The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 5 Mar 1908, p. 2

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' " "wily _ "N wry-WWWL .N" '"r. 'eV T 7";n... , 'lr1lMfllMgi=.r,-.' ..~. t-6.>ir_t"h. _ l , V _ . "4 ' ----ia-- ,, «A - -'---.. A... a. w" . - L' 'q) ' - ' -- ' _ . _ ' '"nitrirahTiiéxf agreed with the object ofl "tilNaillttl " - . ' il ' " 's'nould also he an aireyimRB "Having U . I f "ER ., the bill. saying that people in the "fest- 'liGMlilI Igl " I y I y . " staff present at all times to mtiietfegw . T V Prn part of the Province were entitle? i "' ,. A . , f, - , l Cl _, V i _ . . ' I 'NMllllglNiill : iMlit8 _ r" ernencles and to give quiclf r131 .ehalf. . to the-same facilities regarding legal, , Bi NtMiitilt . 'tlil a I " those needing it. That a "19;" She To Ill pro'ceedings as in tly?? portions. l 'ihEilMitiNilll III, -. V _', - . holiday should be establishes n t He pointed out that the bill mado my i, 'iiilIllMtltilI! 'l!rt ill, , ronto exchange. thing compulsory. and gar-'09 TI") I)"; El,liiti.lllillllllllllill IBltE Child Labor in off1ceg. oc.,.:.-..,.....,.,,-.....-., . brought to the courts in Toronto if', n. s'.' y» " .'. I. _ f ' ..- . '-." :9 's. PI v.11. " . thought (loanuhlo. ', ( "if": RllllilttmBtt - w, . ed that the A I . w, " idt " 'g out." r Mr. Simpson also UTE . . . pr, l il .~ . , - . T - - - ,. , b. l no "(stunt " MgliliMllllllll IB, ' Q . shops act should be so extended agntv Spedial Committee of Legisla- ll" Automo Q " " tltt!tmMlMtllllli il , " apply to child 1nbor in offices. " . . The hill of MP. limvyor to "maid the tNi iNt8BiNitil. . 'oun men employed in brett- . '. V 'crrg' ' C hee smut] and u sepu.tion. Cl 'lthli, q, 4" st.. = " age o 3 F. h ld he "re 0 e . "kt to Itculd' - t K, I I _ iiigMSlitigllilii 511;"; cries and liquor gator-es, " on 'oi h , i of motor, vehicles brought a statement l iltg)lt8illltrllBlMtl "a, thought. have a minimum limit'of If/l, Iron; the Premirr regarding the v/in , f Mt Riki" I IMMlll r' 'I 10811 instead of sixteen. as P"" 'il -- ...-._ :nilulllnlJlG tlucstion. Mr. . V} hitrusyr 5. u ' ., 'ligmiMll - Re ulation of the hours of mlnf.rrs. 'ointP,t out that it seamed ditticult nt u k Mii u 'as EM t" g d U otrtcd eight I "In _ . _ _ . . . . ii . iiEltiitB ' MilMlE also asltcd tor, an a gs ft [10811 PREWER"S ATTITUDE lira-Cut to do"! with tht? question It't I o P. iBNliltlllgNllt .hours from shaft-head to aim -ue . THE ' it CommOn-yfttisu". way arid yet have: , a. i iNitMllllgiSi "I. as in British (olnmhla. fling Int-graft] tcn' the. vestcrl rights ot l 5 " taMilliallIlllit II A , int Expert Officer. ,,,V....._~....,._.__.. those iiitierc,.ctcu-l. Hc, thought thc only . 1""; ' all atilil& Bli ppo . _ m."- to Como to :1 t"orlciusiotl was to 1'Al ilf,t gifltMBlitlllig, Mr. F. Bancroft. Chairman of thr . . "Hit and you" what taxln'rric-nc-c ww';',",- I . ..%, "'~- " . . . ..a. _ ""q, . i,,m ' -i., w w, M . (/iil tfl,itlijiiEiMiliNtlil ' Provincial Execmtlvo. yyf'-'11. the 11190;.) What mwer Commission Has gown]. l minimum. hr: _.l,1'ir:.1/.?ji, ",'il,t.. ' (lets' }- (34%??'5' tlNili r Jity of fair Wage clauses norf on ab"; ' :lmt W.imrtrlly th"o,y.rcirr.)wr:'srtrii,ies ,, '? , 9/4"! jE S' giilallitMl EH18 placed in contracts or PII Cost Provinte mm yc'rcssi"ntt',i'l'c'. "M." 'r"eiy"_rtl, 'Att', W,',.)) .' ctBiNlillllltt iworks, but being Pnforced- . o . mum mu ilmt tip? ill-VFW hin-lr- if: I y " I.) h' ' , igllaatlll q l, Mr. O'Donnghno, in presenting a 379' "mm, to 24:13: So 1':ar H'.- his npinwu , Ii.%' . . 'ialllliilllllll :snlutinn with regard to "I: 'tl"")",)',',",,'),".." "s-"'--------..-..... Wm it "m. "m. " "Hugh," ctr" tirivi. , ."r8. . , "lalltlllBl i i , rlson labor ontoring ll " comp; _ "i thr, tirr,r, \VI'IHitI Him!- v'hmx hul'w': t "W? 'N i5r,5BiilMMl" io P "'". VA . r,',., lo'l'ulin ali'. w-- (l) _ .s"st"r"vm" 'irvawt '"cr. , , t I 'Jrtl, Mlgml, .v . ' tition with ftir. labor. said th 3 It ' . T . ., .i -. . _ _ " "ia-, virlld Inn Hill' .lit.i>Y"h'i"1 y ,1:th _illi'Mlllill! - ' conRratulato tho Cnvprnnwnt on thy [eminent Question of Mr. C. N. Fimitl g" "MM "I'M" in Fhep:liii.d. for ii.- , __ = l . . . (r _ ' . , te' _ . _ ' m", . H , bf' , " . PP"; 'o-ss-, $15 iftli r, 'lMilllll action tltv hnd "loaf" "Mall" at. (hault. ste Marie) Answnrml In mum». 11mm» in": 1mm» .l.V .n..., l " It , c: C', i'tfiliilil " t pointing H Cuut1ttN'eyl0t1. Wi 1 r V w. "1","? vr-lsirVr, though Ill land)?"- 0'1}: I, E lttlllliilllitllilr card to immizratium thoy roCON- 31im'sttt-criomc, Automobile Log. my dim-um- in Ontario MAS- l') tyr' s" G),f/ P. 'rlNllllllilg, "$53 nized that population was: ""f'ff"" . . . 7 'zzrul r-v~:.'::.'m:;iri:-.~. . Yr3itrrc :12". War" t%'iti 't aij8lMgillllllt . ,sarv hut thry ..l-.j.r..»u..1 to 1115mm" Nation Ill-rnnsidm-vd and l'n- s'sdr- mm. Hiiif'li'. 'r-SCP-r-tii,'..'. 3'1""le "a ' b 8).E . . - 'NIB. l: "C..' a n] while? thrrmmg "" . -. . . l : ».-. r,, :i"m ruin-Iim'ix' v'm-ry» IA li li £2,193,917; "At"; , i 1esue,"1'i111rn 'I rvlistious wm'k of the- srorliahlo, tia.vs Mr. Whitrio.v. 1.1"} I"; I a." , _ ».|.,,]1} I I e' o qs' = I "r " u s F' Q ' ... ' ' . .l " 1 J: s"?-',; ct. [, "ale) BBlliallll5 .q, " I vi . im Iror. thr"y obl'eteted to ito HIM. L . . r . . " t if, mtltltBtMi . E ", Sa vat I a '. . io '0 far It 'ew yi "r-ial C'onuttittri " iittiiil@llllll L n. my (i2r'ii.'tili')'r' a busiuosus .ity"ltytis " . .f »»3»~»~-~~--~»-- an ' pt 6 . . H K, '%teillllllllllllBlllill as the itnportution ot'rtttts 'VH' tcirtr% ".-ug.'ciir.stiturc, " _ th,ut. :riiirurspu';ti.1-s . 9" ' Mil -' y, lel t u mf, rd. ' .m' .» _ t',ies it: hi ",lswrsVrrri,iV I A... I w J, com rtt 1 _ . f ' F _ Y". - . . . _ tur: M .niuiij [1. l. tlt lip, . .i J ie t'lit)allii8l " . Mr. J. Ftorurst 1lri-T" tlo "Md f'" Brtiausts, " the Czcruptlorial humimr ot 1rll (I 1:121" dun, Itta" thr "in" tmy r'-- a ' & fill! l. tM 'mllMB . ' further lggiglntlnn "if thp rL'Knlt'lUT" bill:, introduced at tho Legislature this :ciC "ONE!" "Ill-roic-iih:titl' "rid NCU.' t g gall I r a." I .11, . . ... . (I lo tho bosusuvt- "ilvr th y, . _ 'i'f, EM W315," I .. . of fnumirlrk" ""1: was while Minivan WW reecpecting the speed and cqtttrtior, liroly w,li1rorli;lic. ' 1'" 'sdniittrul. 13"" . .3 " " .. 21.4. J, - " in" of riaP,tr,Pt'.'s' n W" ', '.'t "rt' _ "st- ~..- -. "r.. l l-., ' . _/a" ul/l' that in as nimble to mug: " 'ii) 2lfBirt! IllMllll8 BIB, in tlwir Work TV Prim" vointilo, kr; i-irltt"r'iirlnilcc, "pm!" IN lumpy Stat" '1-kvltll1in2: wt 1mm wt but 1V'ul'\" autum- r - - _ ... ftrfs - " it-ctr,.,"-,.. . _.: _ . _ .11.. . . C'tt', . I, D-"' A "55?"1'c BlllBlll I." . HOT! of tho shill" should .11."! ru, nt t " 3(2'1'1'411.» that. Fi sri/s-,'} uvl'liliilitt'lr w," Mould yts't'IV" '_'trrscH." l'hllnl,, _ Cl ', I. V . ,'., _ . _ . . ' , _ i ' 'teg. _tftlllilMillllilllllllllllllltlllt tondod to. "mild n» appmriir-t'l in ("lllrl'l'l' Fania _t'rroaliiirg ils Hi; indiiiluui. in" thought T. ....~.' A": , " r . . . . , . t tl-. ,..I ._».~».., 'L. (r .» . t's' "ii' t I aitMl rdllllllll = if T . 'le Promwr a rtcpl,v. Plrlrrl "riding to alleviatc thic t:ouNss, "Mt It (irep. NI 'f'/i)',",.ri1l.i',_'i/',,.l1l'ie,r,'rl,1i1 it: -, - 'N' L "d . a" a _ . ._ ' l . w.- _ . _ ' 7 . _ 'tsy WOlllCl'i, mun"; l .1 t, , n': Ili' U! at}. gilliliNllllMI I I Prmv,irr Wilmivy. m roply. suid itl'rtttt, Tvhich the ""81 C"N".s,tit1lPlli"is?s, f c. lint and assist the "'uli'lf'li until {hwy aw, " '.litimllllilllill 's, - , y ' I no dullht from "lulwf' XOitHIEr'I: 3:121]: lupi'laliy a re teomplssining, S.) 1,nt' thr c3t- cot [MEL (m "if. my". 1.35.}. ".0 Ri " x: a - - ' & r I lar rlvputations won ' inr H M- . in Ms Fit at," ', it-o- e-_'. _ r c Tg_. ' (MW of tilt? C,'t)iirI-iIrii':t-lt was Irliiir., il E fRiiltllallt - L' " I to wait upon tle, Hrwvrmnnnt or thnir ml A itll. 1:'z='-I""' In Win" this ifl1ti) Wei? were to he " Hamil-or U: Ml '. (tMilll1 " 3 rr Ci u l cuc-wnssnrs. Thv bruindnninb': of public h;tve been "1 many "ill-I'SU'JV- "rid $013" £37."; ax; lim- iitror,i,c,t Tl!, 's ' . -.'."/.'. ~' '. ' i" . .7' Fu' b . _ ' _» '.___., LA - A "_., 7 _ ':"3 '_ir. 'l.' Ite _ _ , g.". " 1fllliglifii . . I " , l (minivan and Minn" of "t1i1111,'roilH Hi tin-m tip? Prprirnm cxloarrsitcsrrzei-l as hills, lw, suid, 3m": 1m Tim "on to " 'tilalNllilt "1'." " ' (nt'ctvcscurily ""1"" to tho S"gg"3t"m ol "ill-corisidc:red and 1onworlcrilrrle" Hr: mrr-i'iili'c r'31V'fTI't] ("'ili'lflitt'wP 01' Hm ilEMtgMlil I j. I El " " . chnnm's in tin iziw. Tho 1"rsrct't-t1ionsxtnt. . _ I . i. _ . I . . ' _ 170m" " lE5itBtl "r, r s " " Cl ' I 'tllvrol'nro wrvhuritid sugge'stimis t'outitlst iirlmittracl that at pi'ngnL hr, hirn.ccvlt hrr,l .\.'(,(:ll.'ll in". Il. "my. l -v',. Hymn pl ' " 'l , - ' . _ . . , _ . , . ' ttss.-".'. .\.- , ll: » . ,0.~' MiliMili' . L Mt ' . r from " 11:11:" swim" ot tlv. Crrt 11mm tiD solrrtion to oftVsr, but lic, llwright l we 'irr- wr, v.m-~~l~.-y.i in " H... 3.11 waln- 1tllalalii " im ' " " itv. With " _lj/i/p'lii,t"",,t,' "1"" c',', time and cxpcrinnrv. would show just , Ham 7 I» . -' " - . - "* C) " . .,.,- y . le ' tcr it nun iMSSl'H' . . rt -', _ _.', _ " ', ' ___ . I - - = ' - r J. ttl airs to 1mm " .. . -3 v.. " V" *P ... V! 'rt. C! .- I. l! :rl;i t, fl" "", ii." Hi mil x " - . ' i J, » - L . ("ow rmnn-m in tsi-or/tli im' y,?a,_t.cyuPt: t? De done. In an; (new. Ar, an I, J. .' fi 'jr), l . m: l, . '35" Mm " ' "ck ' ror ally ' in "W!" I". which all bills relating to the rat-"5' at which v-mnw up an: ity, ;~'1Hlll] hauling Mr. .. - . n, w " l > T . . LI 's' i" l. .il, s _ a .: _ _ , _ ,. F T V . "grs ", ' _ 'li-s-h" ',, {m 'r,-.",,., (!glilltB, ti Mi , , - rr ' ' 'n",)'),,:",':.:):"'",;"",','),,,)?,,,,' Tia chime!" "ytornobill ti .fhhi] Hans] and lbs; regula.- inn." / NN Wm 1yry. 'IN l. 71 ' , Ti.'.lrlioiiyi: " IttdBitltllll r: Cr ." (C",",?,,'",'?,',] rr it ot' n In furl-W niwr'li» 1mm gor'ri'nlng," their Olmmnon will be 'I will that it. nwroimwi Luv mm» to i "H KM' MI " [l, WWW" w 'tdll, ' ' . . mc,t" 'b'Ca is ..- G. v it a ' ' "rirc'i. i of1,V. ,r-rs "uitirr,:ct tho "it , 5" ' . G , ' u T Slug" 'iml if immu- would innit nt thlva. If ily/'ed, t.o. l . . - Eyegdlu c"y,1r.'-yittf're: 3'. 'umm. If] il l it I') - n m :tr.d thnt Mtlgilli - w " " ' -."' . I' [Wit thin: "W... "Hm" would Nunee additional 1%rormation about the Amt Iii-'irlvmai ." T. may "l i m 1 Kai. " - MII I 'm' that If..', 1"Mum-:1 n4. Him 1mm. um». Hydro-ti/citric Power Commission was :1 fruit" oi '<er-i:'1l OHM-Hr: 'mzzht in in, 15llllt8Bii5lli 1. - it: 'l' . l t,/1y,,,,i1',/l/tt, £11.... .ll-Ni'ip' _ 1h" did HM c'r,itiiye-l from") then, t.)f,itti,1try by'a, unStlon :lliluiillltu] tet 51'!" that thr: i'PW W125 0;}- MStlMi, - " ("C ' , wh, n 'f.' "a {In} virsltsii.t m. rnvoiutinn ot Mr. c. N. Smith (Sault hie. Marie). fan-nu. _ . T , T8lill MI . " i". ' 3 " " l i HCP "it",,stt1iy'iili,J),)ii', /sr tsado in' "m It was 'asuNuptained that the commission Pl'mnil-r' \Yhitm'v 1niitr,rtisitiirsi!. how- = 3 ' t - . ' " "if. (ary In u F' p, \ 'i','o l _ , . e "rr' "q w.' w,' V," -9. 0 Q. " -. . A y _ .1 'tsh _ h; . . "s _ a? 1 i will); ..\ l " l r Ir, , r tior and tlp, (r'sr's-Cytimet1t would liq- gift the Provir, e $.-.9-6.i8 since its r\ , thin _ty_t lull." iu: Iryrclt uh tt Th In NN' 'iil 'NIM . ' . q . L' l.'f puta l h _ HY? mumblr- ccm.eid, 1lir:c'ptio'n. hub-n" l'nm'w\'<. UHF} th;"otTtrevuouid Wit m Itil , {"51 " It' . ' lg"? than: Shaft} Lg. ry/cl)',""",.,)",',.",', C.,',";,'.-',,,',.,,', The following new Fills were intrn- l _ iniv'rwlunru'i by 'P priv:otc-: mnm'nor. iittiitlt " Ir 133:3: " ;eratiml. Mr. bitr, 1 Irc,',...') pit iii,", duced: To unwnd the act regulating Ttrr, hill was dro:rrpo,0 i'n'c'aiHe of this B. "int iNillitllt1 h' IN il8 , , glad that t1'r.1j, 1'(,"cir,1r'c"j,,i,,"i,1',',l,,t/t1,'"' We} the speed of rumor vehicles on high- m-mnvir-n \ "IIN Jail", " . ..t.rrrd .of thr, "WW" aint/tl" tll . ways, Mr. Devin (West Durham) ; to Other hill.» gum a sut:ceond 'rt'ncling Mill? "ttglial I, , .5 . 7 lin rs-ight, .____. amend tho assessment act, Mr. Jamie- awn} : To amend 'ho rmmir-irial new» ltlhtmittlltl1l s, fl? . wr ' , . - you (South Grey); to amend the as- Mr. Praia (lam Wellington». and to igl%Mllll8lll " ii . J, was-men: rust. Mr. Craig (East ll elling- .qmoml t"t ir-gisiry iret--r)r, ("i-am» $$illllllii iillllllllm r', " "' IMH- vSt'niTh l'ii'HC'F-l (IA% MleB!Ml-! " r l 'AN. " -.. _ _ "17.", hc Mi' WANT" P, 'i . i q More Ahout Power. Ahout Assissmpnt _ ct. lfhilttiN ", " MIN - - " . Mil 5ililllilillM " " . l Mr. Smith (Saul: Ste. Marie) asked: Thc, hill respecting tho:- arttintt'tiil ot Railiafn'av Mljllt" I . P, - " tl) Whryis was the Hydro-electric Pawn; worn}? fl'i"p',',r,r'iT.j/i".cit, I'D-'5'» $10919an LI - - [i a ' . " . r ' "s.cipt -' _ . ic ww- ed? (2 the; ort Ct r: ar Ot" an 16 31 re- M' 'lair, Il-l " (i?//a"/1','yJ"itcy" fd1tirl,f,/ootcrtti'ht, commis- _ ' p "rn _ x: . 'el v cud hi!lalilll 'l-ill" - . ld (Ht, {1. it Lb . . . t $meCittnq the torvr: qt Ieistoy'e Pas-te l A» (H h) iiRtt1ile 'dit sl 'IN' ' - SIOnCI'S ? C?) How much has been paid the committee stage IAN-"W Wm": " w I - r q am ua l ' to each one of the (-ommls- .. u " .= JI' .' . . .1 .0 r i;cs mm- c" QiiElltlMMi h' " ' . . 2 l Y. . . o lhu IlmlllCl. "Arum", 1.: in- l ,' v- 1..\-..". 'alt" iMi' .. 0 rclt'ynlrrtr, 5111C? their appmntment . (Y) he). of, bills wliich had he"? introduced Iklf "M!ifiillltlllligiilt, . " h' What has 1ten the aggrngate c'ost to by Miran: ,mutnl.reyt, to alumni the a.» X talllgiiltiillllllllllll - ' the Provim:t of thitriitumissiott since '~.»';s>;1ne:-nt am. said that i.' 3TH" deal '? lIltllMEiitiltilKlM- ' irtrrc'ation ? lot time had been explzinde.) ori tne l !illltllllfiitlliiRillltt . Bl © l V rpply lead by: the A,i,tT,tTy,-fitI: out in arriving at bases: of assessment l . 5&1!1A*?(gX~-'n h, 3' " i. . roral "as; (l) WT. r)rdut,y l3eik, fit?15t ' t'i3y different descriptions of DrOpCFFY- ' :Wbigfh SM Bltistt '.' " r Pattinson and P. w. Ifrilit, apnouitci V'l'he principles of the. nut new: 50 Wi- :?, 't"f8i&ilie m S 'ttt " v' T.Tn1lftion"t't; by _nrder 1n ( gum-ii July l Independent that to amend one would Ei 1ifltg3l& Bll - y I f Mh, 1905. to impure and report ps P. l interfere with the: Whole He suggest- $tlMlMllili Bll . MI r Present and '1')1'Oh'IjI'JIC (lemma fot {ed that the various Irills might Ity m- F. V a 'Btalim18Blltlll d _ lwdraulic and oltructrir', DOW'IY- "t" Hon. trqduced and than dropped Ct'n thc: lat'.- u Emu"? , MIN! " 'd - ' Idr . Fowl mam- r- Pattinson and John I l ,. ,', " "f, 7.2": . J, 'd, Ntisi a i" W. al ' " ( "I" _ h, rt, ' " . . . derstanding that the CrOVt rnm ll 'r,tiiltliMllMlll 'i' ii. M ', _ Milne riypttsintml '4 HOW c't)Tmls?yorl of ' would mfer the whoht mrqttcsr M :5 ttroy- . '3) tit!MMlEillltl 'MII r " l inquiry under order in (found! Jan. wail JoiGrittiii://dhrt ss?ssior. , y, Wea' Rai8llglllililll , 'y y 3.5m: 190tl. (el pméont 1-'prnrnisecc)otityrs, The "iii:,'iis'ti"th'c1i' arriCJrr/w,d 'd 'rfit1iQinigtillgllMlililllli "ml- Adam Hcar4i, Hon. J: bi. ml/t'ir1r,.i,e, Mr. b." <57: Ross wiahma to amend = V iiliMllll!llRllli " " and w. H. Mc-Nnught. i2) 1,')tt,r,-.H,el,.1: the i'ita"-t"ite" labor ant in such a man. Cl vl ' wt lit" . "gre l ctr.; u» '3 . ' ___ . l" x- : v . ...-r - ." L-, ..' V ." it (tgit3llltlilll r". _ r' ' Adam Bi cl; t1.i\¢,1hng hull o ho f" I nor as to enable? township Covtv"ils. it i ',i.ii' E' IitiilllMll " Ci g I W'n'w'c' $400; I" w. Hum honorarium. , 'triis. 2o dpkirar 1(0- pass a hr-law at. b , 4 P, - " L". . " . s.,.'... A__ ' ,'r..' 'i "co - y F V" I", b"br C . I _". £3553 !iRllilllillll - . r Mm" 1t.1fC-vHou. Adam Iii? 3:60 9 (u,vp",,l, 'i-mpting farmers' suns trom statute T> r = ki I - " . ling; and othrr vans'eF. . S- ' T . , " _ t .y 'alnrl Bet' I ..' _ . , - _ t - .in' l -iltthor. . ' , "Q "l ' I, r 'y r r A' . _ . i),' "lt ' $30f Join 'I ,'4 ' . i, . _ iii) '% aiNINl8 lilr I ". Ruining" tiorn 1,'t 5,03" 1351;3qqr, .' 1906 ': Mr. Preston (lCouth Bram) w ill mum . it -trT, 213.3%".15. - 31111--12)».sun'r'JntL'gfl'" Tiii1/, iid'..' idnc-e a hill giving the city ot Bram: ?. '31 Bhlil 3...! q if e k' . $?.5,762.%'; ~13H.' t4u,.v.?l.2 ' t . Tr ' " '" - . c with the assent ot , " ' _ mria "r. r - ', m." l ford 13mm to bun _ . .; _ cri1c',i../1ju%lillNllllglllN " '"'"r'48. C _ i . the eirsctors a, SDI)? line ot railway "Kit" {'33)} SiE1lilellll Bl 3213-} Another Bill "'itlulrann. 5 tryrmirral facilities to be owned to the A. r " BM! " 'iN, l.. " - . . _ ' i municipality. 'iieii, iM" " Fl _. F, " i ' . I.tev,ardiner the bill or. 311'. l'ifltt 5 eJC.T"i=.T=.r:r=reh"rL.e.e."1'CT l . lil " "'. . , I . (Smith Norfolk) . for the incorporation. . -r---r-r----------- F.?,'! 'liJifBaitlIiNlil1 - . ot" chartered accountants, l",'; Premlf'l , u if 1hlMl8illri" ' I permanent 'that we amen 'GI') '35 Ca" [rdiitlit "'5! , r "' ' to.a public bill while the mnem Pf"] in , ' " iMNllllllll, ' . itself was a private. hill. At, his tiug- 'lf) tlMlii 4.1;... ' I - gestion the bill was withdraun. - - / . fia8allllgilil w - .. Mr. I-Iodgins CN. lemloiileX) inm- m i .5 ML: Pd all im , il r the.second reading ot his , res! f'Cf,iyr I tai Malilliiliilt . . - tht, weekly court. and Mr. Ross (XX . l A Tdt Iafl0l (I. " - ml g, " v . ' -~ . _ 7 _ N» ' S MIN , . . - tlt! 'igill 9:1." .' I "

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