To. SATURDAY, ')tN.il8,,1i,l,t.FAiia.r_ 4,, 1 . . -t.fs _ Fr.', Ii -- .. .».- ' I"L . _ _. ',,-; C l , t .. t _ T , " . V . I --"t--- rr-err-C-CT"".-, . .' -r"it'r. 74"?"- 1 Wt 'HON MR MAOKAY tt 1iiiiiiii'iii,ii- and iidttiiiieli,i't 13.. w l ' C . iwas taken,.ul).'. l ri!ireliiraet.e ' II. g, F _ bills were given tirst',r,'eadi9rN " I,,' I SEEK [NEBRMATI Remove the Mommi- ' 2 - v it ,r; ' 'cial v..~-.' There is no reason. in ttie , - of [ion A. G. MacKay. wht'am. arc .; tect, summoned to court to give t) 7 ldcnce in a professional capac ' ' Re. ' 'ro' . ' F. . ' f his Ishould rottiu $5 'd Jay or Has Canadian Northern Mame. Wm medical agaiougg . technical experts are paid on y ' Et celved Grants of Land ? Mr. MacKay raised this question whe 3 ' the House. was in committee on Ho I Dt'. Pyne's bill resin-ding the profo - l ' 'sion ot,ietj',hi,,.t,p1s/ l t f r - Dr. 'Pynfc said t int t lit 'T.. o THE TEDMS OF THE ACT, was. in the old art. .\lr..,\la('1\ny r " plied that the anomaly in the. o, I statute should not continue. -.-----_ F "\\'honv we t-umc to the other H , i you will (ind that the tee is made 1,til , _ . C ' for otivtr.rtxports," suit] Dr. Pyne. It] :Constructlon of t ellwood Linel "Either Wtty to and the auomuls a l I lrppncti Mr. Mut'k'uy. i,'.,",,'y,c,,ty"/'f,) I lhills may not he lit-fort- .¢' "tl l Proceeds Too Slowly, l ithis session, perhaps. I think til i I _ _ I ishould he tho some way." t I : em-ei-e-_-_-r-et-_-e ----_-r-.-_--r i I'm," Mucit Power to Council; I z'Onlv About Firm-on Milc, of tt Total; l, Tho t-anSv in the hill providing that; i . - loin)". person muy 1w prosecutor 011% l of Five Hundred nctwcctt ticii- 1c,ty,l,',l.'i',i1,1,ty,1 under tho art, and the: w . r . . ' Council mny ultep slit'h portion of "W; "and Junction and 1 ort Arthur Is . ipr-nnltics as it (twins oxlrtxtlitmt to thoj Under Construction Now. iproSccutor." also minn- in for some (critit'isttn on tho part of thi- (Mums:- -----q--- ition iI'iltlt r. "P thought this was put- l 'ting too much power in the hands of, . . . i'mm'il. F . ' I I Ilon. A. ti. Malay intends to stir i,th'i,)." l'yn1s said it would "SM." things up with regard to the construc- lactions. tion of the Canadian Northern Ontario I "That is not iilltisnhim' rf'tut'ité Railway line from Sclwood Junction 'Mr. Mill-"H" itll t't'llliit "MUM lu, ht to Port Arthur. The company was. Pow". ' V 319.733322 by not of the Legislature in 1909. (tits' Introduced. guaranteed four thousand acres of un- l It'irsl reading: was Miro tv.. il bl" JAY granted lands in the districts of Al- l.\lr. w. It 3113?"; (//i,i"tt'itp'?,)r,dvt, - -r" " . . . ,.... amend the on , n' it"d 1 ttC 'MY- '* if".,"" and Thlllldt.) ly tot tut. iug municipalities rrtrlvt'r" trymntrol imile of the line tor a distance ot live the storing of rags and bonus; to u lhundred milec. The grant was sub- bill by Mr. T. IC.' urmumrn (\Vest. iject to a condition that the work of Peterlml'H'l. to. "ttlend tht' "will": 'construction be commenced within "mums Hct, ).'1i/1d.e'5,lC',c,1. to imulllh-i . . . 7 ' ae' . a cations required '.V [masons Cy i "' one year and completed b) the end nomimttml for thr position "r true» of 1910. Although nearly half of thr. ' tees, and one lu- My. lirndl'iuru tot allotted time has elapsed. it is un- iamend the consolidutwl lllullitll'uli derstood that only about titttcn miles iact of limit. i ot the line are under construction. Notice of Motion. _ l, The Libeural leader has given no- I Mr. A. A. Mulrntf.s' (Muslmka) has»: tice that on Wednesday next he will given "nut-o of motion for Tur'sd.a.v.'; inquire of the Government whether {next of a hill to :llllclld tho Justices: it has any information showing the of the pom-0 zu'l. I number of miles of railroad which . .]] , ' l have been completed by the Can- Lilwrals Added to "'""tut""h-,,, . l tee. Northern Ontario Hallway be- Messrs. It. la. Trox rund J. ..\lc-i tween Selwood Junction and" Port leing. I,ilmrHI ttortttltrs for Southf Arthur. and it so what number of . . 'euc -, - tr - . . J._. _ - 7 'erltt' and West Welliti,uton. iospm 1 miles have been) completed between tively, WM." Itll motion of Ilon. Col.', tne said towns': Matheson, added to the Private Hills Have Lands Been Set Aside.. Committee. ' 5. Hon. Mr. MacKay will also ask the l -----ee -------e-- - - _l, Government whether any lands with. in the districts of Algoma and Thun- der Bay have been set aside and ap- _ propriated to the Canadian Northern under the provions of the act of 1909. The act provides that upon the con- 6, struction of any section of ten miles of the line. the Government may grant the acreage earned by the com- _ pally. Unless ten miles of the road have been completed the company is: . l therefore not entitled undermthe air to any of the land named, and it is upon this point that the Liberal lea- der is curious. Hon. Mr. Mackay will also ask for information concern- ing the Se1wood to Toronto branch t for which the Legislature provided assistance in 1908. That portion of the line was to be comnleted in two years. and the time allowed under the: act expired last September. The Lib- I eral leader desires to know if an ox..': tension has been "granted. and it"soJ the nature of such extension. ' The afternoon's session of the 1mg- islature yesterday lasted hut tittootri fem "'="--*" A" Dan-7:: "