The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Feb 1908, p. 1

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n 1.. " "s, _ .: - we... "r I Fl Ki; " I?" P , T% - 'X,P"i T .. 'Rt "52"1' _ _ ' _ _ MP, _'". a. e "7, "', T,B,ql, 'Q'iu'u- . K. w. i, , I rv _ , Inim ' ie, _ ." d.' ti JB. bmbt. J-'" -sr-r-accL, ' Te9"'_aatr-:"---- r"r . ll , ", " .' --- . t, ' , _ "e _ l c.. . ' ' ,- f . 'iiiiiii ptttiNt'tmteiRiiiit independent- ae. MaoKay "reed that M reel F , I ly he was'not a candidate until the writ the only fair way of dealing with these " ' ' ' . ' tor the election was issued. As. under matters. and then asked about the re- . the bill. candidates entered certain distribution bill. - ll . MI, TIME disabilities. he thought the definition The Prettiiat--t propose not later than t l I should be made clear. and applicable to hgondayhto consult with my hon. friend l at . a out t at. my" __,__ Premier Whitney, however, did not "LU The bill to amend the act respecting; '..-r-9 see any ambiguity in the language. and ,1'u ' Burlington Beach was given its sec- I i B . t d tl . kl the 0381138 was passed and the bill re- / and reading. and the migrate ring] 'utr' ' oorte . n: 'spect ng the united count es o on - usmess Transac e ulo y Who Kee s Tab on Members "s ' f1)" umberland and Durham wasreported by . b th Le islature ep ' . . v': V, the committee without amendment. y e g . The hill respecting the Legislative The bills ,'ese,tfti.ry.tPt county of Wei- Assembly was also dealt with in com- :lingtou and the town of Mount T?ortrrrt .-r._w9.r.. .. -. _ mitten. Mr. Studholme wanted to know: {and y,ere.trtly b3 Jaws of the town ot if the rule regarding deductions from , jThorold were given second readings. members' indemnity was ever enforc- l .. - B ll D G E T N E X T W E E K. ed. He thought that some check or) I tl ill Board Name Streets '? than?" as he expressed H, should be: 'i An interesting .point is being raised - ----r--.i- -.- Premier Whitney replied that. mem- I l, 1ref'ot?g"i'ct'g,iiIf,1.'e eu11ltr, tt T bl hers wen't'to the accounting officer and , tario Railway and Municipal Board act 'tt. 'N, IC . -.' d with the revula- . . _ ' ke t'OU e llesurm 1 Y.,. com] lie " . _ . '. .. 5'. I as to whether it will give to the board Members Would Ma 33:33- wi't'.ri"1t"hnp.a,11; "a; T',',').)?"'""; com- ipowor to designate streets on which e a . _ - . i f. f, y tii . '3'. y1t ' . a - 4 . ftthut0m0bilists. Mr. Studholme said he thought that ji'1t.Jrs'ct.,'iy"2,'aat/it,ii,sitLmay be laid The l in the Dominion House the absence or i "If any dispute shall arise between .._._.._._..__.. l f,7;tf.?//t of members was accounted tor l 2'igfTggy.e anfduthe 'i'd"il,ic2'htsiett W roll call. t o .9 oca on 0 1e rat ti n any a t Mr. Devitt (West Durham) to Intro- Gives Too Much Power. 333235 hg?"icy,,t,tvt.heo,rgntoe 1tcue duce a Bill Keeping Motor Veg ' With tho bill regarding municipal 't'li'i"iait; other atflr,',ert/og,ougr Wm? . _ I securities in committee three Liberal ff"; or specie war 2: ou be m ' hides oit Streets on Tuesdays} mmnbers. Hon. Mr. MacKay, Mr. Pres. f" asc ff' the rails or special work used . .. " t r dn .g and Part of. Eton (South Brant). and Mr. MoDougai l), "tlo/ls)','),'???',,?,",.:,":,",',,',',':,', protportion Thursdays. on u t 3. (Ottawa), stated that too much power A - c s e ea p v men S, con- _ i . Dt'duc- would be given the Ontario Railway crete or other foundations to be borne tiumht--The lndcmn in and Municipal Board regarding Gi, my thencompany and the municipality tions ' Certifying of the validity of' debenture respectively, the board shall hear and _ .. 'byolaws. em However. the Premier determine all questions in dispute and I and Hon. Mr. Foy maintained thatther I???" iT) J.'Ct'arci.",. to it may seem _-.- ----_- -._-. _ t 'wording in tho hill was correct, and Juil ant 1:3?an. 'Y, h . I {the measure was reported without ...1<]fb(:;m13:20:"Epizfrra'i?:i:?:;_ . - " anticipated by "mm" of l Rinrmdmont. . street or highway" apply to high- the Cabinet that prorogutlon of t?yli" 'rtuachors," Salaries. "Wye already designated. or whether Legislature will come, bofotn, Easter. No ', l Th, nur 'tion it Hon Itirhat , Har 5 this gives that power to the board. -"3', . "ex. tl 2 lb _ C . I' "t . - i,,.. . , v sr.-.--' l (but; this "fill be the N"; lfltfiijallgi l l Court regarding the average salurisur- "his Bill M as killed. rapl rate 0 progress con inlt'-' th' . . .paid school teachers from 1902 to 1907 .- ., . .. . . characterized the sittings of the last; was answered hy lion. Dr. Pyne. as 1 LJ,,,1f.,Ut'J,i.)iat,e,yct..Eoyyttet ot the two da 's Yesterday in about two! follows :--l9(j2, male $436, female $010; ii),""".,".',',':.,)),',,').'.',.,..,,'"",':,",-.',',",'-?.."' 'e, opinion "in - ys. . ' ll l i 1303. male $465, female $324; 1904, male. ",0," f": "mutt-f": 3esterday witlt and a half hours an exceptions y argel $AS3, female $835; 1905. male $514, fe- L". 1 inc- Je. l Oi"llip_s unlicensed per- I amount of business was transacted. No i' ! male $348; 1906, male $547, female $369. "'0ll'il, 1gi1fitlit n 11t m ofesslons. ' fewer than' three Government, meas-i ;The returns for 1907 are not available of invnalll'1"?ntl?Janwttr i'.iitt!.;r/nt.iiiti;)t,1 . , ' ;as 'et. . xlres passed the committee stage. dild; er. R. A. Thompson (North Went- in?) to :;rrtllctlSe2as l vetgrinary sur- progress was reported on another. In l 'worth) has given notice of his inten- .63"; f?" " (2'1"??th ti rew out the! each of these bills there was debatel tion to introduce a bill to amend the "99"" eld" Pen"? _ principles. This i . ' bli il BC" . _ . , "as the fit-st. hill killed by the com- over certain clauses and tn that par- I on , IC ll names act. The object of the ... _ ti i . c c. l . .. r C' . c. t h . bill is to allow police villages recently mm" "f: i'")?.!")."?.: The hilt srtl?tttityr; ticular one respecting members 0 t e; organized to take over public libraries the renewal or certain debentures, ot Legislative Assonri'oly Mr. A. Stud-. tormerly established in townships. the town of Port .Hy?pe and the Port ; Hope Harbor. providing for an exten- holme raised the nuostion of deductions i More Automobile Bills. salon to in years on certain debentures from the sessionai indemnity, much to Mr R H McEirov lesiros to amend which had already run 22 years. was F T S', . . . * 5" " t' " . iavorod by Mr. Preston Durham . the amusement of the House 1Pe I the law so that Police Magistrates may l 'st),',)?')), l'h" menus"; ",0"th 30 veal-)3 automobile has been responsible tori impound automobiles for a term up to l was stifficir?tot and' it was decided to many peculiar attempts at legislation. ', 31;:le wdai)i"thwh'p,, Sirizergllgg'e broken cantor with the. Railway and Munici- mld another often will be addedto this : Mr. J. H. Dewitt (\Vcst Durham) is pal "ra",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-- "Ties by Mr. J. ll. Dsevitt (West Dur- . also out after the. automobilists with e----"-.----- ---- W ham). who gave notice ofa bill regard- t a bill to provide that no motor vehicle. ing motor vehicles. If Mr. Devitt has shall bo fly, or be allowed to stand YP- his way automobiles will not bra al- '0" any highway in a town, township _ _ -.. _ or incorporated village or police vil- lowed to run or stand on the streets lage during Tuesday. Thursday and or highways of any town. township. in- faturday in any week; or between the corporated village or police village on 33;"? of 9 a.m. and .. pm. on Sunog 'Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. or u .. . -. ' on Sunday between fl o'elock in the llproumcllts at Niagara. T morning and two in the afternoon. f Tle 1t,tol1ririf"girl save notice of _ . . j a. l to amend the ueen Victoria ' The Premier Explains. ; Niagara Falls'Park act. giving power Before the orders "t . av " - to the commissioners, subject to ttter called Pre tor ":11er: ":9 (3'35""6113 approval of the Lieut.-Governor m ' _ m I ' "w" sai ' I de- Council, to borrow $100,000 for improve- ; sire to do what I do not often have ments. The money so borrowed is to ' occasion to do. via., to endeavor to cor- Itt: apgliad gringal'ylt'hm ,.9t J'Ja"f?ile; I " . _tRg"t.rtmrm lone eano e.agra ver- . root a report Il a n. u spaper of cheep. hetwgm.' Fort Erie and the somber-1y . E Tations made HY me., The Globe, no. boundary of the park. The commls- . doubt inadvertently. leaves out the) sioners may also construct an esplan- '. word 'too." which makes all the lttos-I gniekalong that portion ot the river; . . . . . _ . I . an '. . I sible difference in regard to my Pen-l, Aron. Mr. Fey also gave notice of a i _ 131's. tt,tti,tciriTtetnc.htheo, it???" bill i'i1ri,f,i',in,',r, 2'i':, yi'it'i'.fsl"'d:'; ti2'i'i2 l . o-! .- rio. a, . omm ss n- minion Alliance. one of the clergvmen _ 2t tlic,,), logigricall Development l who spoke declared. in unmistakable! 'i'rrtni;'st'iiy of Ontario, Limited. Thol . language. t_hatyhe.y were 'in politics' in , agreement gives the company power to i this matter. bIIL'Sl-{lllg a few minutes transmit electrical power generated at ': afterward. I said , All I can say is that their works to the power house of the l the Government is in politics too,' in F Canadian Niagara Power Company by . T reply to the clergyman, but the word' means of a conduit tor a period ot 'too' was omitted, and it reads : "Atl ti three vears The company must fur. i ran say is that the Government is in . rich age commissioners half-yearly re- ! ' . 1nollties,' leaving the. impression that T iiiiG of the amount of power so trans- l 2 (sites: is 'Cff't'gis'"iiettgnitia/iy was and the 'ttoe'iir'ltfntffti'ntgf,ett.hei,!' _ ' ' . e iss e 1 owere . i liquor license act. I think it only fair cc'agf.s'lorn. iFoynaplso gave notice of a l £2.32:i°§d°s£52m'tlfé'f'i'lnoé'ééli'éa'33:t "'1 respecting the Queenston 'iiisii"ritti'il k advertently. and they will correct it." _ Park. - . What is a Candidate '.' - j ; Budget Next geek. t Ho Mr . I th a 'ournmen n. . V When the House went into committee: 313123;; asked then the public ac- J, to consider the R2r..Lt,,tft1rerteyt elections' counts would be brought down. .1" 'tll; 13:11. A. G. vsr'dlEi,'ardii'i'l,it?ji' out Mr. Whitney-The 'Provinciai 'i'i1',t't, j 't at ere appeare o some vari- ', wn. It is the dos re j Ema" in "I; 2t,1.eft'fp. "Pt word can- 3:: tigeOblrtldggttgpeech shbuld be made "t" I 4 ate. pparen y, a man were eek t e middle ot the T l nominated by a convention he immedi- 'Jess, T 'ttue,?'" "ut recollect aright, ntely became a candidate within the the estimates come down before tht i meaning of the bill. If, however, a .

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