The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 10 Apr 1908, p. 1

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slightest hint of any such' and its introduction at the . \@ !hour raised a storm of indi, f among the members of the Opp« !Caucus Not a Love Feast. ! The Tory caucus which was held ye | terday was not exactly a love feast, | i A number of the Government's support--< -- l ers took strong objection to the Pre-- | mier's departure from what he has in [ the past claimed to be principle in his ; policy, that is to say, that the elections i should be held on the same day. -- It ; pointed out to the Premier that , | his proposals might recoil upon him 'and his party with disastrous effect. '| --The Premier defended his action by | saying that the only districts which would be affected would be Port Arthur, ;Fort Frances and FRainy River, He | stated that in these districts the enum-- erators lhad failed to commence their | work at the proper time, and, conse-- | quently. the preparation of the lists had | been delayed. Mr. Whitney also in-- il'orm(-d the caucus that the enumera-- | tors in those districts had been doubled | and every effort woulid be made to pre-- { pare the lists in time for use on the i general date. He also urged that the | supporters of the Government should assist, presumably by refraining from making speeches, in bringing the ses-- sion to a close, and enabling proroga-- : tion to take place on Saturday. f .'- e en es c Moved the Second KMhceading. i * = r u+ N I InU')A\ a :\PRJ]J 1"', 1'05' In the House the Attorney--General 4A & | moved the second reading of the bill. t PrOVlflce to Guarantee Its | Referring to the clause, he said that it ; i had been pointed out that it might be I Debenture Stock to the considered objectionable. He had been i inquiring to see if there were any dan-- | s ! ger of the lists in any of the unorganiz-- , Extent Of SI,SOO,OOO- [ ed districts not being ready, and he | | found that if the time for notice of ap-- nevim rennconnierin drrcin on orge t peals were reduced from thirty to ten or fifteen days there would not be the { slightest danger of the returning offh-- 1 ELECTIONS ALL cers not having the lists ready. } Mr. MacKay--Could the time for ap-- t ON SAME DAY. |peal and publication run concurrently? *> .4 I am informed that in Nipissing the en-- I umerator was given five townships on semmenseommsunmemmsntens ' the 2nd of April. f t Hon. Mr. Cochrane--The work is well t in hand. An Attempt Was Made to | "Hon. itr. Froy said that in the Port } & s | Arthur district two enumerators had Have New Ontario Rid-- ; »sen appointed. _ § & i Mr, .\lule'.n_\';v-nlt (:l('ll'r'l.'\'f' t}x 126-0-111 111}?2 & argue xha( it is desirable a a 1 'ngs VOte Later' ifll#ctions should be held on one day. j ! Premier Whitney--There must be no ; yaemmnaseemmes | question about delay, and we do not i | suggest that there shouid be. I don't | 'or p 4 Iiaik ; | know why more time is not given Government YVote Down Motion to for the preparation of these lists. As } repeal Three--fif "1; C | it stands at present, it means that, : Repeal Three--fifths Clause--Oppo-- | \\Lith the r.'nulrnin: officer unable to sition Leader's Motion With Re--. _ postpone the election for a day or two, t i|' lh(\ ll\'s are not I"-f&ld_\- 11]('l'e caln l)e gard to Financing of University of _| no clection at all. on e ! _ Mr. MacKay--This is very strong, | Foronto Also Defeated--Conserva-- _| jesving it to the Lieut.--Governor in s P i Council and the retvrning officer. | tive Member _ Opposes Railway V(Prl\ln:ir-r Whitney--The Lieut.--Gover | Guarantees, | or in Council can withdraw every w N t new. [ Mr. MacKay--That is a different r nexsse----ommmmeacqemnemmmn ter. It does not put the responsibi on this Legislature. 8 1 PR nelah e e aegs I 3 Mr. Foy said that the m« j \ in the Legislature yesterday the Hon. ||; 1»..-2'.1 "%.-.y"m-- organized | districts h | A. J. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer, | urged that the elections should be he | introduced a bill under which the Pro-- |! on one day ; --| vince will guarantee the bonds of the { _ Hon. Mr. ,\I-ar.-I\'.':y '"1 he ':n:lfrstt;)"»q | Canadian Northern Railway for the ex-- that all elections would he held the | L r. j All tarilway for the ex i same day, and the Premier assented. | tension of their line from Sudbury To i Minuominnits 1e (LEAtiIXCS { Moose Mountain, to Key Inlet, on the [ Payments $ Meleob¥6® l';"(-rg'iun Bay, and branches to the | _ fion. R. Harcourt took exception to < s * i the [ covie ing Or & C 8 ol '(ri'il'l'!)\.\' mine and to Orillia, about 50 't:}' ll"lllllmw";\".'l.,,:,':nif" }I{]:«p ,?;li,],'tt'.l:]]amxé miles in all. The guarantee is for $20.-- | inst the bill practically provided for a '(u'm a mileé. In security the Provin:e ';,' erct service fund, and he could not will hold a mortgage on the works. T41 ; sos why there should be any pay-- ' w e ~ well} : ment which should not be fully ex-- new mortgage will include that oa + i ' E4 o A $ r * nlaired to the Auditor. He could 1'~'Wt | fions of the line from Toronto to Dau-- s>o how the giving of that information | bury aiready constructed, and the en-- to the Auditor could do any harm. | tire guarantee, including terminals, The Provincial i',\p'-'"'-t:"':\',gzl'itfi('lfit\h'?' ' k secasion * the rovincia »tec "*s t "'ll.l amount to about $1,500,000. '_.l""]'.;';;"_l,'\l.(;:]l; '_',m ,1,'-3'.,-1 'r]:'ltzl-':', had to | Under pressure not only from the Op-- make payments in order to secure in-- t position but from their supporters, the formation. It was not "l"""'""h]"\' fi;'l,t | Government withdrew the clause in the these matters should be made BUONIL E af o e g . A The bill proposed that the certificat« | statute amendment act under which the of the Attorney--General should be suf-- l elections for the New Ontario constitu-- ficient. ue i encies could be held on a different date The following private bills were parks" ; > ed through comunittee and then'read I to that on which those for the rest of ed. inrougiv COnamMiIn LCC pwi_ of | s third time :--Respecting the, town the Province are held. Premier Whit-- Midland, Mr. Tudhope ; respecting the inc_v gave to the leadoer of the Oppo-- old burial ground in the town of ]:',: sition a definite promise that all the peler ; respecting the town of UxPrICEC: Eeh:ct'l'o'{fs should be held on the same : M,';,'.n.'H,":':.':n'mO hill was given its _,,-.'-.\.,:»"1 'day. \ _ reading and will come up in commit-- | . It looked as if the Government would tec to--morrow. hes (ntroduced a bill have a hot fight on their hands yester--| 1(.}'{.(';;:5\;1:]'t1.:1.-&l(,;'t;\.'ozt;w:x]rw'nf 10 accept | terday morning unless they dropped a ',"."."'.,m from the Dominion Govern-- | clause which had been introduced in the ?1;,.',"._ _ of $1,900,000 in -- settlement _ of statute amendment act, and which em-- ; claims and payment by the Proyince !powercd them to hold the clections in ! se s New Ontario just whenever they liked. | § As the bill was originally presented i !|to the House it did not contain the }, -

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