The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 21 Feb 1908, p. 1

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'-[ ei by Samucl Clarke (West Northmp. + | berland), who attacked the liquor ;;. 3 I cense policy of the Govyerninent. bi«@ , | even chayrged that Premier Whitney | had deceived the people with regayrq 'l to such legiglation. Ho:x. A. G. Mar. : | Kay moved the adjournment of tpa :i debate at 11.15 last nigiit. and tiie I [ two leaders will be" heard on -- Tu».. day. 'i;\naiyzing the Addrcess, | _ In resuming the ebateé on tha a.. | dres«s,. Mr. Sam Clark® AWoest XNort;,. [ uimnberland) reminded the House th :it hbad cost the Province quvite a |o 10 bring his Honor's address to i»a ?]'Hl'liunm.':t. and consequently tha | members should not allow the ily~ iul-le message to pass without «is M | sion. Mr. Clarke took up the add 3 |almost sentence by sontence, agre ; with many of the preli ninary rema ' t 1 » 6 hi Incidentally he gave it as his opinio I that the Province should hav« Jothe» |railway line to the Grand Trunk Pac. | fie. He liked the clause th f pw I fair progress" had been made th« | mining industry, and he also ag t with the work of establishin C n |perimental station in New Ontario. j | reference to the: commission resp« [ Ing the care of the insane bro 14x Clarke to mention the name « 1 member for East ~orthumberJlandg i (Hon. UDr. Willoughbyv) & fow a ago, said Mr. Clarke, the Minister v in a very serious condition, but lates: reports told of an improvement t kindly manner the speaker express~d the hope that Hon. D. Willoug'} C 6 Eomm ; j would be back in the House hgai s o ho AQ | Not Accomplished Great Things y J £ & b & » ) 11 j s & FEBRUARY 21,.1005. fWlge: Wierreite i e ienss "I cannot se any great thing t ) a» i ht':}':, ':"F'!"}"'\'[x: opposite have 4 ~Cou | plished," said Mr. Clarke turning ta questions ai )v«:l'!;/ al 188136 | » have been very good coliectm $ added. Mr. Clarke paid a high tri. ; A 1 bute to the mnembe; Goap SAult N | Marice (Mr. C. X. Smith)». becgay 7 ' ues ® RNr e ];'(f"| 2:4'41 DA '\v'\; F 1"C "';';7," ) P ! I.i'l" conventi®y year ag enl t $ attention to tha "ia tC Of affairs + } d ~ a Sault Stre. Mar It was thi ig Debate on Address Now Near-- nc c rdlth ohe" n & put up by Mr. Smith, ho cla ed, i E d had saved the "S00" industri« 7 ""g al'l n + the people's wages there The T-- 'lf'l' T'u:;' the "Hoo" as always # s 1 d dn ie re o nee ie ie is cce "I[.,' of the }"'nl;]-"\'. rights, h« aja | a | preceding -- speaker (Myt Lennox ¢ | North York) had m« itioned the sypmi}s | THE FIRST NIGHT SESSION, | system. "3+. Ciache then tooh of Ts :: ® ®\ific'b'} :.; '\::»'ft;\ Y ork The ATS h i' ber for that Y'Z']"T.g, had caid ths ha | Huruouunr in es Specoecpeune former Government had Ppointe | seventy--seven Justices of the Pc 3 [ M ! « there | Mr. Clarke Says Premier De-- *!*.,;, soubt 'that: ~I would no t : w »» | * think 67 2 ani tao in* fay | ar ) ay 1 Th %, aq 'v' | ceived the People, North York. The --hon. gentleman : sald that Aamong the Justier ppoint. t % >( (»' the late l';v'»'r\il"v"'\ it thore ~v 3 h NC« Aptom--saiemertes not one Toprs I 1'].'"' t doauyhbt Y)",d' Chnir f(]lcj-\l~ wOre not vemr '_,)"41'1'] alons On Tuesday Leaders Will Hare tho -- those lines SHill I do. not see mant as Grits gotting lobs noaw . (Applause.) , Field--More About the Govern»-- Mr. Clarke said it was "good noli. * s + » n tics" for the member fep Nort] V | ment's Liquor Legislation -- The, / A ic j | to appoint some Liboral Justices of Views of Mr. Studholme., Expres&» tne Peato in the new allotment 1: ' s & k rik would appease the Liberat wrath, h { ed in Speech Lasting Over Three | said. Regarding the appointment 0j | i | Iissuers of marriago liconses Mr. Cla ) Hours. o f se ircens M 1 . $arew attention to the fact that t } present l;n\rl'm";]v';')t had appointed ; | mwrmeesnemntentmemen mmew per cent. additional to the number of j three years ago, and he thought this +4# +3 p *> s was a mnark £ Togress nf ntarin After railing at followers of Premicr | 2 A mark sof progre; € Ont: I i¢ o ; 141 s l a% n#t | PThe new membDers in their speeche V hitfuey for proclaiming at such 1« 'gthi | had paid 'ong euiogies to the Minister about the houesty of th« Gavernment _ | of Mines and the Provincial Secretary, in the addresses on the dGdebate, Ala:: tlnllu gm _lhv-l'r- was hardly a word 1S. StueaAl 6 ¢ha.] 1 Ranras ~¥1 1e Provincial Treasurer and Attorney-- [(5 Studholme, the labor r presentativs j("f'nurul. | lrom East Hanilton occeiupied time in | > f t s | Wh; b Ia p j *» [ the Legislature 3 esterday for a little | at About the Power | over three hours and a half It was | "I don't know when they are going / one ('Dl. 1": i1),|?,'('»[ spe ches on r',l"'r(';' 'l 't': ['}]::i:' "y'i '\l"';-'\iir:'l ';,,y\'\',,',.... 2'" id , [ ; s maayp 'g94» g | _/ don't know when the harnessing o !clul it covered an immense variety oC [ Kiag: a is SAins 3 s ' ic r ; * | , Pbala is gsoing to begin. Diverst | fopics,. When reminded at 11 o'cloci; | Obinlons seem to be reigning over this {lest night by the Provincial Treasurs question. I think the people of th« fer that he was not even showing res& ;"'.\t;fl." part of this Province, the ! t s -. )€O0pDie Of "i" n y}3 o 21 or rmnontod | PeCC for his constituents, Mr. Stuu-- U'-'t' .lfi_',.' Toento long ago expected E , k pite \ # 2s hn iat electric power, as the result of th holme retorteod that other members hal acti sgr c t & ® luiked atout Gertmany an mwvitze; | T on of this Guovernment, would hbe dilks a tC i8Tmany ang ©Wwilze;-- iss & % m L i laile, aild 'A"W s aDjon, ces lCA ' turning the wheels of this Province to-- : .' n'_" t \n('-. /® s .l .A .4 l'. ~.Ivo dHX', Tllr""',' years '-'r t'nl" ti:]("' up isCLOr¢ lhnc 6 o'clock adjournment the | threa Years s -- Cl Es E Labo em} had FiAg atkinw f * years of the time of this CGov-- [ Laboer member had been speaking 10! | erp - ; [ thire hCy a%e . % . rument, and nothing done vet.*" p Birty--live iminutes, but lhe said he haq | Continuing. he sai ) PASArmq f onlx s UCBLC | EPWE ATd $ stiga || ~ nring, he said the present Gov-- yY goli nicely staurted. At one stage j Eerrment had more sou ] ] t ol c _ Ni s0urces n u ky even threatencd he could §0 on id | fraim for a surplus th'f"etltn i mer J Night. Once he made a slight com-- Administratio; l . NCH. _ the --formel 'ai a) it bein® lim|i + s -- **ahe * C * © n. There were now suc-- pmaint about being limited to a paltr;, «i'ssion duties, royalties f iwo or three hours," saynig _at thw eic., which the yaities from mines. CAme tinmn ti i -- Trimi y Ein nigs : . *» hi« 16 old Government never xame time that he could continue foi ha The 4 1 i eq . o o ns maAnar o | had. 1e member for Manitoulin had iftec V &s U¥ 'HoradP i¥ itoulin had sireecn or even twoeity hours.. Bareiy | said that the Minister of M had a quorum of the peopie's representa» | enwas e apmpi ; °. Prines fhad ivie naana o c 5 _SU o o D Ets | &u\gd the Province millions in money ives heard the cend of Mr. Studhoime 8 | during the last few years ouli speech, hut whenever he appeared to like to ask the By yeatrs. He would 'onelud 4 au Emifhne y . # ' 118 1 }'!O\'"]Cial TTP}'IQVIr(':' conclude he was faithfully urged to | where t} y o procéeed by a small coterie of both | j llendtm money had gone ; not where Hradpeedta: " aoke A uc gg n oi bao o on tds © ha come fr » ; Liberals and Consorvatives, who Aj« * . om, but where it had parently desired to remain all nignt. The afternoon discussion was enliven.-- e s Wnecocn n J i e

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