. S" 'I So? ' ' . , T v , cn q 909 THE GLOBE, TOROIN TO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1 . Ttte Liabilities. ( The. Anti-automobile Campaign. During the pust .W'ul' m..-.,- um.» Mr. D. C. ROSS (North Middlesex) . millions of indirc'w-t liability has hct-tt has launched the. automobile question wiped out. int-hiding thr Sunlt guar- with the following list of iiiu'iiiiii'C.'-" anter- of 31.000.000. and 31.700.000 in ' (ll How many licenses to Operate tho "rllustttwmt of nct-nunls hrtsrerm motor vehicles in the Province Were tlw Provinw- and tht, l'I-nninion. In granted during the year 190S ? (2) luring [in alt-count: rtct'orc. the, limm- How manv of them were granted to tht' Provinciul Ttirte.ittir tvtttaNictl, tron-r/l/iii/Ur,-" and how manv to rc- that nova-r ln-i'urs- since. contldrrntion sidonts of this Province? ' "'ero had they bw-n brought down W s"nrly special constables appointed bv tho in the your. while in volume tlt-y Provincial Government to enforce the \vrro-u record. motor vehicle law? If so, how lion. Mr. "mum's Reports. . manv?_ (4) What ("WWW in. regard: . . to their services or othorwiso was! Hon. Mr. Hanna [irf'rh'iiit'qi a series undertaken by the Government inl of reports. the majority of which have (that regard? (5) How many con- _ dirt-mi)" been published. : They in- "rictfons were made for breaches of chub-d thos" of live stock assuvia- .the law? (tit How many were: . lions. agricultural sorivties and l'alr- 'through tho efforts of said constables." mors' institutes, the T. & N. o. I'om- fit any? (7) What was the nature Jil mission. tho o1wration of tho liquor the offences. and what number of licin.ue- ace. the womon's institutes, tln- leonvictions were secured under each? Qum-n \'irtoriu and Niagara Halls, (8) What number of those convictions . Park t'omtnission. and the- iiu'mi'd of 'wero against non-residents? "s, Governors of the 1htivtuvsity of: -. Toronto. I . No Time Extensions. i In presenting to the House the! . first report of the t"ommitter? on' Standing Orders. the Chairman. Mr. I IV. H. Hoyle (North Ontario) stated that the decision had Leon reached to grant no extensions to the time spe- (-iiied for the introduction of private hills during, tho prcsont session. Reward for Hmnilton Murderer. Before the orders of the day were called Mr. George C. Wilson (North Wentworth) called the attention of the Government to the brutal murder _ which had occurred in Hamilton. and asked if it was proposed to offer a Provincial reward for the apprehen- sion of the guilty party. . Hon. J. S. Hondrie. for the Gov- ernment, said that the. matter had . been already before the Cabinet. and it was the intention of the Govern-, ment to offer a substantial reward in? tho case. I Mr. Allen Studholtir--That's quite right. Everyone will endorse your action. Statute Revision. Three additional statute revision ,measnres were put through Commit- tee of the Whole. "We have overtaken the printer." observed the Premier. "We. are obliged to pause now." _