3 CARTY SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908, eneemmeer -- © oo --epmmmmmremmmennemermmm mm mmmmmmenam o GRANT NU FAVURS Liberal Leader Again Takes g Stand on Power. | [ nieuerncnncce uc ned hoi irnrtas ale | | | ~Redistribution. Debate Com-- [ ' s a | menced in Legislature. | | Toronto to Have Eight Members-- Present -- Divisions -- Unaltered -- Each Voter Will Cast Two Ballors ----Four Million Dollars Loan to he Raised in England. The expenditure of the revenues 5f 'the Province by the Government -- for the renefit of a particular municipality was taken exception to in the Legisla-- i _tlure this afternoon by the Hon. A (i. MacKay. The question arose in con-- nection with the second reading of th |_ _Dog Lake development bill 'The (Gov. | _ ernment desire under this mea ure to |_-- expend $20,000 for the erection of a dain _ _by means of which the water of the t lake will be stored for power purposes | Mt. MacKay pointed out that this v Ls _ practitcally for the benefit of Port Ar-- i thur alone. As on previous occasions, |_ he claimed that any works designed for i _ the benefit of particular municipalities g 'should be paid for by the beneficiaries, |_and not by the Province. Hon. Adam t _ Beck said that there were three power i companies who would benefit by the _ scheme, and the Government would de-- rive revenue from them by way of ren-- tals. Mr. MacKay again pointed out that the proposal violated an important principle, and inquired as to whether the Government, having created the means by which the companies could develop power, would controli the ratos charged to consumers. To this ques-- --_ tion, however, he received no reply. Premier Whitney moved that the House should go into committee to con-- 'sider his redistribution bill. He outiin-- ed the Government's position, and _ egain stated that the measure was not of & more general character because it was found that the figures of the last census. cou!d not be regarded as reli-- able. Toronto, he again stated, would have eight members, two for each of the present electoral divsions, so that at next celection Toronto electors will have the privilege of casting two bal-- lots. s . The Hon.. A. G. MacKay made use of the Premier's.own arguments, and _ contended: that with a census due in two years' time it would be only rea-- _ sonable:to postpone any redistribution proposals until -- then.. He moved an amendment to that effect, and the de-- bate was then adjourned. s Yesterday was the last day for the introduction of private bills. Only one ; was brought forward. that of Mr. Fer-- guson (Grenvillé) to amend the act for !he'xxnpro"enlelxt of public highways. To Prevent Fraud. Hon. Mr. ;_M'ontei,th introdnuced a, bill io amend the act to prevent fraud in !:pe, manufacture of cheese and butter. ME*®measure gives inspectors appoint-- ed by the Government power to go on the farms of persons supplying milk to cheese and butter factories and take and test samples. By comparison with the--milk delivered. at the factories it