l SA [] T, TA: ti , WS , g , , i3; TT"""' T "rig tiswaitiiirirmiri-i C', ' _.. --w-, a At . . ' . . 'to the ttttarndttdiiiirTtrtiuttatirtt._ ' of, Sturgeon Falls 1tlcgSi,SP,t tdim, l . Going-along this boundary the .llneige'es " ache Bay. ' _ a: thtpg',re,"ts,',',t, an:!e_o£ the Lake of. IThe Boo and Algoma. i e s on t er,inter rovincial' ! I boundary. The Lt'll1Al'rli'flg'uet2','fi1t'. " 'szunf' Ste. ~tMarie .toconsist of that arias form the western and northern' he? o e erritoriai district ot Sufi-v A ' lines. _.. F wry commencing at the mouth ot th i I . . __ . i. . Echo River, on the Garden River 1 Cl, I - Riding of Sudbury. . igloo (reserve. west to the '/ldynvft'id'lil . . thiugbgi'; is to consist of portions of sailing? betaur'lgen tee'tgi.itortid at}? More Details of the Scheme of Al u ca districts pt Sudbury and tricts of Sudbury and Atgoma, all some. The line co e . . . " It I Bay where it is inmtm 'e/l',',',,":',,'"'?,',',',' from that point north seventy miles Redistribution. i boundary line t'hr,d'd'ir"tefiff 'ter,1.?ioru' S.' the um thnest angle ot township No. , districts of Nipissing and Sudbury, and ".6' range M. From that point the! then goes south along the territorial boundary goes east along the northern] _------.---.-.-- boundary to the northwest angle of yetedy,'r of township No. 33 to 26. Creelman township. It then goes east south along the east boundary ot town- I CHANGES TO OLD RIDINGS , along the north boundary ot this town- Shir.) I'.?.:, "6: "Vfat,.y,re?', 26 and 25. to I . I, ship about six miles to the northeast township No. "°.' In range M; east ii angle. and then south along the town- 371'"? the north b.':y/11ar,s: or townships ______._ llship's east boundary to Parknriownship 'i'," 24 and in" !,n, 1?y1ir.t.24, to Surveyor , i For twenty-tive miles the line follows flu B. bpeights meridian line; south. I . . " the northern boundary of Perkin, Ayl- along the meridian for ninety miles to Some Other Constituencies a mer, Mackelcan and McCarthy town- cwhitrpay WWW) and along the west t 'ships, and then goes southerly along _boundaries of Vi hitman and Chelsey to I Whioh Will Remain I the east boundary of McCarthy. Kelly. 'the. north boundary of Garden River . iDavis. Loughrin and Hagar. Following 'Indian, reserve. . From that point the I west along the south boundary of Ha- Iline of demarcation runs east along the .83? the line comes to the northeast inorth boundary of the reserve to its i angle of Hawley, from where it goes ',t,"t"tE1g'e1ft,riri, anrlthc.nctt to the, mouth ' N south, and follows alon the south i ' o 'er. i Number of Other Ridings in Old boundary of Hawley, Cgieiand, Dill, l Algoma to consist of parts or the Ontario Witt be Unaltered-Part 'Broder, Waters, Graham. Denison and territorial districts of Sudbury a.nd N, Drury, a distance of 48 miles, and then _ gonla. the boundaries Commencing at of Government's man Passes it goes north along the west boundary'. the ioutheast angle of the township ofi C 'of Drury and Trill for twelve miles) McKinnon, and continuing northerly, ommittee, Though Liberals Still :Tile boundary then reaches Ermatinger y tl-uf, tlieuealstcrn 2u1J,lg,1t','. ot Mc'i townshi at the southeas an le, andE unnon. a am. . 1a espeare, Dun- b Reserve Right to Protest. Ithen it pfOIIOWs west alontg thge south lop, Bigelow, and township No. 113 tel boundary of Ermatinger and township [ tho nor.theast. corner of thc latter, and; ----- No. 107 to the southwest angle of the along Jts northern boundary to town- , latter. The line zigzags to the Albany "this" t?s,est,t1t.z/1ht.t'tfig, thound- River, and tho d W a e " .15 o GOs. an . n con mum The most important portion of the re- place of 1egf/di1p. 0 n stre m to th I north along o. L., S. Beatty's merid'ag distribution scheme submitted by pre. . . . _ 1 line for twelve miles. thence west thirty mier Whitney to the special commit.. Tomlsknming lb' New. . ' miles to t-IP.1.ilth mile post on o. L. S" tee of the Legislature yesterday was The district of Temiskaming, all i)?e','.tg'i,',,m'ifiirdi1t,r, andleliortltll 21mg {1133' that regarding New Ontario The [ witin the territorial district of Nipis- sixtxusix miles 'i,1l,dm)'fi'ti l nee O'ml: I 7 " . . . i sing. is to commence at a point about ' . . . ' , along . 'i plan, as was anticipated. shows four seven miles north of the foot of Lake S. Sneights meridian for thirty miles new ridings in the north country. The t Temiskaming on the interprovincial tto,., P/It,'.,:,', toiwnship. " From thatl two old ridings known as "Fort Wil- ' 1.oouy.dy.y,, thence westerly 59 3-4 miles ganglionuiii35-113"liaigvepabeaes'Stei-lggugilorigi liam and Lake of the Woods" and t." 31f.'trrirh township. From there.tlie the reserve and then southerly to Echo i .. . . line goes north along the east limit. Ri -.-.- t L Ice c, a. ik . ; Port Arthur and Rainy River" will of' McCarth to the no h s . vi " " It? o Rlit merge am via the. Y rt ea t ang e east coast of the ha and the north- be divided into four, namely. Kenora nf this township, and then west along ashore of lake ffi,,.'J7 to the int of! and Fort Frances in the west and Fort tl,lJy/g.'thl',hunte,1,yv,, 01; MCISaII-Pihy' 'ee; 1','r',Ci',e'r,'n","e'rTt'. e All islands 331mm I William and Port Arthur to the east. ielcan, y nierq ant an l ' t en Huron north'of the judicial district of; A row of townshi t th th t th 'i/pit,) 2 the 38:1 tllmitl Scigti'g,aae; , Manitoulin and west of the prolonga-i ridi . ps o e nor 0 e tiifTouilied-npr 1:2: "if: 'if that (b23113: tion of the west boundary of McKinnon i ng of Sault Ste. Marie have been as. 'rl/it",',."; y lt, . t fit . l d" t i t; l tare included, as well as the islands; taken oft. and the same thing has hap- ini' is si en 3 A?" oria d S rho '5 i north of the international boundary be-. f pened Algoma, these townships going fl', l 955313 an B gomz'}.h an t fill ' .tween the west end of Cockburn Island ' into Sudbury. All these townships 'd)'ih, l (files it); . t e eager" . and a point due west of Echo Rhea? border on the C.P.R. Temiskaming 1-"unddr? "0 0w? Li l) "11m" inciali St. Joseph Island is also included. forms a new riding. and it embraces mp own iroug a e em skaming.| ' 2ethmyer, bregion from some miles The Two Nipissings. ' Port Arthur. .u o oat.) -. 'rh.o. .-...ir ..-. - other ridings, E88: 'adl"aii'st'tgi,Ui',tit This riding will consist of the fol- , Port tut-bur helwztoral Jy.t1.fi?,t. Till are sandwiched to the east and west of lowing townships in the territorial dis- sc.???,),)?:,-',,'?.',",',?,- it t e MIME .wluere the il?. North Bay. H"; "Up'ti,,1,1.1s,,1yr Sam m... P-- ttfiy1tot1itl,,l,eurtJ.dtti)i,is it'fe'c2'rgit.ietf,ri1g l Ridin s tha a ea . renson. tratton, Master, Qt,, . g 'l . " "Tr_J'. addition; to $081: 2rl'fdye,egt'theit, Maria. Edgar, Barron. Guthrie, Clara, mimetic" F,?,""',),:),',??,', and Alg'oma, are :-East. and West. Victoria North Fitzgerald. White, Niven, Clancy, 'e/.ie,f1?otsl,l1erlfiv Ploy} e) 3 to Aioany iand South Waterloo, North and South Dickens. Cameron. Deacon. Anglin, 1"" Jyei?te l dong the 11"""da-W ol FWentworth. Addington. Lennox. Fron- Dickson, Preston, Murchison, Ly ell. iii; girl-$3} t3 gtit1hti,,"tit, 2111192021 tytpaf, Kingston. Hamilton. East and Papineau, Boyd, Lister. Freswick, .cession C)"" "are township' thence West Durham. North and South Nor- Bower. Sproule. Airy. Sabine. Calvin, south to the township east'to Dog folk, P701111 and South Ontario. North Lander. Pentland. Osler. Bishop, MC- River, and follows theI river to Oliver and bouth Oxford. and North and Laughlin, Canishay. Banfield. Boulter. [township and along its northern limit. South Renfrew. _Wilkes. Bigger. Devine, Hunter, Peek, iFroni there the line runs east to Pai- Mr. s. Clarke (Northumberland) 'Ferris. Chisholm. Ballantyne. Paxton. ipoonge, along the northern boundaries urged that the Government bring in .Butt. McCraney, Finlayson. Mattawan. 'ot Paipoongo and Neeliing to the: some detinite scheme regarding the re- Olrig. Phelps, Widdit1eld, part of In- Thunder Bay. The boundary then,' mainder of the rulings, which the Pre- 'dian reserve 0n the north shore of iagain strikes east to Pie Island. andl mier promised to do on Tuesday. The , Lake Nipissing. south of the township than south to the international bound-, hibheral members will then have the iof Blyth. Antone. the unnamed town- airy. Township 47, White River sta- {11188 tottotge' 2;: (181?; of the next hieet- 3 s:hip east of the township of French, tztion. is included. and that. portion of mentioned were'm ee. . The ridings iFl'OilC'h. Mulock, Merrick, Eddy. the ltownsl'iipko. 681ving east ot the bound. tee though the rigged in the commit- I unnamed township was: ot Eddy. tary between Algoma and Thunder Bay. ser'ved the ri ht to] oral members rev iLockhart. Stewart. Peltrash the un- iF rt Willie _ A change in §orth protest if necessary. I named township west of Peltras. Gar- . . o am. d . umberland was hint- er'v. Osborri, Wyse and the two un- T Ti 0 ho 'tr, . -- . e at by the Premier, but Mr. Clarke iranied townships to the west of Wyse Pc'. .t!.ndarios of the Fort .1yilliam replied that no Dorsal: was worrying ialso [the towns of North Bay, Mail rim"; .w111 c,oT't"nf?.t? at the WWW" over that. l Cd. d Bontield tion ot the International boundary by Fort Frances and Keno . I Mail's?" Nailii.tvGiir'--rhis riding will . I Phil bgu?dary; between the Thunder Bay ra. .consist of the following townships of' this ke,rivnchireri,oaunnddl1tince,vg?Jff tft' Fort Frances riding is all in the ter- iNinissins and Sudbury: myth, Not-' then follows to 'Jll"'1'll,T; '"PiSer to 'ivitfei!l"iltt'iigt, of Rainy River. From i man. Hammell. the township north of within two miles and 45 C32?" Cf Ware where he boundary between Rainy Ilammell. Charlton, Lyman. Gladman. iteWnship F'rorn that? emf. the line River and Thunder Bay intersects the tile township north of Gladman, Grant, _ comps to. 1Vare townshi .3) east to Dog iinternatiOnai boundary the line goes Fell, McLarun. the township north ot Illivel: and follows the Iriveruo Oliver north along the district boundary to McLaren, Bertram. Springer, Field, township .Pa'lgill alone the north of lthe 49th degree ot latitude and then l liastedo. Thistle, McCallum, Latch- Oliver 'read,'),';",',',',',"',,: k'i',eii'; [the line [west l? miles to the 18th mile post on it ford Caldwell. Badgerow. Gibbons. . runs it) the west shoro' onghulndei: I Niven a sixth meridian line. then north , McWilliams, Hobbs. Falconer, Low, Bay east aiome the lake shore to with- z t six miles and then West again 45 miles i lien. McPherson. Kirkpatrick. Hutgel,t i in eight milosbof iVi Island and than i to Sabascons Bay, in the Lake of the _ Crerar, Dana, Farm Seward, Marlo. ' I south it. on? international 'boundai-y i Woods. Along the shore of the Lake} land. Mason, Halide. Casimir. Dunne.t, {than turning; west a ain and running, 1 of the Woods the line goes to the in- Batter. Henry, Jamiw, McNish. Cos-. lie is; point" of 'i.sl,ul'll1ul1lf/,t . 'tternatlopa1 boundary. following this i lay, Cherriman. Jennings, Appleby, ' h ' l argllilndb to the iplace; of commencement. '] Blgwood. f,'/"g,T() Noel-grin. Hhendrlie. hianitoulin and Islands. e oun ares o the ridin of - Allen. Cox. ervos. ut'Wa-s. the i . . . i ora, which is in the fll'rrf'dl.'ll', 'hfgt' l township south of the township of i The electoral district of Manitoulin. ot Rainy River. is to cornmetice.neiu. r'! 11'aldie, Waidie. Laura, Secord, the will consist of the great Manitoulin Is- the east end ot Lake Joseph in the Pro- iii township south of township No. 59, lands, 99¢?"er Island and a portion , g vincial boundary and then south along ill township No. 60. Tilton, also that por- iOf the mainland, the boundary of whiM. l the boundary Between Thunder Bay " tion of the Indian reserve on the north commences at the southeast corner ot . [and Rainy River to the 48th mile posh-"i shore of Lake Nipissing lying south [McKinnon and runs t.?etC.rPy mic ', and then west 89 miles to the 18th mile il, of the townships oc. Charlton and [eastern boundaries 0t Mckmmll- Ha -r (post and then north to the'24th'mile [ 9 Grant. the islands in the French River, lie-111. f3tyueerp.?arrt, Dunlop and Bigeiovz'i. 2 Grit". From there the line goes west " and that portion of Lake Nipissing in least alone? 'the north of hernon ma ' i " miles to the Lake "rt the Woods and t the tcrritomal districts of Nipissing Tatten, thence along the easern loun ii 'aiong the south shore att: the lake' to .; and Budbury lying west of the south. arias of 'I'otten and Hymen and .sout in: 49th parallel ot'latitude and then' :li, erly prolongation of the west limit or Derry, Denison. Graham and Waters I