. -""'"" _ . FEBRUARY "dc-str-- ", "iGT,' "T'" "ate' rrirb* ", WEDNES I AY, . _ 9, 1910. _ -. , w... __ - l ...- - .,,, wr' '. . 7;?"- fEl,hflfMIl OUT 3. Weren't?) to the great aniouhtthat wag ' "Nani! 'e/ll', Us)?" Hydro-electric woik: Fm tuirgrirttditerttent of private corpor- N? "a fdOU 3 upon ")9 Probability, ate interests. ., l l or some. of the great things promised UNTARIUS fl from the operations of the Hydro.. Dr. Mat-Kay's Suggestions. l, " p"Nitric Commission. .. Dr. A. Mack- (North Oxford) nor-l f The Power Problem. ed that t1T..opirorition had been ac-g I _ --- F, .- - Posed of failure to matte suggestive' i ti "It is l ,')y.'.tf,lj'/"ip tact." continued criticism. Such was his purpose. He" . , "' ,ue FpP'd 'er_ .. in ie maximum}? counselled tho engagement by the l Legislature Makes Day s Pro in many towns and Nth-s "o with}? Province of a medical man with an . tend to. do away with tho" present aptitude for research to devise a bet- gress With the Debate. 1r1","..t'.,l1'r 1lytt.",',i.1,' mm: Tho mom. or systom of treating mummy. ', combines we undcr olrliviutiov, m the The speaker expressed his S.vrmta- i:o\'orumcut and if the ttreitvtCrtt'tuturvs thy for the Prm'lncial SPt'rt-tarv in _.,-------------'-" tlo ttttt lHliit tho lW'W'I' the ohligu- tho accident which betel] his duugh- lious v,ill have to ho met by 1he my (or. and regretted that when the dog TO COMPENSATE WORKMEN b'.'.?.'.'.?" ..\'nd if these 1'rtslru.iirs in the Wus sho1 and cremated tho brain was . future Irina-r to meet iiu'sc obligu- not removed and examined. [to I lisrttH. "in" iS til" (lttiuuuttnvnt going thought the occurrence should sng- ., ' lo I.' 'J lzost to tho Government tho csiahlish- _ .. "l" hon. Hivitohrw "W North To.. i.:-uent of u Pasteur institute in (NJ . hint!) Hits" that. lilo pnu'vr lN'Iit'y Will. iiil'iH . Radical Amendments Proposed lump t'ur-rcnclnng olTriic. I "mph" 1 ( a . tltait is unit" right, Tlie tinus will, i." (anupaign Michell. ('Hlilt' when proph- will tu',v,nit up. f Mr. A. Ferguson (South sittu'ort ' by W. Proudf0tt power project wus ever 'i'l',1.ll/'///r,t Espoke briefly upon campaign lines 'il/ tltrs WHY il is brim: curried out." 'erery dopartmmnt. he dccl'dl'mi. .thei - - Proper-ding, Il!'. 11r'lcwitrvicviticiryul iirr(iuuiiiit'a'.iit' was malt-hig- prugresgi ilN' Hf'W'l'IHW'Ni S " lilouiimml "olit"y..l, iicHrticulut'ly along the lines of a'tr,ti"ul-: Liln'rzll Member Will "tttuuiurc lm- tltiliiritop," that the public schools \\'1-]'p' itnro. lie platted 'thv Administration. _ r~ .. . [in " wot'.-" position now [nun tlwy imbihc lth"\ for Its lat'.vofr'tuy led i porluut Labor Mcusurc hit-NH"? 'h-ul mm. brwit onion-unnut M the liquor impugn, ' .. .. . , g l C.'.,, ' ' I i,., . s." he mid "were Jaws; and assured the House, that thei il. "nth an Atttvtttttttcttt to .\lmll.h 'r,,,',')',','." ii"; :;':.'.I.::-henp and ,uusti'." it'enlilig in his district "as thornugldyi " tht. Tttre-firms "iutuititttott - i 1'il't'.. Speaker. 1 belich th'at the in _','.";;'.'-",',',',' the ti)',','",.'"-)?),..',';,,',')'",,','.':,:,) l, - .. . . -. . i .-- . 'YI . e niblic schools now '_t \t-r "" W'l' W". ct rum narin.' , Ncn INOFIW'N' "ill T""/TI .h.' 1r,t,ii.:c,e,ri"rtite,t.tt1lfan"t1'1l wcrc six Kigali-s .im declarcjth "(we 1,'y1!.rio,.ly: of flu}: i Mr. Sam. Cttavtcts--Mr. Mitnvitt,'r, Eugu," .. . , l . l (' E"in:"oil-0'1".lilitiieli't"il'figlflitiiiiii-ii'ei-iihi'dTil"g HI Scores Varsity StmIcnls. f "?io1e"lt".'N' mtciiup.f'd Mt'. "We . 'il,',',').] ' t ( ' t u m! V il'ratt. Norrolli. 7 i FF. . ' . . _ , j i "Others may think So," added Mr. ind. MM 'Ty/yt. (host Lamb-f 'Pi'cmim' Whitmoy. inn) mmed the Eltllltillllnnynt of thc; l "My hon. friend to the loft s:"-" tit'butc, ', Tht? lmgisluturu ('Uilit'llit'ti itself 11'.c- 'nonscnsv.' .. retorted Mia. Mcliwmg. War on tit" "ops. l WWW." with "Hiking it 1luy's. trrogliss hm" that Ema? vt)';",',',"). "on instance of War on the \it-ioils rural, dot: is'; . in the "intact debate. which thrcntcns iit as "Hum!" il1ON . thrcutcncd by the. Y] l. ".Tt'T.tetl...y.T,, i _ L. . v- 9 . 'Artin. thc Students. Mr. P. H. Rowycr (hast Kontt.. H10 i to 'art mcr tttto n..." IVPf'ti. Hot the " . . _ -q . . measure enacts that every municipal-l 'tIrrto:iitiou, My. J. Alt-Ewing ("list ', Mitt s)typi1yi,os,:'tr"1,onttrt1-"o')""t'l); ity shall imposy a tax of tl on cach' . ' ' ' ' .t-, , , _-_ 'mcn CtVt?t' . . ' F , -." _ cf . b n V 'sorm'tl H. harbored" T.""""'"" Mum lud u. \Igoious (rt it'nicevsity students on certain occas- '.t1:'it,,i/2rl', _c1/))iiti'i1,'/,).h J/g'.'"..,',',',", " on / vu-isiu on orvr-vxpendlture, while Dr. lions. . A?" hitch. Thr object of his bill. A. MacNuy (North Hxl'iu'tl) submit- l, The University. he said, was now -Mr. 'r,'ow.rrr stated. was to reduce the i'wl " H'l'ii's "f suggrstilblls 1rromptod i," Provincial institution. drawing large numlu-r of dogs. and "especially aim- , . ' ' " 'rc, _...., 'sums of public money. Instead of, M at the number of useless and n- n) his medical t'rilrr't'i1'r"'1'. "furl": iturning out educated and well-be-, 'i-iouS curs owned and harbored .u thc gnu-idem to the daughter ol the Unwed men and women it was "thei throughm" Ctntario----a menace to the l'l'tn'iliriui Secretory who wns hittvn {scene of rowdyism uud disorder, _i'r'/o/d,'/"irur-tvr:rindth.!sr"elC' . hr u rlt'it) do: on Ilertrdiiy :ii'tcruoon. 3""th would disgrace " Lucliwoods log l Mr. A. y. Fri") (ICI 1'tt//y1' m- . . .l . . r..; l schoolhouse." n-mluccd tive amendments to tilt Mun- ll" (lg-iril'lt'il lilni tilliiillu "lib Ali I- I Mv. McEwin,q brought up the qnes- liit'ip'di Act covering the vro.rl"yls of out an immuno- for the treatment of itiou of the advisability of keeping "Di ithe Ontario Municipal Association. ~'nch HIM-i. nod patients. in conse- Government House. He gore tho t Utiptiti, ""4 to h" tolictt to the "WW" amounts that had been spent for the) Stair». .i:cyrc,. ll. A. .Nortttun (Pt"1nt't? purpose during the past six years,), Edward) and A. F'crgusott tSouth totalling: about some hundred thou». i V *ilm'm'l srlro spolio fpottt tlw tlov- and dollars. "largely to keep up on i "rmurut lwucln s. were sniislicd with " establishment for the entertainment ofi .3 i't'ilt'ill'S-'ii of tin-"campaign speeches, a... society people or 'voronto."l [ Asl lhc srrviilir't's cxpresscul syttwrrthy "Hear hear." said the Premier. amid} if with lion. A. J. Mut)rrsson,.t,h1' Pro- general laughter. "Perhaps." thei f. vntciul Treasurer. in his accident. Speaker added. "we sltouldn't snub! l . ..= ... ' . . _ . tice an institution that gives Toronto! 3, Worictttctt"s Cotttpotstttion Act. pt'ople. so much pleasure. hut. utter' A large legislative order was prom- all. Toronto is only a part of the) I iscd b) Mr. Wm. Proudfoot (Centre Ptorince." i , iluronr. who gt-tVP, notice of four bills. "Hear, hear," agreed Mr. Slum} ' three of which are amendments. The liolmc. l llt"W bill. of "which he Rave notice, is . . . l a worlinran's compensution act, t'Ound- "ci'etulittp,' tite Got'et'tttttt'ttt. F- '; ' ml upon the British measure. The Mr it. A. Norman (Prince lid-i amendments proposed are also im- ward), who contributed his maiden; ' portant. The temperance organiza- speech. twitted Mr. Alt-Ewing with; ', tions make their annual effort in a being ambitious to get in front of hisl L'. l-iH to repeal the tttree-fifths local putty. "lie has got some very re-i le' option clause and substitute a major- volutionury ideas." was the naive) ity Vote. A second bill purports to comment of the speaker. on the) sire county councils the right to fix criticism made on the Government; their own salaries. while the last mea- House expenditure. Mr. Norman ex-l sure places an ohlittation on the town- tolled the establishment of agricul-i ship municipalities to hear the cost of turn] classes in the high schools. and) the local grant to rural schools. 45'"?! resultant formation of farmers"; . . 'as (chins. 'Ut is things like these that New Telephone Bill. 'iconrince the. farmers that this Gov-l, Mr. S. Charters (Peel) has giveniiernnient is right side up with cure."i notic" that he has under preparation :iwas his verdict. i u bill entitled "The Ontario Telephone {3 "Political exigency has surely got' l . Act." This measure promises to take l"to u mighty low ebb when the maini new and radical lines, but the mem-l subject of criticism is expenditure oni, .; "pr for Peel. when interviewed by The lGovernmnnt House." was his comment i l, (HOW), was not prepared. at present ion Mr. MeEwing's allegations. lleé " in make its contents imbue thad been; glad, owing to election hyi ' I .., ' _ . ' Js. . . ". lhis const tuents, to bo a nest at Gov-l lhc G't.Nti"O,'i 1cxve'""/"T, _ ' ternmcnt House and "heir; dispose of: Mr. J. McEwing (West 1volliugtou), some of that "$100,000." He noticed.1 in vc-opening the budget debate ex-I morem or. that it "took more motive! . Merged his regret that the Hon. Mr.1 power than 1 possessed to drag the: Mann-son "as not present to hear the member for Wetst Wellington swavi discussion on the budget and hoped from the. good things there.". . i that he would soon he buck in his y; l ""70. Fl ' " 5 place in tho liouse. In proCeeling ""3" NN Illam'ial Pcss. l . i to a criticism ot the 'l'rcusurer's state- "W grtatrv.st achievement of the', , i went. Mr. 31(1).ng reelred to this Government was its power policy, 1" Ar great increase m txutre1it,unr,?,H1tyyltc1'erd,iy,E to Mr. Norman. It had, - the past "W yearS. In 1895. said tyym wrought "in spite of a subsf-) Mr. Mcrcwiutr..."t.he expenditure was dized "tttrnciral press and tho sleadyi 35.396000. whi e I" 1909 it 1.ratl grown boll-lbardjnent of an unscrupulous Op- l ' to t8,s:rrs,71.2, while .the estimates for/ position." it ushered in a new eral 1910 call it" the immense sum ot,; for Ontario. in that the natural re-i i:r:,ui4.000.i' . Isourccs were to be r , r he: :4"... member from W'est we1lingtop: "pultJic weir-aw and (,1t"rrt,t.etddo/intt/le'i