"'""' _ T -." __ 'WW "a M. __-" a; . , ti " _ "I... . . it _ "SDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911, .-_ I r ---_r--_----7 _, . "if I i t . ._ T . . I , , let-erythlng about his property, that he oughvt.,to do. A bill ot this kind is an, r . 'interference with a man't control of . ' TAX fllIllllllililNlllf8l; hitsprotrtrtr," .- rr , I ReportAgalnst Windsor Bill. _-------------- _ Chief Justice Moss and Mr. Justice Garrow forwarded to the House a re- _ ' port-from t e Commissioners of Es- Mr. MCKeown Would Not Fav- Hate Bills on the bill to incorporate (the Board of Il?."'",';,", of the Windsor . _ iGrove Cemetery. hey are ('5 the t or Even Publio SGhOOIS' opinion that the bill should not be / approved by the Legislature. The -------r--. l trustees of the cemetery asked for in- , corporation on the ground that the D'lJLl.. DAY IN I lands were transferred trom the THE HOUSE. Windsor Improvement Company, but the Judges are of the opinion that some proof of the transfer and pay- ' ment of mortgage on the lands should . be produced. Member for North Ontario Fi, Approve Hospital Agreements. . . . Sir James Whitney's bill respecting Withdraws His Bill. lthe Toronto General Hospital was given second reading. The bill con- q-.-.-.-.--.----..- firms the agreement between the Gov-l ernors of the University of Toronto . t ' ' . ';and the trustees of the Toronto Gen- Sir James "hitncy Thought, Line ieral Hospital and the .by-law as to Fences Act an Invasion or the ,medical staff. The Province guaran- . . . .tees payment of debentures, and thel l Domain of l'lhatt" Rights-Al t, to; icity by-law for the issue of $250,000 Approve of General Hospital: idebentures to] Intake l graéit and for . -. l, irin lan s s con rme . . Agreements (into Second Reading, £1105"; 'rlr'n'll,'l1','it's'! agrees to loan a 5 'further contribution of $300,000, pro- ----- i ivisions being made for its repayment. : lone condition of the loan is that the A measure which would do awav lUniversity shall spend at least $100.- with tax PX tl c; 7 C,; 000 in erecting buildings for its de- x xemp Ion! on not only; Ipartmcnts of pathology, bacteriology churches and church Irropert.v. but land pathological chemistry. and the upon the buildings and grounds of lliniverslty is to J'),',', bag? rt1ei.?l/,'anoPiys,' ..., si , ' - so expended, no excee ng . , ' Ennerdities high .SChOOIS' and pub irsr the, issue of debentures guaranteed c an separate schools throughout by the Province. There is no ques- the Province. was introduced in the ltion of guarantee of the larger sum of Legislature yesterday afternoon. The. $300,000. Tam .,e,,Tif"lhtnd 7g,u,,",','Jtr,'dt . is, . . , , . .__ if this new 10sp a is o e C mp e e hill " fathcied by Mr. C. R. MCKeown 'ivithin five years from December l, ot Dufferin. an uncompromising op- i1910. pcnent of tax exemptions in any l, Trrttrtetr1"rrte1i-L"Trlr-'-= . form. . The assessment act at present gives "exemption to every place of worship and land used in connection there- ' with. The only exemption the mem- . her from Dufferin would leave is with regard to church yard or burying- grcunds. The bill is directed prin- cipally at the private schools, which, according to Mr. McKeown, have been entering into competition with pub- lic institutions of learning, but it will also require municipalities to adopt what Mr. McKeown considers a better system of bookkeeping with regard to public schools and their i maintenance. ' MORE PROTECTION Lino Fences Bill Withdrawn. _ i Although a number of Government M WORKINGMEN bills were taken up in the Legislature ' yesterday the session was a dull one, the measures under consideration he- ' . _______.- ing principally revisions from the _, Statute Revision Committee. Mr. W. . . H. Hoyle, North Ontario, explained Government Bill Will Have his bill to amend the line fences act. hi Eff t and probably appreciating the fate " l that awaited it withdrew the measure Far reac mg eo . himself. The bill provided that the i, owners of land adjoining a division or ----------. F line fence should be compelled to keep, "such land free from weeds, stonesq , brush and refuse of any kind. The B ET T E R StyiFF0L0lhlih member for North Ontario declared; 'rthat reform in this direction was q------.------ il'tf,'i,t't'itfiv' but he admitted that iivir'i'l !haps his bill was not framed in an . . lacceptable way. He therefore win»: Flooring Must be Laid as , drew it. . . l irir_.irtrp_es Whitney left no doubt! Building Progresses. !but that Mr. Hoyle had correctiy an- lticipated what was in store for his .billmw . " -. l . ----------_ . l .. "It is an invasion of the domain of' - private rights," stated the Prime Min- _ 'ister. "It would, no doubt, be a great blessing'if a great many men were, constrained to do so and so, but yotl cannot legislate to make a man do: