P ";-"', h s yete _ oee ?h'.' « % $ "fi "€" en © w0 £ Mess ~ ye. > _ s e 0_ , e SR hn :. es -- -- ~ es % construction by --the Hydro--| * * " es ' el:c'z?l?ic Commission of the line for:' 'No Room for Members. " ; the transmission of electric power Sir James Whitney and the mem-- has been completed. In working out f bers of the Cabinet stood in a group a new problem of more or less dif-- to the right of the Speaker, and the . ficulty and Gdelicacy, such as the private members were deprived of | hydro.electric scheme, certain de-- L even the linttle-lqved "bacl; benches. lays have necessarily occurred, but it The ladies were in possession and the lis confidently expected that this great members got but occasional glimpses undertaking will soon be in full oper-- of the proceedings, except the few l'dti('"- The earnest and unselfish ef-- who threw dignity to the winds for forts of the members of the Commis-- the time being and gnmgled with the s j att it ack {« crowd in the galleries. Hon. A. G, sion in this matter mer t acknow MacKay, leader of the Opposition, was $ edgment and commendation. presenf. together with a number of | Liberal members. ? Farmers Prospered. Before moving the adjournment, Sir With good prices prevailing for al James Whitney moved that th(zflH()Usc kinds ofgfarmpprodug)e. due ir?a larg; consider the speech from the Throne measure to our rapidly--increasing at this afternoon's session. home markets, the year has been one f pe ion. | of almost unprecedented prosperity Two Notices of Mutmn' i dA . for our farmers, and proves once The members are lusmg_lm _tlme m'l again that Ontario's place as the pre-- 'bringing their desired legislation be-- | mier agricultural Province of the Do-- {fore the House. Mr. W. H. Hoyle, | h minion remains undisputed. . It is 'M.P.P. for North Ontario, has given | pleasing to note the increasing interest notice of two bills, one to amend the | a ., taken in all branches of agricultural voters' list act and the other respect-- development, and to observe the gen-- ing line fences. | eral commendation of the efforts of commnnmmmmemmm m mnmommmemmmenes mm mmz my Government to make agriculture | es i more remunerative and attractive. | Owing to the increased efforts put , forth, and the advantage of a pro-- + @ vision made last session for assisted * passages, the number of immigrants 'commg to Ontario in 1910, including farm laborers and domestic servants, !was very considerably greater than ! in the previous year. An increased | appropriation will be asked for this : ® HYDRO--ELECTRIC COMMISSION «en | More Agricultural Instruction. | ' | _ Most important work in agriculture | HAS SUFFERED NO DAMA GE ! has been done by practical demon-, strations carried on in (live stock, | -- dairying, fruit--growing and the grow-- | wosmmmmnaronmmmmemmmmeammmmence ing of field crofpshby I;he district re; | presentatives of the epartment -- of 6 4 *' '% y e \ Rericuiture in a number of countics | 410n. Adam Beck Answers Criticisms --Few Trifling De-- in the Province. So prompt and con-- + + clusive have been the results from fects Found Along the Line Fell to Companies _this work that there is nnwi a \'er,\l' T k' h P general demand for its extension, an 'gou will be asked to consider an ap-- aring the ower. propriation for this purpose. The revision of the statutes has smm en mmeomemmnmemmmmmmmmmns been proceed;.d iwith as rapidly a? regard for the important nature 0 achinery has - 6 s snn rn A o uals Ihe work would allow and its eariy .\u x_u.uh}ne;.\ h.d': l)een' hrx')allyl'l:itlgrfh,e s?r;lleuueThfi'u t".'u'u\\u wires completion may be looked for. _A taken over by the Hydro--electric Com.|© i e f(:fali) e.' hl§ was remedied, number of the revised acts will be mission ; the apparatus in the stations,'c\f.n_(t. e Of e;'id a reward for the con-- laid before you for your @ApproVval; js all under test, and should it failgt}l,t,;gn"f' <tt $ Ulrlp"t" T iat was l and you will be asked to consider also § u . d |'Been. as ¥e thd,t.' There hdS also bills amending the liquor license act | * do the work required, or shoul | been some tlu'llhle n connection with and other statutes of a public nature. defects develop, it will have to be. %Ii'?ziltl""li*t N]ffltfmfl, Guelph and Revenue Ahead of Estimates. remedied or the machinery taken oul, | lld;ll:((;n "»y(.t :11( U"\\dex;e ?zfxdat 7 heaP . s [No damage has been suffered in con--| of a genuine (.Un{"la'{,']t%' Mro geeg; 1 am pleased to inform you that t.hle \nection with operation that can be i added. § 4 t ;?;g?\l.wi: Ug\é:}fs {7}"}{,'2}';)S'}ifl;a'tggf" ?»':hargcd up to the Hydro--electric or| ')'1\'[1". Sothman,. Chief Engineer o The public accounts will be laid be-- %to the municipalities taking the| th; (,0r1r11m1]:§1')x1.' said that he coul fore you for your consideration at the 'power. For the last two weeks we PCCL [s "t C cldx;ns" for damage t earliest moment, and the supplemen--| fel had a single complaint from'appd.rd'.tu's of the HAydro--electric with tary estimates for the current vyear have not had a S g"b pia 'U'"xe Srpdll change in his pocket," said will also be submitted at an early anybody, anywhere. ZThe Globe reporter. l date. This is the answer that Hon. Adam | "That about covers it all," said MP I feel assured that the various sub-- Beck, Chairman of thc' .Qommissiup, | Beck. "We had 18,000 insulators 'sex:. jects which will come before you will made last night to criticisms made / up on our long line and we have yet receive your careful consideration, quring the last few days which were / to have reported a single puncture and I trust that the welfare and best'paged upon the report that losses to |or breakage from any of them. That interests of this great Province Will) machinery alone of $100,000 had been is a wonderful record, for the usual be served by your deliberations, sustained up to the present. 5 | percentage of such failures on a high A Brilliant Gathering. ' "tfl)ll]l:'zlnginthfhft'esfls?lt(;(tnlt:le'lIl::iact}:[}nfl:{ 1 :;)lmig" ili}:];» )Slll('h :1ts n';'z)l's 1_runs at inst: s S -- S : C ¢ | abou e1g! er cent. e iines C Among those who gathered to wit-- transformers and other apparatus put wm'kingb \-ml'y s:ztisl'aomrily.mg'Ig'll:é ness the opening ceremonies were / up along the line, there were a fEW |operators, who at the beginning were many _ distinguished public men,}defects found," Mr. Beck continued.| unfamiliar with the current, are now Judges, churchmen and educationists,| "The damage sustained at the stations ! working in concert and that is aiding as well as the members of the Consular}in this connection, however, was very, 'a great doal. 1 anticipate no trouble corps. Among those present were:jvery small, trifiing, in fact, and suc'uiat all of & sericus naturs. Right RKev. Bishop Sweeny, Rev. Dr.{as they were they fell on the com--| "On the line to London, from Dun-- Carman, Mgr. McCann, Chief Justice| panies organized to take the power.ldas' we will be taking our men off Sir William K. Meredith, Mr. Justice|But where defects developed during]to-moyr(--,"g We will be in a posi-- Clute, Mr. Justice Middleton, Presi--}the tests, the manufacturers had tultmn to supoly power to Toronto be-- dent Falconer, Principal Gandier, make them good. Those : are the|fore the end of this week. There cay, Mayor Geary, Rev. Charles P. Good-- / facts. 'hardly be any complaint on thd son and Mrs. Goodson, Rev. George "*At Berlin a month ago there was |score. And, as far as the finances ar R. Stair of the Chapman--Alexander some interference with the "a"sn"""lr:nncerned. we will finish up _ abou party, Hon. W. A. Charlton ; Mr. 8. sion line. This was of a malicious'$200,000 within our estimates." Nordheimer, Consul--General for Ger-- ~ many ; Mr. Frederic Nicholls, Con-- C sul--General for the Netherlands ; Mr. J. Enoch Thompson, Consul--Generai for Cuba ; Mr. Barlow Cumberland ; Mr. Fred Mowat, Sheriff of Toronto ; Mr. Frank Daville, Sheriff of York ; Mr. James Leitch, Chairman Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, and others. i