The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 6 Mar 1908, p. 1

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I -' 'i "'5~:'~¥%a L y, w ' 'eo, T ""?' ' .. e rr - v . " I " ' . "r b i i .. , Wr IA . iii h" A iliiti - ' 'Tciiii5FiT%iiii - ttttT ,r , - eilenc . I'hut, ' _ i i ASK gW" {I}: _ , T v. Cr'i],Pdl'tP,eltr','urida'2i'M),rirdl ','firrii,t'J. 'tlf,', dons the lines indicated," "tit _ _ i I L. l .. p = .". ti /ttretpsititve idea' or theMiitfof the Pro- res 2,1111% The fltrurpt' voted In the I .. . l -vinco to right this disease. Scientists {a Inuit? must not be retardw l TDRMSE (lfl,j0llllfrril.'i'v,1 that it we are earnest we can l" "is". as the Government} i .- t, _ drive consumption from the country., tion so _ ',ifil", to leave the quest". ', 'We should be greatly to blame if we as _ pedn until we? the meeting to- ' 'N, ' . _ did not do our very utmost in thisulir- It?, an IPT, they had heard what ' ' ', \ g A action to make our peotr1e:immune. from y',fi,fieed'/tktt, had to propose. The , ' in this plague which affects the whole, 8:110": gala; fri'i,ett.rg,,'1e, 2hu't Gov- ' . known world." . I . ' ' e. pu S tttttf , eputation From Tuberoultnis The Lieutenant-Governor. Sir Mor-: 'lub"llptelett,, /!,e/1ig,rd'1,t,rrt,, ber, Vgholo' ', . timer Clark. in opening his address said .. _ -, U ft S. W c , y eine '; Conference to See Premier. that the gathering of such a large num- l placed 1.p, the hands of 8very adult tn 1 her of delegates from all parts of the,', lho Province, would leave no "cuss for '; Province nugurod well for the earnest-l, ignorance on the subject such as at- ' ness and sincerity they possessed in re- l present exists. . i gard to tho work 'of preventing and of; (Emmi! those Jah,,", 'lt1A"gp1, short , ' alleviating the suffering endured by so; ttt resses were A ayor ' rcy " ott ot' lMEETING HELD YESTERDAY. :mnny of their fellow-citizens. It wast, Ottawa; Mayor Stevelv. London; Mrtr. , i both the duty of. the municipalities and ', P. D. Crerar. Hamilton ', Mayor J. _ ----- i the State to core for the health of tho w. Rowlbv. Rrantford : Mayor J; 8.; i pc-oplc'. ond there was no reason. he Campbell. St. Catharines: W. H. Moss. l I . . Inuit]. why vigorous stops should not he Dundas. and J. H. Cook, Lambtone Provincial Secretary Speaks i,t.y,Ion, by the Stat? to 1i,)1ft'fik 2,hfig",11- county. . _ ! , , osisi, such as was (one wit sum pox. Self-reliance the Best. Policy l 3 For Government. iTliirtv Thmwand Deaths. , f .. . . In response to a vote of thanks for 3 Mr. W. J. (Sago in his address said tho l his grat'iousness in taking the tttttttr, .' ..._..._...... was; report of the Provincial Board of his Excellency the Governor-General ', w . El'lf'iillll showed that in ten years there said in part :--"I was glad to Yer _tn, "ioverttoroGeneraI Chairman at Con- iwnro over 30.000 dnaths from tiiborr-ul- Fu't many speeches the note that "N. l T . I osis rogistorod. This numhor. based on I people have to depend upon themselves. ! tenure of ( ounty and Municipal i thc ':orrsorvritive 'sstimato of four ca new l and not to lie down on tt,ef/,.2,'iTt,'t I . . . to oar-n (loath. moant that thorn. wore woven in spite of tho. speec rom Wes - ' Delegates Mt Alexandra Theatre-- lab-mt 120.000 roses of consumption in em Ontario. in whioh the suggestionl ' Rec, , - . e I various stages: t"crntinually' in oxistenr-o was made that the Government of On- , option at Government House [in the Provincn. There was. however. tario should ttnd all the money that} --Earl Grey Favors Movement. {said tlits sporslmr. some C'ttt'ourttei'1nrmt. was required to provide the hospitals. l ! in tho tar-t that in tho last. seven wars (Laughter). No, gentlemen. we have', 2 tin-re had hem: " decrease of about 15 all got to depend upon ourselves, andl -------- ' nor cent. in the. lit-nth rate. and it't.1"'- I heard with the greatest possible plea- 1 l how-d that tho .\uiional Hanitarium sure tho announmment from Mr. ' r""---------------------------- l Association had rl.:,]','?,'.-,",:'")),?,', hell??? to Hanna of the intention of his Govern- i . F this result. Thc, Pith-s of r Manta. "lt'.- merit to tire are a a - , Ware the White imam Ottawa and London had iiizadeim' would rarryp i"tidrd'h'l2hlefntowht"2i' 3 were making provision for uncommon lt- households of the poo Me: beea Plague. 1 tion for "(.mp- 1a..ll'.'-rlt/s: but all "the belim-a that you must '2",yutftd,'iethf, gather municit,ralitir'c in tho Provityrrt self-efforts and "Don the" educati f I rim-p; pass through a pity lmd dun» nothing hut make an occa- tho pooyolo themselves if sal wisl'in I', in Canada in the early morning, , "ml?" grow. to tho-Muskoka /2,o'.1tr..r.y:t. i, Pondiinr this enemy. oa.Giiipiia' I nib-r Ie-ailng H. railway station 'ice'..',,",.??,'.",,",,",..,,','" ll1frl',',",yl),, 1111,/'ct/1it",,".i, never pas: through'aritv in Canada. duNng tho winter, without in i',),').)"":",:'"",'))',',",:.:,",.",').,',',',',"")','?,, sf/id/di.': in the early morn'mtr. after leaving a counting thr numlu-r of Open .ilmw .ii,k hospitals had. increased by (,e'//,T,',ti',' Fifth?" during the winter. windows that I see. and I pass i..'a';.C./i":-',/' Pf".' wont. while" the Govern- ',',1t,'211set1gt1n'sr2,e,,gip,ej; li, ope; , ' w.--. ' r... ..77.s.; ~.' ._..%e- . Free, 7.3 [influx-i stiei-t after street 833- I firmn-Wwflwnr street n",'dUel,iri','. "iii-313:: parently without a cranity or a ' .M-j'" .'i'ar-k throu gh which the j ngOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO frosh air from outside ; . . q i P\.f . 'l'll] Prtnotrate the house, v... The Premzer and the Power a and 1 reflect upon tho way in in o . whicm tho poor people. out of :1" Q sheer ignorance are manufai-- 5' ttestiort. Hiring consumption by prevent- ; ing the. blessed air of Heaven " ' P '? '? ? 'P '? ? 'P from coming in and saving i O . a - '- F them from becoming victims of l _ .rp:y. A. G. liarlxay has put 11p0t1 the order paper of the i that ' Plague-lan Grey. Logislature a series of questions that will probably force Pre- l _-----.----.-- a..." ..- mlt't' W.hi.tney to tell the people of Ontario what it. is the gen- l The need for prompt action and eral opinion even of his political friends he should have dis- i united effort was the keynote of the - closed when negotiations were entered upon; namely. that the 3 splendid tuberculosis conference held in '8 Government ot Ontario had an opportunity to settle the entire f 1ltA"'xan"a Theatre yesterday. The l power problem by acquiring control of the Eleetrieal Devel.. ; 2/2Ji'ft",.',nS,' was called by the National; l opment Company's plant on terms as advantageous as those i "it. gaff"? C,',?,",",',') yy' 'delegates. secured by Mr. Wm. Mackenzie and his associates. The quesi- ; _ f - C . n . .. . . . . . . . g ' - . . .. l 12Pct?.alit.ies: and tions of which the Leader of tho. Opposition has given notice. " ,1. counties. ll ith little questioning the _ . . k . l t conference passed by a unanimous and which are likely to be followed later by a debate that will l . lstanding vote a resolution to the Pro-3 l clear the air. are as follows c-- I Evin-rial Government asking that moi Mr. Mackay, on Friday next-Inquiry of. Ministry c---- I Government . ' " z , . . . . . . i . 1eter".1"s Increase the': (I) Did fH23" representative of holders of, bonds issued hr grants toward stamping out tubercuio-l . . " l . . . . 7 , l is". in the Province at 10 30 dclock; the Electric Development Company fnterview the Premier or t cu", an the delegates who can win' any member of the Government prior to the 26th of Febru.. l i form a deputation to wait upon Premier l dry last, when Mr. Wm. Maekenzie obtained a controlling In- l Whitney and his Cabinet in order to i terest in the said company '? C. . ', . . . ' ,3 T ' . . . , I 'itrteg,', 1'id"r:' (r/off",' in the uso- (2) if so. was any suggestion. proposition or offer made i i ... . . " ou. . J. Hanna, Pro- ' ~bv"tln=i said reprgseartstirts to the G'trmxrtiment' o~r~any member l vincial >ei-retary, assured the confer- l ' . . _ '-' u Th. . , h -q. . I range that the Government were WW. thereof lookipg,to the 80ftulr1ng b) the 1'ov1nc0, or t e Lit} l lmuch disposed to assist, and promise}; i' of Toronto of all the property of the said company or of a con- 'that the deputation would he accorded? . . . " . V " T i" You. sympathetic reception, trolling interest in the.said compan . . . 'i The 31ml: was taken by his Excel- ( 3) If the interview was not along the said lines. what , enm- e "vovernor-Ge e l. - Fi , C . .. . . ... . o i Honor Sir Mortimer l.efi"rekrflial'lthat iii; I was the nature and result of the said inter, IPM I .' l right. Among those on the platform . . . e . of the intorvi w '.' ' l (were the Hon. w. A. Charlton. Mr. I (4) ".1181 "as the date e . I W. J. Gage. Hon. W. J. Hanna. Mr. (5) Did anv letter or memorandum iass between the said leward Gurne M A b V ' . . _ . "in J. sl.' ge,',',?,',',,,:' 313."; r95§rK§23 representative and the Premier or any member of the Govern- l , Mrs. J) fl; gran-Ir. Hamilton l Mayor ment l? l [Stove r, on on; Ma. or IYArev S- _ . . . . " - - ' :mtawit; Judge 'Bi,'l'ov,t Stratidrdfgii'. l (6) Did the Premier immediately make known to the ir "'1.l t'.N'.vtd,'re1ttt','f LlDr. N. A. i Mirror of the City of Toronto or to any other member of the . we. . . aves. '. . . ! .'.. . . . . q ,,' l l? J. Crabbe and Thomas 14331:." ood, City Council the nature of the said interi row and the terms of o ' . . . a (Governor-Gene-ry Opens _Mpetin'. any such suggestion, prpposition 01 dffer . _ _ ' - . . ' - "t v P 1 Mr. Edward Gurney expressed the (i) Did the Premier or ays.mtmhet of the Governm ntdo (tpprecftt.tti.4.?p a]! the conference for the anything whatever towards bringing the said representative l favor his Exec leper the Governor-Gen.. . . " . _ n" in feren t on the sub ieet "l ( oral had tshown-them in consenting to and the City Couneil l to" con ee _ Jil 'oocupy the chair. In ommintr, Earl , (8) If not, why not 'd Grey said that he und.erstood the meet- . . I : Ling had been convened-withthe object 'eeTyerheCDeDCDCDCDCa2C8DCL=a=DCDC=DCDeDCDCCDCCDCCDCCD= ot enabling the l-deiexates to discuss --. . what means should 'be taken to 'put . "down the mat niacin.- "I have lit-. 5 .

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