. t. a F ' _ _ i __ I . MOE-48,1909, I... -- I . "c jlltirrggg" MET 1m |!' _ Hill . g _rll'lillillluatgfift- WOMEN _ ll t " DEVELOP THE HURT ' l , ' ------. _ ll ---- i ----- _ l 'DEPUTA . , , , " . LEGISLATURE GETS TIIROUGH' GOVERNMENT LIKELY TO. ms- l 'i'i'fli1,1'fgeg PY" IMO) 'LOTS OF FORMAL WORK. CUSS PLANS Iron RAILWAYS. , CARE. ', . ------.- ' -----_ 1 -.-.-.r.- I Witt Eliilcavor to Train Blind as- The. Whole question Mar be. submitted,': filings". Hanna Intimates That Gov. Organism at Bruntt'ord lustitiitionl to . Caucus To-day - Sir James: , ff,',',',',.','.',',','.:,,,,',.', ill Art but Says the ---Mr. Studliolnie Objects to col Whttney's Comment to Northern f Thcir 1vil'l,'t's Will "ave to Do Hire tor Ministers. l Deputation. . _ b . ' l i , -------.--- Yesterday afternoon in the Legisla-i The Government wilt probably com- pith": 1('T'\:l']ni""t will I" "it iii-obn- turo hau the ttuicttwssl of "Vim-"i municate to the members on its 'll",,',',',',.)',',','.',',.':'.'.,.,,','."?,'.',',',' tho I'hglshnm" " Work. A number of bills "Tr" "ml side of the Legislature its proposals .1 .Hm Mhnpfyhnn') "PM .-' crion 1unced a stage and sent on to the| in connection with immediate plans 1"l/',.2'i.,'i'.",'", ot t/'"'lsie"-minu)wonvu, wit-ions committees for more detailed, for the further opening up of the I" "Ir,),.',.',..." the plan will be, how-twp consideration, and then the House; north country at the Conservative 1' las.? will be a division of cost 1,..- T'nt into supply. The most interest-; caucus this afternoon. The discus- ',.1.rc1.1,iyslrfi,'"iyyi,T.,','y and thr. muni- liiig itemi dealt with was that "J,."",",,'?,' ision will probably tlotinrt the extent" , ni'cildl All] I 1:" I?" IC'") H" ""1" tur s ' .. At" t .. . . C . . . Et i' 'l' on. . . 2" " 't"C- 1v'i'i,,,1,1 :13: l )rth-(' tsiy1"i:',id',i'tnt,,1'i' .to which the Province is prepared to itr-rdav to about I'd) (my. Ithhb. "iii,iiiiiii,, ' m' A" t " . (T in aiding tho Canadian Northern 'the Nr., ti C," . _',',. ,. '7" cs ttont . It for the blind from $400 to ti it . t t t 1 it li f F _ ' " tonal Council ot "omen who $1,000. The Minister of Education I n ttt8 Pr0Jcc 0 ex em Its ne T."" iwaited upon him. The, dc t; . . , . ' . .pu atom in- "?iIrlainod that the services of a more tludbury to Port Arthur... A decision 11.1ylf.."1 Lady Edgar. the "aiwdian highly qualified instructor had been as to whether any additional e-xten- ('/i'eeliyt.t of i.il~'.\'::'ii0llttl ("outwit of . . . - . sious of theT. & N. o. Railway ."_0n"ll. Mrs. 'lorrington. i'i'i'Fiilv'iH ploutred with the object of 1mdsst1vor- ... ot "a... Toronto br: " . l .. ". . in: to train semi. of tltr inmates ttH will be undertaken at present will 'quwo' iil out") ' "I": "and!" . . . _ . . E . ," ialso be considered, the decision in- "an," '(.il' i";'r"""]fm ol tho N1- 1.""r"n"'ts' tttttt to lil them rot. olrtuin- I),.:',!,'.',.),','. the question of a Gowganda. of iii , '/,?.1,y,1?,.l.:' Mrs. LWWS- """""""' lug positions in uil'l'crent churches. if. 'scrvice. . "High i11'11'/'f' on ths, t'rtrc. of lfw - the experiment is succcsstul it will? Tho other Whit)" under Governs from 1l,1't'1iiv,i"/1./,,,l lad:- sl""ry'/":"nta.t""; result. in (inciting "It a new avenue' 1mJ2, consideration is understood to {don Fit l' 'tie,",,",.)":",-','?, A.rthur. l.""!- of employment for such of these un- I'. that afrt'Cling the new controlling 't.i'\.'kil'1 "(it nouns. Hamilton, l"""' trorttmouxs, as are possessed of the: ' "ri!is'.l' interests at the Son and their {{1}}.th g' n M". Ottawa. Thr tlop, requisite natural aptitude. Mr. Alan Icontributory railway enterprises. it"liv-r THS. Ptyo1Tr! " Mayor ts'tuultolttu, oUhitrd totttt ituttt of $.'175)l Mr. William Mackenzie, President I!" I I and MP. A. 'st"'.'))'. i%st tor cal, hire. The Hon. w, J. Hanna, 20f the Canadian Northern, has stated "l.'."".) ton. "lid was .1"'Ir'"iys'd by Hen. explained that it ".5 in the case of 'that. the railway desires a subsidy of j. '1 J. Humid. Provirsviul tsttrrrtav.r, ministers who conducted services at,' i 7.500 acres per mile and a cash grant Wu" Hon. Adam Heck. public tnstitvtions. They received lor $3.000 per mile for the project- l Mayor (Hirer said that the desire of no remuneration. llcd Sudbury and Port Arthur route. 'i2trc1,.e,i,',:t,',t,t,io,t,t 'f""' to urge on the Mr. Craig's bill with regard to the. Representations from the points in- i government tho Importance of estab- -iuclpli Consolidated tlcltool was rc- lit'rt'Stf'd are. hacking the. request of "Shmg a. i"""""" will?" in which tee- terror! to the Municipal Committee. i tho Tummy. but it is not at it" likely j?,.i-r',i'i,',ti,i,iri' women might be cared for. Mr. M. D. McPherson's bill to im- What the (Irin'ernment will go to such Dr. Helen MacMurch.v, who had gone prm'e and make certain tax titles was 1entrths of liberality. The Ministers deeply into tlw matt-r. was of the, referred to the Legal Committvo on aLsolutoly refuse to discuss the. pro- (Y'""o? that a propt'rly conuuctod rt- the understanding that it Would not bahlo concessions. 3 fu,Rv, in which the women r-ould in- be dealt with this session. The At- Addressing the large mvutation"i),t1y "'"I Suitable for them could b- torne.v-Genrtul pointed out that quite yesterday from Sudbury, Fort, wicr1nyano .""lt'-siuirrrortinsr.. At present a radical change of system was pro- ham. Port Arthur and Coppor ciiir,iitl"ar," 1vomou, unfortunately. Iii-cattle posed, and it would be Well if tho bill (who asked the. building of a C,overnr,imotlw'rs, 'tntl it"t'DF'tuated and spread Were circulated among the legal ilU11,t line from Sudbury north with 1"rtr"r far below tho normal standing. profession. municipal officers and .t-nuntipt with tho T. & N. o. at Charl- i Mrs. Phillis. Hamilton; Dr. Slitclii-u Judges who had to do with these mat- iton or [ilk Lake. and financial as- iM'P'P'; Mrs. Mel0xllar. r"ori Wil- ers. and carefully considered before iFittstaltco to the c. N. It. in building a tram: Mrs. Hakcr. London: Lady any 1rfittitts action were tukcti. llii'aneh line. in from ('lshawong to ilc/l5e.ti.;, "mm"! Farewell. Whitby; i); In order that the objections of Gowmanda, Sir James Whitnvv re- Hastings, MPs. 'l'orriugton and others Boards of Education might ho heard called the policy of his Government also spoko for the deputation. Mr. McPherson suggested that the hill to_restrict money bonuses and appro- in reply Hon. Mr. Hanna. v ho providing for a return to the system priations of land for all kinds of rail-, IrRHt a tribute to tho work of. if separate school boards tor public. Way Schemes, !Dr. Helen Mai-Slurrdis'. said in part;i high and technical scltotsls should gm "Our policy." said he. "is aimod at i rho Gorerninent had the uorli of! :o committee. The measure rceciVed the wildcattlng business which has ilruilding the new Ventral Prison oni its second reading and was then sent been carried on so oxtonsivolv all m-ml'i Ih"ir. hands, but. ho hope-l thm in'l -m to the Municipal Committri.whoro. the nrsttainion,' and under \Vhich'li tho time another session palm. around: " the Minister of Education stated. hundreds of millions of acres and dol- 5' tha't .lhe th-nernmcnt would huvo "J t may be expected to lead to cou- tars have been paid oiir to ),'n't'i",'.i/stiniyt plan which would meet fairiv' elder-able controversy. . prises which existed only on paper the situation in Ontario. "But." rnC. Cttw of Tort"st.o's little Ullllllilll! or in tho hopo that thdir ",ould 59": Cru-don tho Provincial F'sxcr'stavy, "f neasures gut-e rise to the suggestion cure concessions from the Govern-' should like to say to you that" re- :iy the Premier that the citys name ment at Ottawa or hopes or both l present municipalities. whether (mug thou!" be changed to . Arcadia or (my policy Was oGigiiJr'to aim "I Ot' townships. that I think it onlv rm; Utopia. The moving ot the second these nuvtutturors,. . ti sonable that they may expect that that 'cading y'as in the hands .of Mr. w. "Now," continued the Premier, ll lay will involve a distribution or (it. K. McNaught. lie confessed that "there is a lyoint whore our Gii/iri/y.:1iaot? of tho cost of the maintenance ic had not a com of the measure, stops and our responsibility for th-pqand care of these people bench," the and asked that it should be allowed development of the resources of iii'ei," Provmce and the municipalities." to stand over. The Premier wished (Province hp . , ' " : In! Mr. Hanna, Motel] ft . ' . . ft ' 'e.- I gins. The Govornmont ".. _ . . p 3ttt that It! to make progress. but who) MP. Mi has been carefullv considerin ti ' (neat Britainand other Countrirstlvrs, Naught proceeded to outline some " iwhole situation r id . ' . g .n' ', matters were a pun-Iv local ch: m. the proposals tho Prmii" said that (now. While 1'd'"Joli,,.'1ull',1t d'o/ibt iand hr: doprocatod tie, attitudedlbof' 1tllerc7gr.',.',.Jf 3&3?th tl/Ill,',';,'?,';!,',"?,',',,,?] I termlned to stop the improper makiug'i '/l,'y"ld,',r:et?/li/tt,it"1"; "I"? approachedi tug the hill before them. Apparent- i:::ll%lr't:r of: money and land to ad-, entire work could 1)'11i,'g',dtl,1,tt hm": ly it was desired to turn Toronto in- I ' in: N and sehrmrs ontirtsly de.. _ on t cur; lo a Utopia. I 1//, "'h'm. "It what.tho future. may bring ="e"r.1'1Te==rrr-rrI--- ---- ___ - I Mr. Ross (Middlesex) has siren no- ?" 'N" iccognizes that tho Cana- tice that he will move that if the (tiaui ortheru iynot a speculative. cn.. report of Mr. Starr. who was appoint- Prpr 8'; It. is in existence. in opera- ed a commissioner to inquire into (ter- Pon. Now, Whether we will consider tain matters relating to liquor licenses it our duty. Ill vlew of tho, reprpsen- q in the city of Toronto. has not been |tatlons 1vhic).t.have been made to Us. printed for public distribution, :to do something to aid in bringing the original report be. laid upon the) on the. Wm"; tido dovNopmont of the "tl' can" 1'/"i',1.: f a 'ff/ie/int'),'",).,,'"?:,::,:'),',] 'fd' tttrt '"if,t i r. oss WI a so more ot" ' i, , ' . en tt on o- order of the House for a return show? " day. I may say, however, that it is ing the taxation paid by tho railways in" a .caso of policy alone. but con- in the Province to local municipalities. h sidoration uroon its merits." To Aid Separate Schools. T-er-rr-r-re-err-err-er-tre-ter. That separate schools are not. un- dor present conditions. securing an q adequate share of Provincial and . municipal taxation is the claim of Mr. T. w. McGarry (South cht'rew). who proposes to remedy this condition by ' an interesting Legislative measure. ---------