'r"; "ae"-. ". . t Altman 18, l! . _.-.7.. .--_.r-.--._---.r. l . , . I Legislature s Busy Day m l Committee of Supply. , - .. ._7 - 'e" l l I GRANTS FOR EDUCATlON. I l .V... ..-.. '" --. l Evasive Reply Regarding Fu. ' n l ture of Model ochools. ' Technical Tttstvuctiott Forttvc ['01th of "rbi--.-')--'"' by l'r.-m5..r Whitney Rt-gardiug Hrlp for SIT. tavian 1'rruthet1'y----Holf a Million Voted for Agrirulluml l'lll']Nam-.. Nrxitrly HUI million "oi'v,iir, .1' ma- od In): th- l.o-:i.~l:1tur~- .r'i.rur!y .314 -.. how: in l'vvmmit'nm- of Nvtmi) It Hi). CtiTHrtlll 'tVr"l' 'd milliow null oz 12:35 '2." t'n'r ('(lut-znionnl Itlll"por"vs. Tl'n'lf' "r... srvrtrv,1 iittlurtc-tiitr,,'" tioisitlrss u-l um" rwam'tliug tho M'lumls Us thes l'ruv; um. With Hawk-111.1;- w-t'm'v 11w" lit twin.» _ tut', jrl:ctriitirm. lilt'mt-- ", "'.'r' -i,,, ' J'nurlr- In thc prusitiut. 1.. q" !, '1 Hum Hun. ltr. i'rsis: sun .1. tinltP 1 Mutt-Intuit I'crrv.r'trriti':,.:', th- :all:.-ut'wl V abolition of tho mod"! Ht'xlt"l';'. Rn 1h. tnwnrrs ruliltl hut'clly In? s"icirits-tr.t-'z-s.l as anythin: 'lw- than rum-l.- In leutf'c'iim) "till! J,'U'itilis In 'irlr",rtritr.'s:, Prawn-1' \'~'ln'tn-~\' 'uistil.ctiilr.roly \r,.tt.i mm ttv. Hmwl'nm: In would 39hr make any grunts to .--rvr,rmiis,v, L mtg- 1irsc. SQIHE'I" tho m'tl(-l.~ n" th- ui-aj: aver.- itzkl'n up Mr. AlN'ruir: tiirst' krill IU'PW' thc, nth-min" I"? th- Hunt. to n :tuh-mr-nt in " I'lmtilm: mpr io thr t'lll't'. New thes thumb l'nnuumy "VIEW" illll'lnlviill'; h; pint-t ii. run. "0:141 in ('1llt'lv"'f""' tstvi:-C)iir. 1.r'rir1. Ir;'.,,' Mull"! Ul- lll PT," ii: shit-ti Him Inst >'t'14rlt'n it" In"! ilvlt'mi'Iro-(i ,, {till :It't'v-vtlnxz this :'rmrl, mini ll. tior.. '.'lil:'lt¢'l'lt had (Hula-why! In nuke .1 (":1 1:45? of it. Hor', Mt. Fwy raid 5% "mild !-~I; mm tltr, mutt"): Inn-("awe For iidm'minn. \Vllwn th, llntsw" 11f'til y, "it s'-, .2 - in" of Supply "on. Dr. Pym .\3.:;m~.l :wmm mi thv main iinr,"svase, HI INT,- tion-"u' that SGHJNM new ltr "ir,' ;;'\~.. '1 invro-n ml granny to Hymn: :~"~"~wl xiv-.- mr-tllrnl or thr. 'ii.stribvturrt w" whit-7 would Lt- laid hr-z'nrn the Ila 5 Law. fu. tottclv.ed tit-0n the ant-ration Hf IN.' ts'xr-iuroks, saying the int» :me in, whim: vx'mzx' ultrmtinn. Mr. Prosto,n (Brunt) _'._'~f\'f-(} m.- Allu- :,Stc't' tr.- muko 5mm? fuyt'rstt manta: :rtl-m rr'gzu'nling thr- tPyt-rroolir. si-c-cr-ici'.-,' that tho Patriot; um} ITlitit'". Ar: should not lm forgotten In rsnply. Hun. Dr. l'ynt- at»? tic-y" 'propotaierl to Inn-n. "no (has m" r,uilersc. and it would ln- nm-rssm'y for 1hr I'm' Vino» to own tho plates and rri-'iw':rrl.l., havsu puiwmsivu of the "op.vr-it,riitr. Tiv? hall'lnth" sicll'. Ito harp-ll, W;ic .1 ir'10" important will". and Iw star-d tlio t-"- let-lions ln HI" m-w pts,cuirnsr, wonlti FIVE-3'1." ho [Turn British and l'le'I'lii'l' o.uchor.sa. _ "\'Cllr'n mlr ll"W book,: run-Ar m1! t3" othor I'rovlmw-s may 1mm 1mm" _1!ly"'t with favor. Tho thry ttlrly N" l; and we may haw il national "rt" l, school hooks for UN. whnyc- Ill-Illlll'lll. he added in conclusion. Technical Education. Mr. Studhohnw (Hamilton' ts'ortc,""l rogret that more was nothlnu nttm' ostimutes to show that thc, I-l:.mllon Normal Collogo mm to be tiplatrssd by a technical school. . The Minister of Educatiow saw} that there was no special provlslon u. 1e estimates for a system of trchmoal education. The experienve of other countries showed that any svlir:umt' of 2ttchnieat education Involved conga?"