|MANY CLAUSES DEFRATED. | ogour A0t mo BR LAW | k 1 J A , * \-- 'PHONE ACT TO BE LAV, ! en en & . * ' k x & wl n mmnmmmnmmmmmnmen TWO AMENDMENTS To MUNICI--| f 4 PAL ACT ALLOWED To rass. __|_ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEFE _ AP-- } snnb C arincnms 4 PROVES THE DRAFT BILL ) €:>:>1 Aubgtiesurermesortiren memrreendinits ;Drasl.iv Automobile Bill Comes Up ; That | Again To--day--City May Regulate: _ |P®" Co"l'omflon' Enters l:rotezstfJa l'w;'a MLlorage of Dangecrous ]'prlosi\'c-s-----' ":e Meas:lrc s Ultra Vire :d J Taxation Mcasure Not Approved. | _ _Power Vested in Railway a l' | Municipal Board. I «ommmmmmenmmmememmesmemmememmmece I m & s I i |_ _ Only two of the five amendments | is ( 4 | |to the municipal act suggested _ by | 5 With a few minor eS CE: de&g;:-' ,'Ml'- W. D. MePherson on behalf of| jea Lo .more definitely .detelmin;g & e[ | c eity PP y s | authority of the Ontario Railway and «Athe city of Toronto yesterday morn-- Af 0 io _ Agle~1 .}ing escaped the political axe of the zM'umclpal Lfoard, the 1'1t¢1r10 ee-' , | Municipal Committee of the Legisla-- 'pho'nc RCt "_m hecome ild"' itt : 'lture. One of these gives municipali-- | f'] h(;.s:e(;xal L(i;;islalt hS "TmT'Iha(;:'l ties power to prevent the storing of 50 tb ad .10"' NCP# 'l;;'ls ']'q f s a & c a » a sS-- , |gasoline, gunpowder or other danger-- PME nppr?mted ndrasegs oo ,t m' ltne;. \ous _ combustibles where valuable 'ure su'bmltted tn) the «House )-\l ."{ '| property is endangered, whereas at |Sam Charters (}(?c»l). umcluAd'm lllb: |the present the city can but regulate' .lw:ork yesterday zutm.noon. '"f'] ae-- | ; |such storage. The second _ clause | cided t()'rep()l't the Inl[ as te\lsed: s passed allows several city debenture' Mr. George Lynch--Staunton, K.C., '| ballots to be printed on one ballot, | acting for the Bell Telephone u.)m'} * A eclause extending the franchise' If'an.\'- filed a written protest to t!101 * ;(zo(f)reeholders of property valued at effect that certain clauses interfered | 0!-' 0\1&'1,' \l\!z';;\':'l,c-(:':»-nlt]']nlult":'.\1u"s'o 'l:;'"'(t'l':": | with a corporation operating undorl *|anomalous situations which it might| |a Dominion charter, and were conse--| + ) engender, | quently ultra vires of the Legisia--| : rmf\l}efitticnll)}l to have the lfl.':lutinn ture. The particular clause contested[ & * certain city amprovements charg-- rs P chie i ¢ - t fled against those who benefit. instead was that which pronldml that no com--| z,nf against the general taxes. was ;lls«)' + pany could_ entéer into a mmtract: '{thtrown_)l out. ;I'hv city's attempt to with any other company, whether thc; ; set aside certain streets for dwelling ; P# (p _ 8 ling atter secure ts powers from the| !houses only also failled utterlyv. j ,ld't". d .(.] C on furictn * i +] Another bill to give the city of To-- Legislature 't'or otherwisge. i | irnntu power to sanction a new divi-- Hon. Mr. Lucas stated that it had | f [ sion of wards met with no support been decided to leave the objection--| ! _The bill to aliow the city to make| 'able clause in the biit.. The Govern--| power contracts of ten years instead| ment deemed it' necessary to the safe-- | \of one was reported. Mr.-- Brewster guarding _ and development of th.c': Lof South Brant failed to secure the| |local _ telephone : companies. . If | it | |approval of his hbill to allow the city| | were challenged, the _ point would | of Brantford to close up a street for iprohah]y have to-- be determined _ by | the use of a private industry, because' [the Privy Council. . The Minister wasi s the principle was opposed. | | 'Lsatisfied,. however, that the two j The committee adjourned for the| boards----the Dominion Railway Com--| Lday without arriving at any conclu-- mission, which has jurisdiction ovetr | 'sion in 'regard ( to Mr. Valentine \the Bell Company, and the Ontario| Stock's drastic bill to regulate the| | Municipal Board--would . come . to-- , traffic of automobiles.. Mr. Stock |gethm' and effect a reasonahble and | however, asked for favorable consid--| |Just arrangement. eration of the clause requiring driv--| I Toronto had the best and cheapest | § ers to ston within 100 yards of a| |telephone service on the continent,| 'horse driven by a woman or a child| ;uccm'r}mg to the oxpres;m-rl view _ uf | under sixteen years of age. Anotner |Mr. F. Dagger of the Canadian In-- clause provided for a fine of $30 for dependent Telephoné Association. a first conviction and $100 for a This, in his opinion, resulted from the , second, in addition to a vallwllatin;] fact that the city had rofusr*d.tn grant of licensge. H the Bell Company an exclusive fran-- smm mm en smm j chise at $20,000 a year. It was decided by the committee to leave the division of the territory + to the Railway and Municipal Board, and a clause 'was> also includ-- [ed under-- which, if > any patron failed to secure the desired connec-- ition. the board was given power to 'order such connection on sutch terms 'and conditions as it deemed advis-- |able. No agreement can be , made |\between companies as to territory or * 'rates except with the sanction of the board. ' I It was decided that the act should l come into force thirty days after its | third reading. m