The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Feb 1908, p. 2

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-. y m Im, yh R 1 tne ue tgretteny ie usmm armentncn c wrtywer% p ""_T'"",';"""" ' Sm 9 SATU Y, FEBRUARY 22 ' ; SL\T[ ]}I)L\ \ $ -B LB JA hnd hnd ]908- fi"at"-,-_ ind contihnmnming said:w-"My 0\\'!1'@ uie it ~a" s CAPLEEEICIT "~1aen struck off, reducing the number | belief with regard to that is that if ; 110. In the following year the ques-- | your caseshas merit public opimen will ! 10-- 100. 3 ns s p | ettle it Of course i the eantime t tion was submitted to the electors, who | settle it. f course in the meanfime. ' by avvery large majority decided that ; from your point of view, some people | ifhe ty wanted no further reduction., . | MAY suffer, 'That is the common PMYV! C , 1 .\'In'u':' few years ago there was an agli--, [lege of us all qccasimally. wo doubt : l'flinn among the temperance people in : it is for our .g000. L hbave great faith | favor of license reduction, not pecarns* ' in public opinion, and T do not betieve o o o the licenses had been improperly grant--| | that public opinion will, in a British j]' The matter® was brought hb fore | |country, stand to see anything wrong | W" N P t the Council in January, 1905, and that | {Sdone. FFor the, reason I bhave given I Govemment | Ot reveln autbority pronounced against reduction. | ; do not see '.h;n the Governm« nt can v * & s1ne ¥ 44 *, rong D nf + a~ <i4 4 t Pn 4 4 At that time a number: of members | | change the Jaw Anh 11 1"' same tm LiCBflSB RBdUCthfl »tated that thes did not believe in re-- | destros ,;.'!" -""t ."v"h"'\" c o ane / ',l" vone f Ayction, but if the people considered it,; under the lJaw by fths -"«-1; that the desirable they were prepared to carry aw 'gives power Lo. C( Ailo OO 1t on evpases ; out the wish of the electors. Later in ; "-x_]'-- is :]n)a'- even by ;0' ]».l'u_\»'l', the year whon the question was voled } Legislature the remedy is in the hanas 4 * f nt the source of then power. namely, PREM'ER'S STRA'GHT REPLY | upon by the people it was decided bY i the people. Tt smounts to this: That * | a large majority that there should be | tyis is a ease in which my coileafues | no reduction The people having giveon | and I think we have ne right to inters» j ud ie esd d aavea ie m vavciiegs ; their de iston,. it was zenerally 1'(»'5.'11'(}'11 fere. and, mor than tlgt. m think I I that the question was sottled onee and | gp «wauld be distinctly improner for u 21 i!'-n' all. $S0o much so was this view held | to interfer I do not think there is | T J C.t C | S that the Licenses~ Commissioners a@p-- hi 1 * add." t ' 6 1 4 S 1 $ s ;'-\,.-||("|-h mor thr ic 1 oron OS ' y OunC| |s llpren]e } ',""'Il""(] h) 'h,. ';"'\'.""T"l1""l' :":!i(i: lh'\"\t' ( .!.'" 'l' nutatio: then retire ' s we have had an expression of the will ---- meeegrenniniernnennnnionmenemmnpmmenmmmire m Mat'ter, | of the people. we have reached finality K pntrrecs c !:mrj we ask you, gentleinen, to improve '_\'«-u:' places by -- permanent mprove-- gussrmesssamtiamman es use | m nts and to keep hotel." Th vhras ! "keen hotel" was on« of those epigram Large Doputation |of City Licenso. -- | matic sayings for which the Provincial € s | Secretary was noted Lmprovem®©4 holders Waited on Premier anl. t were carricd out to the extent of : S us FP « i million and a half of mons Provincial Scecretary With Poeti< ; s ; § f & a | A Bolt From the Bliue. § tion Largely Signed Against Ke»e | % "Now," said Mr. Haverson, "cnmt f duction, but the Answer Was an this byv--law like a boit from the blu« p The question vwas not discussed at ths ie Refu®: erfere, } ¢ f e * h Emphatic Refusal to Interte elections and in no way was any notic \ | given that there would be any chans s in the policy pursued by th Cit] | """'fl]"il ** Ts t a % it PA [ -- Mr. Haverson, proceeding, said that o n o + vains d . inteaR. o | the tempcorance party, having gained 2 colleagues and I think we have a right --| majority in the Council, had sprung th io interfere, and, more than that, w« {~question without any regard for the £ 4 exnressed will if the neopnl & think it would be distinetly improper ; xpressC Wiil 4 (lie peopi It wa z A ¢ he lantecl. / 44 with this in view that the pettoner for us to interfcre. I don't thiiuk there | now asked th CGovernment to i is anything more to add." | troduce legiglation ta stay the operation This was theo concludinz semutenct ol ""1 '!f' P 7']':;'[ until suci £iH1t ' t s s peopte bad had a emportil! of agalt the re o omade aot enc mrioing v\> & I & f, ;'1 .l.P]} *""'1 yester0ua] norillins %6 ' expressing thoir wil HT. snagestey Premier Whitrey °to ic deputation t that. following the prineciple adopted n representing -- th Torouto -- hoeteimsé Peases whore licenses weol ut off by asking that the Government si cnuld |the passing of a 10cal + ptron --DBy--I&Yy iess Mcb 44 ind the extensions of ithre memiith® Ua&S: l("f;l:';i.fl"i. wicvyin® the opera-- 1Wey erauted. th i0 rmment should tion Of the by--liaw passed 5: th pass a Pill extoendinog the licenses until "11}. '.'"l!""'" t'% d.;;',)"'_,; the ; 1,",1'"..'_ ",; i t /)« hrst of ]", PrHiGYFTN mmext vear lC E:sAc he hu.las ; & [ Premier Whitney --\What yeu wa : .1'~v°u-e;, unt!! the by--law n peen sub-- I that the reduction of tn munber of mmitted to the clectors. , leenses may be allowsod to drift along"? The deputation wwyas headed by Mr i Mr. Haverson--I would ask that thes James Haverson, IC. C., and inclunied j sfHouid D# CXECDUCs to Fabriiary ist DN as & i ue s y | legislation so that the peopie may : Geo. Granarmi, HG4. Hyland, \\m. lain-- | given a fair chans« ness, . Felcorer, Wmm Hassard # Mr Whitney--Tha mojled io Seymour and M. J. Clancy. 'Thoy were [ means that you think it desirable h« i % $ cause certain intérests have heen in"*»~ received hy the Promier, wno was uc-- E fered w ." -".l hi (at! .~' 1@ companied by the Provincial Secretary, || Comme guyimkd."a 3 o % 3 # F ¥ 0.+ '1d the Hon. W. J. Hanna, and the Min-- H Mr.o Havor: Y a C isterm®of FEducation, the Hon. Dr. Pyue. P r:einc .';":' ,.ll 6 Eit 1t f Mr. Haverson carricd a foew sample I Y *\' Fren t y > 4 L. 6 yar ces s PxYP. 3 thnce) 1 Lt ' J pr0 --hoets of the petition into the counceil ',-«., fpotiin: Th + f o s + ilipLPACiOT1I. 111 Aoul l mA t ) (Ontur) chamber with him. but the greater 0| g;a ~w-l thi t which t] ood sn l berls i 1 % i sometmug aA w mCDd n mOOkiP & 18 i part, weighing about sixty pounds, and | of the ','. nile revoaltd o Plaz Ir 4 I n m i a~ amp s M ¢ £ us €il8} rCupi evoilod Ine PC e0 & 5i containing 37,.676 signatures, of which h lotians s * s M es : dges # ud " * $ P CHI ftands Oof thn' peouv! who e'ected some 500 were duplicates, . were Jéft 0| ogpnep rp P tIAT on Eued es F i them. o There is no artificial remeay tor | cutside the door. i1l. & Ia: hi ithn T a«bal s j $ HLl1 LCC € C Oy Lit 051510 C 11 U > # | f ts 3 ts C i ~guay* j Ihe Petition a Big One. | suance _ of its Gut,. | j i Mr. HRaverso; continuing ns VEiu~ | Mr. Haverson. addressinsz the mem-- j meuis, seid 1 t w roncrall bers of the Cabinet, expliained that the ;, coguized that : istice had beei deputation represented the 1M hotel-- 'done. so #eneralliv, i . tmat among j ';\*'CW'x'.\- a,.f'_ T-'u'c-_'-.':!--. of whom 3t were I the signatori io the petition were a| n t"x'[]'(']'s;ls. while they did not know l munpner of teonip ca 1O4 't""'l":' Ho con-- over whose head the sword hung. In | tonded uaiso that thne time had srrived i -»f'a"m'.' (h:it ths pstition might not be | where there should be a revision of the } ealled in any way selfish and without f liceasing act j support he would mentio that it was | Mr. Whitnev----Would vyou be satistied i "g'.l('f]' 1»} 37,.67i6 t"f: the Legi: '..'JH\~P elec--. : | if£ ty Ggovernment i !);u'v}a,r:":} legisla-- tors of Toronto. That, be was informed, | | tion so that such a thing could not be was a larger number than placed the . i done in the future? c.':!n(])_d-'it"i- for the L. :;i>]j1"~ Asgemnbly } | Mr. Haverson, in ronly, indicated that | in office at the last clection.. The peti--i {he thought such legislation destrabl tion and its objects had been thoroughlv | |. Ircainntragst .. '1% canvassed by the press, it was clearly | i ihe Premier's Reply. l.'.l_""('(.l, and 1,',.\"'""','.1 ,"Lr.' .\"'.if._l:'.i!'.\' ,}'"'-'é NMr. Whitney,. replyving to the ('i-',':"...i-f sible for anyone who had signed it to ! tijoin id that t] £3 4 ! A F « a | 11, & t31 ie Guovernment wa Qoniv be imistaken as to ts purpose. He ' 5 locl d pacays e m A ' y daey] / h: 4 s too giad to hear any deputation of inc made this explanation becauuse some of s ayaxiye? e i 2 stA¥*Iea q. I y glexplanalion Dac 5i | people. -- Proceeding, be said : "Whai the temperance peome. n ine press an d 1 i: a «l is to j imnly nit4s T FiLe . in their spirit of churity which some) ) {aw sgsives the City C haas t ied ns e woik s » i * & 2 * e A idlaw #ives the City Councilt powor to do mistook for venom, had said that the |a eertsin thiug. You n C FI £3 petition was not got up in a proper way. DHiav ;.,J,'"r'"',,' ".l. _"'j """~ Ptea f-_'j' Lhe | There were among the signatures those |,, e . "Alas: berapere io t rue i o adnout. 6 a f § f 3 C t | not be. 'The law gives the City Council of a few women--these bad been velun-- ! % 4 f f 1 aril« i g » o EL mith p power to do a great many other thing '"".' given ana not solicited. LnQ W hadt vonrld P t}v [»»lil'l if " c netition. hs thought. . would . compare Leg: taturc elan a0 'the. 4 ooA N 2d a . Agisla tur hanged the law and actu--| {favorably with any for its respectabili'y Lt 121 /48 a I mevrays > "M. Cl v WE\ c . ® ally prevented the desire of the Council ! and weight. Among the signatures hc expressed in jority bei , 1 y P s C ssod n»y 2 in§gjori being carried | naticed those of Mtr. Goldwin smith a1n4 out? No o niuight 'l, 3 '| ie (d": 11 «* ; e HUC . Y C nuU&St t )« aske € ° rifst | Sir Henry . Pellatt, as well as thos every -- weo '.I.," Cke _"'. '__' ._J'.:.t Prafe t Aver ime ",.,'.,lu e & Iftv la i ars h R ~ & i}ild COU|G PCSH in -- of over one hundred and fifty lawyers, anarchy. not dn the usual mesning of U npder the Fleming By--law. the term. but it would do away with | the continnuity and permanconce of legis-- | _'.\Ir. Haverson Wf"v"t en to explauin the lation, which I believe the majority of,; cjreumstances which had rendercd the you gentlemen respect." I ),v'«.-s~311L':»t).rf;'1 -,J-t the l)([l"':.léplu cessary. | Proceeding, Mr. Whitney commented | l'I:e.Hn_u.nlAwuor lllj!f '!n_ 18 T by the: 'on the fact that no attemnt had been | Floming by--law 74 hotel licenses had. | made to arguo the logal merits of the :'

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