The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 3 Mar 1908, p. 1

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"T" . "T* ..- .. - II-TC. s"... .' . . "NN - ' .'l r ?.RP, , '. '3%TP"c' , . - _ - a. ..,. F"' .. , 'e"',';', T?',',?', _... -.. ., .s -- cu-' TUESDAY, manage, (Pfll!l!?y "x"'""""'".' . _ LARGE . ASE --. 1ngtt FjitAtttt _"-__ Mlllttlitlll8trttlallllllhss-,,,es.. _ . __ -- T"e _ -', 1 . . 2 , '.: . "Pr,-'...,""; "li1riY"ir ' INEXPENB ri; 'ls'lly,id . , _CU' .,_... , . F.-. * ' Ulil% . ' . ' q . . ' y i The Premzer . of. cantarzo _.ii.._r.:.i'r'. w-..."' _ 1. . . " . I I . . I F I . . ' _ , . , " . and the P wer PgiPi8tttys Public Accounts Laid on Tabi l , . I /f ...-" ' 'ut-, l _ . (t f . . ... c . ' >j_l{/~)_-g'4 r. ' :1. Ciu.t-2caCi,--,-.- /3da--ca--t_, V' _ 0f Legislature. . c. j The most'important statement made 1'rPremit.Whitne.v at. the . l l banquet in his honor last night was undoubtedly that which gave Mr. _ . , "r i ' Whitney's side of the story that before the Electrical De.relopment Com.- T SURPLUS IS $606173 58 y pany agreed to give up half of its common stock to Mme. Mackenzie ' .' ' y _", u . and the Toronto Radial Railway in return for their ftnancial support -" .. :2. - ,. _ __ . . "Q l F an appeal was made to the Ontario Government to rescue the company 'T' ./ f ', .." ' . . . ' '. x . . . tes r owe-r offered C'; Kr cr-' . . . _' . trom its troubles. and that, despite the cheap ra ' f0 p d t ' revmciai- Subsidies Add as an inducement to take remedial action, the Government refuse. 0 help the company. Here is the Premier's statement c--- . Largely to Revenue. . "We have been fairly treated on the power question. an a rule. hy . . . the press. but let me tell you before going an.v furthbr with regard to w-t .. --'----r-, "_- the dimcultv with the Electrical Development Company, we spent Li.:..." u. .. 'ug.,' F ". ', eight months ot our time. hanging oft and endeavoring by every pos- HOW Ontariipt; )loncy ll as Taken sible means. to induce the company to come to fel'. reasonable tei ms Cave of Last, Year by the-Whitney with the Trvdro-Electrir, Commission, and they would not. Conse- .. . . . . _ quently we 'dealt as' we had to do with the lowest bidder and lowest '-.G(Ternmttit-c-niiitrmsements Ad- tenderer. and even after that. was done we drew a line from some- .ram"c Ne A, ,' . . - where near Hamilton to Collingwood and asked the Electrical Develop- . at'lt R Million Dollars, ment Company it they would take the territory to the east to (1,itTt1,e Lands and Mines Department , " . v ' n . .' . on .the, same terms as the Ontaiio Power Company had offere a Makes More Money. . again they would not. . . "We said that. as this is a Canadian company we will do everything . .. '_. -- --- _ " in our power to favor this company in every possible way. As I said, on . I the whole, we were very fairly treated hy the press. and l am glad to " .. ne er -.. '._. t have. an opportunity ot expressing that. I don't propose to answer the :3?"me l." thc. WWW accounts, attacks and accusations which it. would be unworthy of a decent man f"'3"'."h' were laid "PW the table of the who had any regard tor his self-respect. to answer, or to reply to "friiil/tttwe. .vy'terrday al'tt'Tn'mn by the all the filthy accusations out upon US later in reference to that great 'lf'lh IV. J. Hanna, Provincial Secre- subJect. Let. me put somethttig before you .nOW. and f am somewhat "my. the surplus of the Provincial rev- curious to see on what you would deeide. . . mums over the cxi'mnditiirc at the close "Suppose an offer like this '. Take a company with tlhy)/)/11) u: the. last nnmmiai year was 5006.13.59. ot bonds-eight million dollars of these bonds having. been sold ; and Thr, Lytal recap" Hrnottntiud to ti),T20,- six million dollars of common 1treia',f'v1'ertgihonn1,1',l!iog dollartsh (fl £19.19, ah increase of $1,1hi),940.go when capital issued anyway. They 533 You have ml Ions, .. eca'}se . PIN? "compared ivith tilt-receipts for the pre- are people who think that the Ontario. Government has only to snap citrus, WW 'ai d af. advr: "r, f @304 its ftngers and it can get millions ; and it is true that Since we have ... srl,', _'" _,', i, .lf .f.," l. 'll""?, o, _ ".T' ,- been in power we have been familiar with a great many more millions lil" "'If""m.r"cT"l with the receipts of than our predecessors. These people say : Mk». Inc Lulunco brought forward . _ r " T " .' . . ' _ oo . .. 'There are $8,000,000 ot bonds consolidated. a trifle of JI "Y. t.iojii. urirorxnntl to 1'r4fu'3tt'" $6 000.000 of stock. Let the Government of Ontario guarantee a "ldliliig " total or 'Ir,,S17,tr5s.s1 which subsequent issue ot $2,500,000. which means a guarantee of '"tstd through thc', hands of the Gov- $2,500,000, and take. over the $8,000,000, and m return we give you ) r-rnrneiit. The expenditure for the ycar ' --What ? We give you power at Niagara Falls at. $10 a horsepower.' i"irj,l,f.r1,ts. imp astonishing advance or $9.94.: . . , " . . _ ' Mo . ' hor- chic-1' itorns which account . " 'e ' _ . . t That is le, cost, the a',,",,','.','?],.)),"'" Ontario ly I Company gn fi'..! '/or thcs:adrrrstrrovrmud are the Provin- power for at Niagara tor whateve1 amount we take that exceeds cial subsidies. which amounted under 35.000 horsepower. They, besides, give)"; this-and I then under- the new "'lrrt/ngPs''nt to t1,734,0:?"8,6ii, stood to the full what. is meant by carping newspapers and dlssatis- Compared with $1,33y,:.'.sTirs. an increase ' fied men when they speak of 'smooth' and 'slippery' methods ot some hf $394,742.40. Tlic inconw from the business men in this and other countries. They said: . We will let y.1,ylt, tirrtrsts, and mist of the Pro- . . tr l the rates to the consumers.' "Me has leaned from $2,253,199.62 in you (on m ' - . " . 1906, _t.p,$3,06si.4si4.0to last year, an advance. , "Well. now, we would have to assume. $C000,00it of bonds and of $815c?04.47. _ _ _ _ . guarantee 32.500.000. We get. power at the same rate, and we are The financial disturbances 'qt'jthe' ', able to control rates to the consumer. Well, it. would seem there was latter-part pr last .vVitr s"t"rirtuyil.v.'ar-, '. something in that. to look at-something deserving public considera- Egg); tt/',,l/y,n1eii,aevit'tt.y,riii, 5eld..jy.s a : tion. But it means this further. It means that this company has a bot mic-33111:": 1tijil'cteriic'ee/eittcij.ii)itj, 1 contract which has to run tor years still with the Toronto Street Rail- int-011191.35; i'/c.'ptl(it's"'.fC'l'c'.i2fi Ii-r/i' 1 way Company, and another with the Toronto Electric Light Company, 126,60, an advance of $7,919.50. The sale I and that. there were no other consumers the rates to whom we could of law 'it/yypsrrlunutrh.t in $94,684.75. an regulate-ought-----.) that you begin to see dimly how nicely. advance at assassin The incorporation:, l with modulated voice. it was said : 'Will you walk into my parlor ? , 'i"r'dTt,"'/ty:a.ritsris, WT" "fl-3&1" t."i't.Woertt-. . . . .. . . . ., . it ' e'tllCrptr.ce' '0 .0 revenue , ll ell. we tidn t go, and we don t intend to go tlow. from tho Provincial Secretary's Depart- From all of which it would appear that the Electrical Develop- {Dent from "Willi-3.39 to $257,20ii.1g. The . dir" . . f the k . t l, t tr: t income from mining lianrls was $1,254.- , ment Company . In some orm or o -.r mafe orcr ill .5 o mus er 100t',1tiess, $207,'M3.06, and mining. l the control of ti. "orporation to Mr. Whitney s Government, and had 'ri,r,riiree'.iil, and recording. foes $.?.7'2.397nt'. . _ . ,_ . mm .ne acreage. profit and gas tax-- a distinctly unfri ndly reception. - cs "'r,4,ii3,oit.wii,. WWW". and, from ' __________-------------------------._._._.__..__~------~--------------.__._ wot?rh.i1 and forests $1,211051.R2. , Supplementary" Revenue. . l I'ndc'r the s'orrlmiv,htuv.v rci'cnue'act l ".irv79,.'?.41.iti was collcctcdj an increase ot, $18,039.75. In the income from success 1 sion duties thorn has been a decrease of $rS4,1:.l0.:yi, the total amount received liist,)'t'ai' being' $521,692.90. . From the l'ulalic- institutions .01; the .Province: $66,391.41 was. received. of which $3,..- assurance from the CirprtyrrrisuitraN . $50,587 -' from the ". Toi'onto Lunativ': Asylum. Tht receipts from the Tfm- iskaming &" Northern" Ontario Railway were $235,090.69. Thr'C.1rwieriti.twnt iytrrr' able to finanprs tho road out orro.votuui, and thus avoid the. making of a loan at a time whon money was dear. J' .- The cost of government rose- from . $438,280,46 in liloetu $502Al8320 last year. bnt.t.he,.cxr)ondirurc, on law making in: creased from $215.195.35 in "d.'y06 to "PA-"? 80. . On tho administration. of {neithe- Province expended. $378.- oti.16, aud'on turhicatiorrt1,tMt.,t05.s1, an advance, of $88,184.10. The mainten- ance of public sit.tsti!$99ir.- 379.18: colonization-"and immigration , $53,020.45; an advance of $16,673.49 ", Cen- tral Prison, $65,423.69; hospitals and _charities,.$338.011.7ll: repairs and main-,1

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