[f LEW} It}: if Mama he" more arefiniteU. dammit») {$93811 " whether the milk had been skimmed i fl ah or watered. _ . _ J gem ', . at 1 Yet to beSettlod. ' _l, ' did 11 The measure also will permit the ap- pointment of Government inspectors to investigate the city and town milk svpnly, take samples of milk on farms, in transit. myth» premises of dealers, or while being deldvered to customers. As an instance of how.the act works out. if Toronto desires such milk-in- spoction the Government would make an appointment. and the city would pay for the inspector's services. 'Iltplyihg' to a question by Colonel Atkinson. the Attiwnev-Gonttral said J. C. Judd of London had aetced as com- missioner in inquiries mnm'rning s. T. nnulpdn and J. Fl. "Winder in thc' mission" in inquiries concerning >5. u.. Rastedo and J. H. Wrrbstcr in the Fisneries Department. G. R. Vanzunt of Toronto jail, and Registrar Thomas McDonald of Dundas county. Messrs. Ramada. Vanzant and McDonald had boon dismissed as a result of these in- nun-305. The Bastodn commission had ms! $1,193; the Yanzant $2.600. with the accounts of the. vommissioner and stor,ographot' not yet adjustvd. and the 'Jannnnld $115.12. with thr' account of cost $1,193; the Vanzant $2.60". With me accounts of the. commissioner and Monograph" not yet adjusted. and the llvDonald $113.12. with thv account of iioo commissioners not yet adjusted. Mr. Judd rc-coiwd for the Bastodo in- "1.1T." $565, but for the other two in- rmhio: no sottlc-nwnt has bteen arrived tno ("I Mr. J! Gull)" quilics a: yet. hm." Au.cworing a question ofNr. Mahafty ()lxiskolia). the 'Attorney-Gutter-al stated that the amount of the atrtitlr- .~mce fund now on hand under the land titlos act Was $80.92: The amount paid out of this by way of compon- sctiott or damages vamo to $19,037. Compulsory Powers. Explaining his-hill to amend. the act respecting companies for supplying stcam, heat, o1ectricity or natural gas for heat. light and power, Mr. Pres- ton said such communes had no power to cross other properties vxcept by waking an agreement. The companies claimed they should be out uudcrr the some terms as other public utilities. 1tith permission to go to tho Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. Tho Pill received it", second reading. and ire?" referred to the Municipal Commit. Pog Lake Power mu. l,td,vein the .1.louy' Wont into Commit i H "" tho, bill of Mr. Book to provide lfor the development or water power an 1120:. hill"). Mr. Macliuy asked whv a "k,',t,it'"i.lirotr! should be made in fawn: of Ifltlerthm itttrl tlto revenue of th' , tovmvo drawn upon I In moving that the House go into committee on the redistribution blll l Premier Whiturty gaVc u brief outline of I, the work of tho special committee. In E the work of the committee the Govern- iment members occupied the same no- isltion as those of the Opposition, i though the views of the Government. ot :course. were likely to nrevail. They found the only census they could rely upon was the Dominion census of 1901. inecause thtt.ytu,yt.lc.W:at.A'.P",h"', was no Hon. Mr. Heck said the tu'VPlttl$? would comp from rentals of tho three power comDanios. This revenue would pay for the control of the tlow as well as the actual work contmnpluted. After Hum. Mr. Mackay had phr- si>ted in his vio.w, Hon. My. Whitv.ry Said the Government realized the great opportunity which would come to the Province from an extended water power. Mr. Mackay asked if the (Invermnont would still control the rates for power after there vompnnies had paid the rentals. hut no satisfactory answer was You!" ls receive y l Four Million Loan. Mr. neck said the I'vvonue ramp from rentals of tho three companivs. Thic revenue would %r6saoi'ur, 'e""Fr""ttrTP9""' FIWIF "VIC "U reliable tntderiNtr/ftti'. a' full '. axyd com- Dlete _redititrWiitiiito, £Th'ey also found that the memtGrt1frorti the Opposition did not care to.-take any part in the prnceedihgs until the last two meetings, but he was not. complaining of that. There was. he claimed, just, as much reason to expect members from the Op- position to sugsest changes as mem- bers from theraosrernnuynt. side, though he did not linoiv whether it made any difference- in the end. Have Done Their Best. _. '. The minority report presented by Mr. Bowman. Mr. Whitney continued. wtis 'listincthv irrs-gulm'. hecaus'm it should have originated in the committee. "We. have done '-the best . we rould." he continued. Ho took it that the only real objection to the scheme was in Huron. Midlllns'ex and Toronto. Em- phutically the Premier stated that they absolutely'rofusol to change any con- stituencies with tho solo object of po- litical advantage in View, "Rogarding Huron. ho stated that not. anothor rid-. ing would unpom' more reasonably mm! more pt'oporl.v dividod. There had been two towuships in that county', which had been rut up in order to respond to the nrutrc.ccititr,c, of aim- Government of a former day. Toronto's (Emu my other riding it in'oposal regarding four m-w mnmlw-rs present constituent Haunt-s in the ""'i bill lt 1'or.tinuiug, ho said that thrro should ho two nominations, um" for junior and Oilt' for soninr cmnlidates. Tho latter mum: he (lvsimmlml by "A" and "H" instmul of junior' and senior. In con- ('iusim. ht, stated that the Goveutmmettt 1m 1 uswl trying this expvrimnnt in To- ronto to sm- how it would work out, and pt-rhnps it would he upwind to milirr l-itios at m) distant date. It soured to him that tho simplicity of thw sx-ha-nn- would cormnend itsrslt' to tho Holm- and tho preople. Me. Mackay's Anwmhm-nt. i Hon. A. G. Mat-Kay said that the IPrumivr load himm-lf supplied an ex- Ecolle-nt H-zlsnn why the bill should not lilo "mammal with when ho had stated Phat in two years' time a nmv census would lw tuken and then they would ihavo n-lluhln information. For twvnty- {throw years thorn had been no general redistribution. Thorp had htsett " mens- Cure in 1894 drilling with the cities Hmly. and " partial measure in (ir/df dealing with New Ontario. :.\'0 matter what was the form ot' a immstiuu-noy twoty-three years ago. 'with the; vhang'es of population somhly. and mach of the tettid districts slctli lw tvptuvintr'il in tho Legislative As.srut1rly by two members us the -'--m(n' mvmlwr and tho junior triem- hnr for oarh district. _ "Tlw olvctiun of a nwmhor for each of such Hputs shall be scpuratv and distinct from tho vloction of a mem- lmr for the other sent. and shall take placv in all rvspnots as If tho, election of i' mtumlscst' for such 50%]! "huht'I' an cl, (-llon for u momlmr in " district en- titled to one momlu-r only, Rama and (-xupt that tho sumo returning ofticer, dainty returning ofticcrs and poll ciorli: shall conduct both oloctionta, and thu polling of votvs shall tnkv place in thr Sumt- polling places. "l'Zvory pvrsrm untitled to vote at the plat-hung in such districts rvspootlvoly sycoh' be ontitlml to voto at thc elec- tion of a mcmlwr for each of such tion of scat: ,. pruynsw mum t and W' otlir t No matter what was the mrm or cunstituc-ncy twoty-three years as; with tlic. v1tangC'.s of populatit which had taken place it was inom ceivalrle that the form of the turn.st them-y should. ma} also haw he: changed. Ho tl't not propose tot into the. whole question. but wou move as an anwndnqent i,, -' changed. Ir into the. wl moyg Ts .an "That till' " I wo In ol um tin wit the WOT "My on difforont bal m tho followimtc'1ause =ml introducing in th the said electoral dis- . of Toronto thc-ru shall ll tho Logislutix'o As- .h of tlw said districts mm! in tho Legislative Hill. of "thi?' motidn were no m a titer the. irr.ii word , and the following mm for : C' 'The Speaker do not now n chair. but it be resolved that Tam opinion of this House. in view Ot " fact that another redistribution of so hit will naturally follow tho dtiormial cow ms of 101tViis not dwimhln at prc- mnt to make any champ, in tho basis or-roprosentation. except its to Arn- Ontario. which should hars. mlditimm' roprv:mmtation."' and moved tho :td- journmmn of tho debate. The l-louse-adjourned until 11 v'rs'locii on Monday. Third Readings. My, Matheson ', N's-gunning tiw city of Port Arthur, Mr. Preston (Port Arthur) ; to coutirn, a vermin by-law of tho united counties of Molman & Rid- out, Mr. MahaiTy ', rquwting the town- ship of Osgoodv, in the caunty of Car- lvmn. Mr. MMClrm': rospcming the town ot' Toronto Junctinn and to int'orporato it as tho, city ot' WCs.ut Toronto. Mr. _ Godfrey: roam-ting the town of North I Tho following hills woro road a third timv and passvd :---Rospecsting the rais- ing of Mans authorized by thv lwttisla- ture, Hon. Mr. Mathosonz rospocting tho t'onsolidittod rm'omm fund. Hon. Mr. Matheson : tistttcting the MN of .mdfrvy: roan-Ming t I'orouto, Mr. Godfrey :53; lam-Bu il t