k PE t * incaifh on > mt oi) an Ablint ie d eaval L aonih oi 0. . . House 'drdered ~that copies . 0 'both the J_87" the « ovince of M '-(P': a, in flh'f f resolution and the amendment should !| portion of Ontario west of the merid< be sent to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. lan drawn through the confluence of s . | the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The J Should be in Ontario. _. |purpose of this amendment is to re-- p H * -- ' n 7 » s After the House had Seen Jn C6MM®45-- | Marriages entered Infto on a "sinlh oL tee on the bill of Hon. Mr. Cochrane.to | doubtful territory on the boundary | amend and consolidate the mings .a¢t | between Manitoba 'and Ontario. The | Mr. Gamey raised the question.of Nake | masters and servants act is amended ng all m'ining company transfer offices | [) that wages for piccework may be in Ontario.~ He claimed that it war | sued for before a Magistrate as 3';vell A bnlutely necessary that every SuCH | as day wages, as heretofore. _ Pro-- || company should have its trangfer '?m" | vision is mariz;' fox:' thé em lov.me t of [| in tll;'" Province. . If SUI'-"h. i pro;f;:i%n | interpreters in criminal 1(ia§9< n('og-- could not be placed in the miines e n are AnniiAAtE a takin e PAP y anatene 4 t thought it onsl;ht to be in the. joint stock ;z;'iong"ll'.fifig ':il:gel" (f!(l)llpnnez;xr);"f;:;ama- i companies act. 't.« c, yg uJ pPbomus for the construction of 2 rail-- Stop Over--capitalization. < ... ) way from Little Current to a point | 5 near Sudbury is extended. The land l Hon Mr. MacKay . suggested that grant of 5,000 acres per mile, given to t some provision be placed in the mines | ;n Ontario, Hudson's Bay & Western | act curtailing the capitalization. of min-- Railway in 1899. is renewed for three | ing companies in order to stop wildcat vears. The line is one of the Clergue ;Svh('me".\'. He thought that capitaliz lines. 5 T ation might be -- increased according.to The increasing of the minimum sal-- the amount spent for development pur-- ary of Police Magistrates in citiecs of poses 7 * .. 20,000 or over is contemplated. Hon. Mr. Cochrane said ho realized *4 s | the situation regarding over--capitaliza-- _-- New Judicial District. * | tion, but he admitted he could find no Hon. Mr. Cochrane introduced &n | 6 h 4 * h -- C . a | solution . act creating Fort Frances a separate 4[»('"',.50" Lake. indicial district, with the town of Fort i y A Frances as the county seat. A dis-- | _ Mr. Hoyle stated that he was inform-- _ iricq Judge, Sheriff, jJaller and Regis-- [ ed that the directors of the Peterson trar will be appointed later. "The | Lake Company in New York had--refus-- name.of the district of Fort Prances , ed to advance any more money for the mayr be changed by proclamation to (d('\'o".npxno"nl of that claim at ('nhalt. _ Rainy River, and the name of Rgainy | | He thought in such a case there shoultd | River district may be.changed hy pro-- | l be some practical redress for Canadian | clamation to Kenora. i 5 I E investors. & |_ Hon. Mr. Cochrane's bill was report: | ed,. as was also one of Hon. Mr. Hen drie to amend the railway act. | Thousands a Minute. | ~-- In Committee of Supply the two items i in the main estimates which had been | held over, $130,000 for mining > develop-- | ment and $273,850 for -- miscellancous, | were voted in four minutes, on condi-- | tion that they may be discussed before i being concurred in by the House. | Power Rill Introduced, | A _ Hon. Mr. Beck introduced 2 Wil} "to provide for the development of water ; power at D"% Lake It provides for ! the caonstruction by the. Hydro--electric Power Commission of a dam or dams tin Dog Lake ors in the Kaministiquia | River for the purposecof storing and cantrolling the fow of water. The | commission-- will develop eleéctrical en-- |ergy, and may sell or lease such water power to such persons, firms or corpor-- ations as the Government may see fit. \ The commission is given power to regulate the use of the waters of the river by the owners or lessees of any ' water powers below the Dog Lake dam. [ ! The cost of the work is not:to excsed $20,000, and is to be paid out of the cdn-- solidated revenue fund of Ontario. 1t is understood that the bill is introduced. in connection with Port Arthur'sg pow-- 1 | er _ scheme. s | --Hon. Mr. Monteith introduced amendments to the act respecting agri-- cultural associations and the agriewm-- tural societies act. The former sub-- stitutes the Gardeners and Florists® As-- ; | sociation for the Toronto Agriculturel | Society. -- The latter introduces a nuim-- p | ber of agricultural societies under new é | nmames. < _ ! To Borrow $4,000,000. \' Hon. Mr. Matheson introduced a Txijll | : for raising moncy on the credit of the . consolidated revenue fund. of Ontario. l The bill authorizes the raising of a | -- | loan of $4,000,000, of which $3,000,000 will | be used to repay money advanc¢ed by | the Government for the construction of | the T. & N. 0. and the balance for the ! campletion of the railway. The bill i was read a second time. |_ _ Hon. Mr. Matheson also introduced | & bill to provide for auditing the pub-- | lic accounts of the Province. The bill | is a consolidation of the old measure | as carried out by the Statutes Revision | Committee. . | An OI@ Friend. A Hon. Mr. Foy introduced a bfill to | amend the statute law amendment act. ( It contains the usual grist of amend-- | ments, many. of them formal or cler-- J ical in character. . One section amends | the Surrogate Courts act, which here-- ; tofore has provided for the payment | of $1,000 in fees to the Surrogate Court | Judge, who has generally been the | senilor Judge of the county, while the | sum of $666 goes to the junior Judge | out of the excess fees, if any. Lately | some junior Judges have been appoint-- j ed as Surrogate Court Judges, and | they have been receiving all the fees. The amendment now gives them -- the first thousand dollars. after which the senior Judge receives his $666 out of the excess fees.: Another section vali-- i,clates marriages solemnized prior to \ January 1. 1890. according to the law--