J :9 r for Prince 1jldmiFiriiiii-ihne,t _ I't -,.. '. mfiiii "m0 the discovers" Law Reform. . ' . . . 8."; -' desvah'ed of. and he was sure thatthe 1rtl81ti, c and Iatit 'tgat'. the receipts . F. m . , news that he was hulking a speedv frytti/1i.tttjiintr lands and royalties on Dealing with the question of law re- l l" r"r'ovcry would be welcomed with 'r. Pttetjatii."am%nted to $1,600,000, Again _torm. the leader of the Opposition said l ',' i plcusurc. (Applause) . ' last", year the Province had for the that he did not at the moment intend all Proceeding, Mr. MacKay said that ftrnt time received the increased sub- to be critical with regard to the re- . a": during the dchalc the observer must sidy ot $400,000 from the Dominion solution which had been brought tor- ill . "i, have boon struck, as living most Government, so that through two ward by the Attorney-General. Ht 9 . .2 peculiar, by the references made by sources of revenue from which the late ".xpressed regret, however, that no sub- J ."'r speakers from the Government side ot Government- had .rto benefit upwards of stantlal measure of law reform was co , . the House to addresses dellvcred by $-;0()0,000 flo.wed into tho treasury. be brought down this session. and con- . members or the Opposition. Members Having regard. for the mist." said trasted the proposals tentatively made ( g. ', _oi' the imposition had distinctly stated Mr. MacKay,. 'that the receipts were w/tlo what had been actually accom- , that they did not desire to make a 5., much larger and knowing WWW. tho olished by the late, Government. It l political shew-l1. but preferred to make , mncy comes from. let us follow it 3"." unfortunate that the Government _ [ _ suggcstions. That was following the NH and goo cxnctly whcre this large ind not availed themselves ot the op- . 'policy which had been adopted during 7"1} has gone to." r'1',111J?/2rt/,IrTiy12;v, tthei 2Cistignc.'i,t,",1, . lln- lust two or thprao wars, of taking Il o . N., .. m" ft on o A S a "ms to rug _ livo suhjccts rind imaging suggestions I Hight Conception. flown a measure. , That it was not in- F', which the llousc would do well to con- Rigging from ftnanro. the Opposition gender] to do so no inferred from the V "(1032 it nuts-n known fact that the "WWW .rrt'rwrtrtrlo.d to contrast tho mo- oct that the resolution referred to ap- . lion. Richard Harcourt had spoken in thttrlrt of the two Govcrrimnnts with Pt'- giving to the Dominion and Imperial many different ccntrcs on tho great Rard to tho nroblom of Now (lntm-in "xiiliamonts for legislation which , "mu-stion of technical education. urging He, did 1aot my that all tho old Gov- .Sllghl ho considered necessary. "I tho irnportnnco of thoso who were to ' "l'll'llelll did WHS; right. but he made: thr, ,mr' he said, that if we are to have . engage in skilled labor to be cducated "'er stritomont that who". in the '.?, measure of Law reform until then I , .in such a way as: to understand in- _t'olll'S" of limo. tho work of Govern- "m Pell have to Jvtlit a long time." l tolllgvntly thr- wiirmtifitt principles Illl'lll-'n' "T's Rot into nrorior porsboctivc y,y ll hityfr--wf have no fear. which undcrluv v.hrsit' work. Such " would bo dorlnron that tho Liberal Huh Maliay added that tt would "', 'cugRostimys 1iuut, in; contended, of far Admini,utrutiou hnd the broncr concern one heon possible for a. measure to l Sl'r-ziter vnlm: than their criticism. tion of "hill should I'm done for the . l,',,.. brought down making reforms :5 _ -. ' 'llP'l'l'lUlllllPllt and 1nrxrtrsfit of the Pro; I \hWh could have boon carried '2 _ '-' "iscorthtyt Nulc. vim-o. To 1rt'0Vo his urlzumcnt ho Ivoire "ttt without any appeal to either the ' Mo was glad that on the whole the Mk" tho ""3"" which Conscrvativo l 3"]:an or lmpcrial Parliaments. ,3; lovel of thir dcbatr, had been pretty 'Hl't'qlh'q'fl h:sd th'g'pl]: thp barzains V hm tt.tg',tirr,'iife'"""1l--rt IS covered , ' _ high and 1erin lilll'. "Only ont'. dis- lann ivy Ill' two G'ovr'"rvn-sr w'th thr INIr s/ 'ill ut on. . , .corrlant notc." said Mr. MacKay, "has Montreal "WW l'mmmny with rcgard ol . = "Chas?"lf it does mean that i, been. sounded luv tho mmnbcr for ('Em- to its trttl'o W'lllk'cssion. Tho old Gov- ', t .33": to ave such a measure, then l ire Bruno, who"s.riih that in occupying l'lmmilnf tin :90;- mud.- n, bargain with r,l'f;vt'.?attfiu?ot'1g1imo'pt,,.tttb,1.aii 'ip/g,','.: l -. the 'position I find mys'clf occupying w, . on "M {WW {mml'mw "W7"? '1; - . b . -. 1 er- It, f eg"' not. a mailed party lloliind mo. 22?": tlll'i"d",'y1h,ciijurr',,i,p,s' war; r"nulr- ttr,'"],",,,",?,',',),',.",,",:', that a commission T" ' . _ . _ I isti , '. _ v 1 , r. , _ . " . ll. 'ld'ff, 1t,i",,l,1ci.,/v" tltr't OXCPlltmn to '-'-'l"lI-'l :lt .95iuliiir, of " carnal-iii? 21:01,?" cl.,','.'. ll hitnoy---Don't believe NI you '.' ' Proceeding, Mr. MacKny mm that. ions: and /'1pylovi'yr, 27.0 hands Tho it/ar. 'Wllllf' Sumo n'wnllu-l's of tho C)ppositdon 't':1rrr'rl 'Kll'lilxlwl' nl Lands and Forests. luke a Straight Bargain. had'cxprcsscrl "w". intention of trot llll\\¢-l"l. lulmrl " companv Whirl; had . "Ruin "firming: lllt'lllFUlVCH for election j,'.,",":,',.'].',- cl'vctcrl a mill at Ottawa and 'hlr. MacKay said that a Question l in tho Lrorieslirtiwo, th-y had arrived at C,"..',","' ru) "It." n "".o.trrlr't. with it. That Clich could be dealt "Inn was the cut- 'their Uracisions longdmi'ore he was elcct- Trt' t Wm" o.1t..htTs' tit-,. tho capacity of mg off of the Practice. under which ml to tho lcniiurshih. and he'was sure tho an" whirl, hnd mm" rortuirod to be I'Y?ty. 'yyl district Judges wpre. one that "num- will lcuve on account of 1'r'rrrl l T':,',',',':,"?),':?': and under the an my working for salary and the nth 'ii' ,thc prescnt l'auorship." (Cheers.) 1i,".l/,'if,',t'.".yt $00,000 more come into the ""9151 by {999' 1ts.,alyslitron would re- i-", Passing on to tinanelal questions. the tt'ensurvr. [y.),".'.,..??.." Judirest.ot the charge of pro- l'? leader of th_tpposittot, commonth on A Contrast of Policies. ""93" procccdmgs in order to in- ll. the fact that both the movcr and scc- "11'jy1'. the amount of their fees. He i' vamp... of tho nddrcsg had congratulated "Tho mornlmp top North York (Mr. T t (y/l.) cxprcssod himself as being strong- : lllc d'vovituual Treasurer' on the fact fr. Levmox," said Mr. MacKay, "Wm; .93. in 'av'T,yi' permitting lawyers to x that _ thorr: would probably ho a sur- I mn bound to any in my humble lull"- I ////,C,,." straight bargain with thoir th " -pll:s. "It would be a strnnge thing." 'mcnt made tho. most incisive, logic?" ', unit's "1th .i-pgnrd to remuneration. I he said. "if "'0 did not have a stir- and by long odds the best FDC'OCh of 1:133"! 11d"t'1e,,/y",l, on taxed Pills of 'plus." _' those made on the. Government side of "-vpnt' "kt?" "(fmld {-'Tmow the "ffltim' 'l .. Mr. Whitney-Hear.' hear! tho. Ho so we . . . I '.c- I " I' b g m dishonest lawyers-- . i _ . 1 ur , ask d the pcrtant q u a and 9_, per cent of tho "Noggin .m. I _ Dir. 3racriay-wheu we look at the tion, 'What is tho.slirferonce wllcrc the loo hottest wild the! Ic-o ii/ .n " Tt ' g ' FHUlllalt'h brought down last year, the i mill is so long as tho moncy conic." into in/kr/ici/i), 15-0101." "(in it"; Ie/f . ' slatcmcnt mud: by the Provincial , I tho treasury ?' For lilysvlf f say that Dublic tr he iiiiiiM'. "ng ion. Th" ' Treasurer, and compare them with thcl lthe old contract oxprosscd tho colonizz- or law rcform tinder wltiplt l mcasmc l complacent stair-moot that a surplus! ling idoa of the old Government, Whrun litigation will 1-0 the} 'll/f/lt..',:");),,','.'. 4; o! at lcast $Csii0,000 is oxpected, i do, its pulp mill was established four miles 'ucnts cxpcdited" ap?tu' "tlr Ju g- l not sou any great reason for congratn- l CronrWerrhwrrou, on the Spanish Iiivcr. - . lation. I thyl that the estimated ex- Zlhm'r' happened what will dirm- us tho J'l'UDlt'ms of Education. . ' 1 cosy,' of receipts over expenditure was 'lriit'f'rerotwit between those inn contracts - I l 1 81,093,158. When wo consider the Chau- [\Vhon the mill Was svstrtbiislwd ut ICs. Mr. Bluclxny scored the Government il " ncls through which the revenue flows, Ipanola _tho settle-r moved back. hurl Hlu' vey.rlrely with rr'sprT't to their cducation ' i. when we l'cmcmhcl' that some of them "he cut his timber thetuo lac round " IMHO-l" Iic ct'ititizcd thc, measure under w. r , lure opposed by gentlemen now sitting 9 market at his door. (Chen's) What. which. teachers in public schools in rur- u l,' on the Tre,ussury bunches, I am not i will tho. pool' tct?ttlrrr do undcr thr? "'"W al districts "mm to Lo paid according- to , I:: sure that tho. Govcrnment arc. to be agrocmcnt ? Tho old agrppmpm. I the assessment of tho township, point- B, " 1 subjects of congratulation. j1wtl'ieve, contained thopvopcr colonizing ing out that whom the proposal was f It. ' "horn It Comvs From ', idea. so that as the great and valuable tirade the Minister of .Education had . . _ . ' clothing. of forcst timber was, rcmovcv'l trot made an)" calculation as to how it i a J Proceeding, the speaker referred to tho settler' found a. market at his door woulid work. Tho, clause was then given l 's the succession duties act. the supple- and was so far assxstcd in tho develop- Tmf. gilt-day hoist and. amended. He i l I; u'lcnlarv rcvcnuc act the brewers and lment of the country." agreed m the ctsirrabillt..v of obtaining . _ liistlilcl:s :icl, all or: which had Incl. l Under Eh" ncw contract. twrttrctlorl r1Ji'imaatntedpt8i,i,r,1 the ty,?fys,ny, profession, . . with opposition. When brought in by l'Mr. hieckay. the country was ""yur1- \\n1('at th._tlm_o had ulgcd that the best ( I C the old llovernniozit. at the hands "f god ot timber before the scttlcr arrived. 1"). o 5.11,n..,it, was l" the makinguit l , g the Conservative purtv but which had i The settler found it "ljedeviled" and did '?,1,',1rf,Cet,'a11s.. to those schools which " alone Mullah; m 59000000 to the Pro- Inot have the advantages of thrs profit 911.110? ed Henlrtr and HI_"T/6,'nyed.toatehr vincial Treasury, ' ' I from the timber which he gained under E": t Ml} loom}; as cngagcd Junior and , . , F . l . , lthe old contract. "f do not bcIu-vc, nrxperlcnud instructors. . He also l 7 ll _ll.m boon ',"i1i.,net,'y.1. that tlt': hgit- icontinued tho speaker. "that the rriltry commented on the statement made in ': ccssmn duties ll ould bring m Fivy " l sum of $300,000 or thrce tinwr, $3011.0qu the course of the address that the orc- [ g and so far as he could ascertain iron} "would make Ill) for the diffovnccr be.. sent Government had given cheaper l . [' ,,uiomrial repor'ls the receipts "or: ltweon the two policies." winners.) school books to the Province. It was ", about $300,000. That was an. act which ' ' . true that after having decided to bring f) ind been ('lrli'osor'l by certain yy.i"",',c.,?; Manufacture in Canada. in new Readers. the Government had .. of the present "o..v'Trlry"ntt. and dial. ' . . extended the contract for the old hooks '; tllcir 1rirches prr-vmlcd tho. rcvcnuo'irom Proceeding. Mr. MacKay said that for eighteen months. Naturally the "i, that source would have Men rotituwU under the old Government tho policy of printers desired to got. rid of their l 7 by at least one-half. The supplement- developing Now Ontario had hpen pusih- stock. "It is largely a bargain-counter l Z :vry rcvcnuc act, (losigncd to impose a ed forward. The Line al party had do- sale." doclared Mr. MacKay. "But "i, 'i, just burden or taxation on wealthy COP clared it the duty to send mcn into til" what about the cost of the new Read- l '3 porations. wlticlt could not be peachrtt north country to find out its pososihili- crs ? With regard to that I prefer to l l it ly the municipal assessor. had been ties with regard to marble land? and take the opinion of (mo of the commis.. I '1' rvtinrated to bring in $640,000, and he waterpowers. and ill spirit and inton- 15"."'Cirs' The business man on the com- , l Ir,' mnught tho actual receipts would- tion that policy, as expressed by the lnnssmn. Mr. John A. Cooper, has stat-l _ i 'd luv found to excocd that sum. Thnt difference between the two agreements, led: 'This reduction in prico may last, __, l ' too had been "pt,rosed by the present was far in advance of the new. (one and a half 5rPars. What will hap- -'1 l l _ Covernment. "If it is true," said Mr The late Government had been. a ('09- l pen then is only ? matter of suggestion. l ' o M;u'KU.v, "that $775,000 has been col- struciive one. tNo.t..on,1s' had it W)" [The probability Is that if the new set I _ 'i lccted under that not. the credit is due the T. & N. o., but It hal assisted In of Renders IR prepared, and the paper I i ' in the Liberal party, and not to the industry at the "Soo" which let, na- land hlllfllllg brought Hi) to date, the i ' ,.rescnt occupants of the Tr'casun tlonal in its character. It had prevent- ,' prices'wzll Ir',', base to.the old figure, if '. * lucnchCS." ed the great industry of steel-tolling _not higher. Turning to another i' q . _ being entirely controlled by tho i. nited phase of tho question. he condemned the i , New 'iottrcCs of Rmcnue. ' States. It had maintained aln indgsitg'ty _ proppsal to cut off a number of the ' . The brewers and distillery act had I'nhl',"hhltdd'g"lhc,'t.k t2f,tm,tol1fl ogusmel lmodcl schools. The result would be l . g alr:o been estimated to bring in Ll": Mil: and bald its elnplovecs $6.000.000. ,', lllllt many farmers" sous and daughters 9 handsome sum of $75,000. To Summar- 5"," h e now the Grand Trunk Haci- would be robbed of opportunities to get ii "ize the position from five acts, the h tt hath is to be built on entirely furthereducation. Many of the people I u ork of the late Government. the Trea- , ('0' [v/T,'; soil Ha". much better " would not be able to send their children . "rury had been enriched since the acts Jana n : _ l I that there into the cities in order to attend the , . would be if we could th nk _ 7 C had been in operation by 39.163.304- w ,mfttcient mills in Canada to turn 1 normal schools, and they would be ' This was without reekottintpthe, heme.. o'uetrerZils so that the road could not idcprivea of the chance to qualify tits which had accrued from the de.. onl be built on Canddian soil. but of "or the teaching i"":"""'."'- m...." " vclopmont of the north country as a Carladian steel manufactured by Cam 'WOUM react upon the Province as .a T ' result of the building ot.thet Temiskam-. 2'i"/a'rii; " (Cheers) '. whole. Equally strong was he in his _ l; mg & Northern Ontario Railwaih 'In _ " ' ' Cf.r1ryltt,tytatfor.t ot the regulations with , . -1902 the. receipts from mines amount-, Jregard to entrance examinations. The ."F: tr; ' , T,