( SAM . . ' R011 7, 1%. "", ' I' "NW WWW "Cttotta. asking it any representativ- "m l "f!fflillimlfl, fil TELL the bondholders of the Electrical on: velopmont Company had interviewed the Government tettard'.nir a proposi. OF POWER. DEALS tion for we- I "It is utterly imposible for me to answer that question in a satisfactory "mm... __.... way without making a speech of forty minutes and without doing injustice to . . the situation." said Mr. Whitney. Says He Will Answer Liberal "weanling the third question. or . , tn: intervielw was not along said liner. . w at was t 9 nature and result ' Leader 8 auestitms. said interview ?' now I have tglte, itnakn a speech to answer that clues. ----. -"""..a...e-. ion." tr,fscg'urd,i1t'i'gCeht Premier asked that a t? question e also made in the n - A FORTY.MINUTE SPEECH. turn of a motion for a return. a Hon. Mr. MacKay said he did not know if a return would go tar enough. -------- "I am prepared to let my honorable friend make the question as wide as i . he leases. an on -. o . ri -. All Queries to be Answered on "th/il',,'":',','..,",)";.,.'.'.',"' M n " M TI ll gtve _ This request was also complied with. Monday 1lext. Some New Bills. ' ---------.. The following new bills were intro- ' duced :--To iamend the act respecting 1 .. , . . the appropr ation for veteran land 1 beans That Much Explanation ", grants, Hon Mr. Cochrane; to amend 1 - , ._ . . . the liquor license act, Mr. Thompson ' Acct-ssh" Question hs Member (Wentworth). Explaining his measure. Changed to Order for a Return to the Minister of Mines said ft was sim- ply mrant to cxtend the time untit Give More Latitude in the An. Scptcmborl for receiving applications. Fir-plying to Mr. Labrosse (Prescott). swcr - Bills Advanced Another Hon. Mr. Cochrane said that the great- est drpth to which the.. Government had Stage. gone- in their mining explorations on the Gillies, limit was 140 feet. i -..---- Whcn Mr. Foy's bill respecting also tions of members of the Legislative As- sembly was in committee he explained Apparently more is much explaining that it was tho intention not to have to be done by the Ontario Government 'ee',t1?.,tti',dv,ffne, at ht),',) 313-095 where tat: ' " were s u sung w on er were enti e's in connection with the allcged ap- to vote at their homes or in other ttrottches made by a representative of xt'.ace,s. the English bondholders of the Electri. Hon. Mr. MacKay CgKHtendéd that '" , - 3., 5-- students in Toronto or ingston from "'1 Dex tl'?'l".'f. Companif for 3 it" October till the end of May might lose day Premier Whitney said it would their votes at an election. take a forty-minute spwch to give the "There won't bo any then." said the! Legislature all the details. Yesterdav Premier, laughing, With evident refer- " ' ,'.. cncc to this vcar's oleetiontt. ' afternoon tho Premier had a fewthmgs The committee reported progress on to say about the recent questions of the bill. Hon. A. G. MacKay regarding the work Progress of Bills. of the Hydro-electric Power Commis- Otht Goxcrnmcnt measures as in - . 2' . . A . " _ . fo", slop and the Government s attitude the JlfiuftTfi,' stage were ":1'ftt2'flift1Q cc ncernlng the latost developments. He the Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, room-star] the Liberal leader to change and vesretit.ur :11 'd'Jet1'etllt, ttttttn . ." . .. It - his question to a motion for a return, ',eiac1t?e2r1if"i'r1'i?i's. 3%.; ut'tieegeit:., the request being complied with. This trical Development Company of Ono! action is taken to moan that Mr. Whit- 1eloi fa.t,1t/"'irot,',0.th ot them fathered N . . . . IV Ott. A . S'. my desires to . make sonic rathm Private bills given a second reading lengthy explanations. since he would were ".--'ro amend the public libraries have more latitude in handing in a, re- act. Mr. Thompson (Wentworth) l to turn than in simply answering a ques- amend the municipal act (Mr. Gamay). tion. However, Mr. Whitney promised and to amend the pounds act (Mr. to give the Housc the information do- Gamey). The bill 77 Mr. McElroy sired on Monday. and added that Hon. (Carleton) to amend the act to regulate Mr. MacKay could make his qur-stions the speed and operation of motor ve- ' as wide as desired. Several bills were. hicles on highways was read a second advanced a stage at the sitting rot-ster- , time and inferred to a special com- day. er' . mitts-e: to he named later. , F rivatc bills passing the committee The Limit Reached. fstngo wore '.---rtrsptucting tho town of When questions hy members were .Ptttlt, Dt.. Prism". lLanark): rospect- roiachr-d on tho order paper Premier {mg the division Giulio surplus income 'Whitney arose to make an explanation ' Ir, t':"? 1'iviot'.V ot Ft. {Jam's (Mr. regarding the questions by Hon. Mr. l I'I'A'i'li'n'liii l/ty tl? act itiorpoyating MacKay which affected the Hydro- iHlypit.', oll"t, hit. 'llnnnns tMr. Mac- clcttric Power Commission. The first i)1ltit,r1.e.e1).: and rt'srttitlng tho town or (question was concerning contracts that t t oilingwood and tho .1'o.llityTp?od Ship- had been made, it any, between the {building "'mr'a.n.v. l.umtcd (Mr. Duff). commission and the municipalities. _', i' n7? bill r't'i""".tlnkv' the villagc of Mark- Hon. Mr. Whitney stated that the: .' duh- tMr. Jamieson) was read :1 second Government proposed to got the in- 'tunc. formation at the carIiest possible mo-,' lic.' Smith's Question. uncut. but thee limit had now been roachod with reference to the question Mr. Smith (Sault Ste. Mariel will ask of returns. He had looked into the on Tuesday: llow many permits to cut authorities and found that questions timbsw on Crown lands were grained hy were allowed in the British House and the Government in 1907 ? In the aggre- in Ottawa where the subject could gate. what were the maximum quanti- mf'rtyc with a concise reply, say a simple tics allowed to be out under those per- nogative or aftirmatisuit. Mr. Whitney mits. of pine, jack pin», hemlock, said he could quite understand the aux- sprum. tamarac, cedar and any other iety to get the information as soon as i. kind of timber ? possible. and the Government pro- ; Mr. McNaught has given notice of posed to co-operate. The information l motion that hovwill on Monday intro- rcquired was quite voluminous. but it, duos a bill rospccting the manufacture was now atmost,'a1i, ready. - He ,prp- and sale of bread. perbeWthat Hon. 'Mr. MocKay make " .. 1r.CTr.tT=h=.".rI.'.TtTCer=tt.= a motion tor a return. and on Monday the. information would be handed in. ' A Forty-minute Speech. , Hon. Mr. MacKay said that he had afterwards found that the firat Ques- tion. asking what municipal corpora-i tions had applied to the commission, was a little wider than he had intend- l, ed. He had assured the Minister in: charge that all the information stated; in the question might pot be brought, down if ncCcssary. He agreed with) - the premiers .suxgestlonv' , _ l F as her. Mr. Whitney drew attention to i my Mr. MacKay's second series of (mes-j . .. / /