on rvngrmmnmepmenemme~-- h rrsrve~--aeimnymames * =" _ | college. y ogere------ . must take the responsibility Of.r?:m?)?(. ] % 'l'hit. to that end section 140' of chapter ing it." he said, and added (@100 (ng || 35 of 5 Edw. VIL, which provides that municipalities had already pa® Y\'l(hmu.an'y annual vote of this House by--ia w s ' ".'lle-lmh of the average yearly gross re-- | ® ; ceipts of the Province from sueccession | | _ Was Jt Right ? duties shall be paid to the board oi caid | | 1 K. /X MacKay----I don't know | university, shall be repealed, | 30 «4s 400 aMbi « s . a 1 6 ( z'w-..': it is right that these '"1]"1 :R;_'"::l, May Affect Elections. | be : Droughnt" in at this 3%00 Mlontts | | A clause i | validate by--laws \-_-3\_i<!|_||17--~:1 meniLi. "; t' 'd.l;.so m..lh-o statute law amend-- ago | said wore not valid. it bring In '_;r '_l '1} Dfn'\lr]r;s rha_t on. the 1;ussag(-f \'Hen. A. BReek--We could not .'l";"f,.m ! an order in Council $30,000 may be i bi? until we had the i;ltfvl'rt).:l'Ylt"I] !_| e ' ilf-lhl \ln .J.u R!,.I.\'"' .\hn}ng' Company nunicipalitie®. -.""\- ,'.z'l.l),'\ it] | 1-.| -;'(»'"('.-"]O]," of ;'f]l ""i,ll)]]..\' in .'.,)",. oruves of the form o1 (-.'lxn'! aC -'. ~ left ,.' :.,'l'n'],. '\\l?ll' t]'l"" () l)r.l('ll mine, 'Jl]t. of " t being & o'clock, the Speaker 1Cl | Fovaities -- received from the mine, the chair. f :"n'.' '"."".. per . cent. of fu-- o & 4 | ture royalties until the total pay-- ! More Power Legislation. | ments reach $100,000. The land grant MUr. Bock's bill states that "n.'.v'm'_\':' "']"' "-'f;'l""_*f}"l'fl;l:: mile ; restored (to x the cities of Toronto, Hami § 17c Untario, udson's Bay & Woestoern ho Fomndon 'Guelph. Stratford. St. Railway Company. ""l"i.'...'...;I;i'l'\'\'":.--.l:z:n-l'\. the towns of In-- t .f,'rl important clause which may af-- gersoll, Berlin, Galt, West Toronto, feet the date of the clection is that Hespeler, S8St. Mary's, Preston, Paris " amend | the Lintario election act, and Waterioo, and the villages of New h'lm'n]mz tlmt it .thp.\'flt(_'l'r' lists for Hamburg and Weston, purporting to ",]' "'"".'"'*"""""" districts are not fin-- authorize the seid Corporations and| | Ally revised at the date fixed for the Councils thereof_ respectively to efter gh:'l'"}'i-.' of the general elections, tht i2sto a conmuract for the supply of clectri--. . | C.€ections for A:*ll"'l'l districts may be al pow to be transmitted from Niag-- | | held on a different date. ira Falls, and the estimates set forth, -- | A?'-("]]"'l' -- _ clause makes the fine if anv,. are declared in form and sub-- of $11,500 mposed on the. Michigan | 'tance --a . sufficient compliance with. | Central Railway Company payable to the provisions of the act." The bill also| | the town of Essex. declares the by--laws with regard to the ; 1 pesnesnemecusememmencommnnsmer~ s«ire of debentures for the constrmetion of distribution plants. etc., to be valid. To be Another Fight. I At the evening sitting it was ag 1, o2 the suggestion of Hon. M MacKav,. that the redistribution bill b rdllowoed to go through committee, but the Oppo-- sition's amendments would be submit-- ted on the third reading and the bill ro-- ferred back Mr. MacKay stated that the Opposition desired to place them-- selves on record regarding the redistri-- bution When in committee Mr. Whit-- nexy «tated that the town of North To-- ronteo would be added to East York, taking it from West York. This is the : same change that was formerly, pro-- puosed in the Special Comumitt: The bill passed the committee with-- out discussion. The third reading will take pluauce to--day. and the Opposition will then make its last stand on the bill. About Gillies Limit. When the report of the Committee of the Whole in supply was presented to the Mouse for concurrence Mr. C. X,. "mith asked what had been done on t'"s Gillies limit Governmen*t mine so far, and what had heen expended there., | He understood: that the work -- of the mine was to be something of an 'in-- formative character. Hon. Mr. Cochrane. in reply. pointed ; out that the estimated receipts for ;_lhis year --were $100,0006, one shatft | Of 140 feet had been sunk, and i there were several other shatts. In ad-- | dition, some small shipments had been made. I The answer did not satisty Mr. Smith, | who said it was up to the Government ' to give the people some information re-- sarding the north country, how far the veins went down. Premier Whitney said that the mine on the Gillies limit belonging to the Government would be managed by the Government as a business proposition. When the Provincial Treasurer's bii to amend the act to-- regulate th«s means of egress from public buildings came up,. several Liberal me:inbers said that th powet of _ inspection was left Cwith --th police oflicers, whereas the frire chici & was better qualified in many munici-- ' palities. A elause was insorted to covrer such cases by giving Councils power to appoint any other oficers. [ The bill was given its second read-- | Ink. 'Concerning the University. i_-- _ Hon. Mr. MacKay has given notice . ol the following resolution :-- f That the present method of making pro-- vision tor the maintenanee and sunport || of Toronto University _ and _ University , College is unsatisfactory and tends to les-- [ son the interest the public in general take in these institutions. That the law and procedure as to fin-- ancing the said university and the said college should be so amended and chang-- | ed as to require the Honorable the Min-- ! ister of Education to annual) present i the estimated expencituwe to this House foc its approval, as is the practice with reference to all other public institutions. in order that the reptesentatives of the | people, and through the press he people of the Province, may be brought into loser iouch with --our 'reovincial Univers-- ty, so that a responsible Minister shall 1e required annually to explain to this {ouse the needs and requirements, fin-- ncial and otherwise, of the said uni-- tersity and said college, and < may be ompelled to justify all expepditures in onnection with said university and said