The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Jan 1911, p. 1

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4 e 4 J2°" THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1911. _______..--.--"------'_--_-----"~"' /# T¥Festerday he gave his reasons: a page . | of figures showing how the farmers ISLATOBS ET iof his county were making the soil | yleld substantia) returns, and picking !tortunes from the apple trees. BE ABY FUR WURK Extend Agricultural Instruction. ' The member warmly approved of 'the system of agficultural instructors, o i e and hoped that the time would come s when they would be stationed, nodt | t A e at seventeen points, but from one en F"NSh TO day Debate In Re | of the Provinl::e to the oth'; Inhthls connection e -- expresse e hope p'y tO SpeeCh From Throne- | that the Government would lend its support to the encouragement of TGeraescraetianirale e niaaralee alfalfa growing in the Province. | _ Mr. Pratt approved of the attention | the Government was giving to refor-- BOUQUETS FROM MBR PRATT' estation, and told of the wonderful % | results that had been obtained in | Scotland, England and Wales by re-- | pei mammmamean l planting. / Should Wait for United States, [ke | 'Member fOl' SOUth NorfO.k | Jumping abruptly to tariff matters, "lea | the speaker declared his opinion that Pays Tribute to Leader. _ it was not advisable for Canada . to | 'seek reciprocity or a change of tarilf | SmonGmirineremnticaaiecatnmele arrangements with the United States, | I and that with the United States taritf \af § three times as high as that of the Do-- NP, Torra"('(' Sa".s "l'o"i"('ifll Seere«-- minion. the former country Should _ _tary is Another Jolin Howard, | give proof of a genuine desire for Fx 4 § uml? clogser relations by reducing its tariff. Compliments the Qpposition Lead-- Mr. Pratt closed his address with m _ _or for His Spirit and Ability. t defence of the Government's temper-- | ance record and a tribute to the lead-- eseepvendnieny Commiier | ership of Sir James Whitney. | Kind Words for Mr. Hanna. The Legislature settled down io | | _ Mr. Jas. Torrance followed. He de-- business yesterday, and the \\':L.')': fended the Hydro--electric system was cleared for winding up to--day the | against the charges made r?,gagxstbn, lebate i y . Raanrm # | comparing the system to the Quebec a Te n reply to tlu' .si)( ech 1rum? bridge, where twice as much money 'he Throne. -- Mr. A C. Pratt, mem--| had been lost in the collapse of the »er for South Norfolk, who moved | great structure. The speaker com-- the adoption of the speech of his| plimented Hon. W. J. Hanna upon | Honor, spoke § forty ; s the success that had attended the new I 5 us ts 1. or.. forty aninul6s, | Provincial Reformatory scheme. while Mr. Jas. Torrance of Norta '"'His name"' he said' "will go down Perth, who followed. addressed -- the| in history in the same class witthhhat House for thirty mi 5 ThA T 4t | of the great prison reformer, ohn imembe f P 'Wm-lltos. T he tmbor | Howard." The Provincial Secretary $# r from Hamilton, Mr. Allan 'hid his face behind his hand to veil ;Studho!me, wound up the speech--mak-- the blushes. | ing. j i ng..I Ihink--this is a} | A Tribute to Liberal Leader. C s ls « a 'as s 'anvw-u- \h e 7 J t. NSLe Of; In closing, Mr. Torrance had some-- | yway, e\ed in commencing | thing to say of the Liberal leader. f | a short declaration of his position, ; "I wish," he said, "to add & tribute }"because it will all come up again in | to the ability and ;he indehfatlgable + | the debate c Giudser."::" ---- : ~spirit which have always character-- es pn (he % Ldget: | ized the work of the leader of the Op-- i"aiting for Budget Debate. [ position. _ He is of more than ordiu-| a The Libe crdar 5 ary ability, is admired by his oppon--| -;0 in! i')u'al leades iS.Of the same ents, and loved by his followers, few / ioi nion. and the Opposition will re-- though they be. I am sure that I| r, serve its ammunition until the FPro-- am voicing the sentiments of the vast 3ivincial Treasurer delivers his Budzet majority when I say that I hope ' . address. Hon. A. G. MacKay ds he will long continue to hold the re-- P the adionr 1 y So: t --nciaay moved sponsible position of leader of the Op-- [' to d:_Jou;"nment of the debate until | position in this House." 1f1 a andipr ioi a the Liberai \Doing Too Much for Farmers. |leader and Premier Whitney will wind : | up this afternoon and prepare -- for Mr. Allan Studholme in a short qd- | more serious business. ie dress launched into a condemnation i. _ The member for North Norfolk of the Government's action in spend-- |early in his address entered into the ing money to assist to Ontario emi-- | subject of technical education with a' grants who promptly "went west. The !declaration of satisfaction that ths paragraph in the speech from the {Government had recognized the need Throne indicating a larger vote for | of an appropriation for technical edu-- this object touched a sore spot with | cation. : 4 the Labor member, and he expressed i * * | his disapproval in unmeasured terms. iTh'-' Duty of the State. | The glowing reports about the farm-- t._"'Our public schools are good," he| {ers presented by Mr. Pratt supplied said, '"our high schools excellent and | Mr. Studholme with material for a our universities practically unsxcelled f declaration that the farmers were But there is a class of boys and giris | well able to pay to bring laborers to to whom the State owes a duty in the | the Province without calling upon :izgl()fd P"'t'ji"lng a measure of m-h."' the Government. education, enabiunsg them t. s ! s s pare more completely for t};e;r t")f';'»'r('\{ Build Up New Ontario. te%c{}nical system needs to be d('\'u]up-" The Labor member declared that he r P would favor the spending of a mii-- i T&e rr;_ember for Norfolk referredi lion dollars for bringing out immi-- tloce es)';tleSC()ntilnl,l}pg"(;f the appren--| grants if they were put upon the ; pointed o ;nth" s 'fe'}t B'ntn'm. and | land. The Government had 'declared wlile C nttease in the clasy | that the land in New Ontario was un-- S nbicgeas that had _ intlouel"" Tb excelled, and they should take up same unfortunat t{'*'.'.','"""L _ The the question of bringing men out e Oonlflons -- would and putting the th sooner or later obtain here if nothing P g. m on e land. was done. $ |A Fight on Bilingual System. For a National Playground. That the bilingual situation will Mr. Pratt congratulated the H provide some warm discussion in the Frank Cochrane and mee&ow?mfif.'.',"' |Legislature this session, even if Hon upon theirva"C.\' \\'ith regard to "l]QE Dr. Rea.}.lme lS Safely removed troln Algonquin National Park. He raised the possibility of trouble, is indicated the question as to whether restrictions by a notice of motion that has been should be placed upon tourists who given by Mr. G. H. Ferguson of Gren-- visit the park, particularly men from ville. across the boundary,. Mr. Ferguson's resolution reads : bllrlt guestion.' he said. "the advis. l"That in the opinion of this House ,'ah y _of ever allowing cottages no language other than the English | t g/rl'g. t}))x; aea'er}xl sur]?tr:xler hotels." | ilt}nguage should be used as a medium [ as e sympathy of instruction in the the "pity the poor farmer'" waifi afr?:;'l o. senvols of, this

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