-7 -errx="A" ' .. r 1ltlillllllllI 7 FG, La" " ' Lt] TURDAX, MARCH. " 1911 Tfir---.-.."-----;',--'-'--;)-""'."'--; 7 -WW==_ I . . w [DER Ef f, EBS , tht- private Corporation. subject to FUR COMMISSIoN I. "tlm", I. r 'P! ", O'CJal S'Stem to -====1_ai- iii Hydro Electric to Have Final li I I Word In All Disputes. ' "I , DO AWAY WITH DISPUTES. Municipal Wires May be Strung , E I I on xustmg Poles. i I r -C=)-r'- 'N l Power (.hcn (RmttrttIEttm! to l'rmcnt. ,. u Donhlc Row of Poles on Htrccts , 2_- Jurisdiction (Nor Municipal; rr C' LI _. J, JmtEeS16 Allan httulllolmc Al IttN . mrmhNtIlllantmililNiml= RC-' ' cipl'Ocity Resolution Coming. , S l Absolutc jurisdiction over the crec- T tion of pulcs and wircs and thc con-' struction of conduits is given thc "rl dro-electric l'uwe-r t'omn'ilssion by a Unvcrnnicnt lsill introduced in the 4* l.cgislnturc _\'t':~'tt'r(lll_\' afternoon by 's, ' Mr. " " '.\h:Nuught. Tho bill was , I E ' 'l seconded by Hun. J. b. liendrtc. and , is dcsigncd "NIM to put ill] cm] to (i, , H. " " r _ti,l? thc dittct'i-nccs (it opinion INENMitE (-25 private and 'trtrttBtmhl cloctt'it' coul- , panics. Hitherto the courts wcrc the only rcsort whore disputes arose, but c'.. under [111' pcht' commissiv'in not as E, it will " MtBttNtttl the ordcrs of the I Commission will ho binding upon any ' company. it will also 'Bn thc (fom- , rattEtrN power to stop in where mnni- B. cipalitics. such RIA Toronto, hun- indc- E pendent ideas as to the construction IW, or their Mitt conduit systcms. yi':) me (If the ntnst striking: clauses of it) the: bill is that which gives thc Mhiigl _ mission powcr to unit-r that thc iNhW& ", of a municipal system shall " attach- cd to poles zilrcudy crpctcd by private , companics, thus doing away with the /i necessity of an unsightly double line /; of poles on any street. '.-'i.rrii,', . "', C'. Lit" Connnission Gets Jurisdiction. g,» The Commisfsion is given power to I (IXcrciso jurisdiction XEMMY' thc location Ji, at all poles, conduits and "mpg of lit' any municipal corporation. In all 'lh, cases whorc, in MB opinion of the 7;... Commission, it is desirabic. that con- /ia duits should be laid or nmintained on " lines of poles crccted upon any street' 'il. on which othcr conduits or poles have , 'll)",;), previously laecn placed, the. Iri5ittittlB1 'ft':)?',,)', sion may ordcr that notwithstanding' "') any law to the Cttntl'itl'f' tho poles,T _ . conduits or wires of any municipal'g :,1s',lt r, l'. . 'r', C r C corporation csmg the IlNBiitllll1mi. it", power may " placed at soch positions l alll as the Cmnmisslon may order, illi% 'dt . withstanding the proximity of existing, Sit-its (rindnits or poles. i gig} Whore wires of the municipal com- 4%,: party arc - cI' on poles. of an (Ix- ifli 'd isting cqGmMMu5l. tlic former corpnrn- "'26:" (ion mus: - the p1"\ate cnmpnny not? such rcmwnwrz'Itinn its MiErltEaiNl1lillii It" may order, - ' t J MAIN Fl'm't Kiwi INN, . , Ir . It " "our. (Hr - "lt to lorry F fi um!» "mttr until it © . tin Img" IN it t"l'I'~t that Into it'll": " no}: Should l not " ci-u-ictl. [In -rrNINtrrE mu)". t , Btttm tho; P'J'WItLLLi WW" " 'tttatm" i to lit;1|;'sgi it) iinth "lmer" "rr, imMMBl ,', cit-til t'ulllpnn). .nzwt --i'<-c'. MB 110W l, putt-s 2llttlvmli' N" tho ..t.l "" . 1iiltl81 in; 211': "tNaam t't'yrlllct'tltjitr', iii. " FSM! exitt'lirt'. :tlttl shall BrttrllmmEl the.- INlitiiE ruminant) for - unionists Til commotion with 'ram MmEN The SUb' smitten poles gMINm the. property of