The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1911, p. 1

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tsasenaaessamaaaiaintittt > es e f *" RG 2 % * . . : why oo v A f ; the Li'f;:{-al leader moved for the ap--| n ol %: 4 aaiikings . F C : pointment of a commission to do for' ie ks 505. : ; |. |Ontario what the Royal Commission, | c . : § '%{"75;'5 Bs k. appointed by the Dominion Gcwern-l a e es 9z *% #| ment, is seeking to do for Canada at ; E Cmm s se 4 e | large. He divided the House on the| n * stt e e y '-g"'i{';}.f.gfn%:». 1 motion, but lost on a straight party| | un [ t ie o ie s E vote. That the fight,put up by the| a es e o T y m uo j !()m)osition was not without effect is § o ccsaat : _ MA AEARSI] | jindicated by the paragraph in the, use $ : esc s We@&'g s wl * . >3 Q?Vo speech from the Throne foreshadow--| o _A mm lc n B | . 9 4992 ing provision in the . «ellmates istor | M se & oo s e . 3 %g l | |technicai ang industriar education, MRX : aa t k s ht Afn P3 i raaaaicte t e t oo ie | | hiX o. w '%*" Government Lack a Policy, § 2. i {5 > ur--«-- # .. The Liberal leader is not optimistic! g in o atoesi@ap e €7 9 | enougn, however, to credit the Gov--| 2 uty 5_ ol f¥ C P BBA | | eromoent with a determination to take w M t Ateee C €¢ . .3 ~'?3:'59&y the matter of technical education up 1' 3793 CA e _ 1g4 | in earnest. " «C m . y3 o . w 4 e .cs "It looks to me like throwing out t Jt x h.3 .. e C sys3 ' 1 sop," he said, smilingly. "'P TOVi" e s o oo se r t is | e ... 1. #§2A | sion in the estimates' meane that the hP Mss % YA g }W' pane e id ie 'WM : : z2 Government have formed no policy in' ::"'A.' 95 F f/:;'"{; x3 "' i" f ;&' " h39 i § Nn riw""* P '@ regard to the matter. They are go-- uce sA TX 3&" : y y o n o o t / ing to give a grant and let it go at| i C n arde 99 R "":-,' Nce ~ Serpipln .,,/ z > P 'A,v *", "But that is not enough," he con-- : -- e y ue o td 2g9 4" s g tinued. '"Until some provision has' L t mig o ook S e e 2 ) | ; been made for the lad who cannot go ; M a: *E C ic ',}1,', Ns . Ks t oi ge 3k @' | to college, who cannot even go to the | 3% :'l '}'v; "ifi'_i';,;:,.,a Eing: es s § i i e oa '.'c'.i,;"f" 3 hests collegiate, the lad who has to leave m ',r;;_;'k, o a#y sw it \' t se it h. eP dn Y%( |school at fourteen to €@irn a Il\'ing;' mpasue's agmtmcien sosloone is ie es Areanl h. o . ty ons es |until we have secured for that lad & | ege o ¥ pimesirifiy in * £4 l snenn i. / *A Yala &Wi: [system of instruction along technical Ah se w.; tm woer : Frramieonie s P menen is e t &' e |and industrial lines we are Roing to M QN{' *%»?;"mf m.z "qsmu Q;&W; e e 5}' \ keep up the fight." sn tss i n e aroacess § 1 e \€* e cA e T LPF es | "ol Ti¥ ce AWrrnsi en EP P e Re Wl | |A scrious Situation. f | 5 s s +W§°" £A \W? > y l <o e 7e LA 2 |\ The Department of Education will | L1 M}A j e¥ : -- %',"mm%a :vs@ ! _lcome in for some disturbing atten-'i mss j CCT flsc clsicc 0 ~~=-- esfseat CC omoritan \tion from the Opposition during the , &;;};}f ... ';:'"fo;" Nok t oeutes &w ; [session. Last year Hon. A. G. Mac-- ,fi'fg' ty esw . 03 l0l 0 00 o. 22. s [ |Kay led the fight against the depart-- 1 yae fw es sAlldlaetel. ..... . _ ... %2 . of -- [ment, placing upon the shoulders of ; ! 4 B\ s s s uces f""?'ixw e m in ie laess se e s 'the Minister of Education the re--| | o o C 4 4e | sponsibility for the demoralized con-{ !'The fieutenant--Governor leaving the Parliament Buildings |dition of teaching in the rural sec-| | + « -- | tions. Since then the situation has | after the opening ceremonies yesterday. 'not improved, and the IA4beral leader | l dn e ons on nomreameny merermererreennosboromrprrpendpemes en opin n mons arimmmnnmmmmmmnmamingnneommmmamn omm mmmenenmanmaknpomsmmammemsens declares that little more than haltl of the teachers in the rural schools | ' AL LEADER READY; ; !LIBER 3 "Salaries," he said, '"have risen | | from $300 to $500, and it is rather| ' PLANS WORK OF SESSION hard on these people that they are | | & unable to get good teachers even now, [ $ and have to take those with 'permits'| I Cl auint ecraraeertige ariencaciciiaadiciniaas ce wvreres or relicensed teachers. | | '"'The situgtion is becoming serious,' -- & t i e much more so than the people in thel ' 'Hon. A. G. MacKay and His Supporters Will Divide the _ citics ana towns think, 1t is back in | 2 the townships that they are feeling i House on the Three--fifths Clause and Other | \Be" ! s s | To Fight Three--fifths Clause Again | | * ' Legzslatlon to be Introduced. 1 "*Yes, we will divide the Housei | HAL | _ again on the three--fifths," remarked | | o is l Mr. I\'Ifch{a}' in response to a ques-i ,' ' Hon. A. G. MacKay, leader of the |small manufacturer in the nurthg:r"n.i ?a(;?' a"'gh'(";';:';rgoli;Shthuur]?ef;driug;i | Opposition in the. Legislature, is |and eastern towns and cities would re4--) 'on opposing it." 7. eB 4. . Enat Hiscouraged pby |lise that he was amgisting to ,de'e")l)| fo mmerren in igre on ie menenn o oennctnigy | lreda) for the fray, undiscouraged Y | [owmpetition from factories in --the| C 4 ts ks | the disparity in numbers between BiSs | power zone which would eventually | | following and that of Sir James Whit-- ] put him out of business. ' ney. The genial member for North |a Pight for Technicai Education,. | Grey put in a busy day yesterday, anl | The need of immediate action to--| during the evening was in consulta* | warq the establishment of a system | tion with his lieutenants outlining & :of technical edUC'utiUY'] will again .bo_ \\- vigorous campaign.. There are a |made the basis of a fight by the s. '\q i. *h i in.l\eral leader. In the House last ses-- 4 number of issues upon which the Lib-- i stlon Hon. A. G. MacKkay, in & vig-- ~xo~ erals in thesLegislature are determin-- i) oroug address, pointed out the lack' \; 7 ed to make~& fight, and the session || of prm'isionh for the ,\-onths; (-Olmpegsg; & PyiFa MtAA 4 s ty se s l| to leave school at an early age, | «x \» promises to . pyoyiic Sollle . .@ifeIyOUS }declared for a system of night schnnlgi '\_'/" gebates. |\that would help to fit them for effi--/ > A > Will Give Hydro System a Show. 'lcient work. In Ccriticizing ghe G]{)\'-] SY' With complaints: regarding the Eernment oo $heit n s e es e l ie coral 4« power service being supplied to thc¥ ?7 municipalities by the Hydro--electric| A%'Q/ Commission of almost daily uccur'-' «%) / rence, and Charges of loss in machin--| *'Q? ery and equipment freely made, Lhe! Qw \ Government have been preparing their| *A * defences against an onslaught 11'u1115 \0" the Liberal Opposition upon the opet--. .i\' ation of the Hydro--electric system. To 0'/ The Globe last night the Liberal lead-- Q'/ er made it clear that he was not go-- (QO § ing to indulge in an captious criticisin .8 'of the Hydro--electric It was a try-- \") ing time for the Commission; the Gov-- Qb & |\ ernment were in somewhat of a hole, f \'\) ' but the Opposition were not disposed \* . _ { to make capital out of their difficul-- > | ties. '"We have got to give them a 6) § -- chance," he remarked. (€5 i _ Hon. Mr. MacKay declared that ; ' sooner or later the three--quarters of #" i the Province outside of the Niagara | power zone would come to a realize-- \tion that they were being unfairly .| treated; that the credit of the whole | C ,'Province had been piedged for the | | benefit of only a porition of it; the | omm

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