' - --_.-, - V - .V '_.4 y' . w . r _ . ""7"" ' " RIDAh , iii'imitRl"t"uji%t 3, 1911. M . _--------------- "Y A--------..,,-....., _ , . creased receipts. He announced that . several new sources of revenue, Would Called Upon Liberal Mem I be secured and that-legislation Al that bers of the Legislature to I dittction would be introduecd. ' I When a Surplus is Not a Stu-plus. Oppose Agreement. I Mr. J. Lt. Mohougnl of Man: ot- I _ tawa, the financial critic of the 0p- , -----------.---- i position. who opened the debut. de-, fg. I livered a splendid address, in \r'aitelII T he showed that the '1'retreurcr instem ', l" SURPRISING TURN j of having a surplus of mine lbreel E 7 thousand dollars in current amount. it TO BUDGET ADDRESS! had really " deficit of $500,000. lle; I 'i pointed out that this amount har' been I , 3 . received from sources which the i'rn-I - - vineial Treasurer in his first Hudg'eti ', address had described as e'oming tin- . l der the heading of "cap ta account," IMro D. J. McDougal Warmly:' notably the receipts from the iel? ()fI i q . . timber lands. , i, Defends Reciprocity ---. l Mr. T. IV. MeG-arry of Renfroxv. tor. \._ I ' . . . ' llowed with a vigorous defence of the| 5 Provincial Finances. ' IGovev-hment. The debate was ad- I Ijournerl until Tuesday on m'iti-m ofI 1 !Mr. Sam Clarke of Northumberland.' I I Three, Thousand to the Good. I I An attack upon the tztipvocit.vi I Tho House being moved into ('om-I latrreement. backed up by a masts of si.' i mine-e of Supply hr Hon. Mr. Matbe-I is. '. . ' " ' I. son. he eon trutulated the Province on: Iti tics. "bun left no doubt that his In", .dfii,1.,"rl,ndCc)). financial condition in, :LOUI'BC was carefully prepared and I\vhich it mm. is. The tutu! receipts' Imarkcd out. formed an unexpected, Ii'or the fiscal year ending October 31,I Pet by far the most important part 11010. were, $8,891,004.50. and the) In! the Budget speech of llon l I Itntal expenditure ",S'r7,5:10.09, leav-I iM l . N . .- . It C Imp; a balance to the, good of some! It athcson lll tht Legislature yester- it,i".d,0,ll: This balance. said Col.'; {day afternoon. The snooping COP.- lMatheson, might lune been much: demnation of the agreement made liv "$1.392": l It.ll: Imfhktiepirf' RICH , ..- ., .,'. . " .. . _ .' iev nu 0131140! no ll l . Ithc Ptvovinvial .Tv"u"r'i, look tho 1ijrijr,i-rc)li-aetrc-' t'ommission on inter-l IJuuse by Surprise. and the stand the . est during construction; they had! !Government has taken Promises to Inuit] the whole interest and every-I Idispiace many shop-worn issues in Ithl'll'Ilg 11..tr.,.'yyft'",.,',"iyo'.'d',.' 'g"cl11li,0,,1l?i, I the debate. I. lt'nlt'tt'llllr .n our) Ity/Yip/tIts'; I , and mart brat n h ot the sernee "ereI i The Provincial Treasurer introduppd I much in exeoss ,i' the estimates. show-: this attack upon t'eeiproeiiv in " rather [ in: that thosr estimtttes had beenj Inovel manner Of . , f I\'f't'v 1"lnst'rlpt""'. Hie total excess, I . -rl certain phases of [was $690.000. from which was to be" Ithe matter he had. he declared. noth- 'tuken tl falling all from the estimates ':ing to say. but since the rati- {or 3205.000 on the railway leaving tl,tic2tion of such an agreement 'rs4."i'r1o,0 revrnuH T/'..tyrt.1..yn t,UY'l""iIt :would in a few ' . .. Izit'I-utinbm'er the, estimates . . l _ years tttroi, I I'his microns». raid the Minister. Ithe whole movement of trade iivas all along the line. Ho instanced Inorth and south. instead of east and Iinterest. $100,000 more than last year, west, ... . . . wr . . lot which SHAW) was at't'l'lled interest suffer 't frimlncnal taihxag Ty,'") Ion bonds sold. The balance. on hand . 1ere n la: the interest of the was $5.00t).00t). u large amount hav- IGovernment in the matter. The Iing haul to I., spent on capital au- ITemiSkaming & Northern Ontario vognt. l . ',would, u o . a . _ roL'f'6rk in; to enumerate the various Transcong n the completion of the Iitems of receipts. tho Treasurer men- - mental. become the con- Itiomod among others the increase of nectlng link between the west and I3151.000 in the l'i'nxvii Lands Depart- Iolder Ontario: any diversion of trade 1min" "SAW" in l" tp";',',)))."', "'1'." u . " re arv's epai'tmen of ll , u- tts I- from the PSMhhshed east and wtxst Itutions: 525.000 in the Ventral Prison Irome "001d Ptycrrore strike hard ueeount: $4.000 in education: vom- iUpon the I'. & N. o. Ipanv charter tnss, 343.000: casual rP~ IAskcd Help ot Liberals. IVPI'IUt. int-liming lines. 337.000: liquor ' A rathcp t.. 'lieenses. $80,000; game and fish inon Ir "PM": appeal was made by licenses, $20,000. and interest on in- Imeinber: t athesim to the Liberal vestments. $100,000: ztlsothe remark- the tTi,f,'irdlt tisrkllIK them to oppose Iuble increase of 3108.000 in successmli Ihe contlld .,c l arrangement. ft was, (duties. On the Potter item he said it Itlon "G)',""), 1138 men of the Opposi- Iwas almost impossible to estimate the lit thev ago." 'muke .Ehemselves felt 'revenue. except from the law of aver- I'peukin "in?" to. One ot you. ages. All the .moneyfrom an estate 'iiave 'df ti lour Government would . was payable uithin eighteen months. Imembegl mm" more ',v,cl_trht than any 'und last year tho ineome from that iiliiGGi 0 our party, was his com- sotltTC had been 3238.000: so he had , The ih.ov, at , . . Iudded {4001000. making. $658,000; '1nvitatlon l" t',"Hgeii:yi,.e,? touching lwhereats in fact they received $758,- iiii their l t) tie Opposition to th:'ow I000. jiy,iiiira" I'fif..\)\rlti.ti the Government in l In. 1urTuTTntar.Cre't11.e. too, the Ithe 'rle'd."iii"irvib)t-,-,e,,d, incident-all" 'i'eceipts had been unread of last year) ;,iiiicoGGirrir r .'tr/ettri.-rtcyiv:td it to tho extent ol 322.000. it was a; IMCDougal wh eeeption, for Mr. J. T. sign ot the prosperity ol the eountryI fended the Ile followed, 1vtt.rnu.r. ue- that this was distributed over quitoI "tting that. tfri,",'.,',','." as the 1itv.rst a large number ol sorts ot corpora-i 'the farmer 6ver been done tor tions. and bv the end of October thereI I w, ot the Dominion. had been paid in more than tiso,-! Peerease in T.. & x. o. Earnings 000. "They have learned." said tbeI The Bud e V a . Colonel. "that Government taxes or; 'cial Treacufe: address of Ie.t" rovln- money must be paid. and they pay up; Tover ii/iii;';; announced an mat-ms: promptly. i Iexcept the ifs ll ewery department From tavern and brewers' licenses; fem Ontario 'i,'di.fgte.i'"r. at t Aorth- the receipts were. $580,000. The Pro- Iin the estimatagwa}. 8 The decrease vineial Secretary would no doubt Iroad was 'sl:',)')),.)';"',',",;';','",.,,.,',,'"');':- the shavefeceived more from this source iciared was'hu' t . an . ".3 he de- Iliad it not been for the spread "l 'mainte ft arse S. to increased (local option areas. -nance charges. although there had teen a large falling off in the Ilm'mse on the Baum" causing ot coal. q The Treasurer's futures.' showed an The only decrease in revenue dur- increase In estimated expenditure for big the Iratet y ear had been in the the present year, with. however. in- business of the Temlskaming & North- ------- __---- ----r-------- ern Ontario Railway. The receipts'; Lad been estimated to come to 8625.-I