e [ oame * "( s .,._)' s s Exk S 'v & ',' $ S o 7 "'"'"""',' M o 3 P f 'ROTEL LICENSES HIGHER, M o s € /. Ts i + _ . eeesnenamemmnemmmmmecemeemnmmen _ s % ."' _-- HOW THE NEW LEGISLATION s AFFECTS TORONTO. Wiiintigiciennieafecrnncieatmnieenh _ Severe Penalties for HMegal Selling ----~ R Minors -- Must -- Tell Who -- Supplics § Them. With Liquor--Local -- Option E: Hotels to be Licensed. A+ Hotel licenses in cities of over 200,-- P Moo0 to be raisea to $1,600. This i8 (|the principal -- change afi'ectmg. 10-' _ fronto in the new. Government lHquor "Micense bill distributed in the Legis-- t MN . \Mature yesterday -- and fathered. bY BrMHon. W. J. Hanna, the Provincial PSecretary. Shop licenses rema!D at $1,000. _ 'The battle on the "blind pigs" and the sale of liquor by non--license hold-- ers is to be intensified by making the penalties much more severe. At pn.)-- sent the fine for a first offence is from $50 to $100. Under the new bill the minimum is raised to $100 and the maximum fixed at $200. There is a similar increase . for svcnm_l of-- __l|fences from four months' impnson- ?r ment to six months' incarceration for ¥lsecona anda all subsequent offences. } Authority is given to Provincial in-- spectors '"to visit and inspect any tavern or hotel for which a license "Ihas been issued under this act, an_d --|the accommodations provided therein / land the utensils, bedding and other furniture therein, and to see that flwl * dlaws of the Province providing for the . protection, safety and health of guests 6 |and other inmates are complied with, __land to give directions in writing to the license holder as to providing: other or-- additional accommodations, | furniture and appliances, or as to any other matter he may deem necessary for the safety, comfort and conven-- ience of guests." Authority is given police officers tn' seize any liquor in transit in course nf' delivery for sale in contravention of | the act. Provision is also made for | !the issuing of a local option hotoll license. These will be granted by the | License Commissioner upon payment of five dollars. If the board so de-- |cides stabling may not be required. Provincial brewers and distillers and l 'whnlvsalo dealers are given a measure j 'of protection -- against dealers outside | !the Province by a clause imposing a | fee of $2500 a year on agents. This is| known as a "sample and (-ommissinni license." | The clause compelling a minor m*i l'pt'nhibitvd person to tell who pro-- | vided him with liquor reads: *"*Where upon any prosecution under this sec-- tion for selling or suplying liquor it has been proved that liquor has been ;sold or supplied to a person under the |age of 21 years, such person shall be 'vomppllahln to disclose upon oath the 'name of the person from whom such | HMiquor was obtained and the datnl f\\'h@n the same was so sold or sup-- } plied, and, in case of a refusal, he shall i |bo guilty of an offence, and may, upon | |the order of the Magistrate or Justice, | ibf- _forthwlth nnp_risonml for any ipm'md not c'xon('d'mg three months, ;unle-ss he sooner discloses such infor-- 'mation and pays the costs of his com-- ;mital. and for the purpose of making Isuch disclosure he may at any time ,bn brought before the same or any other Justice, or may disclose the said. linfm'matinn by affidavit." The brewers' warehouse license is ffl-m""dod by -- confining sales under ;snch poermission to members of the i:radn. 'ediip i ie e ces acuri 1t lc en reryreniays