The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 2 Feb 1911, p. 1

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W ,, T CN 7 V . _ a _,,,,.,..,,-'-::., THITlthAX , FEBRUARY 2, 1911. !consultation 'with the engineers: tre-? .-. _-.--.-.-.---------------" . _.- -"'-------- CRUSe whatever its thttpl form may be there are several provisions which ex- perience has shown the necessity of flTllflNilluil I being added." I "Do We. understand," asked Hon. lA. G. MacKay. "that the bill in its present form takes the power away To RETAIN GoNTHOL from the Hydro-electric ety1ml1t8ty,t,l y and gives it to the Municipal Board ?" "In its present form. yes," replied, Sir James. _ . . . Leave Commission in Control. , Sir James Whitney Will hlot The shelving of the bill is under-l. . stood to mean that the representations; Press Amending Aot. made to the Government will result . in matters being left much as they are at present. and that the Hydro- electric Commission will be able to' continue its policy of Standardizing! FORM IS TO BE CHANGED. construction and equipment through-f , out the Province. ' - w i-----..---'-'- ( Statute Revision Bills. h L . . l A number of statute revision bills egislative Cure for Stock :were given second readings. passing " . " "38318953; 333' mi,gyig'i"dtreencti'c',1')/] c s: . r _ .. - Watering. {oration of the chartered accountants 'act, Hon. A. G. MacKay raised the l -_-q------------ (principle or making the ',yeg/"g,1,g,f tan organization liable for its e ts, IMP. a. w. Johnson Would Prohibit 'ri',irnne',ed,t,twJ,'s a"? paorpirts,1"tulyt Gov- erm N JI" a; . "'f?S"e. Issues or Bonus Stock-is Over- Not a Trading Association. capitalization Responsible for Hon. J. J. Foy explained that thc, High Cost of Living '.' nstitute of Chartered Accountants; came under the same heading as an {ordinary company in which there iwas no personal liability. This view, T . . 'of the matter was questioned by the! he Ontario Railwav and Munich. iHilertl leader, who pointed out that} Dal Board is not to obtain control over', (such an organization could not lie' municipal electrical power enterprises; 'considcred as in the same class as a! torsome time to come: the fri ds l Fiijiii, company. . i chea n q -' f" s 9f "They are given the right to fix; . D wywer are hopeful again. This Itheir fees," he continued. "If they; abrupt change in the situation came; Imake the fee $5 when it should hog in the Legislature yesterday after-', "to to cover expenses I don't think" noon. when Sir James Whitnev s,ur,.l outside parties should have to .'v,uir"e'i'.H prised the House by a graceful re-l JVide Power tor Land Surveyors. I ,ltreat from the position previously I Hon All: Mat-Kay also widened tol 'taken by the Government. \Vhen the i;h('t1'\'idtf power hymn} land suvrcyori, . . . l in act govern ng their association.' 1ll1,lt"g1'u,rvi2e,',' to the Railway ill section gave. them a right to 'ill'.) ". ide powers as to the reg- 5(lllll'e real estate. "for the purposes or? . ulation and inspection ot municipal ,ithe association." Hon. Mr. MMKa-Vl electrical power companies, now held [Irefctrrnd' ho rum] liir?l; of definitions' by th . - . . ' tiin he ai o what the "purposes"1 'c"iut,1Ai,'."ioi,elCer,inj, Commission, lwerc; and to an explanation by Hon. IPrime Mi te, secon reading- the j"tur.,c?c'.hry.1e that the section was in- meter asked that it he allow- tended to give them power to acquire fad to remain upon the order paper _'propeirtyd 1'0];- hgaiiguartersh buildings, n eftnitely. ' (to. ie ec are at it s ould be so "There is som d b .. ilstated in the bill. Prim N . " t, on t. said the . 'No one." he warned, "is able to e Minister, as to whether the Ideal with real estate more advan- Q,",','""",',',',',,',',,',',,'""' the tholwer transmis- ' I ageously than land surveyors." . %" on ' gilt! 1PI,r:"e",'S2c, "l-l,,,,,',").,',',',,,,,,,""),','. 1 way With "Watered" Stock. on be under th _ , ' ' _ and Municipal Board.e thglwai: singglh'l yiido,','.,'ir,T of "est Hast- altogether a new question and l t as a I G ich he thinkf wlil it is ditftcult to define what e py a, damper upon o1y.'r-c.a.rltaliza; legislation should be. I have 'dlscugsr than: " He declares that the high cost ed the matter with same of the engi: got living cand be traced partly to this 1neers interested in and connected with ipmlse (if [-11 ustrlalism; . that com- the scheme, who have pointed out [Dim es ore). to pay dividends on that at least a portion of the juris l,tr1 eat ylantit,its. of "watered" stock diction should be allowed to rennin must charge high prices for their pro- with the Hydro-electric "coll',,,',;':;',',', '/,.1ti: Mr. Johnson. in hi; bill, of if not all of it, at any rate until the :Wm'3h he gal".' ty.rticit.? yesterday. seeks final completion of the lines and the to fix the capitaliit1tio? of a company handing over of the lines to the mu . las close as possible to the amount . m- ' . _ _ eipalitics. Willa"? sgh."r,"g,titi' or about to he ex- with ti, . . 'r'. . imam Engineers Should Inspect. 5311119,? ',,ef:'Jss/.a11,i.l1iJ1sa'iyil'n"mt, and "Further." he cantinu ..- . w ': 9 His bill also aims to prohihi ., - luossible. in fact probable 1dstutuui,tti' themes from issuing limitls with"; ther construction will he entered'u 0' .an incentive to investors to take the 1b.? the Hydro-electric "/ll,T2'd2,o,,". ipreferreq issues. _ ,and many additional miles of trans: I Mr. W, F. Nickle, Kingston. ttalt {mission line will be necessarv; there- notice of an amendment to the pub. fore. having regard to the doubt Pic health act, giving municipalities about_the jurisdiction and to the tne right to make regulations as it} necessity which. according to the. the storage of mag: and other rublbw , erurineers, exists for the Hydro.eie~' i Mr. w. H. Hoyle North O oish. trio Commission to have some 'or/el'; (moved the first reading of . !1_tai-io.: diction, notably that of inspectim- (amend the line fences act All hill to and to the fact that further const on, it) amend the Voter-6' 1.13 1fy of one vtlon will be entered upon I I',',',",',)'!, Mr. Allan 'sdelfifiime,s, sue/il,. ' di.poaed to Dress this bill 'in its not I on, moved . ': ast Hamit, . pres- ', . amendments to the . tl', shape. leaving it standing on the 'iiLPar,'act providing two-year "hymn- ll er te...?..tf2lll I can have further 'f,t..n..1..t.t.Ty, of the Hoard of Cont" IS for ------- 1PyurJPir the date of election J.fand EMW leaps to some earlier lieriodrom' . iBiidgpt Debate TO-day, i i This afternoo . . , l iriiiinge into the" Jrl."i,; 'eiliis'iJotgstross, will: tho 't?SSlon----tht, debate "ho est "f; VxBudget. Hon A J M T the d li _ . . . . . atheson will a e nor his Budget address and . I . id0es not 'r'xpect to occupi" th as he: r, of the House very ion e attem. late should be tr the de.[ "h 'H t well under way bet . L ".9 ouse adiourns. Practical] ore ttt Liberal members of the Ho y all lDl'eparlng to take part. "Se are

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