_" _ -,'si.., a"..- 'mV- , rT-','.5,.r",'rrrsrs'-rp" "'e- 't "" .. Pre""-"," l atti.9)t , died the'aiarEmtirrhiarnsac. -., ' SDAY FEBRU'AERY Ill, 19 Us. _ _ , mi"diiiiiiliii connection with immigra- t I UR W _ ."e ' the' nitth-; tiou. I He said that at the last. HMO" . . .. 7 a." '" . secured an order 7i1iii,i?) at grantedi he had asked for a return showing ., ' , i her of permits ',rfiiitrtt'ltl'; ing the. how. ..' many emigrants had __ been I: _ i to public school ttttMt' ddltlaliils con-i brought out from Great Britain and i years 1908 and It',,', an?" 'ffl', of the:' Ireland, and how; man; hind bite? .' i cernintt the exper ence 'l .i' placed on farms n the rov nce. u . . DNGLUDES N-ur recipients. Karl although he had asked the Minister b' _ i On motion of Hon. A. G. IW, 'li'il of Agriculture for the information I ' the House passed an t(:rder ca LEE of? time after time. he had not received ---_. -r-.-.-H-9.rH. t ormation as to t e num I it. " ' Siam who were granted To.del and! Hon. Mr. Dutr----noes my hon. friend i rtlficateg during the'., saw that the return was never pro- » . . . ll f a normal school ce i . o , Opposition Will hlot Ca or last four years. i duccd. . . . Division "Get After the Combines." ' Never Received Returns. . . _ (i . . ,. a . 1 d.. ' ' n the Bud et debate. ML' I knom this. meisted Mr. sin E s.,',',."?,?,,",.',':', (West i',c),'iiit,r,a,,fii',t',if:'jy,iii) htolme, "that I have never received m-------------------- incial Treasure _ l . .. . i f,",','",',',',',",'.',,",',',','.',', tthoe J,'J1"/'fiih1. He was! "well. all I can say. said the Min- " BOT L ADERS TO SPEAK glad to note that the revenue was: ister. 'ie, ti1ir1,,'c,ioiotnvea",,teidreutyp, ' H E . steadily increasing-it needed to t..ti could "e. com o',"C . . the table of tho House. :- the rate expenditure was mounting.f "When was the return tabled?" de- i' ,___, PV ----- - He hoped there was something In If]?! manned the mm". man. ' '; intimation tthatblothcr sources ot ill-i T/ci. Mr. Dtlt----I um trot m a mm. b . come were axa e. F ' ' u: _ 'i, . The Minister then, L"; Hon. A. G, Mackay Will Move "Get after the combines." urged; ',t.lrpoii"/c',h.t,a"si.,io1'.1"cedy,'."/,t.' show. t ' Mr. Clarke. "Some f,'1rilt--is.yi111-i' ire that the, return had been tabled. A to Amend Power Mt. tial and efreetive---iould he put uponi "The hon. mpmhm. chm." have hm." i their operations." , m .thn House when it was tabled." he i") . "And the Attorney-General shouldl added. I i --------- VV Bet busy." he proceeded. "If he would, Ar,. c'sttidhnrro in ar"taeoti'ntt the ov- it round up a few of these sharks who "lg-yir-tiph. vomnrkp'i "me " he was; s . , MSG" Returns to Min "traffic in stocks and rob the people "pt ir, ti") Hrotsrrs, thr, N'ipiqur _tly"'ht,' y, Mon Col Eat of their hard-earned money he. would have informed him that the return; f. Seat in the Mouse-a-Lively ntcldettt he doing one of the best acts of his had been presented. ', ( Over "Sheeny Irish-n" Remark into." Cl I wed in Vit'liln of Poor Acoustics. ' , . , _ Jiarke u - . . l f Mr. Reed Was Said to Have Made 1.r,','a"def'1,leae,,r,' and Cnsl%'j'p"me"n"t , {After ')l,tiit'1t,tf'.dth/)ea1a/i, "s',",.'."",',,?,,','; . . Cts' _ . . One :ujorunmon o e . . . " . --ILabor Member Criticizes lmmi- i'lglllllgnuiiiolia'igs "a; T'1cutle,""irr.f a (Smith Wentworth) ms" and drew the l ml o . ' r. . i i . ' ' . station Policy. (sum, to devote annually to this de- 'y/c,1,t/fi',1,.or, the ;sr,i'yit'g,t,',' in: 221:1: F vttrtmont lie urged an extension of :mnearinu n one o. e. p p .. I" _ . i and education The article said that the Irish mem- _ "e-------.- VF - "he, Uyttonrt.r.at on h v manrv of bers- of the LeeiSIutvire were wrathy I",','),"?,', 1../'flation to t e Yeo . l at a statement Mr. Reed was said to The party leaders will wind up the "ha-'11}: 23:13:: book contract was char- 111:1}votmadcT'i'n 2,t Hogs-e. (",','.11',', ti}: . Legislative budget debate to-duy. Mr. jat,di:/d,ii by the speaker as "the worst ll',',','",,'),';'?,? Jc" {1.311254 Il'),,')',',')'?,,":',',, , Allan Studholmc, the Labor man who (i/C/Ji/Gi, yet." It wasuan injury to Minx-amm- of the HvHro-elerrtrie Pom- " held the fioor when the Ilousus ud- iii):,",.))::),'),'.'"?,',:".,,,,,,',',':,,,,.),"",,)",',':,) 'p/i?"",,",'),:',:"',',',':, to "Sheenv li'ishmen," s ver ,. ', nrth. Ch'; .cai . . _ _ Journed yesterday, will proceed when j,','.sci.ntd,, Den a silver platter to a de- 'l')/idi"it,i/',tiliy'c"aihetyapo,jiair' 5:39 the House meets at 3-30 this aftcr- partmental store you will leave the use 'u noon. The Premier stated that it {whole country desolate, woe-begone "l hum m, apology to make." said had been planned to conclude by six [and God-forsaken. Sign "n'it,',r,o'r',lvuygt: 12:21: tiw'"xm-tphe: . o'eloek, but he now feared that an- (hiv. Donovan Waxes Sarcastic. 'ic,C.l,s,mf,,')td"nr'; 'lrisiir or 'lt/n,,",',':',,, 03' other night session would ho tlPC'f'Fi- "There is a poverty of clean-cut in any way refer to them. I did "a... ..sary. This is taken as significant that criticism in thel lr,'.'),'.'";,'.'"',,';',",',' re- the repression "Silt-val?" iron may- . . "il! marks," deciarec i r. - . .. onovan roan s or ron men. 1e newspaner.~ Hon. A. G. MacKay and himself WI 'idriCdis-viiil/) in rising to continue the did not do this with intention. The both speak at some length. The Op- gdehatc. "He has told us that he was Words :'Irc similar in sound and I hope poaition will not, however, divide the abittcn by a dog., Mrell, it strikes me they will set this matter right." House at the present time. le) _there] is a. It,2, bitmgif midi"? Mr. bouncy Takes a "and. . i u , . - Hon. Mr. MacKay placed upon the 1',h.ao,tit,,in I n in g g Rut the ttwider-t waa not closed order paper last night notice of hills" "Muzzle him." suggested several to amend the Power Commission and: ii'onservative members. amid laughter. the Power Commission Amendmentif "My honorable friend has said he . 1 Liberal leader stat-'ilwould like to be Minister of Agricul- .Aet of 1909 The . liture." said Mr. Donovan. "That is ad, when interviewed, that he was not' lone of the truest statements he ever' prepared to make public the charactcrilmadc on the ttoor of this House. T of the measures until their details had i i have, no doubt he would like to be uliv worked out. There: yin.ilter. ot Agriculture. But I fear been more t . di ,,1 . ( It will never be in his lifetime or mine, WM however, nothing ra "d m; unleSS he changes over to the other either. ' side of the House." The Gillies' Limit Again. .imght Have it Then. , . . .. '5 Mr. D. J. McDougall (East Ottawa);, "Could I have it then I'" asked Mr. has given notice of motion for a ro-l Clarke. and_the Government members turn tmowirtg:--+ What' is the area, J,1e//ot join in the laugh that fol- , o ll' .ht t . . of the Gillies Limit? (b) Ho mm 1 Mr. Donovan went on to criticize of the area has been reported to the Mr. McEwing tor remarks he was said, Government to he mineralized? (c) to have made about the farmers of ' How much of the area has been pro»! 'tti/hippie/ei"?,;:',?,', the expression _ -u . pected? (d) How much of the area: "Mr. 'ii)e'itlJte"iL.ected Mr In,,.) q has been sold? fe) What are the jEWing' " never said Ge" farmers dates of the respective sales, thei'we'viier pBor and hard up." amount sold in each case, the 1'"11yrieer7u'rii 't11Tg.rei1t,t,ti"i, and then are rchasers and the ,rices ou- , . 3 ". of. the pu a" I "The Labor Member. i tamed in each can. I" Mr All b't ah I i f e . an , u o. . . Mon. Col. Matheson Returns. "member, spoke for 'i'tlehoeeanyadtrii', Hon. A. J. Matheson, the Provih-' Stall! lots in reserve when he. moved the . i t . tl a Journment. He said that in all the cial Treasurer, took his sea in mlspecches during the two weeks of th i House for the first time since his ac-: debate, not one word had been. said! cident. His arm and shoulder are: fr1ti,tchtt/e"iiejiirtt'iti'i' Mr. Studholme3 enthusiastic reception from both Sidesi were a.trrieulturiirts, and claimed :22: . of the House. His desk was beautiiied the balance was in favor of the arti- . m- a profusion of ttowe-tm. Ban. He. scored the Government for. 'ln response to questions from. the, the large amounts of money they had Liberal leader. Hon. Dr. Reaume. .).1in-lH?f"lt on various projects, while al- Ester of Public Works, stated that,'; moat entirely neglecting technical while no general survey had been education. made. a drainage systemdn co-oper- f If you can get some of the Young ation with the prOJect ot road-mak- armers in the city back to the farms. ing in the Fort Frances and Rainy God Speed you. It would give a itiver district had been decided up.I chance to some of us artisans," de, on No survey had. however" clared the Labor member. in urging iii, made as to the practical-g the Government to take hold of the hilitv of constructing a through trunk; "rohlem of putting people upon the i-olonization road from Port .Arthur to! land. l Fort Frances and Rainy River. f Criticized Mao" Potter. Educational Matters. i i Mr. Studhogme criticized the Min.. . Mr. Wm. Proudfoot (Centre Huron)? ster ot m uiture for the mystery