A . w '3. .i"'\'.'"' T,"1eiriii.t,tpttn. ANNUAl'f' am. t "In. 'Artlun~ and Fort wan-m Before , , / . Legislative Committee... 5 'r "Like two big healthy boys. ther , get. into an occasional 1rnuabble," said, 5i Mr. Hamilton Cassels, K.C., represent.' V ', iptt Port Arthur, when the twin cities C , iithe. head of Lake Superior engaged ,', ' in.their annual dispute before the Legislative Private Bills Committee , yesterday. Mr. JI. L. Drayton, ICC., was the counsel for Fort W'illiam.' , Mayor Matthews headed the Port ' Arthur deputation. while Mayor Pel- , ietier was in charge of the Fort Wil- 5 liam representatives. ', The Port Arthur hill was under dis- , cussion. The non-contentiou's clauses! were passed with the exception of that,; 1 covering Sunday catk, which, the! Chairman explained, must remain to. 'be determined on Government palicy.' iThe battle. was precipitated OVM' the. street railway. Mr. (iassels maintain-) ed that all tho bonded indebtedness fell upon Port Arthur, and Fort Wii-l liirtt got its service without any re- sponsibility for debt. He explainedl the findings of the Municipal Board.I "As Port Arthur is responsible and its, credit is at stake," said he, "that city" should have the chief control of F the service." _ The Municipal Hoard had decided that there should he tive commission.. ers to control tho railway, two ap-l lpointed hy each city and a fifth joint-a 'ly. Port Arthur wanted a. permanent' judicial ottictr to preside over this lBoard of Commissioners. Mr. Drayton, for Fort William. 'lid not think the committee would inter- fere with the finding of the Municipal Board or the High Court. Fort Wil- liam had invested $220,000. The committee decided to strike the clause out of Port Arthur's bill and leave the appointment of a permanent Chairman to the Railway and Muni- cipal Board. The head omces of the railway were loft in Port Arthur. The non-contentious clauses of the' Fort William bill. which followed., were approved. and the committee, adjourned to enable the parties inter-: ested to confer on the matter of com.I pensation for roadways proposed to be. Opened up. They will report to an-I other mecting of the committee later} g in the week. i i ' """"---------. [ .1 --'-----------------..--