r 'unldpal ttiituaer. g6W%W." . iq - " IllMiilllRiiiiiir _ " a iNyttsi V c(4c" , {Em 'act respecting municipal House! Off mi '"dIifi'ig1, q El - Fr tit a Exam"; con-L: "refuge. , '.' . org" I - valid" beawtelfiuch "l l _ ' T . "yr.'g 3,. V v, _ tl 'e-er-du-ttms. . " 4 .0. .P'fWlyg 'l8Ph" nation can .e.¢.om: [ r. 1ti/cxAOG , Att ' mi _ "via'", d the S',,'ll'i/d'l'ld furnish ', v, Mr. Smith (Sault Ste. Marie) moved tot . ' "he said corporationsany es: T for an order of the 'House for a re- -tim ','i"i'rt') the cost of constrhdtihé. ' turn of all correspondence relating to "e '_. V, t" 'installing and maintaining of tho removal of the \Visa YVasa dam in , b _ _ , ," ',. works; ' plant. ". machinery." Chisholm township in Nipissing. He ind ., '2 333', etc, tteeetstuu'5rHor transv stated that the Government should see 1 iittitiiitrsaiid supplying to each said cor-i their way clear to have the obstruc-. Duration the amount of power applied: tion removed. In reply Hon. Dr, l for ? It so. give names of corpbrations' Reaurne stated that diverse opinions land amount of each reqpective esti- regarding the removal of the dam had l mate? Names of municipalities in each been received by the.d.om.tyrtrytn?t. but got which a by-law was submitted unr tho settlers in the Vicinity had been i der section 7 of said :act , Names of notified that it would be removed. I municipalities where such hy-laws re- . Mr. Preston (South Brtwirrrl? it the i ceived the. assent ot the electors 't Has i intention of the Minister of Education l any contract been finally entered into i to introduce legislation this session {between the commission and any such l with the view of improving the truancy i, municipal corporation for the supply of I law ? i electric power or energy by the com-I l Hon. Dr. Pyne--Tt is impossible to 'mission to such municipality? The I unswcr dtsfiuitel.v at crest-ht. 1 names of municipal corporations, if any. l , . , ', that made app ication to the commis- ihot Lot Thom Toh . . . l sion under 7 Edward. VII. Chapter 19. a The House. in committee. again took l section 12. with the respective dates oti i' up the ctpntrovortrvl elections bill, and . such applications ? The maximum} '! utter pertain minor technical amend- Lprice per horsepower at pointh of der'; m _ . ' _ livery to commission. quoted y coin. I Fs;'lt/uladrte,egumrtt',gttigpt"ie, Cl/ ( mission to each of said municipalities l' islative Assembly andpthe bill respect- lBetwcen what municipal Councils, if. _ m slept" ' Te. . - i any. and the commisslmi was any pro- ?g e Tron ofmemLeis ot the Legisla l visional contract entered into as pro- V (il)?) Assembly were similarly dealt {vided for bv 'sirii"it,is7tiiibn 13 prior to i ,.'lda"i.urhrp."rp1.ta.2teon1it, "$35.38;; l the Submitting of the tty-law to the 'it were then". 'tio t [hisfganchise initiators by such municipal Council ? ! members of th en. airs chs{om.g ser- , Has any such contract been fhtpll,v cxtw 5 Vice. e Int e _ . looted under tho, provisions of 0section I, . The Premier pointed out that it Was l, s.1i1voi1ci'it,ifat),'"gv7/"tivoTie, 1i,t,,'i'i,.is.ls1e,sit 'lrnpossihle to make a distinction. as l "t. . SY.', I ' -. ' ' T'. inside men "w f te il en- to the several municipal corporations crag'.d 5, " {(3 Gate", mporari y _ . in accordance with the requirements of " The 'ill ou FI e , utivi, K . th ht said section 12, showing (a) th.e,total tl p _ . on. A. G. Mat? say oug cost of constructing and maintaining a "lt pomt sh.oulf be settled. transmission line or lines. (h) the q he Premier in reply said that cus- proportion or amount of said total cost . toms csfficers had to administer the l to he charged to and paid for by each 1.3" while clerks were merely auto- l municipality ? If so, the names'of such ","/y - ' ' municipalities and the amounts of such Mr. yS.Doltral (Ottawa) stated that 1 total cost to be charged to each of the the question had been raised at Ottawa said municipalities ? Were such esti- whcn fcevpral of the inside men had mains and provisional contracts pub- keen told that the penalties would be (ii',1t.,f,i with the hy-law.' in accordance Enforced against them. 5 with the"prrtvisioris of said section L? I' The Premier maintained that the i. ' , making of a distinction would not be lQucstions Asked. . Elise. Customs officers had to perform l Mr. D. suthorland igniuh Oxford) 'titdt""'th'ct',ft, as rendered [l 021?; my"! inns addressed an inquiry to the Gov- I on". 05 {1109" not' have Pt ran: eminent with rcgard to the number of '.,', . fthusrs, in other dehar men a (iiu1i'ii imported by thorn during 1906-7 did not have to exercise executive f l the method of their distribution [ powers affecting money matters, .and 13"?" T H Preston (Brant) has giv: . "ere thorofov-c. in a different position. 'Gi'; notice. of his intoution to more for Perjury Might Decide Election. _ l a return of 1,1/""Jp",irtoo)e"s,y"i relating A C. A N . m 'A. a " . . 'to the remova of norms ii'oodyatt to x... the oftitse of P?l.it.'e Magistrate of . ", . '/, " P - . Brantford. a copy ot the report of the mending. If any person mentioned llt commissioner appointed to investigate this 1"fyf"l votes. he tyy! Jnt.1,C. a certain charges against. the Magistrate penalty 01 $2,000, and his vote should and the cost of the commission if: r - . " a .- . bMk - . ii,f,u:1/t'1i1','l,Jg"n"d' b tt (hie x,m,5'i,r.g, By a question Mr. McMillan is call- I1 O . a _ een a an one e -". log the attention of the Government to after $3.000 should be omitted. because th lie ations that Charles Bur q they would have no means of identi- Hgmcitegd inspector far the P33," itin/r, ahvotc after it had been placed .iiCiiiiif districtv i; canvassing the dis): in t c allot box. 'rc _ -v. l." .,- . " ". Z The Attorncy-Gcnr?ral--1 suppose on a 'dll. (12:0 aiorTli'r,fi'dTnek Conservative j'pctitinil evidence would be taken. A Mr Thompson (\Ventworth) will "y/le, could be put into the box and again introduce his amendment to the asked how he voted. I do not, know liquor license act, which aims at pre- that he would be bound to .ansncr. -, venting holders of shop licenses in one Mr. Mc.Doupalr-'rhen, it might depend I municipality from having agents can- 'In a 1391.1"er wftness to decide an elec- i vassing in adjoining municipalities non. , " . l a . The clause was allowed to stand. . " pe3,lrtidaprr,'i(, (t'eni//'1linlg,respg,',endet On the House resuming after dinner} asking that the Government build and the consideration of the election. bill in'; operate a railway through Manitou" committee. Mr. C. N. Smith called at- Island/to the dh, It on the 2ll!t1ll teniion to the clause making it a cor- shore . . . T 1 mm practice for a candidate' to hire . rigs for the purpose of taking voters to Will Plant Farm. a poll. He thought it was too strict. . Mr Hugh Clark (Centre '. Bruce)1 Steps are being taken to bring into agreed. There was not a man in thel operation the new experimental farm at l House who had not broken the law in Driftwood City, in the north country. that respect. The. 'and has been partially cleared. ' The Hon. A. G. MacKay added that and that portion is to be planted this lhe had long had thoughts on those year. Tho. Government will by this! line's. He could not see why a candi- means be able to give a very practicalI Edam should not have the right to go demonstration of what can he aceomp-l 1 to a liveryinan and hire half his horses. lished on newly-cleared land, and of its; lmhat would prevent rich linden getting! subsequent development. i all the horses and put an en to area - . . " ' l led work. Horses were hired andI Chairman ll as snowbound f i would be hired. and hypocrisy and.. There was to have been a meeting ot, humbug did not add to public moral- the Private Bills Committee of the Leg- ' .itv. ' islature yesterday, but it was post- ', Mr. Sam Clarke would not object. he poned. owing to the absence of the said. it" the Government ttxed tbs tariff. Chairman. Mr. l. B. Lucas_ Mr. Lucas for rates always went up about election wired from Markdaie that his train was I time. ' T snowbound. Messrs. Preston (Durham) l The clause was. allowed to stand over. and .To,r.,te,l,1,if,', (N. ferth) were among " q . . ' _ other mem ers wno were prevented ,Oppositiou Leader's hiquiiy. t from attendance on Monday owing to Hon. A. G. MacKay has given heal snow blockades. _ . l tice of motion ot an inquiry . of the? yeeL'Tg.tx"gr..=':.T..e.="."d=T.."dht= , Ministry as follows :-- /' .. l, i What municipal corporirtiotirrarfiofted! ite the Hydro-electric Power --Commis-' sion under 6 Edward Im., chapter, 15. section 6, for the transmission of electric power. or energy. with the re-J , spective dates ot such applications ?I I k Did the commission give to each of; ' the said corporations a statement ot the 1 terms and-conditions upon which such: ' electric power or. energy would be,