Government Socks tower to .apooint' Building Inspectors in Towns and Cities Where Authorities Have Not Done sk, - Structural Men _ . Protected. That the (hm-rnment is not going to stand aside iurlirt'erontl.v and allow municipalities to licslvcl the pt'otec- tion of men engaged in the 1'onstruc.. tion of buildings is evident from the wording of the act introduced in the Legislature by Sir James Whitney. The increasing danger to workmen as a result of the construction of large buildings. and the indifference that contractors have been displaying, not- withstanding local by-laws with re- gard to scaffolding, were impressed upon the Government by a deputation from the Dominion Trades and Labor Council some weeks ago. and the bill introduced by the Prime Minister. covers the points raised then. The most. important clause in the bill is one that gives the Government power to appoint building inspectors in any city or town where. it appears the municipality has not done ittcfull duty in that regard. and provides tut- ther that the salaries or remuneration of such inspectors shall be paid by the municipality. '. . . Railing-s for s'cttfroltls. Scaffolding or staging suspended from an overhead support more than twenty feet from the ground or floor must have a properly attached railing extending around it thirty-four inches from the flooring of the scaffold, ' which shall be secured to the building to prevent it swaying. The act also provides that where the floors of a building are to be arched between the beams or where the floors or filling in are of fireproof material or brickwork, I the contractor shall complete thej flooring or filling in as the building, progresses to not less than two stories ' below the one to which the building. has been erected. i Contractors Must Lay Floors. , Where the plans do not call for brickwork or fireproof material for the fioors the contractor for the car-g penter work shall lay the under floor- I ing of the building on each story as, the building progPt)sscs.. Where dou, 1 ble floors are to be used the contrac- tor shall keep planked over the floor two stories below the one on whichl the work is being performed: The structural steel men are pro- tected by a clause. which. if the act becomes law, will require contractors to plank over the various floors of tho building except for such spaces as may reasonably ho required for the proper construction of the. .work. for the raising and lowering of material. etc. In the case of elevators. elevat- ing machines and hod-hoisting appar- atus. used within a building during. construction, the openings must be closed in by a barrier at least eighti feet in height except on two sides which may be used for taking off and putting on materials. These open sides must be guarded by an adjust- able barrier. Protection for the Public. The interests of' the public are look- ed after by a clause which provides that if a building: in course of con- struction is five stories or more in height no lumber or timber for such construction shall he lifted outside the building. t The bill provides penalties of not more than $500. """'"""------.-