{)n vas made enakling Guard Against Errors. !Om' By Alf :--J.. A. .\uld.l s cuth rESS('a\'S { them to increase by fifty per cent. the The act abolishes the voters' list at ; asking that the recent fine of $25 "O" | power they may take from Decew Falils, present written in the poll book. This ;'fl,f.rainst. the Michigan Contral R.fl'iln.)m] '.bu_t no provision was mgde by the I)om-: list usually was compiled from the re-- |imposed. by Mr. .Justice Riddell. fm: I"}"'" Government enabling any cOomumis-- | vised voters' list, but so many cascs ; criminal neglect,.: be paid over 'to the:--| sion to rce;_.vulnt.!- their rates or to r-nn-' occurred where it was found names had| |;town. "of EeseX: > 'The action was theo trol them in asy way. or ms'!ke it com--| been omitted that this provision has i}'esult of the --regent dynamite--explosion pulsnrg;" that . they -- slould . Surtisall been struck out, and in its stead deputy |{ in that town. _ Numerous other peti-- power. ' returning officers will use the re\'(llf-'ed 'tlon; were presented. askirg for the | e ffetesanandene 1 voters' list itself, ~If an attending { repeal of; the three--fifths clause i j ' « se > voters' name does not appear in that ; local option act. ']'h(.'f""')\:in:'," qt(h: 18 romins Enmmmommemenenres list he ;';unmt vote; m-ithor}' c]aln he. as ! "'f}'e also introduced by Hon. Mr. For WILL GO ON WITH APPEAL. > under tBe old act. tender a ballot. and read a first tinw:'--~-Rf'5pootinw tl.u'. mgses o y | Executive Counci| : roesmne~*'Rne tha T anm's Gove A i j An Indian Franchisc. , ":::: t';?.. :n;'l:;]\-(" 'l..""l'; '""8\ I""'HLG'{-"S' '::' rl:n:f'nt Pr;)p;;sals:: .é('cord With # s , s € aAssC .'_ 1'\' on { i¥ M % © A2 g hJ :lOllS 0 On. » *) d # An important innovation is the grant _ | an act respecting the l'flfl'ifitl'atiol::m:f' l 8 4 Mackay ing of the franchise to Indians who are ; births, marviages, and deaths | It has been decided by the Provincial not living with any band or on an in-- | Mak f authorities to go on with the appeal in dian reserve. Partici.pation in Indian ;' ake the System Modern. 'the Indian treaty case where the Pro-- grants does not constitute a disquali-- | _ Mon,. Mr. Hanna, Provincial Secretary. vince was sued by the Federal Govern-- fic»atgo.n- c 10111p¢~,|-a,-y a.bsenc.o' 'h'm'n :.l I lms. given notice of a bill respecting the ment. The suit was originally begun pnmmpallt): will not (IIi(!llillll) a voteor, ,| | registration of births, marriages _ and two years ago, and recently a decision if .the act ;'se(_l .1~. 'n'nn.l'ed." ';mcl'a | I deaths in the Province. At the present , was handed out by the Exchequer Court vight to claim 'a re--count is given ve-- ; time these returns are made half year-- | PX Which the Province lost. The Do-- gardless of what the ma_mnty im the il"" and it is undersfood that it is pro-- { min'on Government entered the suit to fflPC?IO" fila)ldl)n. L rll)dm] t.he ((l»hl J'f.t. .t : posed to have these returns made quar-- | recover $1...",l'>2,935, but the decision held re--count cou not jbe claimed excef' > i terly, and in other ways make the gen-- |lthge Province only liable for about in cases where the . majority was M ; ; eral system of registration more modern i $300,000. The history of the case is that der 200. Ap!)llca'tlon to a caudugatc l\' i 8 ht s iin 1873 the Dominion Government pur-- when an clection is pending for a Gov. | NOtices of Motion. ! chased 47,000 acres of land from the ernment position or the promise _ of : ' Following are the notices of niotion : Sallcaux Indiaus, agrecing to pay $12 such a position is ma~de a corrupt prac-- | | _Mr. Hoyle, on Monday next--Bill £, . Per year to each man, woman and child tice, as is also impersonation under the | | amend the assessment ct. ;frf the tr'be. In 1888 an Imperial order-- rgm{anthO(l suffrage act. The keeper of * )i <~Mr. Auld, on Tuesday next--Bill 1o ! in--council made the land over to the _ livery or any person who furnishes for || amend the munic} o41 drai | Ontario Government, and the Dominion ) o nc ad u .k ing | ipal drainage act. I d rire conveyances on polling day,knowing The : House --adfour i authorities sought to have the hey | ouse adjourned till Monday af-- | E e the money that they: are to be used for taking ; | terngon, # far e i spent before 1883 repaid, claiming that voters to <the polls, will be held. to ; j C emrene | the Province should be rasponsiblehfor it have been guilty of. corrupt practice, T tne 43. es inrreraervetinr ons reled reunt raaiey f No More False Statements. Cg oi The circulation of false statements as S _to the withdrawal of a candidate will

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