The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1911, p. 2

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_ The presentation of Mr. Howitt was |followe('. by the customary first read-- ing of the bill respecting the admin-- 'lstration of oaths and the appoint-- 'ment of standing committees. 'The Speaker Becomes Confused. An interesting part of the opening ceremonies was the introduction to the House of Mr. J. Ranson Howitt, the new member for South Welling-- ton. Mr. Howitt was supported to the foot of the Speaker's dais by Sir James Whitney and Captain Machin of Kenora. There was hardly a smile when the sonorous tones of the Hon. Thomas Crawford _ commanded the new member to "take his seat," and the man from _ South Wellington glanced around at the rows of seats where the ladies held undisputed pos-- session. Year after year the opening of the Legislature provides the same unvary-- ing spectacle, but it never loses its interest. Yesterday long before the ap-- proach of the gubernatorial party the galleries of the chamber were crowd-- ed, and the floor of the House ac-- commodated a throng that in the beauty and fashion of the women and the distinction of the men made the opening of the third session a notable one. ' « New Member is Introduced. The Legislature of OQOntario is in session. Yesterday afternoon, while ;the guns of the 9th Field Battery were slowly booming out the salute, his Honor the Lieutenant--Governor, Hon. J. M. Gibson, attended by Brigadier-- General Cotton and his brilliantly uni-- formed staff, entered the Legislative chamber. He was met upon the threshold by Sir James Whitney and escorted to the Speaker's dais. The speech from the Throne was read, the new addition to the House, Mr. J. Ranson Howitt of South Wellington, was introduced, and twenty--three minutes after his Honor appeared the Premier arose to move the adjourn-- ment of the House. The Hon. Thomas Crawford found himself somewhat confused by the ordeal, and during the prayer for the Royal family recited the one used last session, before the death of his late Majesty King Edward. Very few peo-- ple remarked that the Speaker pray-- ed for '"King Edward, Queen Alex-- andra and Prince George.'" Licutenant--Governor Arrives. About ten minutes before 3 o'clock the guard of honor, composed of one hundred men of the Queen's Own Rifles under the command of Cantain SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. Brilliant Ceremonies at Open-- ing by Lieut.--Governor. Some Important Legislation is ' Foreshadowed. LEGISLATORS BEGIN wWORK OF SESSION Revenues of Province Considerably in Excess of the Estimates--Bills to Amend the Liquor License Act and Other Public Statutes. TORONTO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1911-- of Captain h t oi in c ARD-- 1. 0s 4.i 5 Ht * line of the Temisl:aming & Ontario Railway to Porcup in failure, and my Govern undertaken the building of railway, which, it is confic pected, will be finished not | 30th June, 1911. During the past year the Temis-- kaming & Northern Ontario Railway was completed to Cochrane, on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-- way, a distance of two hundred and lifty--two miles from North Bay, and a large sum has been expended in improving that part of the line prev-- iously constructed. There hasg been a substantial increasge in the revenue from the railway over that of the previous year,. An attempt by a syndicate to build an electric railway from tha ie C The output of silver from the mines of Cobalt has been greater than in any previous year, and the discover. les of gold at Porcupine, and the de-- velopment which has ensued, give promise of richness and permanency. of over three hundred'éud-ffi--fty miles of territory within the L the Park. pose. C With the view of preserving and increasing the usefulness and beauty of the Algonquin National Park, steps have been taken to extinguish the title of Certain timber limit holders The necessity for and the advant-- ages arising out of the adoption of a system of technical and industrial ed-- ucation are becoming more obvious day by day, and you will be asked to make an appropriation for this pur-- Prison labor has been employed in the construction of roads into the Poreupine mining district, with ex-- cellent results. The work has been well done, and the effect on the pris-- oners has been very beneficial. Tem-- porary premises have been erected on the Central Prison farm, near Guelph; quarries of building stone have been onened; and considerable progress has been made in the erec-- tion of permanent buildings. Grant for Technical Education. Plans are being prepared by the architect of the Department of Pub-- lie Works for a new residence for the Lieutenant--Governor which will be suitable for all State functions and hbave an architectural character in keeping with the importance of the Province. Good progress has been made dur-- ing the year in the erection of the north wing of the Parliament build-- ings, and also in the work of recon-- struction and fireproofing of the west wing. This work will be carried to completion at as early a moment as will be possible, consistent with a due regard for quality and durability. \ _ Since you last met the people of the British Empire have suffered a great loss in the demise of our gra-- cious and -- well--beloved -- Sovereign, King Edward VII., the Peacemaker. Not only his own people but the peo-- ple of other nmations had learned to appreciate highly his late Majesty's qualities of head and -- heart which made his influence so far--reaching, and rendered it of such value to hu-- manity. In common with . all other British subjects, the people of Ontario have welcomed heartily the accession of his gracious Majesty King George V., and we hope and pray that under Our thanks are again due to Al-- mighty God for a bountiful harvest and for the continued prosperity of our people. Rebuilding Parliament Buildings. khis reign the happiness and prosper-- ity of the British people may be con-- tinued. Royce, took up a position near the | doorway of the Parliament bulldinxs.! The artillery followed, and as the min-- ; ute--hand of the clock in the Legislative ; chamber approgached the hour the boom of the first shot of the salutle announced the arrival of the Lieut-- enant--Governor and his. escort -- of Dragoons. His Honor upon entering and taking his place upon the dais read the following speech :-- The Speech From the Throne. Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly : It affords me pleasure to meet you again as the representatives of the people of the Province of Ontario at the opening of another session of the Legislature. . Reaches G, ntibdined OBE 1. 304 14 ce 4 ¢ 1+ main niskaming & Northern y to Porcupine ended :' my Government has : building of a steam ) It. i§ confidently ex. finished not later than 4 ¥ square limits of

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