lt'ie AHowey-General in the Legisla- ture moved that his hill to amend the Division Courts. not should he struck oft the order paper. The bill was a lengthy one. and ho, intimated that it wah. desirable that it should receive fur- ther connidPration (it the hands of the Statutes Revision Committee, and come before the House again next session. The bill Was withdrawn. Mr; Craig also withdrew his bill to amend the public schools act. . On the motion of the 1lou.'Dr. Pyme. the following was agreed to '. "That the, House doth ratify the several agree- ments with the heinafter mentioned school boards as toliow.s '. (I) With the Board of Education of the city of Ham- llton'..gated Jut _1, 1906. C?) With tho Board ot Education .ot the city of Peter. boro'. dated Aut, st 29.1905. . Cl) With The Attorney-Geno ture moved that his Division Courts act oft thc order paper. lengthy one. and ho was desirable that. it ther consideration at Statutes Revision Co: before the House as The bill "my; 1vithrW 'EDNESDAY. APRIL ti), 1908.' Hills ll ithdraivn. u... a ucurmrutc gel'l'yumndm'. More detail was gone into regarding the vari- ous changes than on the any previous, while the Govctmnent was generously twittecl_ ahout its honest .Prtttenst'ons. IL is now the Government's desire that business should be completed on Friday afternoon. and if this is accomplished ltrorogation will take place on Satur.. Ilay, It is illtticiputed that after the "base has closed T're.ipietrwhitney will take a short vacation before starting on his campaign tour. There was another afternoon' ed righting over the redist measurs in the Legislature yo Liberal members gave many ac' reasons why the bill was tmtl c'ouid not be classed as anyth but a deliberate gerrynmnder. detail was gone into l'eg'aljding t ous changes than on the any p While the Gostrnrnent was go: twittecl. about its honest .m-m learly All of Yesterday Afternoon Devoted to Redistribution Bill, and Some Strong Lnnuuaac is Government Twitted About Its _ Roasted. Honesty. DETAILED REASONS GIVEN. More Liberal Members Debate the (ilutyyti0n. SPIRITED FIGHT G GERRYMANDER and Some Strong Language is Used-Govtwnnumt Intends; Com; cluding Business This Week if! Possible. ' the redistribution t'gislatutts yesterday. uh: yesterday. any additional ts unfair. and anything else sipivit- "In all'this gerrymander they have not in a single solitary instancn 10ft thc Liberal party in a more favorahle position than the_\"were in before." Mr. Ferguson (Cardwell) said that had the Government had political mo- the; at heart four Conservatives would be returned from Cardwell and Simcoe new election. He had not heard any Liberal speakers referring to Want- worth. Which had two members, with a population of 26.000. Coming to Peel county. Mr. Hith'p said Albion township was never in that riding. hut was placed in Card- well by Sir John A. Macdonald. The county of Huron. he said. was " i!" cuiiarly shaped county. but. the old divisions were compact. Unfortun- ately two townships had been divided. but still the divisions were convenient to the people directly interested. He. l-elieved the Conservatives had thought the former division was eminently fair If it were fair to divide Huron. why not divide Waterloo? asked the spa-uk- er. where " township was dividrd as in Huron. Fairminded Conservative.-. he felt sure. would be opposed to the. present division in Huron. and he read a portion of a Godoric-h Conser- vative newspaper. which was against the scheme. Regarding Bruce. hr, said it was not divided, because the local Conservatives could not agree among themselves on any division, The great principles of the redistribution; had been planned in caucus before thel committee met. He believed tho city of Toronto was very won represented already. in ,Ett'glaud. the representation of cities 'was not as great, according to popu- Nation. as in the rural districts. but l he contended that there was need fur , ti. greater disparity in this country hu- t cause of the greater areas rc-prcswntml. i "I believe it is time; that we. in this Province endeavored to not a ltr'... ter system of representation." said Mr. Hislop. and he acidod that he believed in minority representation. Darius: l the last election the Conservatives had '; obtained 239,000 votes and the Lieorals :20;|.000. It took 3.378 votes to got a (Conservative member into the House. he stated. whereas it took 7.555 to get in one Liberal member. Ht. gave lather similar examples showing the l fallacy of the present system of 1'01er- isentatiori. In nine general elections (in England the Liberals. had received I majorities of the popular vote no {nu-vi than sevari times. hut the Conserva- tives wore in power twtunty-thro? Years as against seventeen wan fur the Liberals. Never in Riding. In resuming tho dohatn on Hm rt-- distribution My. IIislnp (East Huron, said that it was at first supposedthat the, measure was simply to remedy that existing wrongs. but it went tarther than that. The representation' orOtttarin was already too large. ho ccmtended. and the sanw numl'mr " members as sent to the Dominion Parliament by the Province would be stttrscient. Falls. _/ , . - I. Hon. Mr. f"ochpanr. iritroclurod a resDettintt tho town of Comm. stated that tho hill nttthorizoti township of Colvman to Muarantoo, bonds of Cobalt for the construct of waterworks and snwcrago svste Hon. Mr. Hanna also introdur-c-d Iniil respecting the reformation of n 1stterl children. It 'M'atl ft mum". tian of existing acts. ho mid. 1;. bills wow given a second reading. Rt'sipc'ctiip,' tl Sanitarium' for To provide f pnwm' ut Drg Rasmrcying Third Readings. To IL'TC'JU' tho I) tvict of Fort Fra llospecting the Respecting tlp" and (1011030. '1 To ttotttitnr, my of North Bay. _ Respecting the "ons/poetic/rr, tho momma-ting tu- timr, the Public School Board cube wife»: Stratford. dated August 1. 1906. (4) With the" Board of Education or the city of London, dated August 28, 1907. (a. Mrltlt the School Board of the town of North Bay. dated August 29. 1906. G; \Vith' the trustees of tho Roman Catholic separate schools of the Pity of Ottawa. dated. September 17. 1007---pro, viding in tho case of 03011 (nun-ant fw- the use of certain classrooms tn Lo ttse:l hy tho students of the Prm'inri'n train» ing tcchools in wwh of t]]"("i1'v'< a- towne montinw-rl Mr tho mnymsns m 'ie wbs-ervation and for prnrt ion tn "the art'r-I' teaching presentation m following 1 the city of windsor, the City of Landau, Lhz- London and Midd l" 15ousurnptivoselrr for zlovolgmnun't of l td tor pmvtinhl ti oitls" Too I povi 1ill " I' No. ty of Po "'cstern tp w i 1 .au-gv "Y' tft? iqul judicial di :39 'ttt .'t Arthur. .' University of the tow 3211 instruc- wa t tit? " futtt id Jo bi H: the " " ', tl