$~ o es sa%. * "ySK » o gon , . _well and the;eéor.q Rw':,m, n 9m f A That town and Port Arthur, however,. . | ' as essentially htl'eltht ,tm'wouw: ' / } b t M ie h Plinectomen is 1 ',;,ee,ff?{g';-,e,g,e'.h;";gp'ge Te aaree municipal act. In the first bill this| . Dr. MacKay (North Oxford) moved | power was vested in the Commlssion.| t the édjournment of .he debate. Hon.| and the Toronto Electric Light Com-, #4 ITF. Tov. wh 4 ® 5 pany objected on the ground that the pr Mr. Foy, who was leading the House C issi int '[in the absence of the Premier wlshed! ommission was an interested party. * him to continue, but Hon. Mr. Mac-- | Mr. McNaught resents the imputa-- J Kay said it had beeh arrar'lged.to 20. tion that his bill was introduced as & journ after Mr. Smellie's speech | a result of the present condition of h a e * * | affairs in Toronto. While he admits , LRmaadeeataaenanniiioniretieneamnceontaceie im ontamemens | that the Commission had the Toron-- 4 to situation in mind, the change in § the act was due primarily to the state of affairs in Gravenhurst, where a h "vchild was maimed by coming into contact with an exposed live wire. A The act of last year, he pointed out to The Globe, gave the Commission : -- [general power in dealing with con-- L I | ditions, but it was not specific. F, | is i OF HYDB 'E E TB I.lustlce Middleton's Recommendation. | '"'We are doing just what Mr. Jus-- «2222 .222 22z i. | |'tice Middleton recommended in 1910 | \ when he said that sooner or later a t | i+ g: « # & situation would arise which would call P. :\ Modification in the Bill of Mr. [for the active intervention of the .: i [ Legislature by the appointment of a | MCNaught, icommissinn with the right to deal o t \ with the whole matter," said Mr. Mc--| K; | | Naught. | [ * * |_The local situation has apparently | f | | 'not changed in the last twenty-four' f , CONTROL ALL COMPANIES. hours. The city has given its ulti-- (8 * matum, and it is now "up to" the Es | [Toronto Electric Light Company. . It es | m--mmmarmains 'is, however, certain that the company | is not going to be given months to M E:s * | ita i % ¢ h g \ make up its mind. The members ot' PBE o .lAlteI'atlonS NOt Due to Toronto 'the Hydro--electric Commission are " # « '.unanlmous in standing by the report £4 Sltuatlon. of their engineer, and his estimate of | + ha: |$125 for the company's stock. The l +« | city's offer is as high as will meet with s 'the approval of the Commission, and $ . it is believed that unless the company 1| But Objection of Sir Henry Pellatt to comes to terms before long the city > . Sincline ~-- * * '|.will be advised to proceed with a f | ingling Out Companies Affected Icomnetlti\'e SyStem. M a{ is Obviated, and Commission -- is ' '"We will just go right ahead," was | Not to Fix Compensation \the way Mr. McNaught expressed it. f f 4 y . * I ornmenmnommmnammnmmnememenermemcremmmemcme | mt ' The jurisdiction of the Hydro--el-- 4 |ectric Commission is to be extended / f ?to cover the erection of poles and | wires and the construction of con-- s _ \p | | duits of all electric power companies $ !doing business in the Province, whe-- s !ther they are municipal or private # ' corporations. i H [ | This is the answer of the Commis-- k * sion to the charge made by the To-- ° " & ronto Electric Light Company offi-- k E cials in general and Sir Henry Pellatt : in particular that the bill introduc-- ', «* $ s ed by Mr. McNaught last week was .\ & drawn on behalf of the city in order to put the company at a disadvant-- * j f age. This measure gave the Com-- ,misslon jurisdiction over all muni-- lcipal poles, wires and conduits, and 3 over those of companies entering in-- { 4 | to competition with municipal com-- i -- lpanies using Hydro--electric power. 3 | As only three or four private com-- panies would come under _ this f clause there was some point to Sir } !Henry's objection. | _ Yesterday Mr. McNaught gave no-- y itice of a bill which changes that or-- Iiginally introduced. As outlined in | - !Tho Globe on Monday it makes the' i ' |jurisdi(rtion of the Commission Pro-' * n | vincial in character, and removes ¢ 3 ground for the complaint that it sin-- ¢ gles out any companies. : a Another Concession. ' The new bill contains another con-- f cession to the opponents of the first \ draft by restricting to some extent the power of the Commissio®. It provides that where the poles of a «j private company have been ordered p to. carry the wires of a municipal 14 system the compensation shall --be de-- \ termined by arbitration under-- the y 4s t .";_.f'