f Fm'? " .-,q F , is 'y"r'.18, ("Tun .. "9» . Fti," the spew?" _ "r "' _ 9",{.:.: trd'""?',, Ir/ii _ ts? . ' -: . e . trbl les, MtL1.eakiiiiitrtr47triirC; when; temperance " '2,MtAt.ttl) u'itdiiiicgs,sser "" ti', 3' "i, Cl V - e have no tears. We Gui; that tiei6iifr-i.it, ere not of on67% .0Mrit 'In dMlM jug: "_cd I MI? Liberals generally wilt rally oraiurevitle the 'iEditiodiat'iit'm'itrrter, an ' "ies-Tri" _ I " 'tPIP, the little band of Liberal re- Conservative. was opposing the clause. T " f " , Mntatlves in the Legislature. We while the Presbyterian minister, a . ' L. Illia -9 loyal to our able 1eader"--Op- Liberal, declared it to be a good , I ""13" #Sition a.pplause)---"antl we propose thing in the cansa of temperance. Mr. . "I a?!" do our duty to tho great party we McKeown praised the Government tor _ _ Iii/i' PeJti'tt as an Opposition. - its enforcement of the license laws. ', '. "i.i.)'i'i,'i,C.it ' 'On behalf of our party," con- "It was not lack of expenditure 1 3 , (WY/r *ded Mr. M'CDougal amid Liberal that prevented them carrying even 'd 3235,; 3plause: "I congratulate our leader more ridings," said Mr. James Mc- , t _ 1.3;": on his magnificent fight. He Ewing (West Wellington), referring _ tt%vcllod the length and breadth of to the boasted Government successes C if its?!" the Province and fought the tight at the general election. In his own l f 1'"; practically alone. It is not his lot \I'lding he. had heard a prominent . , "it = m to wear the laurel wrsoath of vic- Conservative declare that "it they l ' Je tttry, but the exchange will he made had had $500 more they could have '. "101" Years hence, and it will be thoi beaten McEwing." "This Govern- l ward of pluck. PPrsf'vPrunct_ and' merit." remarked the member, amid. _ '. 4h tifor." (Opposition applause.) Opposition applause, "seems to.have" _ '- . a strong faith in special cxpcndi-i , . Mend.» the Gottrtttttttitt. mm..." I ' Mr. T. l1. Tutmnox (North York) Mr. McEwing declared that while} " todtg.e amid Government plaudits by Ithere had been no Justification for "l at ding to Mr. McDougal's stutenmm much of the expenditure, one branch r." that the Liberal louder went out u. {of Government work had been over- "', 'lit) the campaign practically am"... looked in the. lavish outlay, that of .. ' Fe might have added," olssitwoU Mv. 'agriculture. The member for Wel- , 33,-. nox. "that he returned from the lington advocated the appointment of.' I 1,_' ft " practically alone." (Govern- a commission on weeds. Some, general i t applause.) Mr. lmnnqu de- scheme to combat tho development . (tstatins':" the Government tuutord as "a and spread of noxious weeds was "m"! of "WWW-'5. honor and business necessary to the protection of rural C imbthods." Under it it was easy to Ontario. it was from 'a financial :"i'y,'t',,1.e/i,: for the increased expenditure standpoint Mr. McEwing claimed . k rittr grants .io tho Public schools. the much more important to the farmers is." to agriculture. the development of than the proposed forestry schemes. 'tllo Province and the administration of Mr. w. S. Brewster (South Brant) lite, affairs. Mr. Lenuox repudiated moved the adjournment) the debate 'the statement that the. Government Mr. Wm. Proudfoot (Centre Huron). l was successful because it was follow- will follow Mr. Brewster on the Op- ' o _ ii!2t. in the steps of its Iriedocessors. position side. to-day. It is not ex- _"IQtut"s Just what it's not doing." he pct'tod that thr, debate will be ter- dQlared. amid Government. applause. minatcd before next week. i This were changes in the Crown Hon. A. J. Matheson introduced al . Lads, Provincial F1ecrotary's and Edu.l Government measure "to rcgulatel ", eahton 13rpa.rtmruats. 'means of egress from public build-l Mr. Lennox concluded by alleging tings." It is an amalgamation of two tint, although the expenditure had'ibills passed last session dealing prin-i b increased. no outlays had been icipally with moving picture theatres 'c longed by the Opposition. iAs local conditions vary greatlv ml A. tililplit'ity of Servants. 'these theatres, the bill vests the rugu-i _ 7 I lation ot tho same 1n the Lieutenant-) '. )r. Dluncan1 C. Ross (North 1r1111,t-l/,Governor in Council. l s , w 10 fo lowed, Opened by twit-l' - " . l a: the Provincial Treasurer on his! pm Private Bills Extension. l, . . v to the North riding of Middlesexi In res onse to . .. .. I lprhr to the. election and the 'dl/iS/iris,','),,,' $KVliitney', "she/ttsi/an/lo?),)'),) otthis efforts to hold the riding, even} - . . .' . - e later the redistribution efforts made to: "North ontar19). Chairman of the eeq')tste, it a. safe Conservative seat. Opel ;Committee on Standing Orders, stated eaiésse of tttin increased expenditure: (that the decision had betyt, reached , "v9ttch lent itself to criticism. Mr. Ross" (tttyt to extend the time for introducing ' 2. ' ted out, was the multiplicity of: 'privatc bills beyond the present week. cl: servants that the Government had I " M' ' q gathered around it. The increase in Hydro clottric Commission. ' the amount of business done for the Mr. Elliott (West Middlesex) will pgbvince had not warranted the ask for an order of the House for a d _ bbling of the number of messengers return showing what exactly has been " T he House. and the crowding in of done by the Hydro-electric Commis- o 'r appointments not needed. t sion in connection with the Niagara ontinuing at the evening sitting/ power transmission line. Mr. Elliott My; Ross dealt in detail with the B'lor-) desires exact information as to the elm, Mining Company's claim. As to specifications upon which tenders itsrmerits he. offered no opinion, but were called for, and for copies of it was a dangerous and improper ,ithe tenders themselves, as well as the practice for the Government to usurp \contracts which have been concluded. the right of fair trial ot the merits of :and the order in Council validating . any case. Passing on to the ques- these contracts. . tion of railway taxation. Mr. Ross "-----------", advocated an increase. To his mind _-u...-------------". the corporations did not yet pay their 'i'air share of taxation. In reference . ( to university affairs he held, with his ' leader, that its financial conduct lshould be passed upon by the people's Ire resontatives. kt. Preston (rdantsrk)---The peo- , ple passed upon it. . l "Ah. the election again," responded Mf. Ross. "The Conservatives should , remember they are now upon the . l amt of the wave, aye, upon its very l smmit. But the higher the crest I t" greater the fall when the wave , i b ks. And I say in all serious- I n3 that they cannot continue to in- ; 'm.titMre the annual expenditure by I ' _89.000 in four years and hold the T ' deuce of the people in the face of " they promised. ( m; t has become a habit," con- ' _ e gm Mr. Ross, "to commlserate this , i, 'tttttt band,' as they call it. They Jr _ n, knot bother about the little band. i i Tt a iberal heart still beats strong. ' t snug; have no fears for the future": l i I " I,88 ition applause.) ' . . _.. ' is. . l 3%" ; Keown's Views. I _ i an»; C. R. McKeown (Dufferin) F I if , ;- on behalf of the Govern- V , . .. 'illil He alleged the Opposition ._ . c 'iiirR, '. to be "tittgeneralitiets." The l ' e I I FW'e l on education had in- ' ? c . '_'threet'old. yet not one item, f. . hm; , . had been challenged, be- . ." c' iiit said, the money had been _ :55; . s j; bl ising the standards. Mr. ' l 27:3 'tto, édeclared that the Conser- 'flat, E, it had not changed its potri- Milli:, Mil "tion to the 'Soo" loan . aim" -. T, p ' j. Accepting conditions as 3 , rt Rh" _ m, the Provincial Treas- t; ,. [', _ ndled the netrottatrona