Fou i." 1[:'. Whitiey--There"are .0=" Gh.j he cow u 4ly:" , * qx iess K¥ ~* f'] & ' s 8 f ' + C * * uP l / ',,'."_' '.-'."'Q.. 1" iun-e o °°. o 3 -- j. That statement brought-*thv Pre=: -- An Unwieldy House. + . miter to ;u: 'feot. Ho'fil'd';aflqlgfv&n ; s * k not complaining as an vidual. but Mr. May (Ottawa) thought that "",: such language was unfit for any Leg-- Pedistribution Committee should h:n a | Islature. n o e ho . 1 , | Noh marme theit/ ++ 0990",'&':' Pro< Mr.. Ross continued and repeated |five Government meMmber®.., 'fiperais | 2 Portion of his statement, when the mice had found objection with ittee |Speaker said the language was cun-- fur not taking part in the commillt Imrl!amentary. *M i 1 WO mectings. f i "I bow to your ruling.'" said -- NMr. . Hou. Mr. Whitney--You didn't dis~, | Ross, as he froceeded %o state that Pouss it at all. Stay sald the ffouse ;in the redistribution the Premier bad Proceeding, Mr. May s Cor. _ pp | Powed to the baser elements of. his was unwijeldy with 98 members. * party. * . ) thought better legislation could be T«"}fi' t § complished with a smaller body. (01 A Little Deat. _ Rredistribution had hbeen . #0 a.x:ra.pstl'(l 1: $fF Neele ; e c "|\ | thar Conservatives thought they wOl |_ _ Alr. Nmeely (E. Middlesex) said he had 1;{,_ gain many seats. If the Premictr had ;.\et'tn flr'u'l' any person who objected &1 Edecigded to remain by the principle of ito the division of Middlesex. He thought '};:!r ecurty boundaries why hbad no c-l_1'anl§'0 .:}:: cl'mo.ple would ratify the action of )\ [Dbcon made regarding Russell and Carlé-- ; the Government at the next election. [ | too? _ The Government hbad divided Ot-- i~~.\lr. McDougal (Ottawa) said that the tig [ tawa into two ridings, thinking tlw_\f |Government had been heraided so loud-- BV( eontda gain a seat there. HMe did not |ly that he thought when approaching _\ U thiak the CGrovernment could redeem Ot-- | redistribution they would "approach it %'r{ I tawa even by the division. During 'from a plane so lofty that we on this ,; Ethoemany visits of a certain Otta wir side of the House would not l?ra able _\ [ gerifeman to the Government officials lto see it without a telescope." He O' |Mr. May thought some fine work had |challenged Government members to Q | been daneand inducements held out. |show what good would be done by the W P This, he maintained. was corruption .of redistribution except to increase the [ { tho worst kind. 'The Premier had said |Govermuopt's representation. in --the PV OE that he did not believe in giving any lHouso. Continuing, -- Nr. McDougal 338 'ma'} a bunch of votes with regard to pointed out that the principle of repre-- f', Ottawa, but that was what was being 'svntution by population had been for-- #6] 'f]rmn in Toronto. He argued that Ot-- [ gotten,. ; J W 1 tawa should at least be loft until after | If he wanted to give equity to the the census of 1910. | different portions, if he wished to carn BR [ "I believe--and I think the country 'tho'- title of 'thonest' which he arrogates B8+ ' will wake up to the. fact--that this |to Nimself, T think he had a good work #3; t(':..\'. tument has not done its duty to 'tn do in equalizing th'c'-. representation <x [ its constituencies," concluded Mr. May. jall over the Province. ; c | (Mr. Gallagher, another member of _ {| If the dividing line proposed by Lib-- -- {f 'ths special redistribution committee. 'erals regarding Ottawa had been adopt-- ' | assured the House that the riding of §ed l'n:lth ri_di.ngs would ha.yc been good [ $' Prockvilte: would be much more com-- fighting rl_rlmgs. but, as it was, there '§ 8t "1._,..'_ than the old one. and one that was a 'safe Liberal seat and one con-- B N wawr'a serve the people better. sidered Conservative. . Mr. MceDougal W |{f world serve the peot C ""f'&' C ... * wanted to know why the Minister of 6 ;" as Pre--arranged. Public Works had gone to Ottawa so i * loss ; 'sox) said that much of late. IF \" D', (?'(111\\'-';'\}":;\'::lt("{i'(«lfl"uw:'l)':] hnad Mr. McDougal took up some other to-- I| helns 1 tfi?'-v ed in committee the hench-- |bics, notably power. saying 'the Gov-- ts ,1'1 i.n:t ':;],3 hnew North riding --were | erament's record with regard tm power Ni6 . nC a & 4 ie as rWih ze i yhe altm ¢ x fae \ _|aware of the result and had already I""' 0"';"'{""(1' would make them=«feel parranged for a convention. The argu-- |YCY UunsH6. mouts advanced by the Liberals in the lloaks tA. Ga¥aitx: !ltm'.'.s:x'ilmtinn Committee had. not yet !lm P"ltlm safety. | been --answered by the Conservatives. j tron,. Mr. Matheson introduced a hill The Premier, he claimed, was not fOol-- _| respecting egress from public buildings. lowing the principles of equity, right, | In introducing it he said it referred es-- and justice; neither was he following pecially to -- cinematograph machines, 1an:; former: principles,. -- Regarding TOt | | churches and all public buildings, and [ront©, he said it was only one--eigh-- lc-ouhl be amended to include schools | tieth the size of Middlesex ; yet it WAS | } and any other bulldings needing pro-- | preposed to give Toronto cight mem-- ]tm-tion. The bill provides that no U ibers. He felt certain that the rural | ; ejpematograph 6r other similar appar-- §! | constituencies would resent such @AM | | atys involving the use of a combustible ) _ faction. The ridings in Middlescx, B8 | | film more than ten inches in length d |added, had been the same ever smce! shall be kept or exhibited in premises | confederation, and this (;on'-rnltm:-lnt-l 'Iim\ngpd for -- entertainments.-- or _ in f | had been the first to interfere with the churches. halls, theatres or other build-- : leounty in this Legislature. No Ub'l ings constructed or-- used for-- holding |eral Premier either in Ontarie or in public meetings, or for places of resort !'_'t'lll\\';l hall ever 'ilili l'ldndb on .\llddli' 1 and a'n]"s(\rnent. nnti] S""'h ('-i"pmatl)' t zsex, but Preéemicr \Whitney was at--| ra or other similar apparatus has tempting to stifle the voiee of North f,Qeghinspg(_,Md and appr't)'\'erl by the | Migdlesex. -- Mr. Ross mentioned the police of the municipality, and~ unt!i 'name of the late Sir John_.\. Macdou-- / such precautions against fire as the 'ald, the other Conservative Prf-m.ier, municipal police may designats have gwh.'y_ had attempted to gerrymander j been taken by the owner, user or ex-- J . | Middlesex. i | hibitor of the cinematograph or other [ 'FTakas Ereryxy * 'ets« f similar apparatus. . s Eve n > Gets. j o mt zl'alm creiyiping He: Ocl @ Municipal police are empowored and { "The other Premier is dead, cannot| | directed to inspect any cinematograph the honorable gentleman let him !apparatus involving the use of com--> 'alm'm ?" said Mr. Whitney. | bustible films more than ten inehes in _ "Very well, then,. the living one will I length, to make such rules and regula-- ;\ have enough to take." retorted Mr. tions as they may deem necessary for \, Rose. | the safe use of the apparatus, and for || "He takes everything ho can get." 'jchc o.r\;aminagjpn of the persons operat-- | observed Mr. McDougal (Ottawa)}. ing the machines. ' Continuing, Mr. Ross quoted the ' Municipalities may charge such foe ;fism'es regarding the population in fnr_thn «-xhih.itinns as the Council may ,| the county, showing how the present d'nc-w]o: and the Licutenant--Governor in <redistribution had increasod the dis-- C 01"1';5"1 may n:,akp regulations }f'nr the «4 parity between the ridings of North exhibitions. and may engags a Provin-- « and West Middlesex. I{Z could not cial detective to enforce the regulations. #| see why Middlesex should be singled |-- Municipalities may charge a Provin-- ! out for abuse by the Government when _ | cial fes for all 'cinematograph exhibi-- ;in East and West Lambton, both of | tions of $#5 a day. 1. which returned Conservative members, w ~ nsm eme} | ; there was a disparity of 12,338 in popu-- jztion. In this connection be. men-- \ tlioned Bruce. the Elgins and~ other J counties. In his budget the Provin-- | ;«-ial Treasurer said that now the s | | King's writ ran through every county in the Province, but what was the use ; i of such a statement, ask\d the speak-- . er. when countles like Middlesex wore _ t bedevilled °* Mr. Ross then referred ~ io the alleged statement made by } i Proemier Whitney that power should j | be as free as air. i o "I didn't say that," sgaid Mr. Wai. } I i i ney. | } "You woere so reported in the public | n cs * ' press. f 4 ' ! "I am w reported by the honorable ' ! gentleman," said the Premier. _ I 4 1 i Outrage on Province. A¥: I f } ------| _Then Mr. Ross called the redistribu-- | | tion an outrage on the Province, and o f be thought the Premier should adop; - _ as his motto "He is cowfii.eum}gfl b #} i &