The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Apr 1908, p. 2

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_ 7-..- ... u: uuuuu: P warn', 'o'lobatc: no pm'son darml disputo Mv, Clarke's facts. With sm-h a majoring 'ht, claimed. th" Govornmont could not ', have much contfdtunco, in tlvumstIvos. at I the next election, in xicw of the redis- tributlnn. l The amendment was lost. {The Axe Falls Again. , Mr. C. M. Bowman (North L'rucsi) gmcved: "The county of Peel shall =ccnsist of the townships of Cale-don. irriifii'iia"einii's'ra. Toronto und.the Gore ot Toronto, the town of Brampton and the village ot Btreetsville." il Thr last Provincial G'overnment had a majority of three. The present Gov- v-rnment had a majority of forty on the same constituencies. m that there was absolutely no Jtrqtmettttot, for "tango. "If we give Toronto," said Mr. Maok'ny. "six renresentatires, Wt't can justify it as between the ottids.. of Ontario. and not nrgue from thn rural st-mdnoim tl all." Proc-cediug. he contended that tr thansrc' warn to ho mack- hht the ramm- wmatives he returned by the "410k ('it\' In tho sumo m-wnnnr as the Crm- trnllers won charted. Tho "mandnwnt mm Inst m. a nartv Nix-ism". M". Studhnhn» Voting with tlu Opposit.'ort. by lk to l.". The Claims of Essex. "Tho air-ctrornl district of L'rorukvilh, shall consist of the town of Brmrkville. tho township of 1'Jlizahothtowm tho township callwl Front of Trutpv, the tonnssltip called Four of Yongt- and Be- colt. the township called Front of Es.. cott and tho village of Anions." Arguing for his amnnllrnr-nt. Mr. Clarke said that about 200 Conservative votes had been added to Bmckvillo. It was only for political gain that the change was made, because the map would not show it. Referring to Pool. Mr. Clarke said that Albion had been taken from that county at the time of confederation. This statement Caused quite a flutter of cxcltnmont in the Gov, eminent ranks, and in a minutr-'< mum "an. MttoTrav--t4uretv there oukht to: be some public demand for it before; it is introduced here. . Proceeding. Mr. MaeRay saw that; h? did not wish to ttive a silent vote; on this matter. He. pointed out that; in Great Britain Governments had , come and (who many times since .the; last rodlrurihution of 1'iyustituettttit1:u.l mm although there was at lmrasnnt in l, tho British House of (Hamming a ma- é jority of about 300, it rmly v-enrosantod n change of rive nor cont. of the votes. ' Hon Mr. Matho Treasurer polled t? than usual. Mr. McCoig--l an wrmau was so un riding. The amt'ndmvut lost on division. Was Voted Down. Mr. Cl auothor Not So Popular Now. Mr. A. Pa. Mm'nig H nu}'p (East Kmm said this was the fitsst time he had m'er heard of Essex and Kr-nt desiring three members (-8011. He hullevmt that at next tedi.i. tribution they would rather ask that, counties having three members he re- duced to two. ' _ Mr. John Aldo (South Essex) moved anothet amendIm-nt In gin: Essex and Kent each thrcw members. In support- ing his amondnwm Mr. Auld .sald it was an injustice to have Kent and 1s'.c- Sex left in the shape they were. when other ridings won'- lwinp; changed. Ho was prepared to my lit-m and Essvx. the latter particularly. "we not receiv- ing fair play from the Crovermncmt, In Essex there wm-c about 60.000 peoplcu and in view of that tho county was t'Cl'ta'nly entitled to tltrrt member-e. TIto, Wesoul mm the proper time to rc- adjust this county, and it wars not hon- 6'st to have it as it was. Ho? wa'.; not afraid to make a comparison with any County in tho Pt'orintee. _ "If it is a good thing to" the) city of Toronto to haw: {our new rnvmbers, it is right to give lieu-x and Kent mob three members. We are. tttrtiiled to it." he said. Mr. L'ow.vcp (East Kn P5115 the t1rst time ho har' " flarke fNorthurnrirranny moved amondnwm : electron" district or Brog-kvilln al Tron sure-r. Mat hesion--Tho Provincial all " " _ I _ __ - ' - 'ut ll am sorry tho hon. gen- unpopular in his own mstrict of Broc-kvillu he town of Bronkville. , 1'Jlizahothtown, tho ant of Yang». the buap of Yonge and Ess un #11911 a majority. ovornment, could not "new in themselvws at in View of the realis- about 1.090 -viihi was (Wm-t K's-m) as.k.. '.N could get along hy should there ho declared to" be polled by warm i "East Middlesex shall consist of the {townships of London. 'VOstminth: ', North Dota?ho.stot and West Nissourl." : Mr. Ross said that his reason for l moving the amendment was because in ldeallng with Middlesex the Prv-minr ghad departed from all his declared glirrlnciples. As he had pointed out J bc-fore, there hnd been no attempt to "tiuallats the population of the diftor. gent tidings. As a. maker or fact the (disparity had her-n littniir.corl. The (promises of the Premier had looknd very fair. but they worn. like the apples of Sodom, fair to look upon. but as bitter ashes to the taste. The Gov- . ermm'ant had sown the wind and would I map thc. whirlwind. t Mr. Donovan tl3rockville) said that 1 if he were Premier hc. would take the (entire responsibility for any redistri- abution. and would not let {my com- ?mlttm: have anything to do with it. 'Thon he went on to say that The 'Giobe's map of Bruck'u'ille was aii wrong because it was published Ill)- side down. He. was sure that tlc. whole of the Province would be sut- itfied with what had been done. The amendmmt was lost. and Mr. D. C. Ross (West Aliddh-som mowd as a further amendnmnt that: "Nanlz .Middlescx shall consist of the town- :ahips of Biddulph, MctGillivra.v, Plant i' Williams. Wrv.ct Williams, Adp.laiur: an". §Lobo. the town of Parkhill and thr- ' villages of Lucun and Ailsa Craig. t, "West Middlesm: shall consist of the towttships of Carmine. Delaware. 1Itut.. 'st"alt'o, Mow and Elit'rid. the town or :Stmthroy and tho villages of Glen- l we. Nowberry and Wan-(lsvgllo. During 1907. said Hm. Mr. Hanna. than: were 1.162 intents admitted to asyhnns of the Province. ot whom 346 were Ioreisu born, During the past "Fort William Police Magistrate has committed ten male Donkhohors to Central Prison. nine females to Mercer Itefornvatory. They an: in jail here. We have no room for them. Fifty-three other prisoners here now. There are fifty-seven other Doukhoborss at Fort \Villiam to re mat to 05mm! and Mercer. They have t.nt.utsd :'m'r clothes and are naked." county boundaries had, béeu maintain- ed Why had not Gloucester and Os- goode been taken from _ Russell and placed in Carleton ? He also affirm- ed the statement that Albion had been placed in Cardwell at the time of cop. federation. He thought it strange that a. party with such a majority going to l the country in a few weeks should in- tniet such a subtle gerrymandev. To this mind it donated a feeling almost .' akin to panic among Conservatives. About Doukhohors. Similarly motions by Mr. May and Mr. McDoug'aL the Ottawa rum-3mm- tivos. ohjeetintt to tho Govetmrnerit's proposals. "fOl'C' voted down. The order respecting an amendment to the municipal act by Hon. Mr: Hanna was announced. but the Provin- cial Secretary drew the attention of the House to another matter. no first read a telegram from the, Sheriff at Port Arthur as follows. l--- Mr. Ross' :urneridmtnt was lost. and Mr. A. Hislnp (East Huron) t'ollowod with another ammuhnent to the effect that the Huron tidings 51101113. not he altered. As the ridhms existed they were more commu-t than they would be under the bill. Was A " Wrong Hon. Mr. MucKuy s:..rth1 that the Premier was very muelt making Tool- itical ridings. and it was not fair that ho, should. for purposns of comparison, refer to judicial districts. For Fed- era] purnosos Albion was in Peel, but In Dominion rulings counting were really followed and not merely talked about. "They didn't hdii, "rl:GVfor a fur- ther redistribution of the Province," h. said. Mr. Whitney chanced that Albion most certainly belonged do Peel, be- cause it had to pay its county rates there. Liberals, he said, had said their party had not redistributed the Province for twenty years. ""He said -thiit if the" Tpnty boundaries had, bt of tive years .Ithe percentm' aPTiGit "an admitted .to, these institutions had In- cre'asgsd fronttwenty to thirty per cent.. N'hile Canadian-born patients had de- _leraiiitut tram eighty to seventy per Mont"; .In the same period from 1903 to L 1901' the coat of maintenance of foreign- ~born patients had increased from $24, '6r.?citrto$5t,74t.'o'0. Mrltile tho foreign- horn ot' the entire adult noouiation were only 20 per cent. the total admissions to "glut-its from that class Was thirty ptatetfhfiit.1:'rhe tttgurus showed the neces- sity o'e,iitteetis'e, nmmmh to prevent thc, dumping on tho Prnvlnce ot un- dosirtttrlshv frio.nds and others aided 1srpetsihri.ttirlt? associations with no other 't"ttte'ttt than to get rid of the re- spongiMlity" of providing for them. Tak- ing'into'mnsidoration the probable length of life of those patients, the cost of marntalnintr, thnse admitted in If"); plane would amount to 81.487.038.80 without including any proportion for mpitxil cxpumliturn. The hills read a third time were _ 111 ':yrttins,',' controverted ('Ivvctirm ct memigwrs of the Legislative Assembly, Hon Mr. Fay; respecting thn town of S'ovthamptrm, Mr. Eowman; respecting thn trtwn of Konora, Mr. Smellio; re- :pocting the villugr of Boumsvilhy Mr. 1a 1'S' Nos. 1'40. 2lb', 264 and 291 of the town of Welland. Mr. Fraser: re- waning the city of Ottawa, Mr. May: tn mar-11d the act respecting municipal 'rrruitct, I of WW3". Mr. Kohler; to amend the ditches and watercourses act, Mr. su1lsrland: rtuspeeting the manufacture and sale of bread. Mr. McNaught. My ro'ow.ttr's bill to amend the muni- cirm: drainage act and Mr. Auld's bill for tho same purpose were amend- cl and the new bill road a third time. ' "mp: to ooniirm a certain hy-law and 'ltf4rC's3me11t of tho town ot Cornwall. Mr. Kerr: rtrsmoctiv..p,' the town of Sault Sm Marie, Mr. Smith; to confirm by- la vs Nos

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