The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 13 Mar 1908, p. 2

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. ' , ct~Mr. Pix-Hon (South Bruit)?- . Ctmttttnest raid, had 30 Senators. 250 Crit', = " " pecting the Queenston Heights park~ E Representatives and a population ot . q _-- --eis-- '___, ' Hon. Mr. Foy. To amend the con- 'i 343.000, giving an average of about Itriil be referred to a committee com- ' _ i mndatm municipal act, "ht-Mr. Mc- i1,200 to each member, and New Hamp- lDOSed ot himself, Hons. Matheson and 3 llougaL Pe l, shire. with its population of 41i,000, had 'Hanna. and Messrs. J. R. Dargavei l The bill of Mr. McDmigal (Ottawa). .24 Senators and 393 Representatives. llLeeds). F. G. Macdiarmld (West ,v'hich is to amend the municipal act. '; ". Elgin), C. M. Bowman (North Bruce), t'l',",'fy,',tsr1,!o "an" the real property .Opposition Leader Critieiaes. f: Clarke (West Northumberland), and ' "rirralif1r'ation in cities from $400to $300. l Hon. A. G- MacKay said that he it" hi. May (Ottawa). l i chdistributjon Proposals. (understood that in Great Britain the Maintenance of Institution. g l ; Th , -'. _ h , principles ot the redistribution bill were: I _ . _ . , , .e Ircmicr in mount; the soiond 'discussed at a conference of the lead- "hm. the House went into Commit-' . l Wilding of the bill rcspccimg t'elWes"'Hr- ' prs of the parties. and the principles i tee of Supply tho Opposition criticisms F ( trilon in the Legislative Assembly said of the measure (lpcided upon hnforo it lwcre directed against the asylum at F l thut the time had come when a new ' was laid before the House. In the pres- !IIomilton. Mr. Thompson (Wentworth) ', >'('licme of representation was abso- lent instance. he understood, from what loskod how it was that the Hamilton; Ll'ltoly iir-i-cssary. It did not iicccssar- 'iiG Premier had said, that a number ;Irsanc Asylum hooded $55,000 for gro-i l ' 5 ily mean that any great variation or ot the schedules had already been pre- {caries while the London Asylum, with i I 1 change might be brought about in any pared. (practically the some number of p00- I i, harticular number or class of Constitu- Premier Whitney-Oh. no.' I must f rile. got along with $9,000 less. Hon. , g curios. The position was very simplo. protest against thin. What 1 said was g Mr. Hanna told of the better equip- ', i'l'hcy wore not, as the Dmninion_Gcw- that no pcrson would think about 'inont in the London institution, but; icrnmcnt wore. bound by any pivotal changing counties like Dundas and 'this did not satisfy the member front, ',cystem. but could take such steps us Siormont. and that it would not take L" clitworth. "H cll.'thon._ the litter-, 3 .i'ortwtrl ttusottuhle. l long to get over them. leaving tho more 5 '"hT ls duo to thn int'ftVsionror of the l 3 In tho method by which it was pro- l contentious matters. I noycr said that ioffwcrs at Hamilton," addcd tho. Pro- '. flinsod to deal with the muttcp Mr. ' anv schedules were prepared. \rllil'lt'il Sor-rciary. jokingly. Again Mr. l TWhiincy said that tho (imrrnmoni wow lion. A. G. Martoy--f was referring 'Thompson borsisicd. and Arm. Mr. , ; following the principle laid down by tithe statement made hoforc, that tho liannn challcngod him to pomt out one ' Sir Wilfrid Laurior in regardto tilt, hon. gentleman said tho number of '1'?" that was wrong. . l , his! l"cdcral rssdistribution. Sir Wil- constituencies which wow likely to Thcrc may have boon something l 1'ii.l had. whcn introducing tho incns- b; changcd were docroasing. wrong in the, mansgcmcnt, hut we izrc. mid that sohcdulcs would he re- Continuing. the leader of the Opposi- Irliir~rlicd fin-it. last tall when we: fnrrtul to u spcciiil committee by whom tion said that it. was not his intention $303 a ll"\" .syYrirnts?ndent at Hamilton, thr, 1'onstituonrie:s would be cttatod. to sav a word of oither condemnation H""'"1_l-hp 1,r,i1itttt,' -.. _ i and no cut-andwlricd sr-lionic would or commendation wrih regard to the 1 Mr. D. liar-d i\\ontworthi callcd at- _ br. iorotttitrstl to tho Houso, which it i;ieGiir; Hi? rortorvctd the right of ;:'°'_"j°" to t.he Ptt. that 1P'P..c, etc... Pur- "ould inn-c to swallow bolus boluc. criticizing until there was somothintt i 'hafed for institutions all over the Pro- , Mr. Whitnoy Elli" 'hlit in this ' more taniriNe before the Houeas. He j f/Y",'; C,.",)."'-' pilrr'lhttsof] promIS'f-"lously. ' 1"".2:irrl my. Cioiirurriont were also fol- [womd mg, to call attotttiotn, bowever, irl?f,i,'l'd"1,1"] IIWLIBII. Hanna, tom refuse; _ lowing tho urn-minim i-rczitcd by tho ltn clause four of the bill. which said T,,1,llr d 'r..'yllTy challenge a ' illziilsimic Am ii istratio, in Grout 1311- l ' C i,, a mid P- ', Tlots/le items should be bought by l . n n l 1 i. that each oloctoral di.trlit sh 1 r itcndcr ' addcd Mr Poor} "a d ot by , lfllll. They would, of i'Olll'H". liayc, re- fi turn one momhrr cxccpt thes pler.toral lowing. l" hound 50:... ' (in n ' a l ir-red tho mitttor to a commission of districts of North. South. East and thorn" d l _ i ii an a. pom ily',t'?t,, ll ho. ho hf", I,',. 1"ey..t., '.'."",y.1.n, West Toronto. which should return ce. I 'llr CMrkr 1Northumheriamr) also l, W" tlr?ultssithtlo 'I1oostion fiiirl.v. "."" members each. He did not sci? why itook '1 hand in the ar'rumont and i i hr "mm ict't' lit) 1"CrlyiCHl' y.l.v tho, Ia".r.ri.s.- i one method should prevail throughout the Prmnior stator} that it (is: thosamo' , i PM"? should throw 1isirlet 1isponsi1di- the Province except Toronto. and that. .7 thing years 520 which flap {Ir Wilwon l h it): No did not liolicyc that the House in the old t7onsrervative city a differ- i had < thoso "rticlo: could 'oi- Il,', iii.'.'. i "will full to don] with tho 'yy'sti.on ant mothod should ho adopted. There :Phashd ii' {hhghr' {IrVC'lapkc ull',": l , in a yCH.cotrublr? way which would glyc was no hint in mp amigo of minority i lain'cd that such a r'/Griti'icii"',va"; not lgoneml satisfaction At the same time . representation, and while ho did not 5 fair. and he allotted it was "gNng be- _ l hr, did not cxpcct that cvcrybody would I move an amendment: ho. "film .lh'dt i, hind the barn." l I ilw completely stttisficud and overjoyed. tho committcc in thoir \'SlSimn'l would il' . q , ' l ( i In Great Britain advice than lell' strike out the cxccnilnll 3 otronage m Groceries. l sidc sources, had boon obiainc win l " , " . ! ;\ - sin s; cm a a: l regard to ths? delimiting of constitu: lhight Are Too Many l InsIttituIt'i'oen 'J,", 1'jra'ddiii't'iT.'i"ftfsgi'.t l uncles, but that " had not "es"ltm Proceeding. Mr. MacKay contender! isayin" that it was common knowledzé' I as was desired was shown hy tho, fr?" 'that Toronto. the 'i""iyt of thn f?o.vyn- ' that. Eroccrios were purchased month:! i that the Government had l "V"??P [rm-ht. with four. Cabin?" _ "him": {by month from crocers ASA-ani/tiii/tii.", . , in the House or commons ot Ovet on), practically living in its yy,1r/cirf. no ly the dcfcatcd Conservative candidate while tho official returns of the votes grim-vi eight members. Ot thc! S6 T"."'- ' in that city. It was true. he admitted. wally only entitled them to sixty. ibers Ontario root to the Dominion ltho Farms "sham was in vogun under; . House Toronto had tive, and if they i the old Government. but aside from that I ' Increase Representation. wrrked out the ','C11tr/isf1l)ftt)oAf).1i '12" l he thought the list of articles secui-cd I , .. . _ . . a. ines with regar .o e cg S .. , h . _ S -- ' hp it, o 5.5 . I r, the first result of the moms?d log surged" city would have six members. ()) 2i'laep'f.""y/5/t'ist/',v"?,li.1,t,t,: :aitdl t, islation would be found to. 1/uh'io,t,1.C', That would be, he considered. a. tcut- I"Hear' hcar ._. _ _ __ . l ' 'p - r. I _ l . . ' - o I agnjilléerhgt Le/'Je'ii1j'it,1dtat/'i'i'i; I£2183: some- thtient numbcr. Il':: 'MifP-I'é-V ate, add: Rcolying to a .oiiestlon rewarding the l ' i w," ed that if the lremiei had gone to {Hospital fnr Epiloptics at Woruisstock, i7 thing "he one hundrod. inanif'dldill Gyeat Britain for his illustration as to the Provincial Secretary said that. , tor thc increasc, he thought. litl'lgiilnit, "19' proportion of representation to pop- l though it had hop" orignallv intended apparent if thoy gave a '.l.f,t,0,i"i"nic,i,,d,ac'c lulation hi? would have found the rt'- 5 to admit cases that might his cured. it ation to the matter. In .s"veral .0"? l verse to the. condition which cxisted ill 1 had boon found that chronic cases must I I ties the population .had increased rap- those States of the Union he had mph- l, he. admitted or 8159 tho, paticnts would I idly. The poplllau'm ot Tomi"? hurl tinned. In the old country one mem- ( haw to no sent to the asylums. " ir.nt'resisod. rapidly. and-tho r,r,'.i,.Pdl "icjrt1t),"t" Igor represented flft.v or "Tom." thou- l Before adjournment Hon. Mr. Mac- I l tron would have to ly.'. _1rr,":,"t""tTihiD11tthyt send people. .. . . '; Kay askod about the Public Accounts l the same timohe did not "tin? . T The Premier said the Cuynclftioris m lC'ommittoc. and it was arranged that _ . citics w6're ontitled to tho triatW nuin- Great Britain were different. There was i tho, committees should he organized on! her of representatives as a rural can: nilv the central Parliament, and, be- i'Tucsday ncxt. . stltuency having the some number ot skids the country had an exceedingly i l wen le. i". . -t ion. l 'r--------..----------, 7 I mp Now Ontario a number 1" IT' "Tig, ()g'ulfotf'e; had hoard no men- constituencies would have to we on" tion of the third party being represent- ated. Let the Government be as mod- Gi on the committee.. He desired to 7 erate as they could in increasing the hm)", whether he would have, an op- membership of the House. he ventured portunity to discuss the bill. to prophesy that within ttve years tho l Premior Whitney-Oh, )'cs. new constituencies they would probably Mr. studholmir--I just wanted a. create in New Ontario would ha?" .square deal: a little talk. l the Target number of yoters Ill Alle Premier Whitney-H have no knowl- _ Province. As illustrating this yr. edge of the "rndsspendcmt" party We? _ Whitncv said that when the constitir haying failed to do FO. (Laughton) I may of East Nipissing was "waged Eh: l , . Ea cl population was 25,000. and Ie.": Fa'. One Membm a t. 60.000. A portion ot East i\ip'issmg. Mr Proston (Brant) expressed his which ought to be made a new Jio'l,; a {prcciation of the fact that nothing I stituency. had a population of 1.3 in 1l1'0ifl was settled about the luili with , 19m and now had a population of régal-d to Tor-onto. Tho single-mem- ' 30,000. [hhr system had boon Ill thclsgtatutg . eat Britain since. 5, an _ _ Follow County Boundaries. i,1t'.ii,r1i'iHa1firr,itt, been {my ottort to. ehnh L i It was proposed that. county boundar- , inate it. He thought in: during-mic . ies should be followed as far as Ttos- {a mitrht yery.well he considere . lt "pa _ _ d the basis at any action l The Premier said that the boundaries sible. an . f . as ' d heen made by Mr.: would be the 'equalization, "5 at .." iin Torqnto ha . t; 'h thex; were" possible. of the population of the dif- .prcstfrén s owhf,r1?snodvser'2,,ent' if, that. B. :in o ce. A , i will" 1rsi,1iintf,'ls, pointed iout. in I??? modesty did} not have the arrogance " l yd t no undue. ncrcaso o . - to change tiese. H l rt',.tieg"tt.r,tt/syeht, was being asked for, that Hon. Mr. ,Mf,ffes.irdlP..tyowlur change l l p the ideal in Ontario was rcgam- any part of the Province . 1 while being one member for each Mr. Whitney then moved that the " ed as twenty-two thousand people. , l twenty or h less in some if! the proportion was muc ,. ., ", i" , ion. In Massachusetts .. States of the Un " I . were ten members of the hxccu- , there " embers of the Senate, and l tive. forty m t tives ', r, a the House of Represcn a .tr' " MO tYT opulation was 2,805.000. gn- 'l while "23"" of 9,500 people to each . l ing an a i The population of On- ( tigt'eeetllt, 000 and if they had a l tario tht (2,}; hundred representatives _ little over the population _ ' the ratio in tative to consid- l would be one tr2l",1','e'Jd Vermont Mr. I orabiy tnreyr 2i.000 poop _r. ' Ii A

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