. 1..» H PC" . l I T'.') TPI' . ' Flr" / . , P, w - Mt'Ww'f". M)!, rt ' . "421% f tr' I- Tlim I iltiicra 'Etc'?" .t , . . , Whirl _: _ ' l if..." I, x a . I 53413} 3'1", t try " 'st.C, . l t , " x , _ Immigration Probteitia'j?7, 's . _ _ _ . 'tr, 'ilrli3 Try?" . _ Ct,., V. I _ _ . , 1'. Mr. Alan Studholmo precipitated a. _ _ _ debate on the immigration policy or . - the Government by movintrthit thir .. items of $8,334 for the Salvation ' 3 l Army and 320.000 for Government' ' . _ immigration work in Great Britain -.-----.----- should be struck out. Incidentally ' M he ohjoctcd to tho amounts appearing: . l y . in tho public accounts as paymonts r. MODOUQaI s Suggestion to to cover tho travelling oxponsos of tho. i ' . Premier and tho late Minister oil the Government. Agriculture in rog'ard to their trip tol the old country last yoar. Mr. Stud-l; - holmo did not ohjoct to the monevi actually Spont on colonization. To! tho actual scttlcr he wished "God-f IMM'GRATION PROBLEMS. speed. ' but he objected to pooplo bc..) _ 1ng_brought out who only found on? their arrival that thoro was nothing) _"--, --em.- forthe l . ,, . l .'.' cm to to and "tut to fill that Jails as vagrants. Ninoty por cont; . , of the occupants of tho jails wore of: Salvation Army Methods Are that class. i lion. IV. J. 1lanna---Your figures), Warmly Endorsed. are, 'utterly wrong. The Ministcr of. Agriculture intorposod to say that l of' tho Vote of 'tiis.000 tukcn last year ' . -- "er-------------- only $311,000 was spent. ", , o .'., '1 , , Messrs. McDoug'nl and Clarke Agree lho I romion s '%ttttottM ttt, [ . . .. . . Tho Promior sni I th; t 3 . With File Jumos "hitncy ttt Ite-i mm of Ontario t d)'" r/ll,',',:' . ' ' o I t spcct to the I'lxccllcnt Work of tho . .7 -sr-ie- a . . _ _, _ l Doing full, could accommodate ', Dominion G'ovcrtttttcut, and the thrti-qttarters as many moro poo-i . Am '. ple us. Wore in them at tho. pro; I I) sunt. tunic. "I spoak of what I know, . '____~__- said Sir Jamos, "whom 1 any that I; know,. no service of greater. valuo to: . _ I the 'poople of Ontario in rogard tol, in rosponso in a 'tllt'SUU" tiottt M": immigration than that of tho Salyil'l _ McDougal in tho Logislaturo .vos-l, tion Arman 111"!" 'i"1"g't,.i2',ts'cry/i//,'.-.t ' . . . . , . 'at ' . what he 'is man on l', 511 own iH. I lerda.s "F, l m. ir',',(i,.c'v,cie,1m,j:j,tt, I know "1:11 tho Salvation Army has' , gonornl plan llt ttit'lilittp,' tho Prolt- donc What no uthcr agoncy has over. um of foristry, Hon. Mt'. ("'('hl'ii'm' attoinptod to do. It has leT, ' statod that tho wholo mattor hurl} mon to trim. stoamvl'. claslsilit'? tihitml'l . . " . . "t' .. " sid 111- and on t c. way "NW-"S 1am -lruf '" 1 if" yont P"' " '" tttttlt I l mr', fit . l l, them. so to spoak. and brought "v"rir"- Hon. "lt is woll that, wo should ""t one to the door of u housi whcrc a; cognizo." ohsorVod tho Minister, "thatl man was wanted." l t i , . , ' " ' ' I a . b.. ivas . .lilinvs of tho fottstry Y.rit.h rtgard to tin trip of ll a t in em"! l Tt 'LI'.". l-'l oti, Mmlstcr ot Agriculturo and himsolt Dvat't moans a talc-11 "4 -l to England tho Promior spoke, highly thought, timo and mono-3'." 'I'hore' got the work which had horn yy'vi:-y1 wore. ho said, timlu-r "cousins still ini i out bs.'..tlya lion. Nolson 1.lry1tyithr, ut, . . . .- I brt "t*' 1i?d in'thlmsolt had boon occuptod tor tour \ogue which had """l. man LL llhours in cat'h day in giving informa-g 13333. befotux t'ont'rwloration. As tho-"ti! tion to pooplo. who dosirod it about had boon transt'orrod from timo tol l Onltarlio], andIas 211, ll't'Slil't of ti:}oir(y1>:1t . A. 'rtr' " ,- w. . .1 it lat won (OCit'Pt to )ring to 10V- ttmc. tho I'".."""".".' in "in a. part} tornmcnt's agonts moro (~105on into . to tho transfev, ihcy "mm Itot "'"touch with.thc rural population in- oquity ho cancollcd suddonly. lt wasé , stead of wasting moron on oxponsivo the dosiro of tht, rh'partnwnt m with-i t S',t!lf1'ii, in London. .Tho Dominion ,. . T A l Government, he considorod. dchsr?rvud draw largo trHcts ot timlwt land ou; credit for the work they had done oquitable torms. "W: do not ('Xlit't'tl in connoction with tho Dominion tvs-.', to ho ahlo to mako any 1il1nouncU-l, hibition in London. Ho had watchod l -. "rw' " .. . hirul tho, Minis- the stroams of pooplo who wont thoro mont this "A" Hut l ' . . sccking information. and as a rosult tor, "hut next your wo hopo. to haw" had ("Timid on up. chungtr of policy something to submit to tho Houso." l he mentioncd and thus saVodltho PR'l- _ . ' " ,. . ._ . Vince many thousands of do lars. d - . ('Tho time lad ".C',"/,,'), "),"t)tit1ur,"1,,i..,)l,tr, ready thoro had boon a. numhor of ..tf,lyen..t: t"l thunk-Hos- must hot (out; farmers como to Ontario and purchas- timbm 1n If. r ' , _' . CI,','.'. I ilit .' t' ("d farms. although ho pointod out that under regulation. Tho t"r11'-) IIT y ,' tho Provinco was at soup-what of' a I',":?"'?,'..?, tPont,",')' , waft: " Tr,",,'."" 1,113 disadvantago hocauso many of tho im- 2'i,,r'ti/)Lg,,i,iH"/o,,' ' I" o; C ' migrants of tho agricultural class . i,. ' . . . woro drawn awm' by tho storios thoy ' Mr. McDougal -,1cli/rrl as to "my" hoard of tho Northwest a short time growths on tho Crown lands outside aftor thoy had arrivod in Ontario. of the ff?"?".""'. A Mr. R. J. Mc('ornnick. Mr. S. (darken The Mmtstcr of Lands said that a and Mr. D. J. McDougal all oil-l policy had horm adontr'd nndor whirm (lorsod what tho Promior said with l'c-: no pine tnnhcr would ho sold unloss grant to an. work of tho Salvation, absolutely "WC"? t'Y "t to ' protcctlon Army and with rcgard to tho work of _ 1 t'romuht't or Oi 11YY danmgfd [y tho Dominion Govrrnnwnt, and Mr.; tIre. yt' there ttro un., mono gonoial Studholmo's motion was dcclarod losti sales, commented Mr. Pochrano. 3 "there will be now rogulations as to Ch'tttrrricttt Fireworks. ( cutting and taking otl tho timber. Oratorio-at tiroworks and acrimon-' Suggests Forests Commission. ions commont ..y]yariy'tHizc1i,.vyvtiops_ . . . of tho discussion at Mr. Finlay G.i _ ( Mr. Mol?0ugal wus of thrs Olljlllti'll; Macdiarmid's bill to givo municipal-' _ that the Government wronld ho Justi-; ities powor to issue littnsies,. to itiner- tied in proceeding with sumo con-' ant merchants, tho maximum amount structn'e action 11yyt1i/.t/",lr. '.'r. Sllg- to ho rlrstinod by statute. and which zest to the Govornmont. Sold. lus, was discussod by the Municipal ('om- "tho appointment of " mmnmssnonof mittoo of' tho llogislaturo yostordnv. I three compotono gontlomon P. vfs,it Finally thoro was so grout an luv. the forests in (liftoront countrios of roar that tho Chairman said: "it wo' the old worldrand submit a roport cannot havo ordor wo must adjourn,"! 'r, thereon- It no can bollcvo roports and ho directod that tho hill stand' _ from those countrios a tromendons ovor for consideration whon tho mom...' revenue !ty,contirrottslr (It'ercd from hors \voro hottor Droharod to discuss tht.fortsts . . it in a» roamnablo and ordorlv man-: Sir James 1Vhitnoy drow attention nor. . I to the ditteront conditions obtaining -erfrtTerttre----- 1 in Germany and Prussia. "lt would." "h*.""'~' I said the Promior. "tako half a mil- lion of men to conscrw- tho forosts as they do there." Mr. Valentino Htook (pprth) Slig- gpstod that tho dcpartmont could with advantage offer good farms of. say. .160 at'PCS in tho northern clav belt In exchange. for farms of settlers ' in the Muskoka districts, which wore . a not suitable for agricultural pur- poses. l Mr. R. .n. Games (Manitoulin): . I concurred in tho suggostion, . l Q