.A. N ---da.L, -'-"'m ' . " .. -- - - ""2"- sale of dream." -- *1 MARCH 23 1909: "and Mn" ',,gdP,il9ttg ttttl, 't,'liil Mr. Norman-Bill to amend the Pub- , . ',',rt'"lf,,of, tl 'Sldf a? town; u{ninety lic Libraries Act. - - no . A _ -- - AUT0M0BILE Alll' I per @233 of the people who ttrove dig. IP" Bill to amendfhe Muni automobiles were gentlemen, but the ' - . i 10 per cent. were "scallawu83" and l Ltlid'tg,e3t'e,tiidixft'ivgf, $3233: l . . trolled q Should be con . ernment of this province bring out from _ 1 Mr. w. K. McNaught suggested _ Great Britain and Ireland during the i that the. ttve similar bills should be [ Ji.UsUn ot 1908? How many of these I considered by the Government. The WM" male and how many female? How f , bills ','ht,r/er1""1', y, te,r,iJ,tt/hIemt"i,'it many of these werc placed in tho homes A. . . q . were un a. r o u . .. ' s f' the Province of On- ' DIMSSIOH Ill Legislatnre stead of referring the hm" to a special grid}; £331:an names and widrcssvs- l . oommittee, he thought the Govern- of these farmers. Did any of those, so Disclosed the Fact. ment should consider the matter and placed Ema"? If so, how long? Can, bring in a Government bill. '31," givo- tho names and addressos of ----_-r--. Dr. Godfrey (West York) thought in"? Qtill tu.urainlitg? horses were becoming accustomed to iar. Hiudhoime---Ennuiry of Ministry: NEW JUDGE FOBYORK (MWIT automobiles. Hr: thought the present l .lltw,W many immigrants did tho Hal- law was a good one. union Army bring out from Grout --------- Mr. Mumrrove did not Hv.nr the Britain and lrr-lanvl during the season clause in the bill (r,i,,'/,n/,rc'sTt1vvali,,t,i,t.' of 1008? How many of these were malo - the control of automo es. d ny con- i . many trumaltu".' How many of Provision Made for the 5000"" tturl should be provincial. t"//,1,,hev')'.,i? Dim-,4 in the homes of the meat of . Third Junior (oun- I Mr. McEwlng (West Wellington) 'tr:."_ilh.r§ of tho Prnvint'n of Ontario? ty Court Judge. I thought a term of imprisonment was vCeivrs, my "an," and addrttg,Rpt, of those (the only cure for some motorists. Cry,riv-rsc? I)irl Hm, of thrrso m Naomi ---------.-- , Hon. Mr. Mackny agreed with Mr. 1.0mm": If .c't. hut" lung? Git-.- tho l ' EMcEwing. Hv, would go further, and haw-r: Milli "trltuv,s -< of any still rt'.- Automobiles formed the principal on the third (iffonco would doprive mnininpi. topic of discussion in the Legislature the drivor and owner "d,' 11001180 if"? Aiso:' linu- many 'irtHtnits and trim: u a. "ear tt n cvcr. ras ie. acton . " ..., yr": in! "('0 to wmnc in t 14" ro- -l""'.t."rfiy and the fact was Draught was 1'i"di,d.:U, r 1 'd,'))',? 'i,r1'it"i,',d"r1i'j, "ul;.',' in" .'s""bt' "H": to light that the Ontario Automobile Mr. Craig thought the people who Did ;Illl' rpm. bun-'1'"? piirvsliasvbranc- Act was considered by drivers and ~93" for the roads should have the H "W hm: ',Y/1r, Are it." i'1tiid,f,1.1,1t",r' ' ' _ _ '. u" , '11, \\ T" not. ' 3' .. it' owners of horses to he the host law control of thcm. ' ','iT/,,",,'idi,,",1isy,i, mini? if so. did MW (in the continent. A special oommit- Couid ho Avoided. illlTL hf!" . it 'r'," apquiyn at] on thrs homr- . , F Mr 1, ' c . . equalling thin? (fan t o 1"etvorntttrtt 'Ct Will be y"'ointed to make a fou tht'iIilg-hl '-'trfi'),l",',11f,Tr, ts/uf/lu/Pt',",'.");',',),, givo the litmus: and "drlrc.se,u.s. of thts.srt, necessary minor amendments to the legislation of older countries. Som, furnttorr;? Act. Truancy was also discussed of tht. clauses in Mr. Craig's bl]? Tulwrculosis Commission. and several consolidated an-rnment would prnctltea11y put the automobiles Mr. t'todt't-iV That "hum-w the Irt"1- bills Wo . t n ll M off thc roads. He had-l been driving. \ titli"" Hf Itulrtmnary tulsrrtltvr.. ll"- . " ?re m roclu.ed. on. * r. on automobile cwr since the ttrst one "HM..- up." "out", im "up... h) mo Cochrano introduced a hill to provide was brought into (fanadda. andidhad l. ._.-'|,...,,,. of Ihic i'rroiiitt-s to ~-n..v~.i ' . h " .- no'Vcr SQ'l-n and nt-vcr hit an acc out. ;~..'-f. f "pun i-Vigting' v-iiidilinii'g Ali-i better protcction for mimrs in who Of course. he said, the accidents did: "mu-45:» My. ,i',,'_i,\.1,,-.m J,rr-1'ittsecct.tivv.sri- of accident. In future when an in- Nippon. but the facts proved that; m, , , ..: Hump", mmamrm. WW..." _-cut', lqueSt is held the Inspector of Mines [ accidents could be uVOldt'd by care- i'--v~'- "Min t 'l',',!,':,',"',',),:,'?,',? ll :iv H . . I fill (rivin . xn-.'n<'-"_\' :i'vzil'w'ii Hi" W ii"). "In tr, 'Y."" be notified. The Minister of; Mr. iii-El (South 1Vtrnturrrth.) advo- mm Lilli, lbrl'V'li' in." :prvnrl ci', mi: Mines also introduced a bill to serial" i calm] a drastic law. mum nli<~'5;i.~". has' rm whorl prawn: 'ills, ate Burlington Beach from the Town- 1 b Hon. Mr. glaring, f,e,.',','i',""r'l, thatnl'hl: the unanimous endorsement of the . . . . ' ill tr to t c l un C-l'a "omm 1'" ict OL-ss'on of this rovinm as "hip of &ultficc.t. He also introduc- '3, and f,',', discussed, hut not as a new 23:31:51 'tTlit all tho Jr,','):',')..'";')),'))';,)).'". ed a bill which defines dtttinibuly that; bill. Tho committee had (ilscussnd be it resolved. that in the opinion a: only in the municipality when; a pro- ; sttttl1 hills and hnd brought in a wry this House. a commission of threo per- fitable l . ke h l creditable automobile. bill. Last year sons. two at lead of whom "hall be m no is wor ed can t 0 owner ', one or two trlmng changes wan mado physicians who have given somw study he assessed on his income. l in tho bill. It might bo tltut the bill Ill-the question, should be appointed '0 . . . i ,would stand one or two changes in . V h' tho pundmum existing in Pirst Third licading. l the lino of punishment for old 3:005:32. in this regard. and w- au- The first piccc of legislation to he: l,t.ht.r.t!nt1eris. The proscnt Automobile visability and rrrtutiPi.'sitp' of the. vs- . t i "t ' _ , ht ( Milli had liven pointed to again an-ll, itab11shmtrnt of a provincial aanimrium. completed this tu?srsiort is Hon. _ A'.; again as tho best Automobile Bill "pi (l111"'Jo'1"/fis)'i'or", to report 1., this House Foy's'hill to amend the Judicaturoi tho statuteh books of any province or! lat an early day. " . l., - .., . , ... State, on t e continent. g ------m-----------_----. Act which was gimp its third read i Sir James Whitney was glad to notol ing yesterday. rhe hill '3 a con- the change of opinion in the House solidation and contains no rttuW feat- regarding automobiles. Thi: serious- tires 3 Iness of the situation becutne apparent . N . i when it was remembered that two- Hon. Mr. Foy moved his bill ro- I |thlrds of tho vehicles on the country specting county and district judges ,) ', rxoads wr'i'i',' 'o',',',,',"',", by 1"'0/',n and chil- . l ren. a own ea o e on r rem- and local courts back into committee. I 1%", was that drivers of autos )should The Govurnment had decided to} lift, and assist the drivers of tho ' amend the bill, he said. hy providing" [WW-"PR Tho automobile had become! . . . ia part of commorciai life, and m tho for the appointment of a third junior 5 13mm " Kansas 1,000 autos were. uswl Judge in the County of York. where; :by farmer; in a very few years the the congestion ot legal business war- I leutomobilo: would be in general us". ranted and made necessary on in-,'; .Hn thought the driver of tin automo- croase in the judiciary. The navy" gbile ocnvictlod of a third offencu for! appointee will be known as the third Ipcrsonaldmury should not be .allmx- a junior Judge of the County of York. ted to drive a vohlcle of nny,..kind. ' .5! Hon. Dr. Reaume amended his I It 'wloulldube i1//j'u1tite,') "ruddy 1:15"! Imun.c a es s ou no iavo con m bill for the deVZIOP'T'ent of water lot t"i'7'i1'd,"2"oi,hll/ for nil kinds of power at Per, ako, "under which checker hoard regulations would follow. F . $40,000, instead ..of. te0,000. " set The present Automobile Bill was con- apart' for thc'bmldmg of the dams. stantly referred to, and he suggested The engineers reports showed that d that the hill. together with any others 7 the change was n'"'Arstrary. of a. similar nature. should be referred 1 In reply to tho leader of tho Op- to a special committee to be named: position regarding the revision of tho later. ' Truancy Act. Hon. Dr. Pyne mid tho SirJames' suggestion was acted upon. ! ditftculty in the past had been to got Mr. McNaught moved tho second I municipal authorities to appoint reading of hie.b.iil to amend the Muni- l tmnt ottmars _ Mr. Mackay admit- ('ipal Act, which contains 13 amend-5 ted thet such was the case. and merits. thought if the appointments were left New Bills Intmduced. in the hands of school boards men' . a l . . T . __ would be appointed who would take, o1?di..ff"owirur nevi hills were intro 8 real interest in the enforcement of' To amend inc Supplementary Re.. the law. Mr. A. H. Mustrrove (North venue Act, 19tn-mon. Mr. Coehrtrne. 'Huron) agreed with Mr. Mackay. ', To amend the Burlington Beach Act Mr. Valentine Stock (South Perth) f ---Hon. Mr. Cochrane. endorsed the views which had been I To amend the Free Grants and Home- l expressed. He thought it would be I sin-mi Act-Hon. Mr. Cochrane. unfortunate if a community which l I To amnnd and improve the law re-l, . already had an efficient police force ! :spectlng mine accidents and operation; l which could act in the matter should I oUni1tt--rr,ro,ry Mr. Cochrcne. ', ( be saddled with an additional omcev. l D,l1y,Ti,r1/', the Municipal Act-Hon. I l The Minister of Education was ,2 C . . _ t_.,. . t l doubtful of the wisdom of handing 1uTi',tt.mend the Municipal Act-Mn. the power overdo "h/Pl boards and l inspecting the Department of Educa- , the clause Irassod without amend- . tion-Hon. Dr. Pym. ' ment. ' To amend the Assessment Act--,Mr. Automobiles Discussed, McEwing. Mr. J. J. Craig (East Wehimrton) To amend and extend the Land Titles .dmitted bthat automobiles had come Art-Mr. Malustry. .0" stay, ut at the same ' " 'tarmers should have some pathctimiei Notlt Ct"n of Motion. bill, of . . 390;! Mr. McPherson-Bm to regulate the