The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Feb 1908, p. 4

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"the measures 1ze,iii.ii,iiii,'i,',',7iiii5ieiitir' T ill1illlllllllll8l, . 'l?.!!!!?, C "as", have enough of law reform'. V r. Whit-: 1s,il1it'ill?t,lllt))i, to); on the trim to ratify' ney Iread .a resolution passed in cash- the Shipbuilding 'ltr,', Co "WWW and cm IEOUIltleS seven years ago regard" lplace next Tuetrda .""")lg, will take I ing law reform. and also quoted from Ibm repeeting Party}! -morrow the the late Chief Justice Armour. claim- Ibo, will come u ops and its har- I in}: that the subject had not. been ' p. I I brougl'lét up recently. The f,evfi,"nt','rtert:. Protecting Steelton. 1 in- or od, would not be w se in bring- _) _ mg in a law reform bill this session,- wi1'lfriafiierNi Smith (Sault Ste. Marie) I and they would not have the interests- cipai act th? améndment to the muni- l 3 of' the Province at heart in so doIng.I ture to prevenst ii"ti';f,1oon, of the I.ezisla. 5 lie thought in three years the present being discriitiin2i'i'/f n, a town of 3,000, I ', lim'ernmont had brought about. more is " . C Ct against. Steelton , «semi lezislation than the prty"eding I virtually partor San": Ste.Marie,only i I Government in thirty years. Mr. Whit.. , . dlstreet separating the two places. In _ nr'v then took occasion to refer to the 1'.'l','r,t,' under ii.000 population unmar- , (1?, Victory in Brockvillo, £463 :13]? 'lf;,.'),','.";'",','-,"), 'tr,'d,ryoetp,tts over . l 1ara.ttttrr2intr that constituency as a. Iplaces over f/'atm'i','optv/i'idi.00. "(In I PEI:rlg'I'I'I'm'IfI':;IIII:°P(:IIC;h?fu;' tutu" l",; as Sault Ste... Mario, unmarried when are _'orulurirxtt, Mr. 11'hitney tlei'renmud the ji2'rr,1',dnoon,,'tn'iggg,opJir,' 'io/u/y nl"." gunpointment of Dr. Colquhoun as De- {thus claimed that i1tC',fl', 'i),"" It? IP. :,lylty Minister. of Edut-zition, and he the Worst (If th t t ai n s trttti.t?.6 . denied nhso1utcly that the Deputy Miu- says 80' far ,1qu mfg" l I": Smith ilster had obtained his appointment (nth-"case of it; J/Vin/Ti','; $1.3}9'Hle I through any close relationship to mem- ' . f'P It "m Itt the rovint ". r.ors of the C1ovortttt1ent. CTrtter11rCrrtTtterIttret ! Tho address carried without a di- I I Vision. I some Non" Bills. , l Tho "on. Prank ("win-arm introdurrd ','" bill. Which was read a. tlrst time, I mnomding tho act rospeviing Burlington _ lhtach. The bill gives the commission- W-rs howm' to borrow $20,000 for water- In'orks. and a similar amount for tho ,'llttPt'ovorttrant of the Beach park. l Mr." Pratt: (North M'ollinmnni intro- ldrtred a. hill to amend tht, volt-rs" not. for the purpose of ortalrlinq ("minty .itulgvs to correct clerical errors in tho .yotm's' list in vases in which they aw i 1'oHvinr'otl that mistakes have. boon made in the. t'ourt of Revision Home Bills Advanced. : At tho night session the 1Iou.o,o went i.nto curtttIitlttrto. on lion. Mr. Hanna's 2 bill .l't'sllt't'tlllg the rogistratloto of I births. marriages and deaths. Hon. Mr. ( MutKuy suggf'stnd that constables be .sii't'u the pom-r to prosecute- persons 5 failing to notify the prom-r authorities. I'i'iio bill was left over, howrurtrr. , T'si?gurtlinv: his bill to amend the puh- (iit: lands act. lion. Mr. t'ol'hrane said I the object of the: bill was to lit-v1) tart-- I tiers off the mint-ml lands and in PO?- -' ,w-nt them from settling where there! ' was no "prirulturul land. lit: 1 Q _ri.,l it would lit" boil"? to buy I tnwnshiiss and close tin-m up; [ than to allow within: to go thoro ll'i ', more uits, no agi'ienltural land. Tin-i LY'l-ll'm'li'g bills ire-re :lthklili't'tl in tho- , l'r'imniltten stage r--rlosrtacting Mention l ' of members if the Legislaiye Assembly: I , in presvrw" the forests from destruction I l by line; to amend tho forests reserve 'nt: to amend the act resin-Ming free? _crauts and hmnerstvads in the Rainy! ftivor district, and to amend tho sup-I l i-lwnmntary revenue not. Tho bills rp- i borted by the ("ommittee of the whole I I House were :--ntrspocting the raising of loans authorized by the" Legislature; I respecting the consolidated revenue act. The House adjourned at 9.43 pm. r IPour Private Hills Reported. I The Private Bills Committee of the {Legislature met yesterday and report-! Ied four bills. i' i The bill to fix the assessment of the' ('anadian side of the Niagara Falls sus- ' iwnsinm bridge at $1G0,000 for ten years tirst came up. The. bridge Company was represented by Mr. J. H. Inger-soil. Mayor Carter and Mr. F. I". MeBurneyz appeared for Niagara Falls city. Mr. ilngersoll pointed out that in 1896 the assessment had been fixed at $150.000,' but it had subsequently been increased ' to $173,000. An appeal to the Rail" way Board had resulted in a reductionI to $135,000. The representatives ofI Niagara Falls agreed that the assess-I merit of $150,000 was a fair one. The bill was reported. I ' Mr. J. J. Preston (Durham) spoke toi the bill to authorize the united counties , I of Northumberland and Durham so is~ gsue debentures to the amount of $40.- ;000 for the erection of a house of re- ', logo and for completing the Jail. He stated that $60,000 had already been :raised for the purpose of building a new Jail and transforming the old jail into a house of refuge. and the jail h at cost $30,001) or 830.000 more than was ' :1 nticipatvd. This bill was also report- ed. MP. T. ll. Carst'allen (Lennox) ex- ;plained that the bill of Napanee was Ito raise $l0,000 by debentures to com- I plate the electric light and power works 3 of the town. They had not voted suf- 3 ill-lent money in the first place, he said. I and the poles and wiring had cost more 9 than antiviputed. No amendment was i made in the bill. I The assessment of 58 acres of land tn I'rowland township, adjoining the I town ot welland, was fixed for twenty 'years in a bill reported. Hon. Mr. Harcourt explained that the township was anxious to secure a manufacturing plant to give employment to 1,000 men.

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