The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Mar 1908, p. 1

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_ .\ .' Vg. " I) V; l," _ .% . . . f""" rcr" 'r." 7t _ all A". a: - - 'TWU-. 1 _ ", AY, i-é'a n' I - 29, tti ' PrT, ---"" ---ae"-e-cer- . there would Keno -. . uty 9411113; i T ._.- __ --r--e-e---"--r"crtt' . -y. paying the sinking fund'qn the cost ot our bonds at 99 to par." _ i! he Budget Speech Made r the road being operated: It was usual Passing on to his estimates of in- , f; q ' .. i to fi12"guttre,t, outlay capital in:I come Ito; the coming (fez: the Pro- i, l . . , .j You er , * construe on to capita" vine a reasurer state t t estimat- I n Legislature Ifetr. .. account, and the $105.00 interest on the ed receipts tor 1908 were $7,921,000, to l . . Canadian loan might reasonably be' which might be added $300,000 earn- er to. charged to the capital cost of the road. , ings of the. Temlakamintr & Northern but it was charged to the consolidated; Ontario Railway. making a total of l fund, and therefore appeared as a dis- 88.221,000. That he regarded as a con-- "_.-.-.------ , burssement.. F . Pervative estimate. Among the sources ', . . . of revenue was the Provincial mine, l, SHARP CRITICISM ll here the Nonog ll (flit. which war, expfstftitd. to produce $100,- lt had been asked. he added. where OOO, and the Provincial Treasurer tnetl- BY OPPOSITION all the money had gone. On f;ai'giiiil tinned that. the flrM cal' load of ore . 30. 1904, there was cash on hand of i:.i,ii.i,L', had already beon sent 0"" tho. t26'W- 000. and the three years' surpluses had: ly completed Kerr Lake branch of the .._.__._.._. brought this amount to $4,511,000. sun" Tssrnlskamintr & Northern Ontario ' l a]; money had simply been loaned to Railway. t ; . . (c over the tfna.neial crisis. and they ' . Fit Como wu. I i Civil Government Costs the did not want the. surplus all taken up where " ll' I I Pont. x . in the construction ot a railway, be- The Province would, of Coru'F'o, have Province Very Much cause. there were asylums to be attend- the advantage of the increased sub- ed to. a. central prison to be built and sidlcs. The income from the Depart- More. ithe north country to dot-plop. It was merit of Lands. Forests and Mines he lHOt lair that every dollar should be placed at. $2,050,000, of which $30,000 'taken up in the building of a railway. consisted of timber dues unpaid in ----_-- ( but tho Government should borrow and 1907. Public institutions were expect~ I itilse the cash for other purooaos. During ed. to produce $140.000; the Central Pri- " , ct t V 10 Pilot )'Our the first installment of son. 345.000: Education Department. Mr. E. J. B. Pi tWit? Followed Hon. Mr. the tnit-reused subsidy from, the Domiu- 3121.000; Provincial Secretary's Depart- Matheson and Pointed Out Mun ' ion mvvrnment mt been received. as a rum-it. 3150.000: agriculture, 375.000: Pa.M- _ result of tho Prime Ministers' confcr- mil revenue. $14o.000; succession duties Extravagant-cs and Made Numcr-l ("two at Ottawa. Itrciitcrat) of $80,000 sub- .ho estimated to produce 8600.000. al- . i sidy they now obtained 8240.000, During though " was a. source of revenue ous Comparisons of Finances as t the last year they had collected $300.000 which it was impossible to estimate . . . , . i more tha.n in 1904. when tho Provincei accurately. Thc supplementary NV- . Administered N the "c'"?di"Bi 1"/'ticif',',1v1.Cl,, $1,614.000 from the bonus: emit: act he put down to produce $670.- -. . . . q ' . . " on im wi' an us. It was true tho pram. 000: tavern and brewers' licenses. $550,- Government-M hat Cons-ati, "i :cnt "tll','),"),'.:)?,').", had received '1.300.0t10l, 000: law stamps. $fm.0'l0."and game and _ . . rein t if' ea c of Cobalt and Kerr Lakes. fie! cries. t100,000. Tho estimated ex- Opposed in Opposition Now Brings l lil (it-nili'ini'ed with _thr- receipt of $1,614,- ! penditure was $7,300.000. and he. had . " 0 vinciul T in 90 . /1ytrlrlf' oi those aniountsl "it"l'f-fOl'F great hope that next year In Large Revenue t Pro tho prescut ('rcnirtttttotnt had been able would sen another surplus. Coffers-- Liabilities on Capital Ac. . 1". tly'w thc total Tv?."'" ot'.t6M,000 in- Mr, Matheson proceeded to show . ".r1..1es"'rnrr?ryP'y""alrithl.'P4. That. be how in connection with all depart- count Mount Up. 35?"): "HS Ill "l tho y'h.iovHn.onts in ttncmts' expenditures had increased in 1 which /he.Govymyn.t took pride tho interests of the people. In con- I., : '",.y,'l,t,l11,?.y.5,. he instanced a number Motion with rtdtiteatiou-and public --------. ii of P1TP,t1'f in tho- receipts: oven 1904, money would not he better 'sxpcnded-- . 3among them the irovincial_ 'piece-. exclusive of thr- university, the Gov- i The receipts ot the Province for 1908, l F tlr.y F, Department. the receipts of rrnmont were expending $600.000 more laccording," to the budget presented by "innit; ylra/,1oiny"f,'gi,r'/), 1.333%???" rims than "'3; braille in 1904. The Gov-' ... I. 'es. . . . , . , ' co ls' . I'. I' s u us let nrnmc-nt at un orgono great stress in lthe Provincial Tr'11syler at yesterdays {also 1y1Tit"":l..:?foy'l0t s"tl!"' 1904._ or voting' this money. because of the I meeting of the Legislature, will amount I thisytm.ouyt $.57,000 conic from patients. many other claims upon them in con- l to $7,9f.'1.7i2.08. In addition to this there l confined lin thciscidnt1tiWiip,') Con; noction .witli the development of North . "N . ', l inning, to saw .l'd 1e 1overnment' Ontario. the making of roads and tie ' , . . . - t . . . . . i _ .'. ' I [are In the Iso)? rnny'",t.,'j1,1ay,1, cash hal l I would lllr'lhl on patients paying theiri building of bridges and public build- _ latices amounting to $L674,084.05, mak- Ishare {it those public institutions. lugs-i. ' in a total f 9,5f)5,8i56.1.5. The estimat- iwlwt, they MT'r'P ahlo. Tho Central] . . , , _ 'e1ft,tpt1'ait'f,.l,1 ideas-o.) far for thcre are F T"risr)ii._lm statod, had brought in $67,-i Lubitities tho Nome. still .the su i b . C' . ,7; ('00-. 1J1t,ll _rf'r,'"Cto WWW-$10" (him-ii The liabilities. of the inn-winn- were . pp cmentai) estimates tol, thrty had tried not to be harsh. but very much the same as they were three I come down, $7,G00,000. Among the Fl the Govtrnmept would insist that wht, year" atro. with the Paieptlon of ther.; ceipts for the present year the Provin-; Fas o.wnur should be paid. Continu' two 1.eht,ftr in? construction of the . cial Treasurer has included $500,000 tor ', mg hit comparison, Alon, Mr. M3019 zeniiskaming l ':.t?,y,t,1t,ri,t 'Ptylo, Rail' : timhe d es ticl " t th fi i run said that m 1904 the total re- ..""" part of which had been paid. The _ I ' r ' u ti n it, l, mung o e nan-' renue was $6,1:?.8,000, whereas last year (Jrnveriiineiit had. as a matter of fact. I rial stringency. were unpaid last year. F it "as $8,320,000. sr,','?),,'!,,),",',,)"' tit, three years $353,000 to- , . .- . ' ' . . . war 3 o re not on of the. Provincial ';; 1ll2t/"i',',e,"i',se budget is til? theog'ro- bpt nt "oil and "iscly. debt. (Applause.; The guarantee on . F, '. u _ " N . ' . " . a .7 ' , h _ _ ' 1 s p c pr ute Notwithstanding that certain the .fff,'. Ioatt had Nso. 'btti,r.refyctr' ' $100,000. The Hon. A. J. Matheson was amounts paid into the i'cx'cnnc last hut. owing to the financial Cl'lSlS an a". ifollowcd by Mr. E. J. B. Pense who .'car could not tigutue in the "ciiimii'ii tension had been granted for six, ' . _ T ... . . I 'am" . .. . , . bd , months from April next, and he had l i am erely ci'itieized the Government for $23129 tVat d"") be hoped that the re- great hope that at the 0nd of that g . . . . "sr- 7 ' . 'e . won increase to an amount i ". ,, . . . C C h! the manner it..which. the? had allowed above that of last Near. iperiod lilo obligaiioi'i would i." entire ii' public expenditure to increase. He s,a'/p.""'i',1i,'/gxtt.t-,s Provincial Treasurer Hy removed. iii drew some 1Wrtliy comparisons Ue.. Jim-"Ll J,'.',),)"),',')")'; . Mr. 'bpealter. 1 To be Completed Soon. i. tween the figures for 1904 and the pre- '.. r'.., - n u liouse and the a . l!! sent time and ointed out . . t'ruvirict that there is less necessity t The Provincial Treasurer. with re ( I, p . 'll many in-, tor counting. Th? expenditures which tcreiice toothe- Teiniskaining & North ', stances where expenditures which were "f' have made hitherto all" all pro- ."m Ontario Railway. said it wat i i absolutely unnecessary had been em- 3 3121:? for.l they 11?? Iall justified, but shtilifidl tlhatI in six months' time the stee . -. la. . . . ' '" " ". _ . 'wo 1am: to are care of in this !lvoulf )9. aid as tar as tho propoem "blarlsediipon. Patrtitulail? 'lietuibiirui Province is ml} to increase the Pct" lemt'ft'ion with the Grand Trunl it thc Got eminent Ot the laigc amounts nianent expenditures, which cannot be ipumw- The work. he mention- l which for no apparent reason had been iii" on if nice-way. When We have 18 d. i had "fir: considerably de. li ex ended in obtainin le t" ice. l , e. .mOney "fare is no reasonable ob- "m": to the loss M time whieh I d a t "e . ti IS 8'11 'f/ L " Til? .icction to capital expcsnditure. If we l.1ad th'cut't'Cd in regard to the construc- l Irena e. "dis (foil ""519 Ir, . r. G. .' give half a million dollars to c010niza- no!) .Of bridges "ver the Wabi and ( 'fy,rllfo,y YY', t ir. d . H1901), S'??. 'Vhf'b'e, tioii roads. and we have the money Driftwood Rivers. He ttlsm claimed 3 motion it wasuUdourntrd until Tuesday.) to sp(-.nd_ it is all right. because. in ltliat til? new bumpy had resulted in The Budget Speech. ' l case oi necessity we can cut it down like finding of an Improved route which 1 tr.r 3100,01») a ye-ur. When m. have [would result in locomotives being ablv Rising to deliver his budget speech. a the money, and Hts have it, tin: grants 1 to haulforty cars instead of twenty. In the Hon. A. J. Matheson, Provincial: tor colonization roads and web work .lc'om?lusion, Mr. Matheson claimed that Treasurer, was received with cheers: are legitimate cxpondituros. With the. [the Government had tried to administer from the supporters ot the Government. l icons which we propose to fiout as 'lthit affairs of the Province in the best , Alt the ouésethhe couigratulated the Pro- . soon as times are somewhat better. we I 13391119? of thulerrple and had been .uttC- y nee an t 0 Leg slature upon the! a tall have plenty of money to cat'rv i 9" u. .. great financial prosperity expuicncorl,1. out all the capital expenditures ran".. ', " . Go' to'.,:, ' notwithstanding the worldwide tinanciuil emiably required by this Province not tODpositiou l "tttt "att. depression. The receipts for the year,| only in erecting public buildings, but : in reply.Mr. Penso first rtifci'lt'ul totho _ he said, amounted to 18,1:?l11tuyysl the-l 1:1?,..folfrry'ozjltion roads and various [prosperity attaching to the l.)omlnlon , expenditure. apart from the -r.fvtyyfe.t':.t,e public u orks. ' as a whole the last few years. " the Tt.ctlyyyin.5 _& _;\9rtlierii Oiitaiio The Ctwdit of Ontario. ' l The other Provmcos were also showing l Railway ll ere $7,714,M5, leaving a sur- " l surpluses, and Since 1904 the surplus of " plus, in round tigures, of $606,000. This Mr. Alathoson, proceeding w iliurr. 5 iQucbec. had_ advanced from $37,066 to l surplus, he went on to explain. might; irate the condition of the Provinces? "la" a million dollarsa Cttte of have been made much larger had the credit. stated that the London loan, for , iCorrsietwatlvo. speakers Irt the Ontario i, Government undertaken to press the which thr: underwriters paid 96 5-t; chRislaturc had, he said, made a refer- . lumberinen for the full timber dues ow- . was during last fall down to 92 ol'. t l, once to the Liberals losing their Moons. : ing the Government. It was almost 1m- l, 93_ "In J9ecennbca. WL paid for an ac- i It was true, he added. that the Biblical 1 possible. he said, to secure money for 3 commodation loan " 3-8. A fortnight 1tl!,ottt had failed to reach the Prim??? , timber becauee of the dept ession, and C. ago. at the beginning of this mouth, zed iand. and the MOS". of the "kn-13".. it had the Got cinment (imitated on prompt '. they were selling the Canadian loan "Jar". was denied _secii1g yt/,t?y1ti1l lpayments .men woul . 1ave tee com-, at 95 1-2. showing an advance in our i,',",,",',",',? to the Province tor Epi,?, "i. ' veiled to satyrithyt their property. The fled" of three per cent. in the past _ .had labored so earnestly. It was. touiu dues which should have been paid in) three months. I have no doubt that l 3th" tha total receipts in 913F310 "/ii December were still to be paid, and the; our credit will advance as times get, 5 ing tho last year we.rc. $8,MO,01' t. C Province was receiving on this interest 5 easier, and that in the fall it may in. i T this amount $833,503 had mm" from at 6 per cent. These timber dues;' quite possible to tioat a loan in Eng-i succession duties; 367%.241 from snip; amounted to $500,000.l PY receipts from' land so as to attract the money to i or,',letPe,taT,s' revenue; 3535.093 trom 1 t-i the'T- & N. o. 3312332 the continued, Canada. at a reasonable rate of inter- ' /,1) & N. o... Railway; 1!e20,'i 11'll'ntt t were more than ',tl'tid'",',t, 0 pay the in: , "est. " we could only trettour' securi- l, I tern patent and Pee.stei.t1a1,t, T t om , rest on the loan, a were practically .1198 on the trustee list in England' ..1 mining sales and leases. $'2'P2,38 ro. " 5'

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