The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 28 Mar 1908, p. 1

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. :1" = 2.3:..."1p.' - re ,,,.M > .. , "'i . T " .' (1.. a". .. , NH". . " .. - " " ' Irri' .v"' iral . " Li']) . 'ENr'. 'h ' 'rr. F ' " ""s"r"-"Mr _ L... .....-_...... -.. y, ,.x.-U _IEN "a g IP, i' in] '"" A T . _.. 'rr .. " " . y - "'. t."ettide " " I' him. 1' 1rr"ec" ap' "sjvii'eal4'iit;t'--- w-tffbetintr. Next he me e "fl . $3 rid-' AN Mtrffffffftlf Fay/mint the town otCNorth Toron- in? £10331? cgztg'eoffggy 4t,.'t"l' 'l?2i?. . (tot to amend the act respectinz the , ' , r rey. . Quee st '," H l tttti P rk . That motion u as adopted without dis- SIX MILLIONS T "I; glues ill a . Ere-c, / mission. hi'I'hen- . followed several . . ' . i . . xpen ares. / changes w ch had been announced at ' In reply to Mr McDougal (Ottawa) 'il' ktfgvio/',i'mmef':tl1,?tt galrit' w"? the ' . a. n ' as ngs o the WW. - the Hon. A. J. Matheson informed , . . _ _ tr'?trJge'ueut.i Tdt,',,',?,)'"?):? & . titowglt..', 1glL't1ur1i)t-ii,T..1o't'he'at'utit1itgr, . . . ' . 1 n arto a way a no M a h I from We a , Order m tkrutNil Will Give the bonded debt. On capital account the walk): "ll 1m West '2'i','.ttd'fitf)t1tc'i, :22 ___ . . 'i1'.'l!.,y7i/'.h"."1 ,had expended to date the removal of Laltetittld from West. Necessary Authority. , "mums. so bonds had been sold by ammo to East PtttrsNtoro', . . lo .fylm,mis.sion, and they had no au- The riding of Cardwell was mention- _ _ thorny to issue any, and they were ml, and at the request of Mr. Bowman got indebted to any hank. From it was allowed to stand over?" Mr. neight'and Dasscuggf trattle last year M'hitney then announced that Carleton THE LEGISLATURE CONCURS 'irece)etyte was? $19.23,?! and from and Russell would remain as they were. ' . Fi S f25, . 1e - . ' penditure was $645,412 for gigggatign' Atweptintr an Argument. l _...-__-... .. and $2,617,t8i5 for other pur ages, No i . ' .. a... . '* ou-a., .., '_.. interest was paid by the crommlssion t 7-H?" sfiht,y',i'itiri,,n, "(Edidf'f' 1.51031" . . . "ll bonds, but the Government paid ' "in." W 1 LL] EU}, "."1'fb11/l,fi'i1iat, l urc- Details Given as to Govern- 8339.744. ». [Minding sinking fund, for . Il"-.'",,':",:,,',;'?':.)',',"',"-,',,..:,','-,';', i1fi'hva"ig'"trt,irrt . . rainy; $235,091 was received trym the so'that there would not he one hundrmi ment Railway Expenditure. The 'u1U/iirougfeso/ig,etsgg,nsingss, .Jifl'crcuce in the population or the two . .. . 1n ' ridinas.- Hr altso-ohttttvred that car. homo of Mr. McDou al ".--- ir, ' .u4 _ .p. . .. _ as» ', ..". ..-._---_.-.....- timbcr limit or timbgr . " at; Ill!.' ham scum)» had I)??? .tultyl -t.?,.?t?t..ti- township or elsewhcré Ill, t arrow ville because the pcoplc did thar trad- . F ' . . k C so o one ingt in that town. (her Twelve Million Dollars Has Dance, at the salts _0t 1903 ? Was the accepting this line ot argument. Mr. "3'" anplcted or did it fall through 7 Bowman wed-ad why Conmpe townshi Been Ex nded in Connection Has this sum" timber or li it . y..r. I' . o.?,:?'..'.'.) s.. - . -"e . . p 'd. pe _ part of it boon sold . P,' oIrf any and om? adJotniritr. now in the riding of , . . - ' ' _ ' . Since . 'SO, t" Vi ft; "t?. . ' . " ll ith Tcmlskammg & Northern I'l'llmlqandlr to whom. and at win; ilfgttr2612Ifighthis)?pggggdw'irr'i'trio'ggrtt . . . . "YIN" . Since sold was the s 1 J.,. , . Whi . T,",": Onta ,_ , 'IN' , = . I . . ." .a o, Arthur. Mr. "they replied that _ no Railway "ivision (ourts 'pi, PM"? f'r at 1.yftlf,'1 or private ? local. authorities had considered the Act to be Amended. iid 'l-de',.,,','?,',',,',",."" J Jly.'.,'""vdo,e "d 'i,-').).,),",,';',?,'.""" ofrthese places as far as " l . . r . ' L ' c, ." . so, o ""55" e. , . I ' 1 I whom, and at what price? When' the question of the division, _'-.--...--.------- _ m'"-------.-.- of Ottawa was brought up Mailing! ' l stated that according to the present The Legislature yesterday afternoon I i,' J.',i'rd,'e.,7f,','inc,f,,t West 11ts iWOtuld' _ concurred . I . b' . . y i' wave a, zone arger popu a. on n wo bee L I','," tlm,.ltmm Tht? 1Nl i: )ears than the East. because the "'estl n pnsscd )y the Committee of Sup'- (l UDME l, was thre growing part. Mr. May's ar- , ply, with the cxccption of two. This I i summit. brought a general statement:' places at the disposal of the Govern- ' from the Premier. . I ment some $6.000,000 which thoy can '____ W" Not Using a, Harrow. ', spend bv the passing of an order in " , . . . . . . . . "In 1910 there will be another Don Council w'thout waiting for the supply Redistribution Bill Rapidly M. million census." he s.aid. "but it it had ' bill to go through the House. An- . . not been for the Circumstances. the, other sign of the approaching end of suman Shape. ryf that tho Itll census is some years th me... . . old and that another IS coming in a e session is contained 1n the motion rouple of years. this redistribution. submitted by the Premicr yesterday, -, -'-rt_i--e- _.__ would have been at a Auuchh more ex- and. of course, carried, that Govern- "315'"? character. Under t e circum- . Ct stances I don't think we would be Just- ment orders in futurt take precedence THREE MORE UNCHANGED. 5.tled in going over the Province with on every day that the House sits. a Yarrow." . More Xe - .. ------m----m-... Continuing Mr. May said the divi- N " Bills . r sion proiloscd would ..tJt/i,ti',eiul'ii.f,t The following bills were introduced _ . ' . . . 'Dttawa into Roman Cat IO c an . ro- To confirm a certain by-law ot the vil- Other Divisitms In Middlesex instant {rt-'ligiongg 22231;": "t1h1'lt,',t:l, tt.. i,. . . ' . pom. Ct Hew _ .1. . a lage of Mihcrton. My. Torrance . to and Huron Possible Letter to mix the religions. amend the act respecting the Fort Erie . Mr. Whitney-I agree with you Ferry Railway Clompany,,respocting the thorn. _ T . , . L. g . ' V 'r__ '" He then stated that if the Govern- t town of Stamfoid, Mr. Fraser . respect- ment's policy with regard to Ottawa ing thc Ontario Sault Ruilwav Com.. Special Committee of Leaislature Has were not changed bpfore the bill was Dany. Mr. Smyih; respecting the "L . b introduced in the House. Mr. May town of Smith's Falls. Mr. Anothev Meeting-Grey, Carleton would have the bttdtocut,e,,'Ti'gt. Preston Lanark) ; ss ecti " . c.-. . ' Ln his contention t a o awa an . o- town ' '1lrilll1'cjnu/it","" "$115062; and Russo". Remain as Thes Arcg mum should not be treated differ- the city ot Windsor, Mix Hark; to am- ---How Ottawa is to l t . . - tntly. _ . end the act respecting the Lake , _ ti K Divitied I Division of Ottawa. Superior, Long Lake & Albany Ettect of Census on Scheme. I . River Railway Company, Mr. F Thp. division of Ottawa. as announced Downey: rcspccting the Canada Cen- ' was: East, Ridcau. Ottawa, BY .and f tral Railway Company, Mr. We; to ._._:.... F'-'------- St. Gcorgc: West, "Centre. Welling- amend tho stationary engineersit Mr. .. i ton. 1.talhousio, and l ictoria. Monteith: respecting tho Division "I"? are 110W only seventeen rulings Thu ridings that stand ovcr arc: Courts. Mr. Foy. The bill rcspect- in Ontario which have, to be passed North and ~South Brant, (.'ardwell: ing Division Courts. introduced hy Mr. "Doll by tht: g PM." ptsrlistt"il t. IC,..'. - North and South Essex. East, West Foy. is a consolidation of the old act. Ir.. . .a' .. 'e'P ., ' t b, Dutlun ccm- and Comrw Huron, North and South as it comes from the hands of the rruttt"t' ot the Legislaturc, and after Lanai-k. North. South and West Yiil- Statutes Revision Committee. The \l'eclm:-sday next. the bill may be in (Ht-sex. North. East and West York, only change of interest is that the fees sha w for 'rcsv-rtcti' ' . , ' m and Peel. . of claim under $25 have been reduced. l I" so?.. ".119"! fl Ill, to tilt-lion... . A deputation from Brant wound - t yt.sterday s mwting tho Govern- .e... " "ra ie. "be r- l . b t '0 , . 1.1mm thet Prtsmier y-est rial. 11. It Extension Granted. ment's intention regarding the coun- ' :2mmuncomcnt was made regarding the Hon. Mr. Monteith introduced a bill ties of Grey. Russell and Carleton was, 11-3113.- ' . -. " . T - d _ amending the act respecting stationary divulged, and the ridings thcrc will be' Millie committee mats on Ye nes-I engineers. The act was passed last icft unchanqu The. division of Ot- on) TtYA. l gegsityn and provided that tll. engineers tall/a. Wr?.s 'illJlZIOUHC'C't'l tiii/i" Premier. B.---------------"--- "a. .. __ Pe - -. -.. _ must have Government g"1ifJ11,te', Ely \l'hilncy intimated that the name ot' July Ist of this year. an . ( 'dmen - the new ridii'ig in northern Ontario t Ttpt extends the time till Jun. Ist, which was given :15 Fort Framers. 1901 Bo tar nbout 3,000 applications would be :riltcrcd to Itaiuv River no: ' have beep. rcceivttd from engineers for sides the bringing of\v business these g:J,tl'fhtfi'i: and} 'athtMsulml/i: heforc the committee. Prmnicr Whit- ttintl'ertshiil :11; "i11UTie _ ' noy hinted at the possibility of more . . "T c. '.. changes in Middlesex and Huron. Ap- Jltdtete.5 bills AI ere read 3'25" 1rarrmtly the sharp criticism which has cm .- " ., ' - been coming from many (mm-tors re- tF Respecting 2ti2"'glg,itl,?ii., '21hgf,: guarding the crude manipulations in nort &, ? I'f, "i, l h 'ld'..' these countics has not been lost sight , company: respecting le, 2efilll the of by the Govcrnmcnt, and the discus- dial Railway Company. @5139" If sion about Middlcscx and Huron as - Hamilton & Guelph Junction . R? wfll; well as the proposals for Toronto was k ':??tp.rrany,iA? confirm by-lau; hot. A postponed. it now somns probable of the. United Townships o It, f, can that some satisfactory division will be ,' , and Ridout: respecting the n am? made in the two counties which have tional Committee Pf the Young s ett't8 been so Indelicately carved. ' I l Christian Associations; respecting the . , . ttr,'ts town ot my"; respecting;t by-lawsé The Greys Remain. ', - ' . ' f t e own 0 ' i2t 1:01) /','g',tdiro/s/ township of At the tttlrmmencemt?.nt of the. mrrtet- . "g or e .in the equnty of Carleton: ing the Premier, who makes practical- . , 2,it',tt. the town of Toronto June. ly. all the: _rty?!tides settling the / /.,' reap d to incorporate it as the City minor disputes, said there had been _ ' 1ti',",'t,1l')'xi'i't',t', Toronto l ' espectinq the float- 39mm criticism fe two or three of the l T ' 1)i, of Fro tense: IV S ons', an " suggested that they [ . idqun' ttttttt of the / unty Tq p [ be leftover tor a subseguent or ttnal . ' C ' v Ts' B, ' q 'T-"'"-" ' -.

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