[ f "!i}'i C IUD U ZIXLLb L COCLL, ~ LJ. Ks 8 > is o n [ s oo 4 TT G n ie e P e t is x tp im > _ zs ie nc on o mtc oo ced eaooyt . . , ||E IS||AIII||E!= 'II" l | "{ric power 'companies, including the | > f ; ' municipal systems cmi'il,lcted with the ; ; Hydro--electric power scheme, to the| ' 9 \ Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, A. 1 . N. , \ was withdrawn by Sir James Whitney f | yesterday afternoon. It was done so quietly that few of the members 4 ; noted its passing. When the order came before t;'het' s House the Prime Minister moved that} Ml'. W. K. McNaught |nt|'0 the bill be withdrawn and theh;)r€e§' H daischarged. "For reasons . W C duces Important Bill. have already stated," was the only comment Sir James made. i } Wo Purchase Timber Licenses. ; The Provincial Treasurer, Hon. A: BUYING TlMBER LICENSES.[ J. Matheson, introduced a bill to em-- [ power the Government _ to expend f } $500,000 for the purchase of timber t licenses in Algonquin National Park. G The bill is a step in the piolicy ths Government has adopted w th regar overnment Asks Power to 5o the park, "Last December negotla-- ; ilh tions were concluded with the Munn Spend Half a M|"|0n. Lumber Company for the purchase of timber licenses over several hundred yommmamammges square miles of land surrounding the headaquarters of the park, the Gov-- 7 4 ernment agreeing to pay $290,000, a Only Part to be Used at Present in sum arrived at after estimators in the Taking Over Licenses in Algon-- employ of dthsl.Deps;]rtment otf Lant(}:;, § Torests and Mines had spen months quin -- National Park--Tilt Over in the lands covered by the licenses. Government _ House Site--E tThe Provincial Treasurer . explained mates Pas Sif Estt-- yesterday that it was not intended to es Passed. expend more than $290,000 at pres-- ent. There are still a great number d of licenses in Algonquin -- Park, and y these will be bought out from time to A standard pay--as--you--enter car for time. the Province is to be defined by an The Government House Site. :f"t"('f the -bcgislature, The first move During the consideration of the oward doing away with the present supplementary estimates _ Sir James unsatisfactory state of affairs in To--| Whitney and Mr. W. K. McNaught 4 affairs in To--| : -- rento was made yesterasy afto t engftgd.m an argument as t'?)'" the hen M MEA it ¥ -- Lrnoon-l f desirability of the site chosen for the Mr. W. K. McNaught introduced| new Government House. When the an amendment to the Ontario Rail--} additional vote for the Government Sall<] H the member for North way act fixing the «dimensions : ouse came up e oi 4 u4 the equipment hnecess: bO fs and Toronto questioned whether a satis-- n --As--v cessary efore a factory Ssite had been secured. He pay--as--you--enter car can be operated. thought there was & general objec-- The definition of a standard car giv-- tion io it. cai i en in the new bill follows the lines n 'unomed. B o oo InHs" 10 . ne Of those oberated in the large Uni \\iell informed. b'u't in fltus case ne , * CC ge United will find that he is not expressing tha | States cities, and which the city au-- views of the majority of the people." | thorities have contended should be retm'te%'iI s\irr Jahmefi. it he nedd | used by the Tor Uuraar 73 alr. McNaught thought he ha een oc 3 onto Railway Com--| ~keceping his ear pretty close to the pany. I ground." -- But the Prime -- Minister The first clause of the bill declares was not convinced. that what is known as the pay-as-' 'Mr. Valentine Stock thought the site | you--enter system of collectin fa was a pretty one. but too small, an»il & res| suggested that the northeast corner | shall not be operated on any street| of Queen's Park would he a desirable| railway car unless such car compnesf one. Sir James agreed that it would with the requirements set out in the bill. | WThe standard Car. ' The car must have a rear platform| Oof at least seventy--two inches deen| with a folding step not less than fifty.| four inches long. The rear platform| must be enclosed and properly heated j and provided with a door or doors| having an aggregate width of at least, fifty--four inches, so Aarranged as to permit of the entrance and exit of P passengers at one and the same time. If there is a partition between the rear platform and the body of the car such partition must have doors or openings so arranged as to permit| of the entrance and exit of passen--, gers at one and the same time. + The front platform must be enclos--| ed and properly heated. It shall be{ provided with an exit door at least | thirty inches wide, and a folding step' of the same width. If there is a par--} tition between this platform and the body of the car it must be provided' with an cxit door or opening not less than thirty inches wide. The standard applies only to cities of one hundred thousand population or over, and a penalty of $100 a day | for each car used which does not con--: form to the standard is provided for.| &Sir James Withdraws Bill, h There was no flourishing of trump-[ ets when the bill amending the On--, tario Railway and Municipal Board : act and the' Power Commission act: : dropped forever from view. The bill, which, had it become law, would have handed over the control of all elec--,