IV "'e i n. - "g. .' . on "dry first tally th ' T wt" '* . V l b b ' . sn bonnet: " _ amaller cities a. mailer ty e of car F, . 3'13" generally precede; Irrristitieiit i0 fsumoientfor the trattle. , 'C . 15' ' [p'- lament" and the .te,d..1tn,1et.gn At .Mr. A. E.'. Fri'pp. west'rott'tfwti:i i : 2eltr2,too1u'/t,T, (3m: "d'Jett,',,iide wanted to know?" fixing a standard l, I, V V ' ..- I tr, prrnlretr type "of: p.oa..-y.-é. car would'no ' Bl declared the order d,1iThiirtrtit1. . Plums into' the hands of the god): It Mgorugig: gptidei'attet if hisbill. puny holding Ahe patent on pay-as- , " ' wa' "up you-enter cars. The b ' to the Prime Minister to ' mem er for - ' ' h". - . she ' the North To t r . t Private/Bins Committee son _ ton o assured Mr. lripp that! Br' ' A2 to back. twent di erent'ktnds - Lc, . , sane. The committee was passing Sil cofistrgcted under 1th); gagshtguid 'lr d is providing for bonuses in open provided in the bill e " ons 3;}. ',',,e,e,,tet of the regulations laid down . ' l i; IU2, agar;- d He 3:10ng that the Dmmittee Will Decide. _ ' u re I , . _ . . r, of those Stalled 'lo _ rate flfttts We Hon. J. S. Hendrle said that the br' order- to pass 't1l,otfu'al,ityy/a,l,'.a1v1ett "it. Ontario 'iiari'Cav' and Municipal Board M {Privafe Bills Committee was .dontinuf Eggerimwer :30 [was upon pay-aswou- cr tlt, EEK???" Donut: bylaw: Which dimcuictiagfl ut t ere had been some it . _ osecure _. .. . -- ,, . '. ti"). "ai/ak, Si J e _ needed vote. This bill, he Contlpuedr "may re- (t . . "j r P"""'. may the douibt and give the city the/ is "It is . - "N " car t wants. The bill can: " -reHeVe 3213133 Page Minister to be discussed in committee." _ -, int; lerable m'u . up" lf? I crihttitter Hon. Dr. Reaume moved the sec- _ ' _e'l5)'ti?',.ei5ii/rii,stiii,',' tovinceel cone-ind- ond. reading of the bill to provide for [ . 'fte'r m t " . " an Increase in the salary of Mr. Fred. Il Sir James 't',pr'oiU'tflieW,'nho'Jlt/'frht'J Dane Pf the Temiskaming & Northern Ir., therein/asnodisposition on the but: gillgiyomm 13132::3' Commission from , 351:6 Ptrvate.ui1bs Committee to on- 2,0 "' . g s' . "1:356 bonuslng. lie declared him- Fairer Division of Coyt. ' k I C.'.'. 9 PORKJM-agamst the introduction , . Mt!, "ormpe'c'ial bills my bonus" and " Mr. J. H. Fisher (North Brant) Fit 'r,C',1,.1r'it'/ri'i; hills which Show}; now}; save notice of motion of his bill to it .110 led in any municipality . t ( amend the municipal act. The amend- I _ i ., b . q . ' ment proposes to provide for cities or M, )1leth Defends Committee. . alums pinyin?l a larger proportion for a" 1_Ht' . - " N . . ' e use of t e county b il ll F. _isfesips/t: (linens: Chairman of the iointly. b ul dings used Blr, rictence T/Ui','-,',',),',.','.,,.'?."'",;:,!":,',-' tome . Dr. R. M. Mason (East Victoria) It'll that oply J"c'd1l"lf)'oeiaddeLe,xid'1di'lf'/", gave notice Of a hill t.o amend the 8lr 1"1t.1','ytty, approve of bonus hymns assessment act, thelolnect being to T,,,', = "hwh had not received the neces .?.'.?, 'make it lawful to assess lap-tiss, en 3 "2'9. In Cases where. the me??? 3:00. Tillere are places In this Pro- tt Ct 'Was not up to the . , - v nce w er men hold large tracts of Ity,' but showed an '/,'vetl.t'hefgl1i,,ret',1,tt,1l:i'.: wooded land/ where it is impossible to P.1 "gent in favorpf. a bonus mania"? 3:11; '80 on each lot separately and make R, .t/?/'.,,"r"gi/',iylft""piinl was unanimous- i an assessment, . iF , . _ "Ot", the committee F , C r 't , , , - Pliy go through. C allun ed . 1 Cr,'.') f."'.' 1ti1rl, . _ l 'm . e Liberal leader d te" " G, , . r. '. l,. m -o ( est _Mti1l.titisex) . lit act. tshouVtii revisedftldmd that the 13:15 given. notice of a bill to'nmcndi E" at £13.94 ll 12%??? ','rot:yltl,; bonuscg if eavttt'it,'.',s11ti',tetu At',,?,.),','?,', 1t,tesei l _ You compel a fifty er '. " sgcst that on the list and before the time for gk that possible, 1t,lf,1/u",'uc'/illti Tore .or appealing expires that voter ceases: gr1" = tv or seventy per c. mean Sth- |t0 be nqalified, then the name cannot' to, vote and /lGui '.)", f.Pf, of' the actual he struck off. Mr. Elliott's bill pro- 't of Giiii; a"/ig2/'if,vtovfi11)."1l)/)/"ifatcitf; 'ig/ii',, that the name may he struck W _ general law stand. It ivould] b22561: loft by the Judge on complaint. . if ganglion the system we have at We" 4 [Inquiries About Hydro-electric. _ b'il ri,." . . I A i .Hon. Mr. MacKay will on Monday Ir,, Phe P.-A.-Y.-E. Bill. , . _ lmove tor an order of the House for ltr.. . . _ ' " " . l ireturn showing: (a). How, much kc lull/{Towns} Mcy1ipuEltt explained his' . 'powe-r has been called for by the ,5 enter .. . e a standard i,o'ii:'..iiiiviir) Aydroretectrle Power Comrpisritorrury- "1" whirl-Si"; and "ng1 its adoption. He. , der its agreement withthe Ontario _'.'. Minded" ll the contusmn that had at-I' , Power Company, giving date of each at y". . .t. e attempt to operate the' .1 notice readiringMe1,lv,ery. of..power, " If: -fsif otIjntc'p system in Toronto! . land the amount called for by each no- 2'3 11t./,t1t proper cars. The lives of tice. (b) The-amount of power for , "-1 12ens had been seriously endangered} which the said Commission is .now i wr as." result. _ . l and has been from tinte. titime' lla- E "._' Mr. Studholme asked. why the bins ble to pay. Ac) me am'ount of b, ITulA not be made applicable to clticsi power actually taken from time to yt Mr,000 ptipulatlon. . "') time from the Ontario Power Cottt- 7 -. Mr. McNaught replied that in thei party." I') ',S,h,,at,'r"1"'tt, of pave: "' 5 a no y ransm e . om my. lt to time by the said Ctimattissiott. (e) Rl The dates and duration of all inter- , . 'ruptlons to the delivery of power by i the said Commission to the various .2 .. icontractintr municipalities. (f) The , lcause of each such interruption and" r": {all reports thereon remitted by". the f," lsaid Commission, cur-me Goyern- r'" lment.or any member thereof. (g) The iamoun-t, it any. of the rebate allowed , lor to be. allowed each contracting [municipality In consequence of the I '. 'interruption of the delivery of power. ' ', 1 The' Liberal leader will also. jin- . lquire: (a) What, if any, machinery_or l lequipment in the transformer station ' lof- the Aydro-e1eettit, Power Ctitttp1is- 'sion at Niagara Falls 1vuratreen,'?.dt" l (i"/ti1i;yiri,;rinAiiVrt for in s;iTiriihciit,tt 'iiii'trtiin)comm,ety,etCto, operatic} With: "he dates and the value of the ma-, Ichinery or. equipment so wholly: org e l partially destroyed? . (bl Who'lwerel the contractors supplying and install-l log the machinery or equipment so wholly 'or in part destroyed? (c) Did _ line _ damage to the machinery; or 1 l equipment result in'setting ttre to the ltransformer station? Irfvso; What is ,the ektént otThrdamage to the sta- l tiori? 'Cd) "What occasioned the in- 'jury to the said machinery or "equip- ment ? (e) Uponwlhom ivi11..tt..teLPff in each case fall. upon the said Com- r mission or upon ttu.contractor? - ' T..t.".5 - - a----------" ' .. O i l .