wqa,' Ilitlr' I. "v...'. - 'n M .. A»... _ 4". P%ir. n. , "' . g , Mr",: r, . Pe ' "'.Y ' . . _ mi ,. ,. , WW I 1r,nimm "ri: ri',' 'lii'llll! '!l.llPrWlM8rllt'l.l_llllP- . _t:"l -- 'iPR', I g , 'lllll'lP, , _ 1rlr' I'?!':',! ',r'ru"i7, l . - _ t . "ts-g. 'ruarit-iiiiatrik iiiifliii i _ 7 _ . such discharge. and in "of the. l l I " a" We" a tra rims in these mid timers between the points of con-1 . subjects in agricultural schools. In nuance of such streams or other water-' v- . ' :gglgsbagl 'git,'?.",',, ttl',',',,',',",",],',':,"?,",', would counts therewith and the place select- . . , in T' l argue ran ng and the read... "66 under paragraph ta) t was p an" 80 as to help the artisan l, "'terAt any place in the distrigt of, ' , , .Thunder Bay." Isle Royale or the. . tote T [HW- Mr. lilacKay osked if separate lot Michigan. bore for natural gas. ................M.. 1"r??ctore would he provided for these imanufacture gas and collect and store 'iQ21,1,'.e,t""1 Chtssts Ot' "township high fnaturai and ,',"fn2fg"itg,re.e, gas. and . r," . . . itransmit to and use tie same at .any Power company Seeking Too edihtnif2/t,t,.f.: 'J,'t/il that such FDO- lplace in Canada or the United States . ' , c. or.u; wrru t. " provided, and itor any of the purposes aforesaid l Man PriVile es I they would act in conjunction with the "fd) Acquire all necessary lands. y tl . 10031 inspectors. ,eauements. privileges and other rights. tttttt Control Model Schools E land acquire, construct, erect, maintain. . _.. 's" ' . l it1se, operate and manage all necessary "Painting the amrmdmonts rospr"ct- i gworks, structures. buildings. machinery, RESOL hut the l'aduvutimi Ur'rmrtmcni, he said l imam, appliances. instruments and tle.. . ' UT'ON IN HOUSE. that on account, of tho nn'lt' normal) .vicos, c-rect pains. sink wells and lay scltools' Winning this Call tho vonraini/ii', 'iirisles', cables, wires and other conduc- ._...._..__.-.... model tcchrools would bo lakt'n Vuudor' 'tors. and do all othor things necessary tho direct control of the dopartmont,' far or incidental to the purposcs and £20133?" So (load with the "Pttificatcs ' iohjects aforesaid. l . all i' (no it? s. t r .. i l A . . Government Will Try to Block mm... ..,,m;,,. J,?.',,":,:'.';,').','?'",',:':.)'?",',"-)' I lt'mnti Export. Power. , ' Senate Bill 17""? ttnah1nr1 such Who'll" to iurtituto ', "That it is also proposwd by the bill . f..yrt,iuuation clarcrcos if ihvy now do- in nonfwr upon tiu- company power to tshg"1, . . take compulsorils any privilege or, .et Pt - . - Thy follruviv,z, bills' Moul'e' rtitris-il in easement which it requires for the pur-' fi)1',111,','.,"; :--l"scx.-tit,v,x thr, 'luiurna- ponos of its undortaking.. and to that . . it l'rl 'llllllliilwr "f tho i" r oa'c. a . Ht, the comtyulsory owers Proposals Now Refun- I. ppcr llousv Christi: '1 Assooio.tirurw, $1... Ir),'),'.:",,,:'.."",?,.).? 'iysis.j.edfvt.v"rat.nea; 11'dl'C,'t'))vs'",'2'ict3'i1, . Silt't'iilis: tho tuwn of Trrn .. . . ' - r' ".' .. '. t "i - , declare the. at Ottawa Arouse Ive ot Mr. "Hula: "'"Filri'tinc 1,v"A"",1,l.stf'"ic',ll."s).1o:'.,,'i 'itic,.aiolrwtad, /),1)ticle.1,l to be'works tori, Whitney-Ester-ments, of Fed. tl,,?,,.,'):',:') ain't-Till: U{in P"fl.',1ri,',1)r, "J; th/c/tgi'";"] a'ltg'gfztlgnrgf fiiy"fJiposs, : .. N C,'., t . Ir, " "rwl1s.'1lp n 66 m. 16: t A' l tt _'b7', l eral Hottsat---"ebate on Provincial ll?',",;')','.'),') _III in"; "plum-tit... I'nrlotmi. MP. legislation will lit- to on:1l:lcftl;r 'it,'.?,.-.;, .. ' ' . . . T'rttr"t1 In,'.',' " town of Top.. nany. without tn: unison or no o-', nights to Take mace. if)?!" ily,',',!")'. 'C'1 in itwrtttoruto it AF' vittr'P, to DOS-5'9"." itself of p,et"i',1,e/ '__' P I." 0 '"ct Tot-. Mr. (loufror: water priviiogcs and powers owned i a". . .-. ff,i'?r1y?:?' tho Hunting (1pm or tho the Province. and to export from 1-! - f'o1tllt.v.ot Frrtritt'uov. Mr. "vHtlaxhor . tario the power gonoru-tcd by mea of . . ',"i':1'r"y'/li5 tho town of North fi',".aio', them. A l Tin {median of Ptsrry.tvial right> Will ",",/,i,':,,r"yg'ir, "That tho proposed logislati Willi to-day (K't'lll'ly tho attention of tho T., 'd,')',),?,' tyrant)"; ant-ulinol limo "mm. '. hat-p tho, affair} tf ,1',r,i,"1'ir1t..lt.,'-i-' t e PEEK: Logisln l a , ft i. ., . R l , is c,: .. . " ll " "l Hr't. Mr. May; vims: from ut mug m accor ' ce w" t . t tir " int mo ft fat thi mr'.l1il,",1tlll'a' tho city of I'tturlrrovo'. Mr. its dcclarr-d policy tho vain ole water, sumo" thr- House has moaned dealing 'ln-ntilmru. privilotpas and power?', of t a Pigeon. Pith any "on m.~.hlcm. hut tho bill Provincial Iti,ghts. ngigon and Sturgeon Filters for the entitled "An not to incur-{maxim 'the" (in: "tfot tl H hp.nofit of' tilt:- public. '2l,,riillit'"t"htt . . . _ . 1 f L "' 'tO 5 ' ' . . . I". I .' . F' _ 0 I ny .') " tnrio & Mulligan Power Clomtrau.v," 'Whilm-t- 52h; ..'1l.il 1/',ytt,"g'i,"U?c,mai;rt 3an JJ/,tllt)?"ilafi2.""'" / I t which has 1.0m introdut-fd into the- tyt.imt or thrs Ho1t.cr. in a hill furl-3d:;:K "That this Housr views with alarm Sc-nate. hu, xiv-u the; in'gislnturo its :1 ll, 'hi", Stil'llalf' of Canada with ma! tiho repeated _i,n,:iptti1,'"t1c,it, iof'thc :3:- - . . _ " . .t. . t _ . C'."Uni'/r At l" (luturic & Michi . lament of Nana ayc"t to rgi s o a. (n Y. . u. . ' , ' ' _ ("an . . " 'pportuttit., Sn litorial ill Th: (.ioln l-nvl'r tampon): I 1rrorrost to $4ku Province. and "S efforts to withdraw of a few llilyn ago nppiircntly provided thy'. Hotisr. to "SYN" to n (rautTiiil from Provincial/Jurisdiction and con- Prrmior Whitno.v with llin'mir; a, it Wa.,' which r will sulotrtit. i don't [Dropout ' trol works of tymi!y?ls.' Provincial char- thr-n stated that the granting of a chm-- io usk .""-' fri'Is.dy opposite in amt-o to i F at'tpr, and tsaIty!1.v, .r"tt'ttt'. against _ l.. _ . . . the. l"'h'llutlon this afternoon. I pro- l such aetiomcwhit'it this House believes tet to this oompum, compiling with pun: to rm"; tlr-rr-tlution. and perhaps ' I...) he contrriry. if not. to tho "sttor. to all the proposals. would be " (langor- ask tlu- Ilourw trr-morrow to deal witli' tho spirit/or tho British North Am- Oais violation of Provincial rights. Tim b .1 don"t J""""'"': to put the mat-t .gricu act, and to the intention of the tttrs.' - sci .. "r. .- .. ." . . bts' "WWW ill our I'xtremr ttN sc f ramors: co.n.n.ml osiyts certain "an: honor all nith ,.,.f,_r,.mm to "V" /f,',r,',s.1igti; i . . / ~I t and other privileges on the Nonigon, 1,'y"y.rrTnriu1. I don't. hold tho Domin- ' l'nwy'ra'"rd Lett" at on. . Sturgeon and Pint-on itivvrs, in Thun- (/,c,/tpiC',",'",,'y,y rr'siponsitrlc for the in- ,' , "That in the opinion of this House der Pay district. After wading the ;t'i1'l'"'titi.'/1r,/l",.',', thts Sonata of this MIL! 'tho proposed logislaiion would he an entire 'trlitoriat in the House .vosterday '.reaeo l Pill .lic:re1,',.,t.t.t,lena,b.lf: {on many I Thwarrantod and mogul . intorfercuce Mr. Whitnco- sulrPnittrud a i'r'solution {road n.. .1 rotloedmg. ' Mr. "hither. (vith tho territorial sovmreitrnt.y of the "\'it'wint with alarm tho ropoatod en- "lion?" "1l.it:y,',i:1.1..., drain); _witl1 the _-l" Provinro and with its nxclusivo logisia- croac-hmcnts of tho Parliament of t'un- lill' '/,'eeanct' with"? i'owcr Company h" ', tive authority nurlor the British North ad". on tho rights of thr- Province" [ill/13% "y. y/l, An. ot,?,yo,?,ty111e MIL", lAmorit-a act. and this lions-c earnestly However. he: did not hold tho Fedora! ').1?lfll,/ag2i.yii-id in rhc. Globe on thc {and firmly protosts against tho, Trro- Holler responsihh- for tho Introduction r'"y/,..c'fvj'//t'2',h: _ " . .. i posed hill inning given the form of law. of the mt-asurc into the Six-mite. Tho rc- _ cy,)., 1ly2 adrleU :--- This bill pro- i "And this liouso "o""?""';."'?'-')""-"' its solution states such a withdrawal from ugh); as 'to much out ym1 grasp control. irradinoss and dotormiaa,tion to sup- Provincial Jurisdiction of matters of ', .- f1lfit,1 ill: Illtmumon Parliament. of ioort with all tho moans. constitutional a purely Provincial charm-tor are: con- ' i fi', if? '?yaEi,'.11.tlf.1 occupritmn or form o'-. land material, which " can command. tram to tho. spirit of tho British North . 3 _-,")"?,',',');",",..,:,"",,','",'),',"')":'. "in?" HHSHCItlzcu 'th GovPrntttemt. of Ontario in taking America. Act. and that tho r'roposvtl 0 l n mm may choose to tttttCl'. isuclt tnfyFtttT'F' ayf pt'rmodmgs ar' may legislation nould ho an unwarranted Tho Rosalution. (br rlnole rmuisuo to. ant-rt, main- and illegal mlrrfcroncc- with tho terri- t 7 l lain and (inland tho 1ogtisiative and ter- torial sovereignty of the Province. it '1 Mr. Whitncy read the tvst9lution iritoriai sopTroitot.v. of the Province _ is further stated that tho v-l'foct. or the ;"'hich was as t?ollows '.-- tannin" all Mirror-Hon and rum-nach- proposed legislation would enable the :1 "That the attention of this House hat ' mom by the P'mlt'l'ill Governmont and company without the Const"tlt of tho 'been called to a hill introduced in the iParliamont. and. it I."'."'.:?'"."..'", in an- Provinco to hossess itself of valuable" 1sunratc of Canada entitled 'An act to inhaling to tin: lmporial Parliament for water privihugoy and powers-7. and to imcorporate the Ontario & Michigan {such amoudmonts to tho British North export from Ontario the power goucr- ,Powor Company.' That it is proposed 11pp/riiyj1r?ft, as will safeguard the for- atori by means of them. in the rcsolu- thy tho hill to 'tttcorporate. two persons a "Mighty of tho Province tlu-rcfrom. ' lion tho position is also taken that tho ', who are described as residents of the ' w . proposed bill would hair the rift-ct or F lfuitod Status of America, and Herman Pled for P"T . . prrwontintt the Province from utilizing; Fingor of Port Arthur and A. IV. Concluding. the Premier said that those powors for the public. Simon Fraser and Thomas A. Burge'n of ot, ho would atrk tho, House. t.? consider the the hill comes brforo the Serum: on ' .tmvu. under tho namo of 'The Ontario .irsssolutiou to-day. Ho dig not desire Wrnlnesday. the lmgiblaturn will d0uate :8: Michigan Powep Company" and to that afternoon to "lit-731:0 ill any artrur the resolution to-day. _ it-oufor on tho company the following; ""9" 2,,ty,".,',t,' Mi l or ml make my _ al, . t . ,_ . ,powtsrs : For tho Purposes of obtaining. o1r's'ttrv'at.'s.o.ty? in W? anon to t to tremon - haunt! m tidings. 'dcveloping. improving and generating . nus possibilities which must necessarily Hon. Mr. 1'"oy's hill to "tnottd tho 'wzttor power. using water power by follou- upon the enactment. of stwhletr,- act ii/cpl/Iii/ui.: the Law StW'lPtY of mid. (any "193118 of application. converting _islation by, the Doypinion.Py.rmyyt'rlt. per Canada - was Flt'IVElll-Ci'td . thrcruzh :u'ator power into electricity. heat, light Hon. A. Cr. Mackay said that he had committm other hills- srirel, ';'Jiii1'i-i ' {or 'any other form of energy. storing ntrt it" thc bill, and did not know readings, 'Gureir-'iiliG'o7t"ini"r' local muni- Water pnwor. gas, compressed air, glee- whether othor members of the Home cipal "l'eii/iiii:ine :aj,'§tt'-1ng_..H0n. Dr. itrioit)'. heat. light or any other form ihad done so. no .c,uggested that to- Rcrtunw. To amend ma public schools Iof energy. and of transmitting and sup- u day was ITrmayr. under thy 'Nrcttnt- act-Hon. Dr. Pvno. ai, g......;..1 m. iplyiug' the some by any means', for uso :stancos: an 'yyrlv.rlat'.' to discuss tho Departmmit or Tlailti.atiou' m-t- nan fir ii" any manner at any place in Can- rosolution wlt.i"l1 involved s:uch $t.1t im- jaw". Ttr'specting 59mm". molly"; lada. or in isle ltnl'alo or in any place 'DOl'Ullll. question. 'ifiiii"tos.iiviVrfh 'r;%i'i(iii'ti"tti whngqgg'. li, the United States of America, the Pr'2m.ier 1Vlt.itttxyrTho reason for Hon. ik. Pvno. t To alumni ' tho "ir., icompany to hurry l8 that the hill 1'omos up at 0t- respcctlng' stationary ougrineer.u--Hon l " (a) Acquire lands. oasemerrts., privi- tawa on " odncsday. wt Ivant to have Mr. Cir/Gill. 1tesspicting" tho Divieio-i . logos, water and water rights at any t,lyi,f'xp,r,'r,P'I ot our opinion there. , Farilc-yiaa-, Mr. Foy. _ . 1 lone place on each of the following :don't. think my hon. friend Will have in explaining his bills Hon Dr Pyme i irivers, namely, the Pigeon River, in the , any dift1ttulty when ho'sces the bill. , said the amendntcnt to the .Dul'tllt'f i0rt',"i/y,",'. of Ontario and tht, State of . The House adjourned. : schools act simply oxtmidcd the an"; iglichigan; the Ntfépigon Riverl 31nd tho T2.e"reLTh"...e".X..".'r.'2'.'1"e=".X..,T.eT. .___ ermnent's. DOIICY in rural districts. The i'. turgem, ftiver, both in title t.'stritrt ot fifth class oxtetyi.iony. would virtually l 7ll11,fe1' Baiv. in a}? slaidd rovmce. t: result in township hitth schools, and l A!) Acqu Pet sue d an ts, cafeinén CC'. they hoped to induce rural 1oiealitiest.to l pr V eggs, J,') air l? Ll,vlt,'hr, r 31mm"? take up such classes. Some changed in a? inot: 'it',l1"'o' 'lids/f, q 'ste Ill',' for the the curriculum would be necessitated T ntntr t i"? d dl' l ti t the T Ft? as to include the teaching of elemen- ; " storage. con 'i'll an "or gu rt',','?,,",,',,",',..', - l tary horticulture and, agriculture. "Hot {water 'l/N, a is" i" wa t ii, W n "t med-that; the new teachers would re- ( toanyso t e, I? l?.",',',',';,,',),'.',', 0311;}? i , ", ", . J" --- "